Crash and Burn (7 page)

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Authors: London Casey

BOOK: Crash and Burn
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know what I mean

one in
each hole downstairs.

Landon took another hit of the joint and shook his head.


on. I

ll take the ass even.
All you have to do is roll a condom down your dick and fuck her. That

s it. You do that for me and she

ll do anything else for me. I
want to get lost between her tits, man.

Not me,

Landon said.

Not tonight. I

ve got too much going on.


re breaking my heart.

Landon passed the joint to Blaine and asked,

Since when do you care about
rules? You order her around. She

, man.

Yeah. I
just wanted to play nice so I can go crazy on her later.

take her and tell her I

be there soon. Start without me, if you get my drift. Do what you need to do
and then make up some shit about me needing to go out on a call. Who gives a
fuck? It

s just pussy.

Blaine slapped the bar and laughed.

Just pussy. Right. Is that what

s in your room?
Just pussy

Landon opened his mouth and knew that the second he was
about to spill anything about Avery to Blaine, it would end up blowing back in
his face. But he did it anyway.

to me,

Landon whispered.

That chick in my room was here
that day the car blew up on Erik, okay? She was speeding down the strip on a
motorcycle and dropped it. There

something about it all that

bothering me. That

s why
when I saw her with Pop, I took care of it. She saved my ass with that prick
from Eight Under, but I

going to drill her until I get information.


s part of it?

Blaine asked, his eyes wide.

Bro, we need to chain her up and
gut her

Let me
do what I need to do here,

Landon said.

Okay? Promise
me, Blaine, okay?

As long
as you help me with my friend over there,

Blaine said. He put his hands up.

tonight, but soon.

Landon looked at the
at the end of the bar.
Pussy was pussy, right? None of it really mattered.


Landon said.

But we do it like you said. And

re not going to be
fucking naked. That shit is too close for comfort as it is.


Blaine said.

Now let me share the news with
her and see if she wants to celebrate a little with me. I should be good for at
least a hand job.


Landon whispered.

Blaine walked away and Landon ordered one more shot. He
downed it and then left the bar. The hallway looked a little fuzzy at first but
his senses were just fine. A little weed and whiskey always made the body feel
right. Tonight, Landon needed to crack Avery wide open and figure out who the
hell she was and why she was in town. Inside, he knew part of the reason he
told Blaine about her was so that Blaine would keep his head on straight. Just
in case anything happened

Landon opened the door to the bedroom and saw Avery pop up
from the bed. She had been sleeping.


t mind me,

Landon said.


Avery said.

Fell asleep. Haven

t been in a bed in a while.

Landon shut the door and locked it. He took off his leather
cut and stood in a black t-shirt and jeans. He hooked his thumbs into his
pockets and stared at Avery.

Fuck, she was beautiful

and naturally sexy

have you been sleeping?

night? I slept in a bakery.

Landon felt his lip curling.

the fuck does that mean?


m not here with anyone,

Avery said.

If that

s what you

getting at. I didn

t mean
to drop that motorcycle near your MC. I

sorry for how that looked. Since then I

been hiding around here waiting for my leg to heal to make a decision on my
next move.


Landon said.

Which is what?

If I
knew, I wouldn

t be here,

Avery said.

Landon leaned against the bed.

You know, that kind of attitude won

t get you far with me. You

re not tough, sweetheart. You

re scared to death right now.
You can put up your fucking wall, but I can see it in your eyes.

Then I

ll shut my eyes when I talk,

Avery said.

If you

re not going to talk about what
I want to hear, then don

talk at all.

Landon felt himself inching even closer to Avery. He was
drunk and high and he wanted Avery. His mind tried to push through the cloud in
his head to tell him this was a bad idea, but his heart and cock were ready to

I don

t know what you want from me,

Avery said.

I didn

t do anything here.


re going to tell me everything,

Landon said.

Whether you like it or not.
Because if you don

t, you

ll die.

And if
I tell you everything?

might end up dead,



life to live,

Landon said.

Avery swallowed hard and sat up straight. Landon slowly
reached down and let his fingers run through Avery

s hair. It was soft, slightly knotty, but when it
moved from behind her ears to her face, it made her look even better.

Do it,

Landon said.

Right now.

Avery placed a hand between Landon

s legs and cupped him. Her face looked shocked at
the realization that he was already hard. Landon smiled.

Avery applied pressure and squeezed. Landon wasn

t in the mood to play games. He

t need seduction or
foreplay. There wasn

enough time in life to waste messing around. It was about sex, about fucking,
about enjoying the moments that were still available.

Landon unzipped his pants and this time, without the
interruption from Blaine, he pulled himself from his pants. He held tight at
the root of his cock. His length throbbed and the tip of his erection ached to
be pleasured.

For a few seconds, Avery looked hesitant but then she slowly
came forward. She put her hand over Landon

hand and pulled. The tip of her tongue then teasingly flicked at the bottom of

s shaft. He groaned
and thrust forward.

games, sweetheart,


That ain

t my style.

Avery opened her mouth and accepted Landon. He moved his
hand from his cock and let Avery stroke and suck him at the same time. She had
a hell of a tongue. The first thing Landon noticed was the way the tip of her
tongue put pressure on him and then how she swirled around the head of his

Landon put his head back and exhaled. He tried to convince
himself that it was just like the night before the
more. Just some chick sucking him off before they got to the real business of
the night.

The faster Avery moved, the better it felt. The wet noises
of himself in her mouth, mixed with her own moans made Landon

s muscle tense. He wanted to
explode in her mouth and he knew it would happen soon enough. When he thrust
hard at Avery, he caught the back of her mouth and she let out a muffled sound
and pulled away from him.

Landon put a hand to the back of her head and pulled her
right back to him. There was no stopping. There were no breaks. Her job now was
to suck and swallow.

Landon guided Avery by taking a handful of her hair. He
worked her thin lips and hungry tongue back and forth on his cock just the way
he needed it. When he looked down at Avery, he felt so fucking close to

Then something happened to Landon.

He looked into Avery


Her mouth was full. He opened his hand and let go of her
hair. Avery kept moving, back and forth. Those fucking lips. That fucking
Her fucking eyes.
Her eyes were glistening. She was crying.
Landon couldn

t look away.
It didn

t fucking matter if
she was upset about something. The only thing that mattered was her mouth
accepting his warm release. Yet Landon couldn

stop focusing on it. Her eyes were speaking stories to him that Avery probably

t realize.


he whispered.

He put his thumbs back into his pockets and felt the rush
through his shaft. With a hard thrust, Avery shut her eyes and Landon began to
come. With each spurt, he groaned. Then he saw a tear trickle from Avery

s eye. She hurried to wipe it
away but it was too late.

Avery stayed with him though, slowing down, wrapping her
hand tight around his shaft and pumping, making sure every last drop was out of
him before she finally took her mouth away.

Landon tucked himself away and pointed to the bed.


re here tonight with me.

You don

t have to do that,

Avery said.

I know
that. I

m telling you what

re doing. Take your
pants off, get comfortable.

He couldn

look away from Avery

s eyes.

He felt his own conscience taking over, which was the
biggest mistake. Any kind of care or conscious could easily get a man killed.


Landon said as he stormed away
from the bed.

He rushed to his bathroom and slammed the door. He went to
the sink and splashed cold water on his face. He could feel himself throbbing
in his pants, barely calming down. It wanted more of Avery. Landon wanted so
much more right now. But it wasn

the time or place. He had so much bullshit swarming around his mind right now.

Landon stood from the sink and looked in the mirror. The
bathroom door was open and Avery stood there, leaning against the doorway. At a
quick glance, he thought he saw a gun. He spun around fast, but Avery had her
arms folded. She didn

have a gun. She wasn

t a

and she had nothing
to do with the bombing

She stood in just her t-shirt and panties. The curves of her
hips, and her sexy legs drove Landon wild.

He pointed to her leg and asked,

How does that feel?


Avery said.



I can
take you to a doctor


Then get in the fucking bed. We need to talk.

Avery backed away and Landon closed his eyes and groaned.

All Landon had wanted was a fucking piece of pizza and now
he had a woman in his bed

a beautiful woman.



Avery tried her best not to make it obvious how much she
enjoyed Landon and his bed. The moment he stepped back into the bedroom she
knew what was going to happen. She allowed it because she wanted it. Even with
old feelings burning in her mind and heart the entire time, Avery trusted
herself and even trusted Landon, which was probably a stupid thing to do
considering there were intentions to kill her. 

Landon stepped out of his black boots. He walked to the side
of the bed and turned on a small lamp. He then turned out the main light in the
bedroom and stood in the the glow of the lamp and took his shirt off. Avery saw
some skin at first and she refused to blink until Landon stepped into the
light. His beautiful chest was chiseled and complete with muscles and intricate
tattoos on his chest. He looked at Avery with a pissed off look on his face.
She moved to the very edge of the bed, not wanting to bother him.

She rolled to her left and did her best to be invisible
while Landon fell to the bed. Her eyes were instantly heavy even though parts
of her body were wide awake and in eager need of pleasure. Her panties had been
wet, dry, and wet again that now clung to her. Just having Landon thrusting
himself into her mouth was enough to make her feel like she could explode.
Christ, he had made her nipples so hard they actually hurt when they rubbed the
inside of her bra.

As her eyes shut, she felt a hand touch her shoulder. Stuck
between then and now, Avery threw and elbow and said

Landon groaned and gripped her shoulder tighter. He pulled
her back and Avery swung her other hand, slapping him across the face.

When she realized what she did, she said,

Shit. I

m sorry.

Landon curled his lip.

the fuck do you think I


Suddenly, Avery knew her eyes were giving her away again.
Landon had been right, she could act tough, but there was no way she could
disguise her eyes. Ever.


Landon said.

let it go,


I didn

t ask for you to take me




Landon said.


re going to fucking listen to me when I talk. Tell
me or else I

ll say it.

say it,

Avery said.

She hated this feeling. It was a deep rooted feeling that
felt like fire rolling through her body.


Landon said.

He got you bad, huh?

Avery wouldn

look at Landon anymore. She couldn

She was on the verge of crying, and she had already shed a tear while giving
him a blowjob. Dammit.

raped you?

Landon asked.

The question had the same effect as if Avery had been pushed
into icy water. She instantly hugged herself and tried rolling to her left side
again. Landon touched Avery

shoulder and she again swung at him. She knew she was pushing her luck, but it
was her reaction, she couldn

help it.


my fucking question, sweetheart.

Let me

be like this,

Avery said.

Landon moved his hand. Avery had her back to him now. She
swallowed and sucked back tears.

name is Bry,

Avery said.
She hated to think his name, let alone say it out loud.

else did he do?


s not like this,

Avery said.

I mean with your MC.


s not my MC,

Landon said.


just part of it.

know what I mean. Up there, they

just a bunch of guys who drink, pick fights, and fuck women. They have no
purpose or soul.

You ended
up there,

Landon said.

Do you have a purpose or a soul?


Avery said. She
closed her eyes and tears streamed down her face.


Landon said.

How bad did he rape you?

It was
bad enough,

Avery said.

his cock in your mouth too, huh?


d you guess?

Landon touched Avery

shoulder and she jumped. He slowly spread his fingers. He was so damn strong
yet he was trying to be gentle.

I saw
it in your eyes,


Saw the tears you
were fighting.

Yet you


m a man. I

m also who I am, I don

t fucking change or stop when I
order something, sweetheart. Understand that right now.

does it matter?



re going to kill me, aren

t you?


hand slid around near Avery

chest. He pulled her to her back. She felt exposed, like her body, thoughts,
and memories had been ripped from her.

Why the
fuck are you here?



s where I crashed,

Avery said.


the fuck does that mean?

means something bad happened and I

here now. I

m sorry you had
to pay that old man off, okay? I have a little money with me and I

ll give you the six hundred


s not about money, sweetheart,

Landon said.

A beautiful woman is in my town
and it just doesn

t have a
good vibe to it.


Avery looked at Landon. She couldn

t remember the last time someone told her she was
beautiful. But she knew better than to fall for cheap words from a bad boy.
Even if her mouth was still burning from the taste of his body.

I told
you that you were going to tell me everything,

Landon said.

So tell me

I stole
a bike and rode away,

Avery said.


happened though?

He did
what he did one night and when he finished, I started to cry. I just lost all
control of myself. He told me to stop crying or else he

d hurt me. I couldn

stop. He then forced me to

do what I did to you

I cried

to keep my mouth
full and keep me quiet. Then I couldn

swallow what he wanted and he hit me. I had no choice

Avery stopped. She took a deep breath. This was insane.
Landon had nothing to do with what had happened with Bry.

Talk to

Landon growled.

He reached down and ran his thumb along Avery

s chin.

was a knife on the nightstand. I got the knife and held it to his balls. I was
able to get to my feet and then he attacked me again. He got the knife from my
hand and put it to my throat. He turned me around and forced me to bend over. I

t do it again. I

t let him force

so I kicked and
hit him in the balls. He jumped back and I took the knife and stabbed him in
the leg. When he screamed and looked down at his leg, I ran at him and pushed
him into a wall. He hit his head and fell. I grabbed clothes and dressed myself
as I rushed from the room and their shitty little bar. I stole his motorcycle.
The rest of his club was after me and as I started to come into town here, I
thought someone was following me. I was so tired and hungry, I ended up
dropping the motorcycle in front of your lot. Then there was an explosion and
it scared me even more. I don

know how the hell I did it, but I got the motorcycle back up and took off.


Landon said.

Then what?

I sold
the motorcycle and wasn

sure what to do next. So I

been hiding, and waiting until my leg is healed so I can leave again.


re not leaving,

Landon said.

At all. Where the fuck is this
guy from?

An hour
north. It

s a piece of shit
bar, Landon. It doesn


It does
to me,

Landon said.


Avery felt fresh tears leak from her eyes. She couldn

t control it. When Landon moved
his hand along her cheek, she jumped again. Her nerves were stretched so thin.

You had
nothing to do with the bombing,

Landon whispered.


Avery said.


Landon said.


s wrong?


t worry about me,

Landon said.

Get some rest. I have a busy day

Avery watched Landon roll over and turn off the light. The
darkness also brought silence. Avery had no idea what to think or do. She had
woken up in a bakery and barely escaped. She had gotten attacked by a crazy old
man because of pizza. She had been saved by Landon. Then she saved Landon. She
watched Landon murder someone. She had been chained to his bike. And she had
tasted his body and opened her heart to him.

All in one day.

Go to
fucking sleep, sweetheart,

Landon said.

He put an arm around her and pulled her close to his body.
Avery could feel the air of his breath playing with her hair. She knew it was
Landon, but she couldn

help but fear it was Bry. But then she felt Landon getting hard again and knew
it definitely wasn

t Bry

because Landon was bigger in
every way possible.

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