Darlene Franklin - Dressed for Death 02 - A String of Murders (24 page)

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Authors: Darlene Franklin

Tags: #Mystery: Christian - Cozy - Vintage Clothing Store - Oklahoma

BOOK: Darlene Franklin - Dressed for Death 02 - A String of Murders
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From: Jerry Burton ([email protected])

Date: Tuesday, May 6, 9:23 PM

To: Eugene Mallory ([email protected])

Subject: Philip Lambert


You covered your tracks very well, but the stench of murder clings to you.


You will pay!


Tuesday, May 6


Peppi didn’t seem to notice the ice cubes scattered across the floor. She stayed rooted in place like an ice sculpture.

“Peppi?” Dina took a step toward her. “Are you okay?

“I’m so sorry.” She sprang into action and grabbed a roll of paper towels and mopped up the mess.

“Peppi.” Gene jumped down from the stage and approached her, then hesitated. “I—I don’t know what to say.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Bright red spots burned in her cheeks. “What’s past is past. Now, who’s going to take over the role of Abby Brewster?”

Frances sought me out. “She took that pretty well.” Her whisper sounded hopeful.

I shook my head, glad for police presence at the rehearsal. The way she dropped the ice suggested only a thin lid of control kept Peppi’s rage from boiling over.

“Don’t worry. I came prepared,” Frances reassured me. “Poor Cord isn’t in much better shape than his cousin, Gene. He spent the night with a sick calf, and now he hears this.”

Audie called the cast together in the vacuum following the confrontation. “I have prayed a lot about whether or not to continue this play since Magda’s death. But we all know what she would say.”

“The show must go on.” Suzanne, dressed in casual jeans and T-shirt, looked at peace, if a little sad.

“I agree.” Audie nodded at each person. “To honor her memory, we need to double our efforts to make this the best production the MGM has ever put on. And Gene, the play would not be the same without you as the doctor.”

A murmur expressed the troupe’s agreement.

“But what about the role of Abby Brewster? Magda was the star.” Cord’s voice squeaked, shock modifying its normal timbre. His shoulders slumped. He threw a dirty look at his cousin.

“About that.” Audie grinned. “We have found a new talent in Grace Gulch. Enid Waldberg has graciously agreed to take over the role of Abby Brewster.”

Surprised murmurs passed through the cast. I suppressed a smile. I had been the one to suggest Enid for the part. She headed Christmas and Easter plays at the church and often gave dramatic readings. I breathed a sigh of relief when her husband agreed to let her audition.

Audie and I had discussed alternates for each of the roles in the play. Only one of his ideas surprised me. He suggested that I play the role of Elaine Harper if something happened to Peppi. Me, act in one of the plays? I laughed at the thought. Dina, or even Jenna, could pull it off better than I could.

The question of the future of the production settled, the cast started rehearsing. “It’s awkward.” Dina stopped by the drink table between sets and downed a glass of ice water. “Gene’s acting is off tonight. I guess that’s to be expected. But Peppi’s a real trouper, a professional at heart.”

“Don’t worry about tonight,” Audie advised the crew when they called it quits. “It was bound to be difficult, but it will get better. We’ll meet again on Thursday.”


On Wednesday Enid arrived with Suzanne at lunch time. “Suzanne is going to meet me to go over the scene we need to rehearse tonight. I can’t believe I agreed to do this.”

Another Bible study date sidetracked, but somehow it didn’t matter.

Enid protested that she couldn’t act, but in my heart I knew better. Her feeble protests really said “I have to say I don’t want to do it, but deep down I really do.” She had already memorized her lines, delivered them well, but her nerves froze her facial expression.

“You’re a natural. You only need one thing.” I went to the shelf where accessories were displayed. A lace collar would give her timeless sweater an old-fashioned touch.

“I can’t take this. You can’t give away all your stock.”

I pinned it behind her neck. “Consider it a loan, then. If you still want to return it after the play, we’ll talk about it then.”

The collar did the trick. Enid Waldberg, pastor’s wife, disappeared in the persona of Abby Brewster, maiden aunt and murdering spinster.

I also told Enid about the job offer at the theater in Moore and our decision.

“You’re wise, my dear.” Enid unclipped the collar and slipped back into her role as pastor’s wife. “I’m sure you and Audie will be happy as long as you stay in the center of God’s will.”


Lauren addressed the assembled cast at the next rehearsal on Thursday evening. “I thought you should be the first to hear the news.”

Audie and I stood to one side, our hands intertwined. I smiled at him, and he squeezed my hand. I could almost see antennae quivering on the top of Dina’s head. She held a pencil over her steno pad, prepared for use during rehearsal, ready to take notes.

I studied the crowd. Frances slipped out of her seat next to Cord, presumably to go to the restroom. Enid had arrived to cheers and a chorus of “welcome.” She wore the lace collar and held onto the script like a life preserver. Suzanne sat beside Gene in the front row, the two of them talking quietly. Bobo’s white head poked up between their shoulders. Mayor Ron sat a few rows back, bald head bowed. Peppi had not arrived yet.

“Our director, Audwin Howe, has accepted the position as executive director of the new Grace Gulch Center for the Arts. He will continue as managing director of the theater, of course.”

“Congratulations!” Cord slapped Audie on the back, and Gene shook his hand.

Dina dove into her backpack for her camera. “Smile.” She snapped a photo. “We need to save this moment for posterity.” I could see her writing the photo caption in her mind. Prominent Grace Gulch attorney, Lauren Packer, introduces Audwin Howe, the new Executive Director of the Grace Gulch Center for the Arts.

“Speech, speech!” Suzanne led the chant.

“Quiet, please.” Audie hushed the commotion with his hands. “‘Memory. . .is the diary that we all carry about with us.’ Wilde reminds me that the memories I have made in Grace Gulch are among my most precious possessions. Ever since I arrived in Grace Gulch, you have made me feel part of a family. I am honored to work among such fine folk.”

I wiped a tear from my eye. In the end Audie said he wanted to work at the MGM because he loved Grace Gulch. He loved the people, the whole squabbling, corny lot of us. The salary that came with the executive director’s job didn’t hurt, either.

“While we’re making announcements. . .” Suzanne stood to her feet. Her hair once again puffed high, reflecting her improved spirits. “A lot of people said horrible things about Gene last night.” She motioned for him to join her, and she put an arm around his shoulder. “I’ve made my share of mistakes, but I know God has forgiven me, and so have you.” She dropped her voice and made eye contact with everyone in her audience. “Now it’s time to do the same for my brother.”

Somewhere in the dark, a door creaked open.

“Mom always told me that God was ready to forgive me, whenever I could admit my sins. Well, I finally listened to her, and I’ve made my peace with God.” Gene’s apology, while not as polished as Suzanne’s, made as much of an impact. He straightened his shoulders. Bobo yipped his agreement. “I’m prepared to pay the price for what happened to Philip Lambert.”

“That’s good. Because I’m going to make sure you do.” A voice called out from the side of the stage.

Peppi Lambert stood ten feet away from Gene, gun clutched in her right hand.

“You killed my father.” Rage contorted Peppi’s face and stiffened her arms, the gun in her right hand perfectly steady.

Gene stepped away from Suzanne. He raised his hands and walked toward Peppi, putting his body between the out-of-control woman and most of the cast. “I’m so sorry. I’ve. . .” His voice started to break. “I’ve regretted what happened every day of my life since then.”

Peppi stopped a couple of feet away from Gene. I swallowed. Someone had to act before anyone got hurt. In her current mood, Peppi might shoot up the entire theater. Audie caught my eye and cocked his head to the right. I could guess his intentions.

I edged away from the circle of onlookers. Peppi swiveled in my direction. “Don’t move!”

I stopped. Audie inched through the crowd. I needed to give him time to get into position. I raised my arms in the air. “It’s just us folks here. You know all of us. You can tell us the truth.”

“The truth. The good people of Grace Gulch wouldn’t recognize the truth if it hit them in the head. Not this town of liars and pretenders in the middle of the so-called Bible Belt. Pah.” Droplets of spittle gleamed on her teeth.

“I want to know the truth.” Keep her talking
“You thought Magda Grace Mallory killed your father. Did you know they had dated once upon a time? Your grandmother told me that.”

“Those pearls. Yeah, I know the whole story. First she broke his heart and then she killed him.”

Audie slid behind two more people, close to the edge of the group.

“Is that why you killed my mother?” Tears slid down Gene’s cheeks, and his voice broke. “But
killed him. I was the one driving the car.”

Peppi swung the gun wildly at Gene.

Keep quiet
I wanted to shout at him.

“As good as the same thing. She let you drive that car, and then she covered up for you. Isn’t that what’s called an accessory?” Peppi swept the gun in Mayor Ron’s direction, where Audie had moved. “And you covered up for them.”

Audie froze in place.

“Magda Grace Mallory. The grand dame of Grace Gulch. The way everybody treated her like minor royalty made me want to puke. I wanted the truth about her to come out. I figured a spot of blackmail might do the trick, but I couldn’t let anybody know I was behind it.”

“So you killed Vic Spencer so we’d think there were two different blackmailers, Elsie Holland and Jerry Burton.” At my store.

“He was the perfect fall guy. I had already figured out he must be behind the burglaries across Lincoln County.” Her smug expression turned into a scowl. “You weren’t supposed to figure the aliases out so quickly.”

“You were both Elsie Holland and Jerry Burton.”

“I thought that was a nice touch.” She smirked.

“Why my store?” The question had bothered me since the murder.

“Magda’s pearls, of course! The pearls that should have been mine.” Peppi bit off the words. Her gun hand wavered. “The police were supposed to find the blackmail notes at the theater. They would think Magda had killed Spencer because he was blackmailing her.” Her mouth settled into a grim smile, and her gun hand steadied. “She would be exposed for the murderess she was.”

Audie reached the far side of the stage, out of Peppi’s range of sight.

“So why did you kill Magda, then?”

“The police didn’t fall for my plans. They were too interested in locating Spencer’s partner. Isn’t that right, Mr. Packer?”

Lauren jumped out of his seat. “I don’t have to sit still for this.”

“I say you do.” She waved him back into his seat.

Audie finished his slow circle, only a few feet behind Peppi now.

“Magda Grace Mallory had to pay for what she did to my father. And now that I know the truth, you’re going to join mother dearest.” Peppi aimed her gun at Gene.

Audie lunged forward and knocked Peppi to the floor. The group scattered into the far corners of the room. I heard a side door open, but I couldn’t take my eyes off the deadly wrestling match taking place in front of me.

Peppi freed her left wrist. She twisted and turned and battled Audie for control. Her gym workouts gave her the strength of a hardened veteran.

. The gun went off. The chandelier waved in the ceiling.
. A bit of plaster fell onto the seats. With a final, superhuman effort, Audie pinned Peppi to the floor and tossed the gun to the side.

I reached for the weapon. Chief Reiner interrupted me. “I’ll take that.” He must have entered when I heard the front door open. He bagged the weapon and strode across the floor to the loudly cursing Peppi.

“I’ll take over now,” Chief Reiner told Audie.

“If you don’t mind. I’ll stay where I am until you get the handcuffs on.” The words puffed out of Audie’s mouth. Sweat ran down his forehead. As soon as the handcuffs clicked around Peppi’s wrist, he jumped to his feet. “Remind me to get more exercise in the future.”

A small scuffle started at the front entrance. I turned in time to see Frances grab the collar of Lauren’s shirt. “Not so fast, Mr. Packer.” A second set of handcuffs clamped around his wrists. She began reading him his rights.

Gene remained rooted to the same place. “Do you want to take me in, too?”

The ends of Reiner’s Roosevelt-style mustache quivered. “I believe I can trust you to come in later for questioning, can’t I, son?” Graciousness softened the chief’s tone.

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