Cathryn Fox (2 page)

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Authors: Regina

BOOK: Cathryn Fox
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Her stomach plummeted as she jumped to her feet. “What? You can’t.” She waved her hand toward the window. “We have everything all set up. Your photo shoot is this afternoon, then we’ve planned a month of promotion for you, just like we have for all the other guys. We need to get widespread attention and media coverage before the calendars hit the shelves at the end of the year.” She was rambling, but she couldn’t seem to help herself. Had he really said he was pulling out?

He scrubbed his hand over his jaw, and there was an edge in his tone when he said, “I know how it works, Ally Cat.”

“Then why are you doing this?” she questioned, both hating and loving the way he used his special nickname for her.

A long pause and then, “I’m not your guy.”

No. He wasn’t. Not anymore. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t the right guy for this job. He was.

“You know it’s a charity event and people are counting on you.”
was counting on him.

He lowered himself into his chair, and he gave her a look she couldn’t quite understand. “You’ll have to find someone else.”

Find someone else? How the hell could she find someone else this late in the game? It was the end of June, and as Mr. July his campaign began in a few short hours.

Allison’s mind raced, trying to figure out what the heck was going on. This wasn’t like Carter.

At least not like the Carter she knew and loved. Carter was all about the kids, all about raising money for the hospitals. He genuinely cared about the well-being of others, and if there was one man who deserved to wear the hero label, it was him.

“We can’t find a replacement, Carter,” she shot back. “If you quit now, you’re not only backing out on the charities, it will look extremely bad on you—on the company.” Not to mention that it would be professional suicide for her. “The charity picked you as Mr. July for a reason.”

He smiled. “Always worrying about my image.”

“Someone has to. You’re a good man, and people should know it.”

Carter might not care, but it was important to her that people knew the truth about him. The same way it had been important for people to know the truth about her father. He’d been a good man and a good cop too. Framed for a crime he didn’t commit, and then one night while off duty, when he broke protocol, he stepped in to help another cop, only to end up with a bullet to the head. Some people would always believe he was nothing but a dirty cop. Even in death he carried the stigma with him, despite the fact that he’d been proven innocent. Carter reminded her so much of her father that it made her heart squeeze. After losing her mother when she was young, and then her father to a senseless death, Allison was sure she could never live through that again.

“You know it doesn’t matter to me what people think.”

She looked at him for a long thoughtful moment, then took a step away, needing time to think, to breathe. Allison made her way to the window overlooking the water and the small town she’d grown up in. Sailboats bobbed in the basin, and laughter could be heard rising from the dock.

Such a sight usually brought a smile to her face, but today it made her think about her father, and about loss.

“Ally, are you okay?”

Carter stepped up to her, and she could feel the heat of his body rush over hers. He touched her arm with aching familiarity, and the warmth in his gaze fell over her like a protective blanket.

“Carter, don’t,” she said, inching away before she got lost in the moment, in his touch.

He trailed a finger down her arm. “How come you haven’t taken any of my calls?”

“Because we can’t do this again.”

“I’ve missed you, baby.”

She wasn’t sure what compelled her to say it, but she blurted out, “Really? From what I hear your bed wasn’t even cold before you were tumbling around in it again.”

He got quiet for a moment, and she could hear the underlying anger in his tone when he responded, “There hasn’t been anyone else, Ally.”

“The rumor mill—”

His face hardened. “The rumor mill is wrong.”

Her heart clenched, and she was astounded by how happy that made her.

“You know me, Ally. You know the truth.”

With her emotions getting the better of her, her body began to shake. “What I know is we couldn’t get along.”

Carter pulled her back and held her tight. His voice was soft, gentle when he said, “Hey, it wasn’t always bad, was it, Ally Cat?”

Painful memories rose sure and swift, and tears threatened as an invisible band tightened her heart. “Have you forgotten about all the disagreements, the fighting?”

His warm breath caressed her neck and her entire body quivered. He put his mouth close to her ear and whispered, “Yeah, but the make-up sex was good, don’t you think?”

She smiled as heated memories moved in to numb the painful ones. “We never did have any trouble in that area.”

In a move that caught her off guard, he spun her around to face him. Dark eyes full of heat and need met hers, and something warm and potent passed between them.

Allison didn’t want to do this. She couldn’t do this. Not again. “Carter, the campaign—” she began, needing to get them back on track and focused on why he was here.

“Okay, I’ll do it.”

Allison’s head jerked back with a start. “Do what?”

“I’ll be your Mr. July.”

Ribbons of relief sang through her veins, but when his expression changed, darkened, every instinct she had went on high alert. Needing a reprieve from that smoldering look, she poked his chest hard, and he faltered backwards.

“Technically you’re not my Mr. July,” she clarified. “You’re not my anything.”

She wasn’t sure how he’d respond to that, but when he gave her a slow, inviting smile, her blood pulsed hot, and the room began to spin.

“I have a condition.”

Okay, that was unexpected. “A condition?”

“Yeah,” he answered. “I’m going to need you by my side during each and every promo event.”

She eyed him, wondering what he was up to. Steeling herself she asked, “Why?”

“Well, I understand my image is important to you, and to this campaign, so if I’m going to do this, then I’m going to need you with me to help me keep it clean.” Heat darkened his eyes and played havoc with her senses when he added, “You’re going to have to teach me good from

The way he’d said
had shivers skittering down her spine.

“You’re a cop, you should know good from bad.”

His eyes held a teasing glint. “Sometimes bad is good, you know.”

“Bad is never good.”

A low rumble sounded in his throat. “So what do you think, Ally? Are we going to do this?”

Allison thought it over. Did she really have any choice in the matter? After all, the sole reason the last project manager had been fired was because she’d failed to do her job and keep Mr. June looking pristine in the public’s eye.

“Fine,” she said.

“One more thing.”


“Just hear me out.”

Allison glared at him. “I’m waiting.”

“You have to let me show you that
can sometimes be good.” His words were suggestive, and she didn’t miss the underlying innuendo or the promise lacing his words.

She hardly recognized her voice when she said, “I don’t think—”

“Come on, Ally.” He stepped closer and Allison found it harder and harder to breathe. “It’s the only way I’ll do this.”

Her mind raced as she thought things through. Honestly, did she really have any choice but to agree to his terms? She’d never find a replacement for him before the shoot this afternoon.

She gave a tight nod, convincing herself that she was only agreeing to his conditions for professional reasons, not personal ones. She had to think about the charity, the company, his image… This had nothing to do with the fact that she ached to be in his arms again, ached to feel his body move over hers, ached to feel him inside her.

“Nothing dangerous? Nothing illegal?”

The smile fell from his face, and she instantly hated herself for even suggesting such a thing.

“Hey, come on, do you even have to ask? You know I’d never put you in danger.”

Carter might be a fierce protector, and while he’d never put her in physical danger, she knew the real danger was to her heart.

“So do you accept my terms?”

She waved her finger back and forth between them, wondering exactly what he was up to. “What is this, Carter? What is it we’re doing here?”

“We’re negotiating. Officer Training 101.”

As she took in the self-satisfied look on his handsome face, it occurred to her that he was up to no good.

“You were always going to do it, weren’t you?”

His smile turned lethal as he gave a casual roll of his shoulder. “Of course, it’s for the kids.”

Allison groaned out loud, and as a knot twisted her stomach, she wondered exactly what she’d gotten herself into.

Chapter Two

Carter was miserable.

So damn fucking miserable that he couldn’t even stand himself anymore, and if he could kick his own ass, he’d gladly do it. Too bad it wasn’t physically possible. Then again, since he rarely played nice on the streets, he could think of a few select individuals who’d be happy to help him out in that department.

He adjusted his sunglasses and leaned against his patrol car, watching Allison move about with innocent sensuality. As she walked around him, checking the angles of the shot, his cock tightened. God, he missed the feel of her naked body moving under his, missed the feel of her warm, wet heat wrapped around him. Not to mention the seductive, mewling sounds his Ally Cat made when he entered her and pushed open the tight walls of her pussy.

Shifting restlessly in his boots, he resisted the urge to grab her when she crossed in front of him, plant a heated kiss on her mouth then take her back to his place where he could remind her just how good they were together, over and over again.

Looking for a distraction, he pulled the tangy scent of sand and sea into his lungs, but he still couldn’t seem to divert his attention. He noted the way the warm afternoon sun fell over her lithe frame like a halo. Some might think she was too good to be true, but he knew better. Everything about her was good, and by rights she was probably too good for him. But goddammit he loved her with everything he had in him. Couldn’t live without her, in fact, and planned to do whatever it took to get her back into his life again.

His gaze followed her as she shaded her pretty blue eyes from the sun and made her way over to the photographer. She spoke quietly to him while a seagull squawked overhead. Carter glanced out over the ocean in time to catch a cool breeze on his face, but it did little to calm the fire in his blood. Only a weekend with Allison cuffed to his bed would ease the ache inside him and help clear the fog from his addled brain.

Carter grabbed the cuffs in question from his back pocket then wiped his damp brow with his arm. Jesus, it was hot out. Moisture pooled on his bare chest, mingling with the oil they’d covered him in earlier, and he could feel his skin burn beneath the strong rays. But he didn’t care about any of that right now. All he cared about was Allison. He spun his handcuffs around his index finger and wondered how he’d ever let her walk out on him? How could he have been such an asshole?

Jesus, why couldn’t he have just gotten his shit together and done what she asked of him? Was it really so hard to keep himself out of trouble? Yeah, he supposed it was. Because it was in his nature to react first and ask questions later.

But if controlling himself and following protocol meant he could get her back, he’d damn well do it. He needed her in his life and in his bed, and wouldn’t settle for anything less.

She started toward him, and the swaying of her hips in that tight, sexy skirt of hers pulled his focus. She’d removed her blazer and wore a silk tank top that showcased gorgeous breasts and hard nipples. Nipples that he’d licked, sucked and nibbled in heavenly bliss. He groaned out loud as his body ached for her.

Allison angled her head, and as her glance met his, a flurry of emotions passed over her eyes.

“You okay?”

Carter gave a casual shrug and hooked a thumb into the belt buckle of his uniform pants, pulling them a little lower on his hips. “I need more oil.”

With a nod, Allison signaled for Drake, but Carter gave a quick shake of his head.

Allison arched a warning brow, like she knew he was up to no good again. “What’s the problem, Carter?”

“The problem is, I need you,” he shot back.

Her brow narrowed, and he could hear her huffing over the surf as she stalked toward him. When she closed the distance between them, he spotted a flush on her cheeks, and he couldn’t help but think how sexy his Ally Cat looked when she was aggravated with him.

“What is it?” she asked.

“I need you to help me with the oil.”

She glared at him, incredulous. “I know. You just told me. That’s why I called for Drake. I’m sure he’d be happy to do it.”

“Actually, I’d prefer you to do it.”

She arched a curious brow. “Do you have a problem with Drake doing it?”

“Yeah, because he missed a few spots. And the last time you touched me, you never missed a thing.”

When he sent her a look of intimacy and promise, she said, “Don’t look at me like that.”

“Like what?” he asked, feigning innocence as his glance settled on her mouth.

A pregnant pause and then she spoke. “Nothing. Forget it. I just have a lot on my mind.”

“Well, the sooner you grease me up, the sooner we can get out of here.”

She eyed him suspiciously. “You dragged me out of the office to babysit you on this shoot, and now you expect me to oil you up too.”

He gave a lazy shrug. “The oil wasn’t my idea. Your assistant over there thought I needed it. He mumbled something about me needing to look slick and suggestive because sex sells.”

Awareness flared in Allison’s face as her glance raced over his chest. “Yes, I suppose it does.”

She surveyed the ground. “Fine, where is it?”

He reached inside the car and pulled out the bottle Drake had used on him earlier. He looked at the label before handing it to her. “You think they could have at least found something with a higher SPF. I’m literally cooking out here.”

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