Connected by the Tide (11 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Connected by the Tide
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When he got back to her place, she didn’t answer the door. He pounded on it for a long time
, but there wasn’t any movement in the house. Her garage door was closed, so he didn’t know if she was even home. He called her again, but she still didn’t answer. He didn’t know what to do.

He went back to his apartment then
lay in bed, thinking about what went wrong. He had no idea. Was she jealous that he’d tried to help Sydney? That was a stupid reason. He would have intervened for any girl, even a complete stranger. He was angry that she just took off without saying a fucking word to him. If that was all it took to piss her off, then perhaps this relationship wasn’t a good idea. He’d told her he wasn’t over Sydney yet, and she’d said she would be patient. But that still didn’t make sense. Henry hadn’t run to Sydney because he loved her. He thought she needed help.

The night passed by slowly. He didn’t sleep because he felt so confused. When they were in the hot tub and the shower, he thought he
’d felt something more than lust. He loved kissing her because of the connection, feeling her skin close to his. He loved being around her. With her, he could be completely honest and open, vulnerable. Did he just hallucinate that entire evening? If it meant something to him, then it must have meant something to her. He could have sworn it did. She looked at him like she loved him. He thought she might.

he went to school the next day, Ren was sitting in the front of the classroom, all the open seats around her taken. After he looked at her, he went to the back row and sat in their usual spot. She didn’t turn around or acknowledge him in any way. The indifference hurt him. When the class was over, he rushed out the door to talk to her, but she’d already left for the next class. He trailed behind her, but when he reached her, she was already sitting down, no open seats available. After a sigh, he sat in the back.

When the period was almost over, she got up and walked out.
Henry didn’t know what she was doing. When the class ended, he searched for her but couldn’t find her anywhere. Now he understood why she’d left the class early. He couldn’t talk to her.

She owed him
an explanation for her behavior, but she didn’t bother to give it to him. Without knowing what else to do, he went to the library and sat in a study room, trying to read. His phone went off in his pocket. He grabbed it with excited hands, hoping it was Ren. Instead, it was Sydney. He ignored the call and shoved it back into his pocket. He was pissed at her for telling everyone what happened between them. He could imagine how the conversation went.

Henry is so obsessed with me. He’s so disgusting that when he kissed me I started crying.
Everyone laughed at her words. Nancy, Derek, and especially Coen.

felt like he had no one to confide in. Currently, his closest friend was Ren, but she wanted nothing to do with him, for reasons he couldn’t determine. He finished his afternoon classes without paying attention. He wasn’t sure why he even went.

On the way home, he went by Ren’s house
, but she didn’t answer again. Even when he yelled at the door, the only sound he heard was Perry barking from the backyard. Frustrated, he gave up and went home.

Mitch knocked on his bedroom door a few hours later.

“What?” Henry asked, staring at the ceiling.

“You got company, asshole.”

Henry jumped up and ran to the door, hoping Ren had come to him. His heart fell when he saw Sydney. He was so stupid to expect Ren. She didn’t even know where he lived. “What?” he snapped.

“Can we talk?”

Mitch walked away. “I’m out.”

“No. Just go away, Sydney. How many times do I have to ask you that?”

“Why are you acting this way?”

“Why won’t you leave me alone?”

“Henry, I love you, and you are still my best friend. I don’t want you to be mad at me, thinking I did something when I didn’t.”

“I really don’t give a shit. Go back to Coen and start your happy life without me. I’m just an annoyance to both
of you.”

“We both love you.”

“Now you are just pulling shit from your mouth.”

“We’re a family, Henry.”

“Seriously, just leave.”

“I didn’t tell anyone what happened between us. I swear. You told Coen. I don’t know who else he told.”


“He probably told his friends and word spread,” she said quickly. “But I would never tel
l anyone something like that. You know me, Henry.”

He stared at the wall. “Well, I’m sorry I assumed.”

“Thank you.”

“But I still want nothing to do with you.”

“Stop acting like this!”

“Just leave me alone,
Syd. I mean it. I’m trying to move on, but you keep sabotaging every attempt I make. I was so close.”

“Me? You’re the one
who decided to attack Aaron!”

His eyes widened. “I’m so sorry for trying to protect you! Geez, I’m such an ass.”

“I can take care of myself.”

“It didn’t look like it.”

“And I have Coen. He takes care of me—
not you

He stepped back, his heart convulsing. “Wow. That was low.”

“I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant—”

“Get the fuck out of my house.”

“Listen to me!”



“I had something great with Ren
, but then I chose to chase after you like an idiot! Now she won’t even talk to me!”

“Just because you came after m
e doesn’t mean it meant something. You would do it for anyone.”

“I wish I could fucking tell her that. She avoids me at every opportunity.”

“I can talk to her.”

“No,” he said quickly. “You’ve done enough. Now get out of my house.”

“I don’t want to lose you,” she said sadly.

“You already did.” He slammed the bedroom door in her face, locking it from the inside. She didn’t try
to open the door. He heard her walk down the hallway then out the front door. When he heard her Jeep pull away, he knew she was really gone.



Ren avoided him all week. By Wednesday, he stopped trying to talk to her. He didn’t look at her and acted as indifferent to her as she was to him. He didn’t go by the house or try to call her.
The fact that she’d stopped talking to him for such a stupid reason made him realize they weren’t right for each other. He missed her and thought about her often. When he masturbated, he thought about her. When he dreamt about her, he felt his heart ache. She was someone he could fall for—fall in love with—but she didn’t want him. Perhaps she wasn’t willing to be as patient as she claimed.

He didn’t talk to Sydney or see her. Nancy texted him a few times just to check in, but he
was always short with her, acting like he was better than he really was. He spent a lot of time in the library, in the corner where no one would find him, not that anyone was looking.

When he looked up from his textbook, he saw Katie standing next to a cart, stacking books on the shelf. He recognized her from the bonfire last week. He thought about interrogating her about Ren
, but he decided against it. She probably wouldn’t tell him anything anyway. When he tried to concentrate on his notes, his curiosity got the better of him, and he walked over to her.

“Hey,” he said.

She glared at him then continued with her work.

“I know you don’t like me, but just tell me what I did wrong.”

She shook her head. “That’s just sad if you can’t figure it out on your own.”

“What? My friend was being assaulted by a guy twice her size! I was just supposed to ignore that? I would have done it for anyone, even you.”

“And what about Dane?”

What does that have to do with anything?”

“He was there.”

“I didn’t see him. How was I supposed to know? I don’t even know what the guy looks like. And what did she expect me to do? Beat him up because he broke her heart? Talk about psychotic.”

She returned to shelving her books. “So you didn’t hear what she said?”

“Who? Ren? She didn’t say anything.”

She shook her head then pushed the cart down the row.

Frustrated by her lack of response, Henry took a deep breath. “I don’t understand what I did to make her so upset. To be honest, I’m fucking pissed that she’s acting like a child by avoiding me like this. She needs to grow up. I chased her all week, but I’m done doing it. I did nothing wrong. My friend needed help, and I went to her. That’s all I know. If Ren wants to talk to me and work it out, I’m more than happy to, but don’t expect me to come after her anymore. I’m done.” He walked away and grabbed his backpack from the counter. He left the library without another backward glance.

When he went to work, he saw Sydney’s
Jeep in the parking lot. The last thing he wanted to do was talk to her. After he clocked in, he avoided her as much as possible, switching up his routine so she couldn’t figure out where to find him. He didn’t take his break in the staff room, choosing instead to eat in his car. When his shift was over, he was happy that he’d avoided her altogether. When he got home, he saw Coen’s car outside. He was leaning against the side, his arms crossed over his chest.

Henry got out of his car then
slammed the door. “I guess you’re the lesser of two evils.”

“I come in peace,”
Coen said as he held up his hands. “I just want to talk.”

“Well, spit it out.”

“You really got my fiancé upset.”

“I’m so sorry,” he said sarcastically.

“Look, she’s been upset all week, crying randomly throughout the day. She’s depressed and sad, which makes a problem for both of us. I can’t stand to see her like this. Could you please work it out?”

“There’s nothing to work out.”

“She feels like you hate her.”

He sighed. “That’s impossible.”

“She says your friendship is over and it’s killing her. I’ve never seen her cry like this. We haven’t had sex in a week.”

“That’s something I really want to hear about,”
Henry snapped.

“Just clear the air with her.”

“There’s nothing to clear.”

“Do you love her?”

“In what way?”

“As a friend?”


“Do you love her as a person?”


“Are you still in love with her?”

Henry ran his fingers through his hair, trying to find the right answer. “I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?”
Coen asked in surprise.

He shrugged. “I guess. I don’t know how I feel anymore.”

Coen smiled. “So who’s this girl?”

“What girl? I don’t have a girl anymore.”

“What happened?”

“I don’t even know. But we aren’t talking anymore.”

“Can you get her back?”

“I tried.”

“I’m sorry, but at least you’re making progress.”


“Are you ready to be friends again?”

He shook his head. “No. I’ve improved so much in such a short amount of time. I don’t want all that effort to be wasted.”

“Are you coming to our wedding?”

“Wasn’t it supposed to happen already?”

“Sydney pushed it back.”

“Why? Just get it over with.”

“There’s someone who can’t make it.”

Everyone she knows lives on the island.”

“It’s you, man.”

He stared at Coen. “What?”

’s waiting until you’re ready. We can’t get married without you.”

nry didn’t know what to say. He was hoping Sydney and Coen would just get married and he wouldn’t have to hear about it until long afterward. This was a surprise to him. “Really?”

I want you there, too.”

“I can’t believe you don’t hate me.”

He shrugged. “I can’t hold you accountable for your emotions, just your actions.”

“That’s still very generous.”

“My fiancé loves you, so I love you, too.”

nry sighed. “I feel like an ass.”


“I don’t want you guys to wait because of me.”

“Sydney doesn’t mind. It’s going to be small anyway. Just on the beach by the shack. We’re having Hawaiian Tacos cater it. It’s nothing fancy.”

“But still,” Henry said. “I had no idea.”

“What did you expect?”

“I don’t know. I’ve been such an ass to her I thought she wouldn’t care about me anymore.”

“Is that what you were hoping for?”


“So, are you guys cool now?”

“Did she send you to talk to me?”

“No. But I had to do something. She almost didn’t go to work today. I literally had to push her out of the car.”

“Yeah. We’re cool.”

“Are you just saying that?”


“We can give you more time if you need it.”

“No. Please don’t do that.”

“Okay.” He stood up straight. “I’m glad this conversation went well. I want to get laid tonight.”

Henry smiled. “I’m sorry I sabotaged your sex life.”

“It’s okay. She’ll make it up to me.” He got inside the car then cranked the engine before he drove off. Hen
ry remained in the driveway as he replayed their conversation in his head. At least he’d gotten his friends back. He was still missing Ren, but he knew she was gone. Now he had to get over two women before he could start dating again. He sighed when he thought about it.

His phone rang in his pocket
, so he pulled it out. It was Ren. He stared at it for a long time before he finally answered. “Hello?”

Her voice was as quiet as a whisper. “Hi.”

He shifted his weight in the driveway as he waited for her to keep talking, telling him why she was calling him. “How are you?”


“Not really.”

She said nothing for a long time. “Can we talk?”

“I guess.”

“Can you come over?”

, sure.”

“I’ll see you soon.”

He hung up without saying goodbye. He was still mad. He couldn’t help it. He drove to her house then marched up to the front door. As he knocked on the door, she opened it. He stared at her for a moment, forgetting how beautiful she was. For the past week, he’d only caught glimpses of her. She never looked him straight in the face.

“Come in,” she said as she opened the door wider.

He stepped inside then stood in the entryway, not sure what to do. He assumed this conversation was going to be quick and then he would leave, never speaking to her again.

“Let’s sit in the living room,” she said as she sat down. He sat next to her. Perry was sitting on his b
ed in the corner. It was the size of a twin bed because he was so big. Henry kept his hands in his lap, staring straight ahead. He didn’t look at her or give her too much attention, being just as indifferent to her as she’d been to him all week.

“Katie told me she saw you today.”


“She said it seemed like you were mad at me.”

“I am. I’m fucking pissed.”


He looked at her. “What do you mean,
? I never said I was over Sydney. When I saw some guy try to assault her, I had to intervene. I would have done it for any girl. It doesn’t matter that it was Sydney. The fact that you just left, didn’t tell me where the fuck you went, and got pissed off because I tried to save my friend is just childish and stupid. Why would I want to be with someone like that? And when I tried to talk to you, you ran from me. If you’re an adult, you should start acting like it.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “So you didn’t hear what I said about Dane?”

He sighed. “No. What about him? I didn’t even know he was there.”

“He was there with his new girlfriend.”


“I—I wanted him to see me with you, to prove that I was desirable.
That I am worth something to someone. But when you ran off to talk to Sydney, not caring at all, it broke my heart.”

“Because I went to save her instead of playing sexual politics with you?
You shouldn’t care about what that asshole thinks anyway.”

“I didn’t know Sydney was being
harassed. When I looked over at you, everyone was gathered around. I couldn’t see anything. I just assumed you were talking to her because you’re in love with her.”

“I didn’t hear you talk about Dane. I’m sorry. I was distracted by Sydney.”

“It’s okay.”

“So this is just a huge misunderstanding?”

“Yeah,” she whispered.

“Which could have been cleared up a week ago?”

“Yeah,” she repeated.

“Time well spent,” he snapped.

“I’m sorry.”

He said nothing.

“I’m just scared that I’m going to lose you, Henry.”

“Why would you lose me?”

“Sydney will realize you’re the better man and leave her fiancé.”

“That will never happen.”

“I apologize for assuming the worst.”

“You did assume the worst.”

“You’re scaring me.”


“Please forgive me.” She looked at him with her bright green eyes. They reflected the depth of her emotion, making her appear vulnerable and frightened. When Henry looked at her, his anger dwindled.

“Just don’t ever ignore me like that again. If you are upset with me, talk to me, yell at me,
hit me—whatever. But don’t ignore me.”

“I promise.”

“You realize this never would have happened if I hadn’t said something to Katie?”

“I know.”

“That shouldn’t have happened.”

“I know.”

He sighed when he looked at her. “Now kiss me.”

Relief flooded through her body at his words. With a smile on her face, she crawled into his lap and kissed him on the lips, wrapping her arms around him. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“I forgive you.” He leaned back against the couch and felt her straddle his hips. His hands dug into her side, feeling her skin.

“I’ll have to make it up to you.”

“I like the sound of that.”

She pulled off her shirt, revealing her black bra underneath. Her breasts were pushed together, perky and round. She kneeled before him then unbuttoned his jeans, pulling them down to his ankles. When he realized what she was doing, his cock sprang to life.

She ran her hands up and down his hips, moving her tits toward his erection. “So sorry,” she whispered.

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