Catch Me A Cowboy (20 page)

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Authors: Jacquie Underdown

BOOK: Catch Me A Cowboy
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She nestled in under his arm, leaning against his chest. ‘I'm a tall woman—'

‘Yes, you are,' he said. That was one of the qualities he loved most about her. He was a tall man, so he could certainly accommodate her height.

‘But next to you, I feel tiny.'

He laughed. ‘Is that a good thing? Or do you like to dominate your men?'

‘If you mean like with whips and bondage …'

There was a flirtatious lilt to her tone he couldn't ignore. He arched a brow.

‘No. But, I definitely prefer men to be tall.' She giggled then.

‘What?' he asked, smiling.

‘You'd be surprised how many short men have a fetish for tall women.'

‘Is that right?'

She nodded. ‘Personally, I think it's because their heads are at breast level.'

Wil chuckled. ‘Could be. Or it could be the appeal of a tall, sexy woman. That's the first thing I noticed about you. Statuesque. Soft curving lines. And those gorgeous honey eyes.'

She lowered her head and blushed. ‘Thank you,' she whispered when able to meet his gaze again. ‘I thought it might have been all the mud. A sexy new fashion statement.'

He chuckled deeply, but leant closer to her and said, ‘I noticed you before then, Emily.'

She peered into his eyes, lips gently parted. God, he wanted to kiss her so bad. Could he? Could he lean in right now and kiss her again? His eyes dropped to her lips when her tongue ran over them, wetting them. So tempting.

‘Emily,' he growled, low and deep. ‘Do not look at me like you want to eat me …' He shook his head. ‘I can barely contain myself now.'

A deep breath in and he straightened taller, breaking the trance. He had to talk, or he was going to kiss her. ‘I'm continually asked what I'm looking for in a partner and I can never give an answer. I think it's that quality that can't be defined. You know what I mean? That indescribable feeling that's so damn strong it coats every thought and accompanies every breath.' He pressed his hands to his forearms. ‘I feel it on my skin.' His gaze dropped to her mouth and his voice grew hoarse. ‘And taste it on your tongue. I don't know what it is, but that's what I want. And that's what I feel when I'm with you. That's what I felt tugging at my insides when I first saw you.'

Emily pushed her hair off her forehead, her head tilting towards her shoulder as she tried to hide her gushing pleasure. ‘That's the most romantic thing I've ever heard.'

‘It's the truth,' he said.

‘You're so direct.'

He shrugged. ‘I want something real. And if that means I'm direct and wear my heart on my sleeve in order to get it, then I'll do it.' He reached for her, his hand cupping her face, his thumb smoothing over her cheek. She nestled towards the touch, blinking long, slow blinks. ‘Early days yet, Emily, but I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.'

She nodded against his hand. ‘Me too.'

Slowly, he removed his hand from her face, all her heat rushing away from him. He wanted to chase it, drown himself in it. Under normal circumstances, he would have. But he continued to remind himself that this was a game show, these small interactions were miles from ordinary.

‘Thanks for spending time with me tonight.'

She smiled. ‘And thank you.'

They stood and Wil placed his palm on the small of her back. ‘Eleven,' he whispered, almost too soft to hear.

Emily smiled and grinned up at him, then he took her back to the other ladies.

Chapter 27

Despite knowing there was a private date with Wil later tonight, Emily was twitching with adrenaline at the elimination ceremony. She wasn't surprised when Wil announced that Amelia was the next to be booted.

Missy, a camera on her, and another on Amelia, said, ‘That means tonight, Amelia, you will be going home. Please take a short moment to say goodbye.'

Chin high, Amelia walked to Wil and stood directly in front of him. She looked a small bird compared to his enormous frame. Meeting Wil's gaze, she said with a loud, clear voice, ‘I'm glad you eliminated me.'

Wil's expression didn't alter. Emily's eyes widened and she glanced quickly at Becky, who was looking equally shocked.

‘Yes, because you think you're above me and the other women here, and I'd rather not continue with a man like that.'

‘I assure you, Amelia, I don't feel that way. And for you to say that, when I was only ever gracious to you and to my other guests, is highly offensive. So, I'm sorry you feel that way, but I'm now sure that my decision about who is to leave the competition tonight was a correct one.' Despite his stern words, his chest and stance had deflated. Knowing him like Emily did, this was not something he would have ever wanted—bitterness, resentment. But, it was a game and unavoidable when people's real emotions were at stake.

Real emotions, like her own.

Amelia said nothing more and marched out of the barn. Emily noted Wil's hands fisting at his side and the tic in his jaw. This had angered him. The seven remaining ladies looked to each other.

‘Hashtag awkies,' said Daniella.

Awkward all right.

Missy turned to the contestants. ‘And seven lovely ladies remain. Congratulations to you all for reaching the business end of the competition. This is where things really start to heat up. Over the next fortnight, you will each be going on full day dates with our cowboy. All I can say is to be prepared for anything.'

Eventually, the filming ended and an entirely new excitement took over Emily. For in a little under two hours, she would be alone with Wil, the stars their only audience. When back at the cottage, Emily didn't let anyone or anything stop her from leaving this time. She made sure the hall of the sleeping quarters was empty before she snuck quietly down it and slipped out the back door.

Once outside, she shrugged her jacket closer around her and strode towards the tree. The dew-damp grass crunched under her boots. The material of her dress swished around her thighs with each step. The only other sound was her breathing and the melodic hum of crickets. As she neared the tree, she could already see Wil's big outline.

She sighed as she smiled and kept on towards him.

He held his arms out to her and she rushed into them until they were firmly on her hips. He drew her to his chest, cradled her cheeks in his hands, then lowered his face and pressed his lips to hers with a long, desperate sounding inhale. The cold fled and his warmth blanketed her; there was nothing else but his lips and tongue, the feel of his palms on her face, and the crush of his chest against hers.

Slowly, he pressed back from her and whispered, ‘I've wanted to kiss you for days. I thought I'd go mad if I didn't see you tonight.'

His lips met hers again, with more need than she thought possible, his tongue softly sliding against hers. The sensation hit her low and deep between her thighs and she involuntarily rocked against him, only to feel the long, hard length of his erection at her tummy. He growled against her mouth as she made contact, the sound like fingers on her flesh. A fire ignited within, scorching her. His hands made a long firm slide down her arms, to her waist and one gripped firmly on her arse, pushing her against his shaft again. Another rumble in his chest and a desperate sigh slipped from between her lips.

‘I am so fucking hard for you.'

Those words invoked an aching desire and were totally unexpected. Seems he was only a gentleman in the street.

‘Those boots …' His voice was deep and rough, almost a growl, ‘I keep imagining you wearing them and nothing else. And your legs wrapped around my waist as I …' He broke off to kiss her. She rolled herself against him again. Her body throbbed; her head was light. ‘You turn me on so fucking much, every minute of the day.'

Her breaths were thin in her throat; the need pulsing through her body was strong. But they were under a tree in the cold of the night, stars winking above them, and a houseful of women less than two hundred metres away.

Wil edged back, resting his forehead to hers. His breaths were heavy. ‘Emily,' he said with a low, deep voice. ‘If I keep kissing you, I won't stop.'

She knew exactly what he meant. Like nice things on this farm, there was also a time and place for what was happening between them … and it was preferably a bedroom.

‘I understand,' she whispered, amazed by how breathless she sounded.

He straightened up and ran a hand through his hair, then took a step back. He inhaled deeply. ‘So no trouble getting away tonight?'

She shook her head. ‘No. The other night, Becky caught me going out the back door and kept me talking. I couldn't leave without her knowing what I was up to.'

He pulled his mobile out of his back pocket. ‘Can I have your number, so we can text this sort of thing? It's tricky with the microphone strapped to us and the cameras honed to catch every movement.'

She nodded and told him her number. He entered it into his mobile and shoved it into his back pocket again.

‘Tonight's elimination was tough, ha?'

Wil grimaced. ‘I think it's only going to get worse. I didn't want that.'

‘I know.'

He stroked her cheek with his finger. He was frowning. ‘Do you ever see that? Like I think I'm better than—'

Emily shook her head. ‘Not at all. The opposite. She was disappointed she was leaving, that's all. She was trying to hurt you.'

Wil rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. ‘I dread those ceremonies. Every damn time.'

‘We all do. It's a cruel show, isn't it?'

He reached for her again and trailed his finger across her bottom lip. Her eyelids wanted to fall closed, so she could feel his touch more deeply. ‘Yes and no.'

She smiled and gripped his hand, pressing it to her cheek.

‘Are the other women being nicer to you now?'

‘Surprisingly, yes. We even shopped together the other day.'

He grinned and his gaze dropped to her boots. ‘So that's why these new boots made an appearance?'

She nodded. ‘A new fetish of mine.'

His deep dimples flashed as he grinned. ‘You have more than one fetish?'

‘Not outside of shoes.'

He laughed. ‘And what did you think of the nearby towns?'

‘Stunning. Reminds me a little of the UK countryside.'

He nodded. ‘I agree. Like Northern Scotland.'

‘Yes. Exactly.'

‘So you've travelled a bit?' he asked.

‘A bit. Not for years now. Too busy with work.'

‘Me too. On both counts.'

She smiled at him. ‘I feel we might suffer from the same malady, you and me.'

He nodded and pulled her against his hard chest. ‘But I'm feeling you may just be the cure for that, Emily Wolfe.'

They were silent as she laid her head on his chest and wrapped her arms tightly around his waist. His height, the rugged, natural strength he possessed, may well be another fetish she picked up at this farm. ‘What you said to me at the party earlier was … I've not been able to stop thinking about it.'

‘It was the truth, Em,' he said, stroking hair from her forehead.

‘Thank you.' Another comfortable silence lingered, only their steady breathing and the melodious chirp of crickets was heard. She wanted to speak great floods of words to him, tell him that she was giddy in his presence, her heart fluttered when she saw him, and her body raged with a violence of desire she had never before felt when he touched her. But something held her back—a niggling doubt that despite it appearing so, absolutely none of this was real, and if it was, it wouldn't last.

Emily pressed her palms to his chest, feeling the deep slopes and solidity of muscle beneath his thin shirt. On tiptoes, she inclined her face until her lips were pressed to his, then moved them with his as though they'd been designed to fit.

Their last kiss goodnight was slow and deep, full with the promise of something she wasn't willing to admit or voice, yet felt so strongly it hurt. Too soon, she was disentangling herself from his strong arms and turning to leave. Their hands slowly fell away, their fingertips lingering against each other, not willing to let go.

Wil winked. ‘I'll see you later, Emily.'


As she walked back to the contestants' quarters, it felt like she was walking on a cloud. After a shower, she dressed into her pyjamas and gathered her phone before she laid back in bed. Waiting for her was a message.

WIL: Goodnight xx.

Emily grinned wide and pressed the phone to her chest. Such a simple gesture and she was as scatty as a school girl. She typed a message back to him.

EMILY: Goodnight xx.

Chapter 28

Emily pulled up outside of Wil's home. From the front porch, he squinted through the sheeting rain for a closer look. Emily was sitting in the back seat, smiling at him through the window. His stomach flipped, remembering anew how utterly gorgeous she was.

He jogged to the car, opened Emily's door. With an umbrella held high above them, he accompanied her to the front porch, shielding her from the big thrumming drops.

When undercover, Wil collapsed the umbrella and leant it against the front of the house. He smiled as he came to her and kissed her cheek. ‘Good morning.'

She pressed her lips to his other cheek. He loved the feel of her soft skin and the sweet scent of her.

‘Good morning to you. Gumboot weather today.'

Wil nodded. ‘Stay-in-doors weather today. So that's what we're going to do.' He placed a hand on the small of her back and gestured they go inside. ‘And I had such grand plans for us.'

‘Oh really?' she asked, stepping inside when he opened the front door.

He followed her in. The space had a subtle scent of smoke from the roaring fireplace. It was warm, which was a relief from the gusting cold wind. Cameramen were already waiting, along with one that followed them into the house. But Wil had already decided he was going to ignore them as best he could. Today was all about Emily. A full day.

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