Color Her Red (18 page)

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Authors: Crystal Shaw

BOOK: Color Her Red
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“I was stupid Emma.  I started sleeping with her, off and on for about a month.  It was just like every other woman.  I would go out.  She would find me there and we would have sex.  That was all there was to it.”  I take another sip of tea.  I don’t want to think about my husband sleepin
g with someone else, let alone hoards of women.

“And then she would show up all the time.  It wasn’t my style to see the same girl over and over again.  I didn’t want a relationship.  So I told her that.  That’s when she freaked out.  That’s all there is to it.
”  I don’t respond; he’s eyeing me trying to gauge my reaction.  I finally collect my thoughts.

“And after her, you started seeing m
e.  Do you think that’s why you wanted a serious relation-” He cuts me off angrily.

“Jesus Emma.  No.  Why would you think that?”

“I just… I don’t know.  You went from her to me.”  He tilts his head in confusion.  I didn’t even realize that I had made that connection until I said it aloud. 
Is that why he dated me?  He felt guilty?

“No, I didn’t.  For Christ sake, I fucked a girl the night that I saw her in the hospital.”  I gape at his response. 
What a dick.
I am appalled but at the same time I feel a wave of angst leave my body.

“Emma, I don’t know how to explain it to you.”  He sighs.  “When I saw you, I wanted you.  I wanted to fuck you, but I wanted more too.”  His voice is calm and low, full of sincerity.  “It had nothing to do with anyone else.  I wanted you, and you didn’t want me.  It made me curious.”

“Curious?”  I blush a little and squirm a bit in my seat. 

“Yes, I wanted to know more about you.  And the more I got to know you, the more I wanted you.”  He puts a consoling hand on my knee.   

“But you never tried to have sex with me.”  I bite my lip remembering how he turned me down. 

“Yes I did.  As soon as you offered I jumped on you.  It just took you a while, a long damn while.  A whole fucking month of no sex.” 

“But you turned me down.  On our third date I wanted you to come up stairs and you turned me down.” He looks confused at first and then he laughs.

“Emma, you were drunk.  I shouldn’t have let you have so much wine.”  I put my mug down on the counter and let a small smile slip.

“That’s why you said no?”

“Yes, what did you think?  I didn’t want to take advantage of you.” 

I feel the tension leave my body and the anger dissipates.  He did want me, he was just being a gentleman. 

“Would you have still wanted me if we hadn’t waited a whole month?”  Curiosity has gotten the best of me.

“Of course.  After you asked me about my reputation, I figured I shouldn’t push you.  But after seeing you, dancing with everyone watching,” he moves closer to me, “you have no idea how much I wanted to make you mine.  If I was a dog, I would have pissed circles around you.”  I smile shyly at his response and wrap my legs around him.  “I felt guilty taking you back to my place.  I thought I was pressuring you.”  I shake my head at him.  He didn’t pressure me at all.  He responds as if reading my mind, “When I saw your lingerie, I knew you wanted me.”  I smile and playfully kiss him.  Thinking about our first night together makes me giddy and hot. 

“Are you satisfied now?  Will you stop questioning me?”  I feel a pang of guilt
halting the heat wave rushing through my body.  I nod my head.  He pulls me to him and kisses me. 

“Good.  D
on’t bring it up again.” 

“I promise I won’t.”  I smile as he kisses my forehead. 





“YOU RENTED A PORSCHE?”  I’m staring at a ridiculous two-seater convertible.  It’s a very nice car, but a little more than over the top and entirely unnecessary.

“Of course, if I’m going to drive, I mi
ght as well drive something nice.”  I shake my head at him. Thomas has decided that Michael should have the night off.

“All right Mr. Extravagant, where are we going?”  He looks amused.

“I thought we could go to Bloody Mary’s for dinner.”  I smile shyly at him.  I’ve spent most of the day on the beach while he has been in the office of the resort, working.  I don’t think he understands what a vacation entails.

“I think I would enjoy that.”  I give him a small kiss on the cheek as he opens my door for me.  I have a new sense of confidence knowing that the only reason he ever turned me down was becaus
e I was drunk, but I also feel a bit guilty for asking him about his past.  As we drive down the road, I come up with an idea to make it up to him.

“Could we rent a boat tonight?”

“A boat?”  He looks at my quizzically. 

“Yes, I want to make love to you on the water… to make up for this morning.  I feel bad about everything.”  He smiles at me and puts his hand on my knee.

“I have other plans.”  He looks at me with a devilish grin. 

“Oh?”  He makes me nervous when he looks at me with those wolfish eyes.  He just continues to smile, not giving anything away.

“You look beautiful in your dress.” 

“Thank you.”  I give him a shy smile. 
The dress is actually a little small and tight around my tummy for my liking.  It makes me feel a bit bulgy, but if he likes it then I am happy.  “You look handsome, as you always do.”  I enjoy the low hum of a sweet song playing on the radio and lay my head back, wondering what my husband has in store for me.

It’s not a long drive to Bloody Mary’s.  The entrance looks like a tiki hut, with a straw roof and a primitive wooden sign.  The lighting is romantic; the room is air
y with sand covering the dirt floor and palm trees lining the walls.  I squeeze Thomas’ hand with delight.  We sit on palm trunk semi circle bench at a table in the back.  I scoot into the back and Thomas follows me, his hand gracing my knee as he leans in and gives me a small kiss on the cheek.  As soon as we sit, Thomas orders us each a Bloody Mary and Blackened Tuna for dinner.  I don’t mind that he orders, he usually orders for both of us, and besides, it sounds delicious.

As the waiter leaves us Thomas rests his hand on my thigh, pullin
g my dress slightly up.  I gasp, quickly moving to push his hand away.

“Don’t deny me,” he whispers in a low and threatenin
g tone.  I inhale quickly.  He’s punishing me, in public.  This is new, my blood heats in anticipation.  I bite my lip and pull my hands away letting them rest on the seat beside me.  Thomas leans in close, his hot breath on my neck.  “I’m going to make you come.”  I hold my breath looking at his blue eyes.

“I don’t know if I can … here.”  We’ve never done anything like this before.  I feel
nervous and at the same time I’m wet at the thought of him pleasuring me.  “I don’t want anyone to see Thomas.”  My eyes plead with him.

“Do you think I would let anyone see?”  His blue eyes
pierce me, warning me not to question him.  No, he wouldn’t.  I shake my head.  “Just control yourself.  Don’t you dare moan.” 

I nod, biting my lip, and keeping my eyes on Thomas.  He nonchalantly
picks up the wine list with his free hand while his other hand moves back to my thigh, pushing my dress out of his way.  I reach for a wine list also and pretend as though I am studying it.  As his fingers reach my panties, he gives me a devilish smile.

“I’m glad you wore lace.”  With his eyes still on me his
pushes his fingers through the lace, ripping them, and he enters me.  I part my lips to moan but his other hand reaches my lips.  “No moaning, Baby.  I don’t want anyone to know.”  He looks back down at the wine list after glancing around the room.  I look also, no one is watching.  I let out a small gasp as he hits my sweet spot.  His thumb starts rubbing against my clit and I have to grab his arm to keep myself up right.  His meticulous expertise brings me closer and closer to my erotic release.

“Thomas, I don’t know if I can handle this.”  I plead with him and he stops.  My body tenses.  I need my release.  I was so close.  My body aches. 

“Alright then.”  He looks at me, with a wild and pleased grin.  He knows exactly what he is doing. 
No!  Don’t leave me like this.

“Please, I need you.”

“I thought you said you couldn’t handle it?”  He smiles as he takes the Bloody Mary from the waiter.  I straighten up and blush.  I don’t think the waiter has a clue, I glance around the room, no one is watching.  I feel so scandalous.  I want him bad; I need his touch.

“I want you.”  I whisper to him.

“What do you want me to do?”

“I want you to fuck me.”

“Isn’t that a bit shameless?  We’d have an audience.”  He’s teasing me.  I bite my lip again, holding back my mixed emotions. 

“I don’t like this.”  I feel a rush of sadness.  I don’t know why exactly, probably more from my frustration and orgasm denial than anything else.  Thomas straightens in his seat and looks at me; his eyes are full of concern. 

“Tell me what you want me to do.”  He looks sincere.  I think if I told him to turn me around and fuck me on the table, he might.  I don’t know what to say.  I really don’t know what I want.  I’m afraid I’m going to moan in front of everyone.

“I want t
o come.”  Thomas grabs my waist, pulling me closer to him, and quickly inserts his fingers back inside me, hitting my spot, sending a sweet sensation of ecstasy through my body.  I start to moan but his lips stop me and then he pulls away.  His other hand moves to my back, holding me up.

“You’re going to come
quietly Emma.  Do you understand?”  I nod my head concentrating hard on keeping my body still and my noises to a minimum.  His rhythm picks up and I resist the urge to arch my back.  My eyes meet his; he’s watching me, waiting for me to release.

“You’re so close.”  He glances around the room
, looking as though nothing is out of the ordinary, and then his eyes fall on me again.  “Come for me.”  His words send me over; my body gently shakes in pure ecstasy.  I hardly have a moment to enjoy my orgasm; I’m shamelessly aware that there are at least forty other people in the restaurant.

I readjust myself in my seat and look around the room cautiously; no one is watching.  I smile shyly at Thomas.  He’s wiping his fingers on his napkin.  I feel my cheeks redden.  I can’t believe we just did that. 

“Better?” he asks me with a smug grin.

“Much better.” 
I feel warm all over, enjoying the aftermath of the intense sensation.

“I wasn’t planning on letting you go.”  I raise my eyebrows in surprise.  “I was going to make you squirm.”

“That’s mean,” I pout.  “I’m glad you didn’t.  I don’t think I could’ve handled it.”  He smiles.

“You can handle more than you think.”  I blush at his response.




  I’m gently swaying in my seat, completely sated in every possible meaning of the word.  “I want another Bloody Mary.”  Thomas is amused. 

“I think four is plen
ty.”  His smug grin is still plastered across his face. 
Have I already had four?

“So Thomas, would you like to come up stairs for some coffee?”  I’m still enjoying the confidence booster from finding out that Thomas did in fact want to sleep with me the night he turned me down.  Seeing as how I am obviously a bit tipsy at the moment I intend to take full advantage and ac
t out the scene how it should’ve played out. 

re my wife now, Mrs. Grant.  I think I would enjoy taking you up on that offer.”  He signals for the check and gives me his handsome smile. 

When I get up from my sturdy seat am I hit with a wave of unforgiving gravity, almost making me tumble over
, but Thomas catches me just in time, holding my waist to him.  He lets out a small laugh.

“Maybe I should have made you stop at three.”  He whispers in my ear and brings me to my feet.  I huff.

“I’m fine, now let’s get home so you can take advantage of me.”  Thomas shakes his head but doesn’t lose his sex god grin. 

My heels sink in the sand as we walk out of the restaurant.  I’m not sur
e how I was able to walk in these heels when we arrived here but it has, for some unknown reason, become more difficult.  I reach down and kick them off, not so graciously bending over to retrieve them, and decide to carry them in my hand.  Thomas shakes his head and lets out a small snicker.  I glance around, now people are watching. 
Sorry folks, you already missed the main act!

He opens the door and gently sets me in the passenger side of the ridiculous Porsche he rented.  Rubbing the interior leather, I’m suddenly finding the car quite a turn on.  He opens the driver side door and slides in, putting the key into the ignition. I can’t resist climbing over the stick shift and leaning into him.

“How about here,” I whisper in his ear in the sexiest voice I know.  I sit up straight both knees on his seat with my feet on the passenger seat just barely propping me up.  I pull my dress up just enough to show a little of my thigh and I bite my lip.  The roof is still down, giving me plenty of room to tease him.

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