Crazy Little Thing Called Love (11 page)

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Authors: Jess Bryant

Tags: #General Fiction, #sexy books sexy contemporary romance sexy love story, #alpha hero alpha heroes alpha male alpha males bad boys big families contemporary, #sexy alpha male, #love story romance romance novel romance novels romantic sassy, #contemporary romance falling in love family heroes, #sexy romance sexy stories sexy story sizzling, #alpha, #sexy, #hot romance humor humorous love

BOOK: Crazy Little Thing Called Love
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“Get in my truck; I want to fuck you with
your legs around my waist while you wear those sexy shoes but we
can’t do it here.”

“What?” She squeaked on the lack of air in
her lungs.

She couldn’t. They couldn’t. Definitely not
here but not there either. He had to stop. She opened her mouth to
tell him just that but it got swallowed up as his mouth crashed
against hers again in another mind-blowing kiss.

Liquid fire snaked through her, turning
everything fuzzy so that when his rough fingers rubbed her
sensitive flesh she ground her hips against him to get more, “Zach

She was begging and she knew it wasn’t for
him to stop. She didn’t want him to stop. She never wanted it to
stop and then everything exploded in a rush that started between
her legs where he touched her and fanned out, leveling her as the
orgasm pounded throughout her body.

“Please… don’t… stop.”

She squeezed her thighs around his magical
hand. Her body pulsed and throbbed. Lust ravished her as she cried
out. She shivered from the trembling that reached from the top of
her head down to her toes.

Only as the pleasure began to ebb did she
begin to sink back to reality. All the air rushed out of her lungs.
She remembered suddenly where she was, who she was with and what
had just happened.

“Oh God! Stop.” She jerked away from him,
“Stop. Jesus, stop.” She shoved at his chest, “We have to

“You just begged me not to.”

“Oh God.” She had hadn’t she? “We’re in
public, in a church parking lot for God’s sake! This is crazy!”

“I tried to get you into the truck but you
were pretty insistent on the whole not stopping thing.”

She heard a trace of humor in his voice but
refused to look up to meet his eyes. Her face flamed red and she
covered her eyes with her hands. She’d just let him give her an
orgasm in the middle of the First Baptist Church parking lot where
anybody could have come outside and seen them.

“Oh God.” She thought she might faint.

“You said that a couple of times

“I have to go.”


“I have to go.” She grabbed her purse from
where it had fallen to the ground and pulled out her keys, “Oh God
I have to go.”

Chapter Six



Since all of his blood was currently pooled
in the southern region of his body it took Zach an extra second to
realize what was happening. She was leaving? Just like that? When
he was a hell of a long way from done?

“Wait just a second!” He tried to reach for
her but she was already out of his grasp.

He watched her slip into the driver’s seat of
the R8 and nearly lost a hand when she slammed the door behind her.
Sexual frustration beat from his groin straight through the rest of
his body and he took it out on her window. He banged on it with his

“Damn it, just hold on.”

She didn’t even look up as she threw it into
reverse and the tires peeled out on the gravel. He watched as she
whipped in a half circle. The Audi roared as she shifted and then
there was nothing but taillights as she left him standing there
alone with a hard-on the size of Texas.

That had not just happened. He’d barely
gotten started touching her when she went off like the fourth of
July and less than one full minute later she’d run away from him
like her hair was on fire. He cursed and kicked at the gravel.

“Fuck.” He tried to adjust the painful bulge
at the front of his jeans.

He should have known she was going to be
trouble. She was Bluebell Carter after all. He should have known
better than to follow his dick when it went sniffing her out. So
she was a pretty blond? They were a dime a dozen in Texas. He
should have listened to common sense and stayed the hell away from

Except that he hadn’t been able to. He’d
watched her the whole time she stood up at that altar while Molly
recited her vows. He hadn’t been able to tear his eyes away. She
was so damn pretty not even that ugly orange dress could hide it.
And then he’d seen her sitting alone at the bar and he’d decided
playing with fire might be worth the risk if she was up for it

And she’d been more than willing to play.
He’d been with enough women to know when they were looking at him
and thinking about sex and he’d seen those big blue eyes cloud when
he touched her. He’d felt her body mold against his when she danced
with him. And it was her idea to get out of there; he’d simply
followed her lead and look where that got him.

The erection that refused to die made it hard
to sit but he stomped to his truck, climbed in and peeled out. His
anger and frustration were bubbling just below the surface. He’d
like to hit something right about now but he strangled that

He’d go home and do some damage to the house
instead. He still had a couple of demo projects on his to-do list
anyway. He’d beat his frustrations out one way or another.

He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been
left hanging after getting a woman all hot and bothered. Maybe in
high school? Hell, maybe never. He’d always had a lot of luck with
the ladies. Obviously that luck didn’t extend to Bluebell
Montgomery Carter.

She hadn’t owed him sex but if she hadn’t
wanted it she should have stopped him before his hand was up her
skirt. She was old enough to know where things were going long
before they got to that point. He never even would have kissed her
if she hadn’t looked up at him with those big blue eyes and licked
her pretty pink lips expectantly.

Sure the parking lot wasn’t exactly an ideal
location to get down and dirty but he hadn’t been thinking with the
head on top of his shoulders. He hadn’t had sex in a while and
abstaining had shaken his game. He’d been hard from the minute he
laid eyes on her so yeah he’d have taken her in the church parking
lot if she’d let him but she didn’t have to go running off.

He was a reasonable man. If her objection was
the location he’d have moved her to the truck or even taken her to
his house. But she hadn’t been the least bit reasonable and she’d
high-tailed it away from him without so much as a thank you for the
orgasm that’d so clearly rocked her world that she forgot where
they were.

If anybody had told him he’d end this night
alone in the First Baptist Church parking lot with a hard-on that
could cut glass he’d have called them crazy. He figured he was due
this shit-show. He’d known she was crazy and he’d ignored his gut
instinct that said she’d be trouble. He wouldn’t make that mistake
again. Little miss Bluebell could take her fancy car and her cock
tease games and go back to wherever the hell she came from.

When he turned his truck into the driveway at
the ranch he’d just about worked through the anger but was still
trying to deal with the disbelief. His headlights landing on a
shiny black motorcycle parked in his drive was unexpected. The
figure sitting on the front steps was too. He cursed under his
breath, certain his night was about to get worse.

“What are you doing here?” The words were out
of his mouth before his boots hit the gravel.

“Nice to see you too big brother.” Devin
stood on the bottom step. “Where’ve you been?”

“Went to Molly McBride’s wedding.”


“Yeah, I was fuckin’ invited.” He

Why could nobody seem to grasp the concept
that he’d received an invitation to Molly’s wedding? First Bluebell
and now Devin? He got an invitation and he went. It wasn’t that

“You usually avoid those things like the

“I didn’t have anything better to do.”

And he’d known the cute blond that owed him a
test drive in a fast car would be there. Not that he planned on
telling Devin that much. Not when all it had gotten him was a lap
full of frustration.

“Sure, whatever.” Devin smirked, “Looks like
you had fun.”


“If you were going to start wearing lipstick
I’d have pegged you for a red man, not pink.”

“Son of a…” He growled and wiped the back of
his hand across his mouth.

Sure enough, a light sheen of pink glowed in
the moonlight. Unwittingly he wondered what it’d look like to see
that shade of pink around his dick. He hated that he still wanted
to find out even when he was bound for blue balls thanks to the
damn tease.

“Anyone special?” Devin was grinning.

“No.” He stomped past his younger brother and
into the house.

The screen door didn’t slam shut behind him
and he assumed Devin had followed. He didn’t really care. He
marched to the kitchen to grab a much needed beer.

“You’re in a hell of a mood for a guy that
just got laid.”

He twisted the cap off a Shiner and threw it
in the trash, “I didn’t get laid.”


“Tell me about it.” He took a long pull of
his beer and tried to reign in his frustrations. “What are you
doing here?”

“I wanted to talk to you but now I’m thinking
it’s not the best time.” Devin collapsed into one of the kitchen
chairs with a knowing smile. “How long’s it been since you got
turned down?”

“Kiss my ass.”

“You’re seriously pissed huh?” Devin

“My balls hurt like hell so you can get to
the point or you can leave.”

That only sent Devin into another round of
laughter and Zach scowled at him as he drank his beer. He’d always
had a hard time staying mad at his middle brother. It’d made it
difficult to discipline him after their father died and he had to
become the parental figure. Still, Zach didn’t have to work hard to
be frustrated at the moment and his brother laughing at him wasn’t
helping matters.

“I’m warning you Dev, one word of this to
Riley and I’ll tell mom you were the one that broke her Tiffany’s

“I was ten.” Devin straightened up but
couldn’t hide a smirk.

“I’ll still tell her.”

“You’re a lousy big brother you know that.”
Devin ribbed him, “This is the kind of thing your brothers are
supposed to bond over. You’ve always been the ladies man and we
were just trying to live up to the legends. Turns out maybe you’re
mortal after all.”

“Very funny.”

“How close did you get before she shut you

“One more word and I’m calling mom.”

“Okay, okay… damn you’re really sour on this
girl huh?”

“I can pretty much bet you that if I ever see
her again it’ll be too soon.”

It was a good thing Bluebell was packing up
and leaving town first thing tomorrow morning. If she was sticking
around he’d track her down and wring her neck. Screwing her was the
last thing on his mind now.

“Don’t suppose you’re going to tell me who
she is?”


“Fine. Hand me a beer, I need to talk to you
about the ranch and I can see it ain’t going to go smoothly with
the mood you’re in.”

Zach rolled his eyes and resisted the urge to
tell his brother not to say ain’t. Correcting his brothers came
naturally but he said it just as much as they did. Besides, as they
liked to point out, they were adults now. Instead he grabbed a
beer, gave it a hard shake and tossed it at his brother.

“Nice.” Devin caught it with a snort but set
it aside so it didn’t blow up in his face.

“What’d you want to talk about?”

Like he didn’t know?

“Mom told me what you said about selling your
part of the ranch.”

Of course she had.

“I was just upset. I don’t…”

“I think it’s a good idea.”

Zach nearly blew beer out his nose. As it was
he choked and sputtered. He had to set the beer down and his eyes
watered. It took another couple of coughs to get air back into his
lungs and it stung like raw hide. He half expected Devin to get up
and come pound on his back but his traitorous brother simply
watched him stammer and waited.

“What?” He asked when he finally recovered
enough to speak. Surely he hadn’t heard right.

“You heard me.”

“You want me to sell my stake in the Triple
Star? Are you crazy or just plain stupid?”


Zach stared his younger brother down and
tried to figure out who the stranger sitting at his table was. It
still looked like Devin but his brother knew he’d given up
everything for this ranch. He would never think that Zach could
actually walk away from it.

“You’re going to need to make yourself real
clear Devin.”

“You’ve run the ranch for half your life. I
think it’s long past time that you did something else, something
you actually want to do. Riley’s done with school now. I’m here and
nobody loves this place more than me. Let us take care of it.”

He’d wrongly thought his blood pressure
couldn’t get any higher tonight. Dark spots danced in his vision.
His fists curled into balls instinctively.

“You want to push me off my own fucking land
now? Is that it?”

“What? No.” Devin shoved to his feet which
was not the right move.

Zach wanted to punch something, hard. He’d
already had more than enough reason to want to tear something apart
when he got home. Devin being here now, saying he wanted Zach to
give up the ranch that he’d been in charge of since he was just a
kid was too much.

He’d never punched one of his brothers, not
once. He’d always been able to control the anger when it shot to
the surface. He’d always been the bigger man, the big brother. He’d
learned to suck it up, to bury it down deep and when that didn’t
work he picked a fight with someone else. Tonight there was nobody

“Get out of my house.” He growled.

“Zach. Listen, you’re not thinking…”

“Out. Now. I’m serious Devin. You don’t want
to be here right now. Trust me.”

The tone of his voice must have sounded
lethal because Devin actually took a cautious step back and put his
hands up. Zach was seething. He couldn’t take his anger out on his
brother so he needed him gone.

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