Claimed by the Grizzly (5 page)

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Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #The Halloways

BOOK: Claimed by the Grizzly
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“That sounds great. I’ll try not to be too long.”

“Take your time. Holt and I live here in the main lodge with the rest of the Holloways. We won’t be separated again, Sidia.”

“We won’t,” she agreed. She reached out her hands, and Jaeda clasped them with hers, both of them squeezing tightly.

“Meet me downstairs when you’re ready,” Jaeda said. “We’ll grab dinner together, and I’ll introduce you to the Holloways you don’t know.”

“You know, you never really introduced me to your mate,” Sidia reminded her sister.

“Then I’ll remedy that, as well. You’ll like him so much.”

“I’m sure I will,” Sidia assured her.

“I didn’t say anything, but I like the shorter hair. It looks good on you.”

Sidia lifted a hand to brush through her short cap of curls. “Thanks. I like it.”

“Okay, I’m going,” Jaeda said with a laugh. “I’ll see you in a bit.”

“Jaeda,” Sidia called when her sister reached the door.


“I’m really glad you were here when I woke up.”

“Me, too,” Jaeda agreed and left the room.

Sidia walked into the adjoining bathroom and turned on the water, letting it get as hot as she could handle. She shucked her clothes and stepped inside. She planned to be ready when her mate returned to his home. Before the night ended, he would know he belonged to her.




Chapter Five




Koby made a beeline for his rooms when he and Laramie arrived. Jensen’s words were still ringing in his ears, about how he needed to clean up before going to his mate. Koby reeked of smoke and needed a shower to wash it all off. The last thing he wanted was to scare his mate again. He wanted to hold her, to feel her rub against his skin. Preferably with them both naked.

After his shower, he followed his mate’s scent toward the back of the lodge where the kitchen was. Though they had a larger dining room with several tables scattered around it, the family preferred to eat at the long table just off the kitchen. They’d been eating their meals there since they were boys, back when his mom, Bethany, would have been the one to greet him with a warm smile and a hot meal.

Jensen caught up to him as he crossed through the dining room.

“Heard you were back,” Jensen said then grinned. “See you took a shower. Think it’ll help?”

Koby growled which only made his brother laugh.

“You really need to loosen up,” Jensen advised. “Women prefer men who can make them laugh.”

“You’ve learned that in all your past relationships?” Koby scoffed, knowing good and well, Jensen hadn’t had a girlfriend since high school, and even then, there had never been anything serious. They all knew they needed to mate a female bear in order to continue their line. Their father had drilled it into their heads constantly, while their mother had urged them to fall in love.

“Dr. Phil,” Jensen replied, pulling Koby to a complete stop as Koby gaped at him.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding?”

Jensen just laughed and took the lead as they headed through the kitchen. Quite a crowd had gathered, but Koby’s gaze locked onto Sidia. Her hair was still damp, her skin flushed from what must have been a hot shower. She had on a snug T-shirt that displayed a nice hint of cleavage. He felt his growl of possession building and ruthlessly bit it off.

“I’ve been waiting for you.” Her husky voice reached out and cupped his balls, stroking over them with a lover’s caress until he realized she wasn’t speaking to him. She wasn’t even looking at him. Her gaze was locked on his brother. A growl did rumble from Koby’s chest then, causing Jensen’s grin to be replaced by a wary look.

“Um…good to see you up and feeling more yourself, Sidia,” Jensen said quickly. “I told them to make sure you knew there was nothing in the dart to make you worry about any long-term effects. It’s probably already flushed out of your system.”

“That’s not why I was waiting for you,” she practically purred. “I have a debt to repay.” Her gaze finally skimmed over to Koby, including him. “Both of you,” she added, and her voice went impossibly huskier, making his dick jerk against his zipper. “But you first, Jensen.”

She moved over toward them, stepping up to Jensen and reaching for his shoulders as if she were going to hug him. Koby barely held himself in check. The thought of her touching his brother when she hadn’t yet touched him made him want to sprout claws and shred something.

Sidia moved quickly, and before he or unfortunately Jensen realized her intent her knee was buried in Jensen’s groin and his brother was dropping to his knees. Koby reached in, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her back into his chest. He wasn’t sure what Jensen had done exactly, but if his brother needed a sound beating, he’d deliver it, not his mate. Sidia wasn’t done yet though.

“You lied to him, you bastard.”

“I was teasing him,” Jensen huffed, cupping his crotch and looking as if he might throw up. “It’s what brothers do.”

“You made me hurt him, you big oaf.”

“What?” Koby and Jensen both asked at the same time.

“Put me down,” she said and tapped her fingers over the back of Koby’s hand where he held her. He set her down, and she immediately turned in his embrace, so his hand rested against her back now. “In the woods, when all I could do was blink, you asked me a question.”

He remembered it vividly.

“He was going to kiss you,” Jensen thundered, pulling Sidia’s attention back to him so she half-turned in Koby’s arms. “With the blood still staining his face. I did you both a favor by avoiding that. I damn sure didn’t deserve the possibility of never fathering children.”

“That’s not the question I was referring to, asshole,” Sidia yelled.

“The mating thing? I was trying to calm him down. You’re…uh…” Jensen’s gaze darted around the room, landing on Holt and Jaeda, Laramie, Koby, then back to Sidia. “There’s been a lot going on here lately. Koby’s not been in the best frame of mind.”

“You thought to keep my mate from me as if I had anything to fear,” Sidia demanded, anger vibrating off her in waves.

Koby tightened his grip as she made to step toward Jensen again.

“Obviously, I was wrong,” Jensen muttered, scooting away from her.

“Mates, huh?” Laramie asked. “Are you sure he’s the one you want?”

Koby growled in surprise. Laramie wasn’t offering for his mate, was he? No fucking way!

Sidia stepped back into Koby until their bodies were flush against one another. There was no way she missed the blatant erection he tried to conceal from everyone else in the room.

“He’s mine,” she stated then glanced over her shoulder at him as if daring him to challenge her. Every bit of tension seemed to fade out of him at that moment. She’d chosen him.

“Say it,” he commanded.

She turned back to face him, reaching up to cup his face. “Will you protect me?”


“Will you care for me? Make sure all my needs are met?”


“Will you allow me to stay at your side? Go where you go?”

“Yes.” Koby smiled. “You’ve asked, and I’ve agreed.” He bent until their lips brushed with his next words. “You’re mine.”

“And you’re mine, Koby Holloway. Mine.” She pressed her lips to his and kissed him with a hunger that robbed him of thought.

Laramie’s loud clearing of his throat finally snapped Koby from the spell Sidia wove around them. He broke the kiss with reluctance and almost moaned when Sidia buried her nose in his neck and began marking him with her scent.

“Perhaps, the two of you should retire for what’s left of the day,” Laramie suggested. Koby realized everyone else had already cleared the room. He swept his mate up into his arms, loving the way she felt there then with a nod to his eldest brother, headed back the way he’d come.

“Mmm,” Sidia moaned as she nuzzled his neck. She licked at him and had him groaning as his dick punched against his zipper again.

He bounced her in his arms as he bounded downstairs to the lower level where he had his rooms on one end and Laramie had taken over the master suite at the opposite end. The rooms in between were empty as their brothers chose to claim rooms upstairs. Sidia laughed and held tighter to him, nipping along his jaw as he fumbled one hand free to open the door then slammed it shut with his foot. He had her on the bed under him in seconds.

Her hands were everywhere, cupping, touching and sending fire coursing through him. She grabbed his shirttail, slid her hands in until she hit the bottom button and ripped his shirt wide. Her nails trailed up his abs and over his chest while she licked and nuzzled his throat.

“God, I want you,” he groaned.

“I’ve been primed and ready since you walked out of the woods with your cock waving at me. I wanted to taste you then, to suck you deep and drown myself in your cum.”

“Fuck,” he growled and rubbed himself against the seam of her jeans. “Keep talking like that, and I’ll be ripping your clothes off.”

“Skin,” she whimpered. “I need your skin.”

She reached for the hem of her T-shirt and pulled it over her head. He reached behind to release the bra she wore, revealing her full breasts tipped with dark-pink nipples. He bent his head and sucked one hard pebble into his mouth, pulling greedily on it. Her hands raked through his hair, holding him close. Her back arched, pressing as much of her flesh as she could against his lips. He didn’t mind. He released one nipple to nibble his way over to the other. Back and forth he went until both were wet and swollen from his attentions.

He forced her fingers to release him and worked his way down her stomach, making quick work of the rest of her clothes until she was completely naked beneath him. He buried his head between her legs, licking along the seam of her sex and moaning as her taste exploded on his tongue. Sweet and juicy, she was sure to be his favorite treat from now on.

“Koby.” His name was a breathless moan spilling from her lips.

He found her clitoris and captured it with his lips, rubbing over it then around it before gently teasing it with his teeth. He moved lower, rubbing his mouth against her opening, tormenting them both with the thought of penetration. He circled her clit with his thumb, maintaining contact and keeping her on edge. When she called his name again and undulated beneath him, he gave in, fucking her tight channel with his tongue.

She came with a low-pitched moan, hands fisting in his sheets while he kept devouring her. God, he couldn’t get enough of her juices. He thrust a finger inside, working her toward another orgasm. He left sucking kisses on the insides of her thighs before returning his tongue to her opening, unable to keep from licking while he fucked her with his fingers.

“Koby,” she cried as she came again.

He rose to his knees between her sprawled thighs, ripping his jeans wide and releasing his erection. She sat up reaching for him before he could even get them all the way off. Pre-cum already coated the glans, and he almost lost his control when she ran her thumb over it, taking the fluid and rubbing it over the swollen head.

“I want to taste you,” she demanded, and he let her push him onto his back.

She took him with both hands, running her palms up and down his shaft, one hand squeezing his girth while the other swirled over the mushroomed tip. Every muscle in his body tensed as he fought the need to grab her and thrust deep. He closed his eyes, trying to hold on, and felt the brush of her tongue over his dick. His eyes flared wide, meeting hers and locking on as she licked over him again.

He moved with the fluid grace of the animal he was, rising over her and taking her to the bed beneath him. He shifted until his legs were between hers, his cock nudging her pussy. He took her mouth, their tastes colliding as he filled her with one hard thrust. Swallowing her cry, he held himself still while she adjusted to the way he felt inside her. Only when she began to wiggle beneath him, her hands encouraging him to continue, did he move again.

He took it slow and easy at first, enjoying the sensation of her snug pussy gripping his dick. She squeezed around his shaft with every thrust. She pulled him down on top of her, their bears requiring the skin-to-skin contact, though he was afraid of crushing her with his weight. He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her to him while he worked them both closer to orgasm.

“So good,” she moaned. “You feel so good.”

“Perfect, baby,” Koby agreed. “We feel perfect together.”


“Come for me again,” he said with a growl. “Let me feel your juices soak my cock before I come.”

“So close,” she panted as she clawed at his shoulders. She lifted her legs, all but climbing his sides as she lifted into every thrust. “Harder. Fuck me harder.”

He pounded into her, holding nothing back. He ground his groin against hers, knowing it would stimulate her clit and give her the extra stimulation she needed to let go. She came again with a hoarse scream, nails digging deep as she held on. He continued fucking, riding her orgasm and reaching his own. He arched his neck back, a roar ripping from his lips as spurt after spurt of cum left his dick and filled his mate’s womb. It was primal.

He felt her rubbing against him, heard the hum leaving her throat as she marked him with the unique oil she secreted only for her mate. He kept his cock buried, not wanting to allow one drop of cum to spill from her. It was his way of marking her. Sidia had just been thoroughly claimed by her grizzly mate, and he planned to do it again as soon as he could move.




Chapter Six




Sidia woke wrapped in her mate’s arms. They’d made love three more times during the night and finally collapsed in an exhausted heap. He was spooned behind her, and she felt the nudge of his erection along her ass. If she shifted just right, she might be able to maneuver it where she wanted it.

Koby’s hand slid down her stomach, his fingers slipping through her folds where she was already wet and ready. He groaned, made the adjustment for her and surged deep inside her. He moved his hand lower, caressing the inside of her thigh then lifting her top leg and placing it over his. His hand skimmed back between her thighs, his thumb rubbing her clit while he thrust.

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