Comanche Haven (The Loflin Legacy: Book 1) (36 page)

Read Comanche Haven (The Loflin Legacy: Book 1) Online

Authors: Catherine Wolffe

Tags: #romance, #love, #mystery, #texas, #sex, #horse, #historical, #passion, #medicine, #woman, #victorian, #cowboy, #ranch, #suspence, #indian, #steamy, #making love, #western frontier, #comanche

BOOK: Comanche Haven (The Loflin Legacy: Book 1)
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Charles glanced over to Ty, who stood
post at the window. “Ty, can I offer you some coffee? It’s made
just like you like it with lots of chicory.”

Ty shifted his gaze briefly from the
street to Charles. “I’d like a cup.” His quick smile disappeared as
he turned back to the window.

Celia again noted the tension in the
room and thought briefly, about why they all seemed on edge. Why
was everyone on edge?

You know, it’s been too
long since we’ve had the chance to sit and enjoy a visit.” Charles
turned pointedly to Celia and took her hand formally in his. “I’d
like to congratulate the bride. Mrs. Loflin, welcome to the
family.” He winked at Seth as he dropped his head and came within a
hair’s breathe of her knuckles. Raising his head, he shoved at
several strains of rich, dark hair that feel in his

Thank you, Mr. Harrison.”
She gave him her most polished smile.

Seth and I are like
brothers. We’ve known each other since we were kids. I would be
pleased if you’d call me Charles. I feel like I already know you.
Seth has told me so much about you.”

Charles it is then.” Her
eyes warmed before she glanced at her husband. “I’m afraid you have
me at a slight disadvantage though, Charles. Seth hasn’t had the
opportunity to tell me much about you.” Her jaw set as she gave her
husband another good glare. “You’ll have to tell me all about your
adventures growing up with my husband. And please, call me

Charles straightened in his chair. His
dark brown eyes gleamed with her invitation. “Certainly, Celia,
more coffee?”

She presented her cup for him to

There’s really not much to
tell. My paw owned the ranch next to the Shooter. As young boys do,
we kept the trails between the ranches hot. We were always into
something.” Charles glanced at Maggie then and smiled with
affection. “This lady has run me out of her kitchen so many times.
I feel like, even now, I should step outside and wipe my boots
before entering again.” Charles chuckled to himself.

Did your father raise
cattle?” Celia inquired politely.

Yes, he did. The Switching
J was his dream. However, more years than not, the ranch barely
broke even. After my maw died, paw never was the same.” He looked
away as if reining in some thought.

Celia reached out then and gave
Charles’ hand a gentle pat. “If we’re family, then you must come by
the ranch more often. You’re invited to dinner as soon as we
return.” Glancing at her husband for agreement, she looked into
cool blue steel. Celia sighed quietly. Again, he seemed to be
concerned. She could only imagine what had sparked this new bout of

Well, thank you then,
Celia.” Charles beamed. “I’d be delighted to visit. I must say,
it’s been too long since I’ve been to the ranch.” Glancing over at
the housekeeper, Charles gave the older woman a mischievous wink.
“Maggie makes the best buttermilk pie I’ve ever had. I can’t visit
too often, ‘cause I’d lose my girlish figure.” Patting his belly,
Charles laughed at his own humor before turning serious again. “I
have to tell you, it was Seth’s dad who made sure I stayed in
school. If it hadn’t been for Earl’s help I most likely would’ve
ended up a drifter.” He glanced at Seth.

She saw some long ago truth pass
between them.

Earl saw to it that all
three of us got an education. He had his eye on West Point for Seth
and me. Ty was destined for Savannah. The three of us weren’t so
sure about his plans, but in the end Earl had his way.” Charles’s
dark brown hair glinted in the sunlight filtering through the
patterned glass windows.

Celia noticed how his mouth curved in a
smile that lit his eyes as he remembered.

He always did,” Seth
murmured into his cup.

Charles glanced at his old friend and
nodded without inflection.

There was a pull of secrets, with the
flick of a look that passed between them.

To draw the conversation away from what
she considered dangerous territory, she offered her gratitude.
“Charles, we all want to thank you for what you’ve done. Your
considerable efforts are most appreciated.”

Don’t mention it.” Charles
waved away her words. “I owe the Loflins’ quite a bit. So anything
I can do to help is my pleasure.”

She considered the men. They’d known
each other for the better part of their lives and she had to agree
with Charles when he said they were more family than not. Maybe it
took more than blood to make a family.

Is everything all right
dear?” Maggie patted her on the hand.

Yes, Maggie, just
daydreaming again, gets me in trouble more times than not.” She
gave the housekeeper a consoling squeeze with her own fingers.
“Everything’s fine.”

Again, as Celia glanced from one person
to another in the tidy little office, she could see that everything
wasn’t all right. The hairs on her nape tingled and she glanced
toward the window where Ty hadn’t budged since they’d arrived. Even
though the friends now spoke of nothing more than the weather, she
knew something wasn’t right. She could cut the tension with a
knife. A loud shout went up outside on the nearby street singling
the stage’s arrival. The three men moved to the front door. She
couldn’t hear what they were saying, but their eyes had taken on
the watchful lookout for danger. Whatever was said had them tensing
and checking their weapons. Reaching for their Stetsons, Celia
considered what a formidable team Charles and her husband made as
they holstered their guns and readied to meet the train.

Seth glanced up and down the street
before turning back into the room. “Stay here.” His eyes met hers
and for an instant locked with such intensity, she froze. She
wanted to race to him and fling herself in his arms, telling him
all the things she’d wanted to tell him for so long. But just as
quickly as his desire had appeared it was masked by the hard, cold
glare of a man with intentions to do harm and brooked no argument.
The heat of his stare scorched her right down to her toes.
Wondering at his ability to undermine her control so completely,
she looked away. The very idea that he should give her orders, she

We’ll be back soon.”
Settling his Stetson on his head, he looked over at his brother.
“Ty, keep a close eye out.” With that, he turned and disappeared
behind Charles.


Chapter 11

Standing For the Innocent

Children ran laughing and shouting
alongside the stage.

The Wells Fargo Whip called out the
stop. “Tyler. Thirty minute stop. Don’t be late.” Jumping nimbly
down from the seat, the whip opened the door of the stage and
settled a set of wooden steps under it.

She’s very beautiful – your
new wife.” Charles smiled with mischief dancing in his dark brown

Seth noted Charles rocked back and
forth on his heels, an action he knew meant Charles was up to
mischief. He cut Charles a stoic look. “Yes, she is very beautiful.
It would be nice if this all worked out.” He watched the
pedestrians as he spoke, the whole while stroking the hammer of his

It would be a shame if
anything happened to her.” Charles cut his companion an empathetic

Seth was having none of Charles’
bating. “Nothing’s going to happen to her. She’s with me and that’s
all anybody needs to know. She’s mine.”

Oh absolutely.” Charles
nodded for his friend’s benefit. “Just remember your part in this
little drama and everything will turn out fine. You’ll see.”
Charles met his friend’s steady eyes head on and winked mockingly
before turning his attention to the man getting out of the

Seth mulled over Charles’s comments and
could only deduce that his friend was pleased with his little part
in this charade. Surely, Charles wasn’t poking fun at the

He cut his friend a sidelong glance as
Charles sought out the representative from the Bureau of Indian
Affairs. It hadn’t escaped him that Charles had pulled some strings
to get the man to Tyler on such quick notice. He knew the
bureaucracy involved in requesting a government agent to travel to
a remote location and investigate Indian troubles. “Thanks for
contacting the agent and getting him out here so quickly,” Seth
interjected as they waited for the man to clear the

No thanks necessary.”
Charles’ eyes focused on the man disembarking the dusty conveyance.
“Ah, this must be him now.”

He resembled a crumpled piece of brown
paper that someone decided to unfold as he tried to smooth his vest
back into place. The suit he wore was nutmeg-brown, nearly the
color of his skin. He wore the same regal expression Celia was want
to present Seth with more times than not. The man was Comanche, no
doubt, evident in the prominent nose set in a square face with high
cheekbones. He wore his dark hair tied in a thong under his dark
brown derby. From eyes as black as coal, he sought out Seth and
Charles. Though obviously travel worn, he moved with authority when
he deduced who they were. Extending his hand in a firm shake, the
Indian representative greeted them both.

Mr. White-Hawk, I’m Charles
Harrison. I appreciate you coming all this way to see

No thanks necessary, Mr.
Charles, it’s my job.” His keen eyes never left

Seth couldn’t help sizing up the agent
and found that he liked the determined, straight forward attitude
White-Hawk displayed so readily.

Making the introductions, Charles
extended his hand toward Seth. “This is Seth Loflin. His wife is
the woman I wired you about.”

Nodding, White-Hawk shook Seth’s hand.
“I’d like the opportunity to see the evidence you have to show me
as well as speak with Mrs. Loflin if that’s possible.”

Absolutely, my wife and I
are grateful to you for coming all this way.”

White-Hawk smiled and bowed stoically.
“As I said before, it is my job. Please, may we go?”

Gathering the agent’s bags, they made
their way back to Charles’ office.

I understand that we may
have multiple murders on our hands.” White-Hawk said and Charles
went about describing the situation while they walked.

As Seth listened to Charles explain, he
considered White-Hawk’s eyes and found that his name fit him
perfectly. Those hawk-like eyes sought Seth out as he listened to
the problem they faced.

Back at the office, Charles made the
introductions. “Mrs. Loflin, this is Mr. White-Hawk, the Indian
agent I contacted.”

Mr. White-Hawk, it’s a
pleasure to meet you.” She offered her hand.

The agent took it and bowed out of
respect for her Indian heritage. “The pleasure is mine Mrs. Loflin.
But, please, call me Hawk.”

I appreciate you’re coming
here, Hawk.”

You’re more than welcome. I
am glad to be of service. This is my first trip to Texas and the
trip was interesting. I am part Comanche myself.” He said something
in his native tongue.

She answered in kind and smiled

Seth found the exchange bothered him.
He stared hard at White-Hawk. The man hadn’t been in their company
more than five minutes and he was already flirting with Seth’s
wife. Agreement, be damned, he’d have none of it. He was too bold
for Seth’s liking. With a silent oath, he turned in the direction
of Charles’ kitchen with the excuse of finding something stronger
than coffee.

Before he was able to reach the
kitchen, Celia’s sweeter than necessary voice called to him.
“Darling, would you get Mr. Hawk a whiskey? I fear the trip has
beaten the poor man to pieces.”

She smiled so sweetly at Hawk Seth
swore she dripped sugar from her fingertips. A small rumble built
in his throat. If he didn’t throttle her, he’d certainly tan her
hide when he got back to the hotel with her. She would think twice
before tempting him with first his best friend and now a perfect
stranger. With the image of her thrown across his knee, he
disappeared into the kitchen wondering what cutlery Charles had in
his cabinet drawers.

The agent seated himself on the
opposite side of the ladies and wasted no time getting down to
business. “Now I understand that there have been threats made by
the Texas Rangers against you. Is that correct?”

Yes, I wasn’t present at
the time, but from what Seth told me, Mr. Brannon would take me by
force if necessary. He seems to think I can lead him to my cousin,
Red Bear.”

And can you?” Hawk asked

Since I am half-Comanche,
Mr. Brannon feels confident that I will do as ordered, but I have
no solid idea where my cousin is presently camping. He could be
anywhere.” Celia waved her hand, demonstrating the vast area of
wilderness surrounding the small town.

The Indian agent pursed his mouth and
shook his head briefly. “The Rangers power is far reaching, but not
beyond the limit of the law. The most he could do if you refused is
send you to a reservation. It’s not within his power to use you as
a guide or scout without your permission. Mr. Charles tells me that
you’ve recently married.” Hawk looked from Celia to Seth. “My
congratulations.” Hawk inclined his head.

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