Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (2 page)

BOOK: Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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Mitch grabbed him by the shirtfront and jerked him forward until they were face-to-face. “Remember, I am your leader. Daren and me both. You will not speak to either of us in that manner, not and stay at the ranch. I’d like to throw your arrogant ass off the place. But it would hurt your parents. Still, as soon as this welcoming party is over and you’ve visited a few days, staying strictly at your folks’ house, then you will take your family and go. Understood?” He shoved Nate back into one of the chairs.

“Yeah. I might have known big brother would come to her rescue. Silly woman. It’s not—”

Mitch pulled him up and punched him in the jaw.

“What the hell was that for?” Nate asked.

“Watch your mouth when talking about my sister. She’s intelligent, kind, hardworking, and loved by many of us. I won’t be the only one after you if you bad-mouth her.”

Nate glared at Mitch, rubbed his jaw, and strode out the door without another word.

“Good riddance,” Mitch said and slammed the door. Daren and their wife, Sara, came hurrying to the office.

Sara flew to his side. “Are you all right? I’ve never heard you slam a door before.”

“Nate pissed me off. He used an arrogant attitude when talking about the whole business. I’m sure it made hearing about his marriage more painful for Rae. Then he had the nerve to start bad-mouthing her to me. I punched him.”

“That’s good,” Daren said. “I don’t have to go find him and do it myself. What about the welcoming party tonight? Everyone is going to expect to see the whole family. You think Rae can handle it?”

“I’ll check with her,” Sara offered. “I have an idea she’ll go to make the others think she’s fine with his return and him being married. She has a lot of pride.”

Mitch smiled at her. “And you’ve given me an idea. I’m going to make a phone call.”

“We know when to leave,” Daren said. He put his arm around Sara. “Come on, darlin’. We’re not wanted here.” He winked at his brother as they strolled out.

Mitch checked his phone list for Caedmon Quinlain’s name. Cad had told him Nate would be returning and to call him if needed. He’d also warned Mitch that he and his cousin intended to marry Rae. Mitch hadn’t said much at the time. Without it being said, it was understood that Rae had to agree.

But if Rae came to the party on Cad’s arm it would put everyone’s mind to rest about Nate and her. Plus, Mitch wanted to see the interaction between Cad and his sister.

Cad had also talked about the three tribes meeting and that the marriage between him, Rae, and his cousin would be the bridge to bringing the tribes back together.

The winds of change were stirring. Mitch felt it in his bones. But whether the changes would be good or not had yet to be determined.

Mitch called Cad’s cell phone number. Cad picked up on the second ring.

“I’ve been expecting your call,” Cad said.

“You have good psychic powers.”

“I do. How is Rae?”

“I’m not sure. She left before I had a chance to speak with her. But she knows. Nate was an ass. He had an arrogant attitude. I imagine she’s upset. Look, the reason I called is they’re having a welcome-home party at Nate’s parents’ home tonight. I don’t know if we can get you here in time, but Rae needs to go to that party and hold her head up high. For her own pride if nothing else.”

“And if I was with her then the others will think she wasn’t missing Nate at all.”

Mitch chuckled. “Something like that. Just remember she has free will about who she marries.”

“I’m in Lovettville. I got here last night.”

“You are prepared. I’ll give you the directions to her house. We’ll let your arrival be a surprise.” Mitch put his phone down.

He’d go tell Sara the plans, but he’d emphasize she should not mention Cad to Rae. Hopefully tonight wouldn’t be a disaster.

He liked Cad though. He was calm, coolheaded, and just might be able to handle Rae. But he didn’t know anything about the cousin. Daren, the Priestess, and Mitch had to talk about whether they wanted to reunite with the third tribe. There were lots of questions and few answers.

Chapter Two


Rae slipped on her short silver dress. The metallic material rippled when she walked, creating an illusion of waves moving across her body. Her high-heeled silver sandals were by the bed ready to be put on. Mitch had insisted she must attend this welcome-home party and hold her head high. He was right, of course. Looking sexy was her best defense, and smiling. Which was going to be harder.

Leaning closer to the mirror, she practiced her smile. It came across as a grimace. She wished she had a few minutes to go to her meditation room and work on calming the feelings rioting through her body.

Her doorbell rang. She glanced at her watch. It was later than she had thought. She still had to braid her hair. Mitch, Sara, and Daren would have to wait for her.

Rae swung the door open. “Mitch—”

Caedmon Quinlain flashed her a smile and stepped inside. “Hello, Rae.”

She looked behind him, still expecting to see Mitch and the others. Turning, she frowned at Cad. “What the hell are you doing here?”

He put his finger across her lips. “Such language for a lovely lady. You must be very upset from Nate’s news.”

“I am not upset with anyone but you. You can’t come waltzing into my house unexpected.”

“Mitch thought surprising you might be best. I can’t imagine you want to attend the gathering tonight without an escort.”

“And Mitch picked you?”

Cad bowed his head. A slight smile hovered around his firm, sensuous lips. His black jacket fit snug across his broad shoulders, and his lean hips and long legs were encased in matching slacks. His cultured voice and worldly poise would make any woman look at him twice. Her reaction to him annoyed her.

“I’m not ready,” Rae grumbled as she started toward her bedroom. “I have to braid my hair.”


She swung around to face him. “What did you say?”

His glance slid over her body, sending a wave of heat from her center outward.

“Obviously you want to look sexy. Men love long hair.” He strolled up to her and his fingers moved through the long strands. Leaning forward, he breathed deep.

Rae had to hold herself rigid to hide the tremors his touch generated inside her body. What was it with this man that he could reduce her to a puddle of desire with one look or touch?

“Hair like cool silk and that smells like sunshine ignites a fire in a man.”

Pulling abruptly away from him, she turned and almost ran to her room. She heard his soft chuckle.

Damn the man. I can’t seem to resist him. And I have to. I’m not going to be vulnerable to a man ever again.

Rae put on her shoes and ran a brush through her hair. She hated to admit it, but maybe he was right. Her hair glistened in the light and curled around her neck and down her back.

Eat your heart out, Nate.

She saw the flash of fire in Cad’s eyes when she returned to the living room. He studied her from the top of her head to her shiny silver shoes.

“Perfect.” He put out his arm. “Let’s go to the party.”

The look in his eyes and his words brought some of her usual confidence back. She reached in her coat closet and pulled out a white wrap. Cad took it and swung it around her shoulders. He stood at her back for a second longer than necessary. His spicy cologne mixed with his own particular scent filled her head. A coil of desire stirred in her lower abdomen. She stepped away and walked to the door.

“Shall we go?”

His eyes mocked her. He was aware of his effect on her and enjoyed seeing her reactions.

Although the days were getting warmer, the temperature at night still dropped significantly. Cad’s car heater felt good. She directed him to Nate’s parents’ house. Cars were parked in the driveway and along the road.

“We aren’t the first,” Cad commented.

“But we’re just on time.” Rae pulled the visor down and checked her makeup and hair.

“You look beautiful.” His husky voice was like a warm caress.

Cad went around and opened her door. As she stood, he put his hands on her shoulders.

“There’s one more thing you need before we go inside.” His arms wrapped around her, and his lips captured hers. He tasted of mint and a faint hint of bourbon. She fit against his hard body like a missing piece of a puzzle. He’d surprised her. For a minute she let herself relish his taste and touch until she realized where she was and what she was doing.

Rae pushed him back. “I didn’t say you could kiss me.”

“I didn’t ask. Now you have more color in your face. Let’s go greet Nate and his family.”

Not sure how to respond, she didn’t. Cad took her arm and led her to the door. Almost immediately they were welcomed and brought inside to join the happy crowd.

Nate’s mom hugged her. “It’s good to see you, Rae. You are as beautiful as ever. Who is this handsome gentleman?”

Rae introduced Cad. Nate’s mother wrinkled her brow and stared at him.

“I think I saw you on television. You’re an attorney and one of your high-profile cases was televised.”

Cad shrugged. “I prefer for that not to happen, but the judge agreed.”

“You were wonderful. I’d want you on my side if I needed a criminal attorney. I haven’t heard about any of your cases lately.”

“I’m semiretired. I have other interests.” He pointedly glanced at Rae.

“Ah, lucky girl,” Nate’s mom said. “Come, let me introduce you to the rest of our guests.”

Annoyed that Cad had indicated she was his main interest, Rae reluctantly followed behind. But she did remember to smile. This was going to be a difficult evening.

Finally finished with most of the introductions, Rae and Cad were left standing by the buffet table. Rae had surveyed the room, but Nate and his wife were nowhere to be seen. Guests were still arriving and the room was getting packed. Mitch, Sara, and Daren waved and joined them.

“Looks like tons of good food,” Daren said and reached for a stuffed mushroom.

Sara came to stand on Rae’s left side. Cad was on her right filling a small plate for her with too many tasty hors d’oeuvres.

“Stop. I won’t be able to eat that much.”

“You probably haven’t eaten all day. Try.”

“Has anyone told you how bossy you are?”

“Often.” His half smile speeded her heart rate again.

Voices raised and someone clapped. Rae looked around to see Nate, a petite, blonde woman, and a small boy had joined the welcome-home crowd. People made a ring around them to each get a turn to speak with the family.

Rae gasped as though she’d received a punch in her midsection. Sara and Cad both stepped closer. Her brothers moved in front of her to hide her from anyone looking their way. She had to smile at the sudden protective gestures.

“Thank you, but I’m really all right. It was just the initial shock of seeing his child. I’m over him, really.” She looked at Mitch and Daren. “Don’t look so fierce.”

Daren grinned and nodded at Cad. “Better include him in that admonishment.”

She turned and caught the same expression that her brothers wore on Cad’s face. “Stand back. I don’t want the other guests to think I need protection.” Rae pulled her shoulders back, put a smile on her face, and took hold of Cad’s arm.

“Good for you,” Cad said under his breath.

His approval gave her more strength. The crowd thinned back from Nate and his wife. Nate saw her. He took his son’s and wife’s hands and started to walk toward Rae.

This was it. Everyone’s eyes looked in their direction. She was on stage.

No one must know how hurtful his surprise had been to her. In another time, back on her home planet billions of miles away, she’d have been a princess. Tonight, she’d show that side of herself.

Nate’s wife was pretty and had a pleasant smile. Her blonde hair was short and curly, and she wore a short, silky dark-blue dress. Their son was a small image of his father except he had his mother’s blue eyes.

“I’m so glad you all came,” Nate said, nodding to Mitch, Daren, Rae, and the others. He gave a quizzical glance to Cad. “Have we met?”

Mitch made the introduction. Cad stepped forward and shook Nate’s hand, and then moved back beside Rae. He put Rae’s arm around his, and his hand over hers. Nate’s eyes followed the motion. He glanced at Rae, then turned to his family.

“This is my wife, Linda, and my son, Nathaniel.”

Linda smiled and greeted each of them. When she came to Rae, she looked directly at her and spoke.

“I’m so glad to meet you. Nate told me what good friends you were growing up. I envy you having that time with him. Perhaps we could have lunch in town one day while we’re here.”

Rae wanted to glare at Nate. He’d not told his wife the truth of their relationship. Her smile started to slip, but Cad squeezed her hand, reminding her of all the others watching.

“Thank you for your gracious offer. I’m sorry I won’t be able to accept. I’m leaving tomorrow to visit a dear friend in Oregon. It’s been too long since we got together.” She looked beyond Linda to Nate. “You remember Jewel Camilius, don’t you?”

“Yes. She was your best friend in high school.”

“Right. We keep in touch and visit each other.”

“Perhaps the next time we visit then.”

Rae nodded. She was thankful when Nathaniel pulled on his daddy’s hand and asked for a drink. The three moved on, and Rae took a deep breath.

“You did well,” Cad whispered in her ear.

“This is the first I heard of a trip to Oregon,” Daren said, a teasing look in his eyes.

“You recovered beautifully,” Sara praised her. “I don’t know if I could think of an answer that quickly.”

“Oh yes, you could,” both Mitch and Daren answered. They all laughed.

“Actually I had been considering visiting Jewel. I haven’t called her. Hopefully she won’t mind a visitor.”

Cad handed her another plate of hors d’oeuvres. “I dumped the other one. Eat. We can’t leave yet.”

She reached for the plate, and their hands brushed. A familiar jolt ran up her arm. She stared into his deep-set golden eyes, then shook her head and took the plate.

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