Coyote's Kiss (11 page)

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Authors: Crissy Smith

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Coyote's Kiss
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It was natural for her to pay attention to what was going on around her. What better way to observe the shifters in her presence? She’d noticed that the wolves had stayed by each other’s sides the entire night. Jamie and Zak were more solitary and with the exception of Abilene for Zak she could see them happy to work alone. She wondered how that affected their teams. Luca’s information about the units of the Coalition was pretty helpful in understanding the men. She looked forward to seeing more.

The barbecue should help with that too. Other than setting up a plan for how to handle the investigation into the FBI, she would also get to see all the teams together. The night before they had been split so she hadn’t been able to observe the birds, bears or felines. She really wanted the chance to. She was excited by the prospect of them all working together. That was the reason she’d wanted to be a part of the project in the first place—other than allowing her partner to be around others like himself.

Jade blew on her coffee while she walked back over to the table. Her laptop had loaded and was waiting. She typed in her password ready to start. She double clicked the folder she’d transferred the files into earlier.

There were three cases that concerned her. Luckily, Cole hadn’t been involved in them, but she did recognize one name. Shannon Barber was listed as a fox shifter. She’d gone missing after investigating a missing person case about two years ago. The report stated that Shannon had disregarded orders and followed the suspects on foot alone. She hadn’t been seen again.

As far as Jade could see, there hadn’t been a real attempt to find the missing agent. That pissed her off. There was no telling if Shannon was out there captured and needing to be rescued. Instead of sending agents to find Shannon, the case had been closed. She searched the records and was disgusted to find that there hadn’t even been a missing civilian on the case she had been on. The supervisor claimed that they had received bad information.

In a Word document she wrote up the highlights and a few questions she had about the case. Once that was completed she moved on to the next.

She lost herself in work, drinking her coffee, getting up once for a refill before she had her thoughts down in one place. Six different suspicious assignments resulting in the death or disappearance of the shifter agents. And that was only at her office. How many other divisions were going through the same? Even though she had access to her department files, she couldn’t go further than that. She wanted to compare what she’d found with Sam Westby’s own concerns. One thing for sure was that Luca was on to something.

She finished her second cup of coffee then glanced at the clock on the kitchen wall. Forty-five minutes had passed. That would give her a little time to wake Luca before she could talk with Sam.

She rose, leaving her mug and computer where they were to return to the bedroom. Luca’s bedroom door opened quietly as she pushed on it. He was still in bed but had rolled over onto his back. She had enjoyed the view of his muscular shoulders and tight ass when she’d left him but this sight was even better.

His cock was already half-hard and waiting. She stripped off the borrowed clothes before she crawled up from the end of the bed. She slid her hands over his lower legs and Luca started to move.

“I wondered where you went,” he said.

Grinning, she glanced up at him to find his eyes on her. “Did you miss me?” she asked.

“Oh yeah,” he replied. “Why don’t you come up here and I’ll show you how much.”

She had a better idea. She gently grasped his erection before running her hand up and down. His groan filled the quiet room while he bucked into her hold. She bent down to slowly tease the tip of his cock with her tongue.

“Jade,” his voice was hoarse when he called her name.

She hummed then lowered farther onto him. His unique flavor was strong as she licked and sucked. Jade enjoyed the taste of him. Boldly she wrapped her hand around the base of him before picking up her tempo. Luca pushed up into her but not forcefully. He buried his hand in her hair, gripping tight.

Perfect, she loved this.

Bobbing her head, she brought him close to release before she backed away and popped off his cock. He growled in frustration, reaching for her. She let him pull her up to his chest.

“That was good,” he complimented.

“Yeah?” she teased.

He lifted his head to kiss her softly. “This will be even better.”

In an instant she found herself flipped onto her stomach with him plastered to her back. She tried to rise to her knees but he easily held her down. “I love your strength,” she told him.

“I know.” He ran his mouth over the back of her neck. “You tremble when you’re under me. I could grow addicted to the way your body responds to me.”

She could, too. He was also right about how she reacted to him. Even now she shuddered with need. “Please,” she whined trying to move into him. She felt the tip of his cock at her entrance.

“This what you want?” he asked, still not entering but letting her feel how hard he was.

“Yessss,” she hissed. If she didn’t get him to make love to her again she was going to die.

“We didn’t talk about condoms last night. I lost my mind and didn’t even think to tell you we didn’t need them if you didn’t want to use them. I’m clean but I don’t get sick either. My body recovers from any illness and I can’t pass anything on to you. But that doesn’t include birth control,” he said.

He wanted to talk about this now? When she was going out of her mind for him? “I know. I know it all. And we’re good on the birth control,” she quickly assured him. “Just take me.” Okay, maybe she shouldn’t have let him know just how much she wanted him but she did. She wasn’t one for playing games and she wasn’t about to start now. If he wanted her to beg, she would.

He plunged inside, taking her with one strong solid thrust. Jade dropped her forehead onto the bed. He felt so good filling her up. Like he was built for her. He gripped her hips raising her lower body off the bed before he pulled out slowly. She didn’t have time to complain before he slammed back inside.

Just like the night before he took her hard and fast. Still she pleaded for more. Repeated the request over and over.

“I’ll give you all you need,” he promised as he continued to ride her.

Jade could feel her climax building. Her toes tingled. Her vision began to grow white. One more hard thrust and she let go. She let her body override her brain. Vaguely she could hear Luca’s roar as he joined her.

She dropped down onto the soft mattress when his hold loosened. He fell on top of her, both of them struggling to catch their breath. After what might have been an eternity or five minutes he slipped out of her and rolled onto his back. She turned her head to peer over at him. “That was awesome.”

He laughed. “Intense. I didn’t hurt you, did I?” He looked worried as he asked.

Jade had to smile at him. “Oh no, and I loved every minute of it.”

“Good.” He nodded. “I guess we have to get up to shower soon, though.”

She closed her eyes. “Just give me a minute. I’m not sure my legs will hold me up.”

Luca patted her ass. ‘I’ll grab your bag and start the shower. We can save time and take one together.”

Even though her face was hidden in the bed she grinned. “Save time? Yeah right.”

“I’m just trying to conserve water,” he said.

She didn’t believe him for a second. She felt the mattress move as he rose.

“Don’t fall asleep.”

“Hmm,” she managed, already giving in to the desire for a nap.


* * * *


“It’s your fault we’re late,” Luca told her as they pulled up in front of Zak’s house. There were already several vehicles parked in the drive and on the street. They had to park across and in front of a neighbor’s home.

“No way. You’re the one who joined me in the shower,” she argued.

“I wouldn’t have had to if you hadn’t taken a nap,” he pointed out.

“You wore me out,” she told him. “And you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself when I was trying to wash up.”

“You were naked and wet,” he claimed. “No man could resist that.”

Jade laughed while grabbing his hand as they reached Zak’s sidewalk. Luca was fun to be with even out of bed. She’d not had a serious relationship in years. Not since she’d first joined the FBI. Her boyfriend at the time hadn’t liked her hours or the fact that she worked on her research more than spending time with him.

Three months after making it to the agency she’d been alone. And she’d been okay with that. Her work kept her busy and she had good friends and a great partner. But now that she’d met Luca she found herself wishing she’d known him longer.

“They’ll probably give us a hard time,” Luca told her as they made it to the front door. “Don’t let it bother you. Especially Zak. I gave him a hard time when he started up with Abilene.”

“That’s what friends do,” she replied.

“Yeah,” he agreed. “They can be annoying.”

She knew it didn’t really bother him. Before they knocked, the front door opened to show Jamie standing there with a huge shit-eating grin on his face.

“Did you bring the chips?” Jamie asked instead of greeting them. They both raised the grocery sacks. Luca had gone to his neighborhood grocery to pick up what they needed while he’d let her sleep.

“Damn, I bet you would have forgotten,” Jamie said as he allowed them in. “You know, since you were busy with other things.”

“Of course not. I know how you get when you don’t have your junk food,” Luca replied with a smirk.

“Glad you could join us,” Zak called out as they entered the hall.

“We’re ten minutes late and I don’t see Cody’s truck,” Luca yelled back.

“He’s got you there.” Jamie cackled. “I told you Cody would be the last one here.”

She followed Luca into the living room and handed the bags to Mitch as he held his hands out. She glanced around the room and spotted Sam. She let go of Luca and strolled over. “Hey, Sam.”

He seemed surprised but smiled back. “Hi.”

Jade felt for him. Luca had explained everything that Sam had told him and she could see how much Sam’s actions toward his ex-partner affected him. She wanted to offer him her friendship. “Where’s Patrick?”

“He’s back at the hotel. He doesn’t think this is a good idea. I tried to talk to him—Cole did too—but he just doesn’t want to get involved,” Sam informed her.

She frowned. How could anyone be against helping their fellow agents? “I’m sorry to hear that.”

Sam shrugged. “I don’t know that this is a good idea either. It’s not like anyone is going to listen to us.”

“Someone already is,” she told him. “With the Coalition and the ATF on our side we can help those who need it.”

“And if it’s already too late?” he asked.

Jade knew that in some of the shifter cases it
already too late. The ones that had been killed in the line of duty couldn’t be brought back. But they could get justice. “We help who we can.”

Sam shook his head. “That’s what I joined the agency for. I wanted to help people. My dad, uncle and grandfather were all part of it before me. Now I wish I’d just become a cop. I wouldn’t be mixed up in any of this.”

Since she wasn’t sure what to say she remained silent and let him vent.

“What kind of person am I? That I would turn my back on my partner? You think that makes me feel good? I know I’m an asshole!”

As his voice rose the others in the room started to pay attention.

“I don’t think you’re an asshole,” she said. “I also don’t think you don’t care. You’re here, right?”

He nodded. “I need some air.”

She let him stalk off, unsure how to help.

Abilene walked up to her. “He’s having a rough time. Your partner told me he thinks Patrick not coming is making Sam question the value of this meeting.”

Jade nodded. “I can understand that,” she admitted. “But we still have agents out there in danger. I can’t believe I didn’t pick up on the threat myself. To be honest I’ve been worried about Cole. But with my expertise I should have kept a better eye on the other shifters.” She was so damn frustrated.

“You kept your partner safe. If he’d been moved into another division he might not be here now. Which means you wouldn’t have wanted to join the task force. We’ll figure this out,” Abilene stated firmly.

“You’re right. We can’t change the past,” Jade said.

“Now”—Abilene linked her arm with Jade’s—“why don’t we go check on the fire?”

“Okay,” she agreed. She let Abilene lead her toward the door to get her alone, which is what she suspected Luca’s partner really wanted.

Abilene pulled her from the room. Jade glanced over her shoulder and saw Cole cornering Luca.
Oh, this should be fun
. “Did you and Cole plan this?” she had to ask.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I just want to make sure you feel welcome and we need to get the meeting started,” Abilene obviously lied.

Jade would just go with it, then. They strolled through the kitchen to the back door that led them to the deck. Zak was already in front of the pit.

Sam was across the yard staring out into space away from everyone. She spotted Ryder and Calvin filling ice chests with beer and soda.

“Want a beer?” Abilene offered.

“Sure.” While Abilene walked over to the drinks, she took a seat at the patio table. It was long, made out of solid wood, with an umbrella to shelter from the sun. In Lake Worth it was important to have plenty of shade. It was hot even in the winter time. Cole had once mentioned that was a big reason that so many shifters had chosen the city as their home. The birds and other shifters that needed water had the lake. The ones that were used to hot weather were comfortable in the dry heat. The north of town led back into caves and caverns hidden in the mountains. Perfect to run in their animal form.

Abilene returned with two cold bottles and handed her one. “So…”

Jade popped the top of her brew. “Yes?”

“What are your intentions toward my partner?” Abilene asked as she sat across from her.

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