Cathryn Fox (7 page)

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Authors: Regina

BOOK: Cathryn Fox
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“Tell me how much you want me,” he growled,
in the most bizarre way to hear her say it.

“I can’t seem to resist you, Carter.” The heat in her eyes licked over his flesh, and everything in the way she was looking at him spoke of emotional want. “And I want you. So badly I can’t think straight.”

Her deep, raspy voice wrapped around his heart and squeezed, as warmth and intimacy passed between them. “Good” was all he managed to get out before turning his attention to her soaked pussy.

Knowing exactly how she liked it, he ran his tongue over the sensitive nerve ending on her clit, and her entire sex fluttered. Jesus, she was so close.

“Yes,” she cried out and jangled the cuffs. “I want to touch you.”

So caught up in pleasuring her, he ignored her demands and continued to lick her beautiful cunt.

Need rumbled from deep in his throat. Jesus, the taste of her on his tongue was enough to make a sane man crazy, and he was already half-mad to begin with.

He licked her sex, tasting her sweetness until her thighs were wet from her juices. She moaned and groaned, begged and shifted restlessly, but he still wasn’t quite ready to bring her over. He spent a long time between her legs, feasting on her and pressing his lips hungrily into her sex, knowing he’d never be able to sate his need for her.

She made a soft mewling sound as he teased a finger between her swollen lips, pushing inside her tight opening just far enough to brush his fingertip over the cluster of nerves inside her.

“Yes,” she murmured in heavenly bliss as he circled her G-spot. “Oh God, Carter. Don’t stop.”

On the edge of release, she shifted and bucked, grinding her pussy against his face and forcing him in deeper. As she shamelessly took what she needed, he damn near lost his mind. Driven by sheer hunger and desperation, his tongue burrowed in deep, and when she came in his mouth, his cock throbbed and his body urged him to slam into her wet sheath, to ride her so fucking hard that she’d never again question if they belonged together. Blood pounded through his veins, making it damn hard to slow down. He muffled a curse and tried to marshal his libido as he lapped up her sweet, candied cream.

As if reading his mind, she begged, “Please, Carter. I want you inside me. I want you to fuck me hard.” The sheer urgency in her voice became his undoing and shattered his last vestige of control.

No longer able to think with any clarity, he groaned low in his throat, climbed over her, and with one quick thrust, he drove her deep into the mattress. Oh Jesus, she was so tight and so consuming it had his body convulsing and his cock racing to the finish line.

As he moved urgently over her body, she gasped and held on for the ride. Carter grabbed her legs and wrapped them around him as he went up on his elbows and began pounding into her. He fucked her with long, hard strokes that raised his passion to new heights and brought heat to Ally’s face.

“So good.” As she tumbled into yet another orgasm, her cream singed his cock and nearly blinded him with pleasure. Fuck, he was so close.

But he didn’t want to come. Not yet. He needed more. He needed all of her.

Their gazes collided. “Ally?” he growled, and everything in her eyes told him she understood the implications of what he was asking.

“Whatever you need,” she whispered, her chest rising and falling erratically.

As possessiveness flashed hot and hard, he quickly unhooked the cuffs, flipped her onto her stomach and propped two pillows under her hips. She was his, and his alone, and while it wasn’t his intention to take her like a rutting animal in heat, there was something raw and primal inside him urging him to lay claim to every inch of her.

He grabbed the lubricant from her nightstand and poured a generous amount between her beautiful ass cheeks. He could hear her throat work as she swallowed, her entire body quaking beneath him.

Knowing just how to ready her, Carter slipped a finger in, spreading her and preparing her back passage for his girth. She writhed beneath him, and he loved the way she wanted him, the way she trusted him with her body and her pleasure.

As her ringed muscles relaxed and her body opened for him, he was determined to mark her as his once and for all. “That’s my girl.” Once she was stretched, he pushed his crown against her ass and inch-by-inch slowly made his way inside. She shifted her body, and he glanced down, watching the way she swallowed his cock.

He ran shaky hands along her back, caressing her body as the love he felt for her completely overwhelmed him. She was so sensuous, so beautiful and so willing to open herself up to him in the bedroom. Now he needed to get her to open up to him outside the bedroom as well.

But that would have to wait because, when she began rocking against the pillow, his thoughts scattered. As her sweet ass massaged his cock, she made those sexy little bedroom noises that he loved. His hands gripped her hips and he pumped hard, seeking so much more than release. Her breathing changed, became rapid, and as her muscles gripped his cock, tightening around his length, it stirred things deep inside him.

“You feel so good, sweetheart.”

In no time at all his body began burning, and his cock throbbed as an orgasm pulled at him. He slipped a finger under her and stroked her clit. Her body pulsed as she came for him again, and when she cried out his name, he threw his head back and let himself go, spilling his seed inside her.

He fell over her back as Ally squeezed her muscles, milking the last drop of semen from his cock. After a long moment Carter pulled his shaft out then rolled beside her. She turned to face him and when he saw the warm, satisfied flush on her cheeks, his heart turned over and he pulled her close.

“Hey,” he said.

Ally grinned. “Hey, yourself.”

He brushed his thumb over her kiss-bruised mouth. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

She shook her head.

He urged her closer, reveling in the intimacy between them. “I kind of went a little crazy there.”

She gave a contented stretch. “Well, you did say that when it comes to me, you can get a little crazy. So I guess I was forewarned.”

Carter’s stomach took that moment to grumble and Ally laughed. “Maybe we should go reheat those eggs.” She made an attempt to move, but he pressed his hand to her stomach and held her down.



“Here’s something you weren’t forewarned about.”

Her expressive eyes widened, confused. “What’s that?”

Eyes playful, Carter grabbed the handcuffs and slapped them back onto her wrists. “I’m not nearly done with you yet.”

Chapter Five

Allison adjusted her dark sunglasses as she perused Carter, who was currently signing his publicity photo for a group of giggling beach babes. Looking like sex incarnate, the hot afternoon sun glistened on his tanned skin, and Allison’s sex-bruised body tightened with memories of their weekend together. She flushed as she reminisced about their time in bed, reliving every glorious minute she’d spent with Carter between the sheets, reveling in the way that hard body of his felt on top of hers, beneath hers, inside hers.

He glanced up, as if sensing her eyes on him, and a sultry wave of awareness flared between them. His expression was tender, hot and so damn suggestive it did wicked things to her body.

Just then Madison stepped up to her, and Allison commanded herself to redirect her thoughts.

Now was not the time to be thinking about her weekend with Carter and what it meant for them relationshipwise. She needed to get her mind on the job because she had work to do.

Madison gestured with a nod. “Your Mr. July sure is drawing a big crowd.”

Allison returned to professional mode. “They love him. It will be great for sales.”

Madison arched a questioning brow and gave her an odd look.

“What?” Allison asked as she adjusted her glasses. Cripes, was she really that transparent?

“Nothing,” Madison said, her glance surfing over the crowd and settling on Sean Adams, Mr.

August, as he stepped up to say hello to Carter. Sean was a local firefighter, and while they’d all grown up in the small town, he’d been a few grades ahead of Allison in school so she knew him by reputation only. And boy oh boy, the man had one hell of a reputation.

Allison didn’t miss the way Madison was staring at him and was about to ask Madison if there was something going on between the two of them, but Madison turned her attention to Blaine and waved him over. On duty, Blaine looked warm in his work clothes as he climbed from his vehicle and started toward them.

When Allison spotted Blaine’s gun holstered at his side as he made his way over to Sean Adams, she turned back to face Carter and wondered if he was right. On some subconscious level had she really pushed him away because she was afraid? Then she thought about the promise he’d made.

Was it possible? Did Carter have it in him to be

Would he do that for her?

he do that for her?

When Blaine approached, she watched the way Carter’s mood blackened, but when she gave him a stern look, he plastered on a smile and continued to charm the crowd. Allison smiled at him.

Okay, so maybe he really was trying. Warmth moved through her as she studied him, loving that he was putting an effort into this for her.

Music blared from an approaching car, and all eyes turned. The car squealed into a spot, and when the driver opened the door, the pungent scent of weed and smoke drifted by on a breeze.

The driver climbed from the car and wrestled with his surfboard. A young girl, who looked to be about six months pregnant, climbed from the passenger side. She planted a kiss on surfer boy’s mouth before making her way to a group of girls who were waving to her from the water.

There was something about surfer boy that kept drawing Carter’s attention, and when he shouted to his girlfriend, cursing like a sailor on shore leave, Allison stiffened, her stomach knotting. Oh God, this wasn’t good. Not good at all.

Allison’s glance kept going from drugged-out surfer boy to Carter, and when she saw the anger move over Carter’s face, she could sense the rage rising in him, sense his inner struggle to play by the rules.

Looking doe-eyed and nervous, his girlfriend retraced her steps. Allison couldn’t hear the exchange from her distance, but it was clear that she was trying to placate her boyfriend. When he proceeded to dismiss her by wrapping a palm around her face and shoving her to the ground, a collective gasp could be heard from the crowd.

Allison fisted her hands as fear and anger welled up inside her. Her heart went out to the young girl and her unborn child, who were, undoubtedly, trapped in an abusive relationship. Her firm had done pro bono work for a local women’s shelter, and if Allison could just talk to her, convince her to listen to what the counselors had to say, then maybe she could help.

Just then Carter and Blaine drew her attention. She turned in time to see Blaine grab Carter’s arm.

“Come on, Carter.”

Carter gave Blaine a warning glare, and it was enough to intimidate anyone, including Blaine.

Blaine held his hands up and backed off.

“We need to do this the right way,” Blaine insisted.

“I plan to.”

“Carter, you’re unarmed and off duty. Let me handle this. Besides, you don’t want to fuck this campaign up for Allison, do you?”

Carter brushed his hand over his chin and cursed under his breath. “Fine,” he grumbled, and Allison watched him pace, understanding that the old Carter would have dashed in headfirst.

Blaine spoke into his radio, but he made the rookie mistake of diverting his attention as he called the situation in. In that instant, the young girl squirreled across the sand, and surfer boy, looking angrier than ever and so completely drugged out that he was oblivious to the crowd, followed along behind. Allison tensed as the two drew closer and closer to Carter.

The girl screamed and Allison saw the glint of a blade in the sunlight. Before she realized what was happening, Carter rushed forward, disarmed the boy and had him face down in the sand. No one saw it coming, not even Blaine.

As the event unfolded, cell phones started snapping, capturing the event. When Blaine finally realized what was going on, he ran toward Carter. Allison’s jaw dropped as she watched Carter contain the situation, and it occurred to her that she’d never seen him in full-blown action before.

Her heart missed a beat as she watched him.

Surfer boy groaned and cursed as Carter secured him. Blaine summoned the other officers who had just pulled up in their patrol car.

The officers rushed forward. Once the situation was under control, the officers spoke quietly then turned their attention to their notepads. As they entered their information, Carter faced her and grimaced. Like Allison, Carter knew just how the media could twist a story to make it more interesting, and right now the last thing either of them wanted was to draw any negative attention. When his glance collided with hers, an apologetic look crossed his face.

Allison moved toward him, and he stood stock-still, watching her. The disconcerted look on his face spoke volumes and had her heart aching for him.

“Let’s go, Carter,” Blaine said. “We have reports to fill out and the captain will want to see us both.”

In that instant as Carter’s eyes moved over her with genuine concern, Allison discovered something very important about Carter, but more importantly, she discovered something about herself.

“You haven’t changed at all,” she said.

“Ally, I’m sorry.” He reached for her.

“So am I.” But before she could tell him what she was sorry for, Blaine came between them.

Chapter Six

Barefoot and dressed only in a pair of jeans, Carter paced his condo, wearing a hole in his wood floor as he raked his fingers through his mussed hair. Jesus H. Christ. Talk about doing a piss-poor job of showing Ally he could change his ways. Fuck, he didn’t even want to think what this meant for her career. Her job was important to her—to him—yet he’d dived in headfirst when he was unarmed and off duty. But hell, how could he have helped himself? Blaine might have been on duty, and while protocol dictated that Carter was to leave the situation to him, the rookie had been too preoccupied with calling the incident in to see the blade coming.

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