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“A slipped disc and a pinched nerve,” Charlotte sighed, placing another bouquet of flowers by my bedside. “Heath Lawrence, you are a very lucky man.”



“These bullet-proof vests don’t work like in the movies,” I chuckled before a bolt of pain shot through my back. I slumped back down on the hospital bed. “The only thing lucky about me is that I have you.”



Charlotte blushed as Megan placed another group of get-well gifts next to the bed.



“They’re going to have to pull double shifts hauling all these gifts in,” Megan giggled. “It’s a good thing you have Charlotte as your personal nursemaid.”



“I’m his tutor, not his nursemaid,” Charlotte declared in mock anger. “Heath has a dozen nurses outside who are fawning over him. Ask one of them for help.”



I smiled. “No one can replace you, Charlotte.”



“If you’re going steady, then that leaves the rest of the women to us,” Dave joked elbowing Ryan in the ribs. The drummer blushed at the thought. “I’m sure a million fan girls are praying for your speedy recovery.”



I rolled my eyes at the bassist. “Your funeral, man. Take them off my hands.”



A serious look appeared on Dave’s face. “That was a damn brave thing you did back there Heath. Stupid but brave.”



“Who hasn’t done something astonishingly stupid to impress a pretty girl?” Tyler said with a smile. Charlotte turned flush at the compliment. “We’ve all been there, man.”



Ryan was more solemn. “Word on the street is that the CEO of Sterling Records himself flew here after hearing what happened.”



Dave groaned. “Damn, the big man himself, Simon McDowell, is coming here.”



“It’s a pretty big scandal,” Charlotte said. “The record company is leaking like a sieve. The news is going on about how Jared embezzled money. At least they don’t know about the kidnapping. I could do without the drama.”



Tyler sighed. “It’s only going to get worse from here. I’ve kept my ear to the ground this past week and it sounds like Jared is lawyering up. He’s planning a pair of civil suits against Sterling Records and Heath.”



Charlotte looked dumbfounded. “After attempting to kidnap and ransom me? Not to mention stealing millions from Heath’s charities and Sterling Records.”



“What the hell?” Dave asked, sharing her disgust. “What kind of reputable lawyer defends someone who’s clearly committed multiple felonies?”



“A not so reputable one that’s taking a pro bono case to get his name in the papers,” Tyler replied. “The judge will probably throw this out before it goes to trial. However, the media is going to have a field day with this. We’re not going to be to step out without a microphone shoved to our faces for a soundbite for the evening news.”



I gave a soft laugh. “Jared said I had always overshadowed him. I guess he’s getting his wish one way or the other.”



“Having this scandal in the news won’t be good for us,” Dave murmured. “Every concert and press event will be swarmed with reporters looking out for blood. Damn, we were on a real hot streak.”



“I guess the tour is officially cancelled,” Ryan sighed. “I know it’s selfish after all that’s happening but I wanted to see the tour through the end. We were performing like men processed.”



“You really stepped up for us man,” I praised. The drummer had been a last minute addition. I turned to face the others. “You all did. I guess it’s time I stepped up as well.”



Tyler raised an eyebrow. “What’s this about, Heath?”



I smiled. “Double Damage is now going to have three additional permanent members.”



Dave stared slack-jawed at me. “You’re fucking kidding me!”



“No way, I’m going to be a part of Double Damage!” Ryan said with disbelief in his eyes. “But you’ve been solo ever since Howard died.”



“Times like these made me realize why it’s good to have friends,” I answered, glancing at Charlotte. “Besides, Double Damage isn’t much of a rock band if it’s just a lead singer and a bunch of mercenaries. We did good work this tour. We’ll do better in the next one.”



Suddenly, a distinctly Scottish voice spoke. “You should rest up first.”



An older man with a salt and pepper beard appeared in the room. He carried a candy box in one hand and a pair of flowers in the other. The others in the room stood up straight as if a military drillmaster had entered for an inspection. Even I got up from my bed.



“Simon McDowell,” Tyler said, looking slack-jawed at the big boss himself. “What are you doing here?”



“Can’t a CEO visit a sick employee?” Simon joked, placing the gift on a table. “The nurse told me to bring these in. The saltwater taffy, however, was made by my wife. How are you holding up, Heath?”



I straightened up my body. McDowell may have been a suit these days but he had been a legendary composer in his younger years. “Still trying to make heads or tails of what Jared did to my finances.”



“That makes two of us,” he sighed, taking a seat. “Jared had been playing us against each other for years. Our lawyers will bury him with the evidence we have. I always thought you were an arrogant, womanizing prick but you’ve shown you’re more than that with your recent actions.”



“I still am an arrogant prick,” I smirked before locking eyes with Charlotte. “But the womanizing part is old. If there’s anything good that’s Jared has done, it’s introducing me to Charlotte.”



As if on cue, she greeted Simon with a handshake. “Please to meet you, Mr. McDowell.”



“So you’re the one who tamed Heath Lawrence?” he said, before his smile turned into a frown. Charlotte shared his expression. She could sense her time with me was coming to an end. “I’m sorry you got caught up in the middle of this. I’ll make sure you’re compensated for your time and any emotional damage you’ve suffered.”



“Simon, what’s the legal situation on your end?” I asked. “I’m ready to put this incident behind me and just keep on making music. The media might make it difficult but I just want to perform.”



“Jared was feeding us misinformation for years, Heath,” he sighed. “We took the bait hook, link, and sinker. I feel like an idiot.”



“The feeling is mutual,” I replied. “This could’ve been avoided if I actually read the contracts I sign. He played us both.”



This entire mess could’ve been avoided I could read worth a damn. Charlotte hadn’t just taught me to read. She had fundamentally changed the type of person I was.



Simon nodded. “Nonetheless, we’ve blundered badly on our end. My lawyers will kill me for saying this, but you have every right to sue us for not protecting you from Jared.”



“I only care about my orphanages and charities,” I stated. “I don’t care about taking you over to court over Jared. Or raking you over the coals so the media can have a field day. I just want the children to be safe and happy.”



“We’ll reimburse the Howard Lane Foundation,” he replied. That was a load off my back. Megan had been scrambling to get loans to cover the money Jared had pissed away. I didn’t care if I was penniless as long as the kids were taken care of. “As for Jared, our lawyers will eviscerate him. Not to mention the criminal charges he will face.”



I had a morbid curiosity about his face. “How much time will he face in the big house?”



“He’s looking at spending the next fifty years of his life in prison,” Simon answered. “From the civil end, we’re suing him for millions of pounds in damages. It’ll be a messy trial but we’ll get him.”



Megan shook her head. “The man is penniless. He lost everything he had short-selling stocks. You’d be lucky to get a dime off of him.”



“Word has it that loan sharks are after him,” Tyler added. “Even if he could afford bail, I doubt he’d be safe outside of a prison full of armed guards.”



“Better he goes to jail than deal with mobsters,” Charlotte replied, glancing at her phone. “I just want this nightmare to- wait… damn it!”



I asked. “What wrong?”



“Jared’s lawyer leaked that you have dyslexia,” she answered with a groan. “He’s saying it made you difficult to work with and a complete idiot to boot. It’s a complete misunderstanding of dyslexia.”



“He just wants to add fuel to the fire,” Tyler replied. “Unfortunately, the media is going to eat it up.”



“Having dyslexia doesn’t make you into some villain,” Charlotte stated. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”



I took a deep breath and said to Simon. “Well, if it’s out there then we should address it. Better yet, make it into our armor.”



Simon looked confused. “Armor?”



“Let’s start an awareness campaign,” I suggested. “If I can become a rock star, then a child with dyslexia can do anything.”



Megan smiled as she began to exit the room. “You’re only as disabled as you let yourself be. Get well, Heath. I have some business to take care of.”



“You too, Megan.”



Watching my old friend leave, Simon stroked his chin. “This could work. However, you should concentrate on getting well, Heath. Everything else can wait.”



I nodded. “Agreed, I think it might be a good idea for me to take a break on the industry. The new members of Double Damage can have the spotlight. God knows they deserve it after how badly I’ve hogged it.”



“We’ll be sure to return in one piece,” Tyler said with a chuckle. He began to head out with the rest of the new Double Damage crew. “Get well, Heath. You’re the best front man I’ve ever worked with.”



I smiled as they departed. “And you three are the best damn bandmates a conceited rock star like me could ask for.”



My new bandmates left the room. They were more than just coworkers. They were men I could trust to have my back.



“Well, I guess this is it,” Charlotte began, on the verge of tears. She walked to my bedside. Fresh tears began to stain my bedsheets. “We won’t be seeing each other very much after this.”



“What the bloody hell are you talking about?” I asked in bewilderment. “You’re the best damn thing in my life. Why wouldn’t I want to spend every second of my life with you?”



“But there’s no point for me to be here,” she said between sobs, glancing at Simon. “Jared hired me as part of a sham. Why keep me when there’s reason for me to teach you?”



“That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy learning under you,” I whispered, taking her into my arms. “Besides, that GCSE isn’t going to finish itself.”



Charlotte’s eyes widened at that bombshell.



“Heath, that GCSE clause in your contract in null and void,” Simon said, raising an eyebrow. “You don’t have to take the test or prove anything to us.”



“Whoever said I was taking it for you?” I said, reveling in the stunned expression on their faces. “I’m doing it for me.”



Charlotte regained her composure but her mouth was still wide open. “You’re serious about this, aren’t you?”



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