Daye, Rainey - An Unconventional Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (24 page)

BOOK: Daye, Rainey - An Unconventional Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Maggie gasped and arched her back. “Don’t stop!” she cried and he abandoned the lesson to concentrate on her pleasure. He trailed kisses over her face and neck while he firmly squeezed and stroked her breast with one hand, tugging and pinching her nipple while he delved deep inside her with his other hand, removing his finger only long enough to return with two of them. Maggie clutched at him, returning his kisses just as hungrily while her hands covered his in encouragement as she writhed under his expert touch. Just as she orgasmed, he captured her cries with his mouth and then gentled his touch as she slowly returned to her body.

As she subsided in his arms, her body still occasionally wracked with sudden shivers, he removed his fingers from her and brought them up to his lips to taste. Moaning, he returned a finger inside her to gather more of her sweet juices and then placed that finger on her lips so that he could coat them with her own moisture. He then leaned down and captured her mouth in a hungry kiss as he ground his erection against her hip.

Maggie succeeded this time in tugging his shirt clear of his waistband and then tore frantically at the buttons so she could push his shirt down his shoulders and spread the edges wide. She dug her fingers into his broad back and held him close as she kissed him deeply, their tongues twining in a sensuous dance of mutual desire. She then pushed him away from her and sat up.

Jess was staring at her in a lust-riddled daze, clearly wondering what he had done wrong to cause her to abruptly reject him like that. He looked confused as her hands went behind her back, quietly murmuring his concern that she had hurt her back on the lawn chair. Maggie saw him swallow the sudden lump in his throat when she brought her hands up to the straps of her dress and shrugged out of them, letting the top part of her dress pool in her lap. His face cleared of bewilderment as he seemed to suddenly realize that she had simply freed herself from his embrace long enough to undo the zipper on the back of her dress.

His eyes roamed hungrily over her, the lush mounds of her bare breasts, firm and high and perky. Before he could reach out to touch them, she lowered herself back into his arms and whispered huskily, “I’ve waited so long to feel your bare chest against mine.”

Jesse groaned at those words while she relished the sensation of her breasts pressing tightly against his chest. He admitted that he also had been impatient to experience this sensation. He wrapped her tightly in his arms as he kissed her hungrily before allowing his hands to roam over her body again.

“We’re just going to fool around a little, baby,” he whispered huskily. “I want to touch you everywhere.”

“Yes, please,” she gasped again as she pushed his shirt down his arms, and he shrugged out of it. He peeled off her panties and allowed her to unbutton and pull down the zipper on his pants but wouldn’t let her push them down his hips.

“If I take off my pants, then I won’t be able to stop myself from making love to you, Maggie,” he confessed.

“Don’t you want to make love to me?” she asked, crestfallen.

“More than anything, but not tonight.”

“Why not?” she all but whined in frustration.

“Because no matter what you say or what you do, I’m going to follow your first-date rule.”

“And if I tell you it’s a silly rule and I didn’t mean it?”

“Doesn’t matter,” he replied. “Besides, it may seem silly, but we’ve been talking about the bases. Frenching, feeling, fingering, and fucking. And I don’t want you to mistake this for me fucking you. Because I will never fuck you. I will have sex with you, and I will make love to you, but I will never
you. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Maggie looked at him wide-eyed, too many emotions roiling through her to sort out.

“I’ve fucked women in the past,” he continued before she could formulate a response. “But they had been one-night stands I picked up in bars or whatnot, who meant absolutely nothing to me. When you fuck someone, you have no feelings for the person you are with. It is simply a physical act designed to sate your own lust without much regard to, or feelings for, your partner. You, on the other hand, are my girlfriend. I am crazy about you and respect you way too much to ever reduce what we do together to the level of simple fucking. And because we were talking about the four
’s earlier, I don’t want you to misinterpret this in your mind. That all I care about it is scoring a home run. Am I making any kind of sense here?”

Maggie burst into tears at that declaration from him as she nodded her head. Jesse gathered her into his arms and rocked her as he whispered nonsensical words in an attempt to soothe her.

“Did I say something wrong?” he asked as she got her crying jag under control.

“Not wrong,” Maggie demurred. “You said everything right.”

“You’re not mad at me then?”

“No. But I am feeling a little frustrated right now,” she admitted.

“We can fool around some more if you want.”

“Are you sure?”

“Hey, I’m always up to fooling around with you, Mags.” He grinned as he waggled his brow at her in acknowledgement of his bad pun.

Maggie laughed and replied, “I’m crazy about you, too, Jess,” and placed her hands on either side of his face to pull him back to her for a tender kiss.

* * * *

Maggie fell asleep on the ride home. Reluctant to wake her, he walked over to her side of the car after pulling into the garage and very gently scooped her out. Juggling her gently in his arms, he managed to open the door leading from the garage to the house and then carried her upstairs to tuck her into bed. He very carefully removed her dress and laid it over the back of a chair. He then pulled the sheet over her and placed a tender kiss on her forehead, looking adoringly down upon her, marveling at the treasure that was Maggie. When she had commiserated over his phobia the other day, he had had the reverent thought about what a great mom she would be. When she was sharing her sheer joy over something as innocuous as dinner theater, of all things, he had thought about how refreshing she was. And when she had been writhing in his arms, he had marveled at how sensual she was.

He quietly walked over to the door and turned the light off before gently closing it behind him and proceeding to his own room, shaking his head in wonder.

Careful not to wake Alex, he groped his way in the dark to their bathroom, where he stripped off his clothes and brushed his teeth before snagging his pajama bottoms that were hanging up on a wall hook.

As he slipped into bed, Alex turned over and looked at the alarm clock on his bedside table. “It’s after 3:00 a.m.,” Alex remarked. “I wasn’t expecting you to come back in here tonight.”

“We just got home,” Jess said softly. “Didn’t mean to wake you.”

“That’s okay. Did you have a good time?”

“The show was actually pretty good. Maggie fell asleep while we were stargazing, though.”


“At Whistler’s Overlook,” Jess clarified.

“Ahh. It was probably a bad idea to try to squeeze two dates in with her on the same day,” Alex mused.

“It was her idea, remember? She wanted to get them both behind her.”

“Still, I kept her out too long, and it cut into your time with her, and she didn’t have time to rest up for your date. I’m sorry. If you want to cancel with me tomorrow, or rather today, to spend more time with her, I’ll understand.”

“No, it’s all right. I got my quality time in with her. Besides, she’ll probably appreciate having the house to herself so she can sleep in without us disturbing her.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Alex paused for a long moment before he admitted. “This feeling sucks. I’m feeling both jealous and guilty right now but also relieved.”

“Me, too,” Jess also admitted, feeling no need to elaborate further.

“Do you really think we can both date her without endangering our own relationship?” Alex asked as he rolled over and propped his head on his bent arm so that he could look at his lover.

“I really hope so,” Jess said.

Alex sighed before he leaned over and kissed Jess gently on his lips before he lay back down and whispered, “Good night, Jess.”

“Good night, Alex,” Jess replied as he reached over and brushed his hand gently through Alex’s hair before turning on his side, consumed by guilt for the very first time over spending time with a woman.

Chapter 12

When Maggie woke up, it was just past noon. Groaning, she rolled over onto her back while she tried to clear the cobwebs from her mind. She then sat up and threw her legs over the edge of the bed. As the sheet fell away from her body, she looked down to see that she was naked. Glancing around, she looked around her room and saw her dress lying over the back of a chair. Not remembering how it got there, she stood up and let out a loud groan as her muscles protested the movement. Carefully walking, or more accurately, hobbling, into the bathroom, she ran hot water in the tub and dumped in some Epsom salts before she used the toilet and brushed her teeth. She then gingerly climbed into the half-filled tub, laid her head back on the bathtub pillow, and closed her eyes while she soaked her sore muscles.

It was only after her muscles had begun to unknot and she turned off the water that she recalled why she was so sore. “Oh, my God!” she exclaimed in horror as she abruptly sat up and buried her face in her hands. “I am such a slut! I had awesome sex with Alex for hours yesterday and then turned around and went out on a date with Jess and wound up fooling around with him under the stars.”

She tried to recall exactly what had happened with Jess. She remembered his refusal to make love to her. But that hadn’t stopped him from doing everything but that. God! She had even given him a blow job out in public! Anyone driving by could have seen them. She remembered how grateful she had been feeling toward him since he had performed oral on her for what felt like hours and given her mind-blowing orgasms using only his mouth and tongue. When he had finally packed up the chair and put it back in the car because he said she had actually dozed off at one point while they were cuddling together, she had waylaid him. Wanting to reciprocate the favor, as soon as he had helped her into the car she had grabbed him, yanked down his zipper, grasped his beautiful cock in her hand, and proceeded to blow his mind while the interior light from the car illuminated them. And that happened to be the side of the car that was facing the road. In fact, she was almost positive that a couple of cars had passed by and slowed down. Her cheeks flamed as she vaguely recalled hearing male catcalls.

Burying her face in her hands, she sunk under the water to cool her burning cheeks. What kind of sex-crazed nympho was she turning into? She couldn’t keep her hands off the two of them and had done things with both of them yesterday that she never would have thought she would
do. And she had loved every minute of it while it was happening!

The need for air caused her to lift her head out of the water. Her cheeks continued to flame as she recalled pulling her panties off in Jess’s car and placing his hand between her legs, asking him to demonstrate third base again for her. How embarrassing! Maybe not as bad as masturbating herself in the car with Alex in broad daylight, but still!

She sat in the tub until the water got cold and then emptied it halfway before refilling it with more hot water. She was afraid that any minute now one of the guys would come in to check on her since she hadn’t left her room yet. She didn’t know how she was going to face either of them, either alone or together.

She allowed the events of the day before to play across her mind’s eye, cringing at her actions. She had meant to behave herself. She really had. She had gone into the dates with the hope of soft kisses and light petting. Nothing else, and definitely not what she had wound up doing with both of them.

And then she thought about the guys and how they might be feeling. Were they puffed up with pride? Were they comparing notes like adolescent boys about how far they had gotten with her? Well, Alex had scored a home run while Jess had snagged a triple and then some, since oral wasn’t counted amongst the bases. Oh, no! Was Jess angry at Alex for it, and was Alex mad at her for basically jumping from his bed into Jess’s?

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