Dana Cartwright Mission 3: Kal-King (30 page)

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Dana requested a slot at the inner circle, but was told an incoming with a medical emergency had priority.

She countered, “Yes, and we have aboard Ambassador Kord, and one other doctor, who will be tending one of those patients.”

After a brief pause, a different voice came back with a response. “Ah, Ambassador Kord, please hurry. Take slot seven on the inner ring. Have your captain switch to external control.”

Dana complied, feeling the station autopilot begin to maneuver the Dagger Class ship in between two much smaller vessels.

“Set for station keeping,” the voice ordered.

“Roger, One.”

Dana set the controls, then released her lap restraint. “Are weapons permitted on One now?”

Korwin assured, “As long as you are with me.” He sent the empty coffee cup down a recycling chute. “Mister Baker, please remain aboard with EM and the baby. Carlton will come with Dana and me.” He went below to whisper a good-bye, and then returned to the rotunda with his medical kit hung by the strap across his chest.

Dana and Carlton took places on the MAT pad at his sides.

“Station One? Three to medical,” Korwin ordered through his voice-badge.

Dana stood on his left, suddenly feeling queasy.

When they materialized at the base, she knew why.

Three nurses and a young intern swarmed around the C-FIIN, elbowing Commodore Jai aside.

Janz was seated in the robo-chair, clinging to the arms.

Dana rushed to Macao. “Janz?”

“He can’t hear you, Dana,” Kieran cautioned.

She took the Captain’s hand from the controls and squeezed, closing her eyes.

I’m here,
she told him.

So dizzy,
he cried.

Prince Korwin sank to one knee beside the robo-chair and began to use a medical scanner. “Let’s try that new anti-inflammatory in combination with an anti-vertigo med.” He programmed the injector and pressed it against Janz’s neck, just above the collar on the sickbay jumpsuit. “Should take effect quickly.”

Dana felt Janz return the pressure on her hand. She opened her eyes and smiled.

“So glad you’re here,” he said aloud. “Feel better already.” He tested letting go of the chair arm, and even opened his eyes. They widened seeing the Prince.

Korwin took some further readings and caught Dana’s gaze. “We need to get him out of this chair. The position is putting additional pressure on the thoracic spine. I’m detecting a small fracture.”

Dana took the scanner Korwin offered and reviewed the readings. “Indeed, a very small fracture. I think we can do a minimally invasive fusion on that.”

She and Korwin stood aside as a nursing team brought a gurney and eased Janz up onto the bed. They followed the floater into the adjoining emergency intake room.

Kieran watched, then sank down into the robo-chair, and moved it to the side. Only when he stepped away from it did he notice Carlton. “Don’t worry, they are safe inside.”

Carlton nodded agreement, but he didn’t have to like it.

“You look exhausted, PK,” Dana whispered after the second implant was complete. “Take EM and Eloren home, and get some rest. I’ll stay.”

“I used to be able to last much longer,” the Prince lamented, checking the diagnostic readings above Janz Macao’s bed, nodding in satisfaction. “Keep him quiet.”

She smiled and nodded.

“Shall I send the Commodore in?” He asked, yawning while taking off his gloves and face mask.

“Sure,” Dana copied his movements. “We do make a good team, PK. Maybe McCall’s offer is deliberate — to keep us apart.”

Korwin chuckled. “To keep you and the Commodore apart, too.” He gave her shoulder a friendly pat before heading out.

Kieran soon peeked in and, receiving her nod of approval, crossed to the bedside, giving his brother a quick overview. Then, sliding an arm about her shoulder, he whispered, “How long will he be out?”

“Maybe another hour,” Dana answered, leaning her cheek against Kieran’s chest, seeking comfort. “His career is over, you know.”

“I wondered about that.”

“The Star Service will never re-certify him for active duty.”

“Nor Xal,” Kieran added. “He’s in recovery — stable but serious. Doctor Calagura sends his regards, by the way, and demands we have dinner with him at The Viewery in a day or two.” He bent and kissed her forehead tenderly. “Maybe we should all retire and go gallivanting.”

“Janz needs aquatic therapy, like you had at Medical Center East. Korwin has a residence near Medical Center South, at the New Mexico spaceport. He said you have a place there, too.”

“I do. They have aquatic facilities.” He nuzzled her neck. “Xal will need some serious R&R. Might be a good place for all of us to spend some time.”

“Dry heat is good for lungs,” Dana counseled.

“So?” He took a deep breath, biting his lower lip,
touching her telepathically, asking,
And for us?


Kieran’s eyes widened.
Yes, as in, forever? Or just, yes, as in okay?

Forever, yes… That is what you were asking.

She tilted her chin up and met his lips for a “seal the bargain” kiss, feeling his excitement, giggling at the overwhelming joy he felt.

Janz began to stir, opening both eyes, reaching a hand toward Dana.

“Take it slowly,” she cautioned, moving closer so he could touch her left hand, dragging Kieran with her. “Any vertigo?”

“No, I feel fine,” Janz said, though he slurred the words a little. “And I heard…” He focused on Kieran, reading the expression. “She said, yes?”

The nod said it all.

“We have one problem,” the Commodore heaved a sigh. “March is aboard my ship, under house arrest.”

“He tried to kill us,” Dana reminded.

“Will you press charges?”

Janz interrupted, “He was being manipulated. Just like Hawk…Novem…and Dec. They’re slaves. They just need rehabilitation, to be shown that what August was doing was wrong.” He started to sit up.

Dana quickly and forcefully pushed him back. “No! Doctor’s orders…it’s too soon!” She reached for an injector.

“No drugs,” Janz pleaded.

“Then rest.”

“Please… My career in the Star Service is over. I know that. We all know it. Let me help March, Novem and Dec rebuild their lives. They and you are the only living relatives and, hence, the heirs of Crown Enterprises. Let me do it.”

“That’s up to SSID,” Dana decided. “Right now, you need to rest. Let me call a nurse and we’ll see you to a private room with monitoring. Stay put for at least twenty-four hours. Then we’ll talk.”

Janz agreed.

As the nurse wheeled the diagnostic bed away, Dana pulled Kieran aside. “I need to change and I need to eat something.”

“Will The Viewery do?”

“My favorite place...”

“I’ll get a table. Meet me there.” Kieran kissed her cheek and started for the door.

The restaurant was empty, giving him the choice of any table. Kieran knew exactly the one he wanted. He had Dana’s backpack, and the small cigar box.

She arrived, dressed in her ambassadorial staff uniform, hair freshly braided, eyes glistening, a gentle smile upon her lips.

He stood to greet her with a kiss, then saw her seated beside himself. “Fourteen years ago, at this very table, I asked you to be my mate. You walked out on me.”

He studied her mismatched eyes with wonder.

“I was afraid,” she admitted.

“Are you still afraid?”


He slid his arms around her, accepting a lingering kiss.

Forever, Dana J?

Forever and always, my love.

They kissed again after ordering a very special champagne, one with no sulfites. Then the Commodore brought out the box.

Dana stared at it, almost afraid to look inside. “Did it survive?”

“Look and see…”

“Mackenna gave me this cigar box…to hide the stiletto.” She popped the lid and looked at the necklace and the pendant. Tears poured down her cheeks.

“Is it a family heirloom?”

She bit her lip, sniffling. “My father, Franklin Shepherd, sent this to me.
Neville Brandt was delivering it, when he was set upon at Station Four.”

Kieran was amazed, “That was right before the

Dana nodded, fingering the jeweled dodecagon. “The chain is ruined.”

He bent his head, seeking to see her eyes.
“What is it, Dana?” He asked again, telepathically,

“If we mate, you’ll have a life-star?”

He nodded.

She slid the dodecagon off the damaged chain. “I want this to be the center jewel.”

Kieran started to shake his head, “No, this was a gift from your father.”

“And now, it is my gift to you, my life-mate,” Dana said, lips quivering, “just the way Shalee Raja’s jewel was for Janz.”


Forever and always…


Joyz has been writing Science Fiction and Fantasy since the early 1960s, but spent a good deal of time after film school crewing, writing, and directing educational television.

Other books by Joyz W. Riter are:

STILETTO: The Dana Cartwright Series, Mission One

LANCER: The Dana Cartwright Series, Mission Two

KAL-KING: The Dana Cartwright Series, Mission Three


Visit Joyz W. Riter [Joyz Writer] in many online virtual worlds such as Second Life, Virtual Highway, and 3

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