Carved in Stone (The Stone Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Carved in Stone (The Stone Series)
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Leaning forward he brushes his soft full lips across mine, once, twice then on the third time his tongue nudges my lips open, sweeping in and claiming mine. One of his hands goes around, down low grabbing my ass, the other snakes up my back to the nape of my neck, clenching firmly as he deepens the kiss. Our tongues dance in unconcealed passion, inciting a whimpered moan from me and a guttural groan from him.

Pulling back, Aidan breaks the kiss, both of us panting for breath.

“If we don’t leave now Gabriella, we won’t make it to dinner because I’ll be fucking you right here on this desk. And unfortunately I can’t blow off this meeting. But more importantly, I want you somewhere comfortable because I intend to be buried deep inside you for the better part of the night.”

“Be still my beating heart. You’re such a romantic,” I chide teasingly.

              “Come,” he orders, ignoring my comment and rising, holding is hand out towards me.

“What’s this business dinner for anyway,” I ask, wondering how long it’s going to take. The thought of being alone with Aidan, kissing, making love has me inwardly giddy with excitement and outwardly impatient for the dinner to be done with as soon as possible.

“An old business associate of my fathers has handed over the reins of his company to two of his children. With a fresh perspective they’re eager to collaborate on a joint real estate venture that if successful will be extremely lucrative to both of our companies. So in order to seal the deal, a bit of wining and dinning is called for.”

“Hmm, well then, it’s fortunate for you, Mr. Stone, I wore my lucky lime cocktail dress.”

“Oh really,” he asks, lifting one single perfect eyebrow over those luminous emerald green eyes of his.

“Yes,” I nod, earnestly. “I’ll have you know, I was wearing this dress when I won VIP tickets to a Beyoncé concert at a new radio station launch party last year. Mia was green with envy when I told her. Beyoncé is Mia’s favorite artist.”

“I’ll have to remember that,” he murmurs, skimming one heated palm over the dress straps down my back. “You look exquisitely beautiful tonight baby. I like this dress,” he whispers, caressing his nose along the shell of my ear causing a delicious shiver to roll through my body.

“And I’ll like it even more when it’s lying on the floor of my bedroom.”

So normally, a line like that from a guy would be borderline cheesy, but from Aidan Stone, it’s, well it’s downright panty melting


              As Aidan and I walked out of the lobby together, Tomas stands holding the back door open for us. “Good evening Mr. Stone, sir. Gabby,” he greets.

“Evening Tomas,” nods Aidan.

We hold hands all the way to the restaurant, chatting casually about the day’s events and before I know it, we arrive, Tomas pulling the SUV into the valet parking.

The restaurant, located in Beverly Hills is situated in a quiet tree lined street. Subtle lighting spills out from the French doors and shuttered windows of the establishment. The chic décor in warm muted pastel colors with an array of eclectic furnishings communicates an air of understated elegance and I’m immediately enthusiastic to try out the cuisine to see if it’s half as good as the ambience of the venue.

“This way,” murmurs Aidan, his hand at the small of my back guiding us through the restaurant.

I’m totally enchanted by the atmosphere of this place. Tables are group together in settings of two, four and six, and are dressed in cream linen tablecloths with short crystal vases as centerpieces that are over flowing with the most perfect pale lavender roses. All the windows are arches, framed with buttercream gossamer drapes drawn back with wide satin lavender ties. Gilded frames showcase the most magnificent artwork that is hung on mellow taupe walls.

Waiters wearing pressed black dress pants, crisp white shirts and jackets with a single pale lavender rose in each lapel weave unobtrusively amongst the patrons. They even wear little white gloves as they move fluently serving, smiling… and they’re all incredible attractive.

The music is low, discreet but completely enthralling. This place is utterly charming - I can’t help but think this would be the perfect venue for an event that Jeremiah is currently working on.

“Gabriella, this is Amelia Anderson and her brother Adam,” introduces Aidan, pulling a chair out for me. Turning my attention from the restaurant, I smile and face Aidan’s business associates who are already seated at the table.

“Hi. It’s so nice to meet…” I begin, only to abruptly close my mouth, stunned, momentarily speechless as I recognize the leggy gorgeous blonde that had her paws all over my man this afternoon.

Chapter Ten


“You both,” I finish
, lamely.

“It’s nice to meet you Gabriella,” says Adam, rising from his chair and holding his hand out to me. Shaking hands briefly, I take my seat next to Aidan.

“Gabriella, a pleasure,” Amelia says sweetly, flashing a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes.

“Aidan,” she practically croons, “I’ve taken the liberty of ordering a bottle of that Sauvignon Blanc you so adore. Now, come sit by me, darling. We’ve plenty to discuss tonight. It was such a pity we had to cut our meeting so short this afternoon.”

With an amicable smile, Aidan replies, “Thoughtful as always Amelia.”

Sitting down next to Amelia with her on his right and me seated to his left at the small intimate rounded table, I watch gritting my teethe as she immediately clasps her perfectly manicured hand over his forearm.

“I hope you don’t mind, but as we got here a little earlier than anticipated, we went ahead and ordered scallops for the starters,” interjects Adam, gesturing to the oval platter of food placed in the middle of the table.

“Thank you, but Gabriella doesn’t eat seafood,” mutters Aidan, not looking at either sibling as he picks up the menu and peruses it.

“What would you like button?” He mummers softly, leaning in closely to place a quick kiss on my temple.

The action speaks volumes as I note both brother and sister pause, giving each other a look and in this moment I could just kiss my wonderful man back. Without effort he has managed to convey his feelings for me loud and clear to everyone seated at the table.

“How unfortunate,” quips Amelia, with a dry smile. “And very limiting to one’s pallet. So Gabriella, I’m assuming you work for Aidan? Are you one of his many personal assistants?”

Before I can reply she continues, her remarks now directed towards Aidan, completely dismissing me.

“I thought this was an informal business dinner this evening Aidan,” she pouts rubbing her hand along Aidan’s arm.

“After all we did work out the majority of logistics this afternoon. I thought tonight would be more of a… relaxed affair. I’m sure you don’t want to over work your employees, darling,” she chortles with smugness.

Oh… the bitch is good, she knows full well by Aidan’s openly demonstrated affection towards me a moment ago that I’m not here as his employee.

What a flaming bitch!
My hand is itching to wipe that smug little smirk of her too perfect face.

I knew something was off when I saw her practically hanging all over my man earlier today. I had this niggling suspicion and yet I still mentally berated myself for being so petty and jealous all freaking afternoon. Molly was so right – this cow needed to get slapped! I just wish I were the one who could do it.

“Well actually –,” I begin, only to be abruptly cut off by Aidan.

“Gabriella is my girlfriend, I would appreciate you extending the same courtesy to her as you do towards me,” he clips.

His tone is short but the congenial smile he flashes her has her blinking several times in confusion.

“Oh,” she gawps, looking like she has a lemon wedge in her pouty mouth.

“That’s nice. How long have you both been seeing each other?” Asks Adam with genuine interest.

“Long enough to not have Gabriella out of my sight for too long.” He reaches under the table giving my knee a soft squeeze.

Aidan’s reply evokes no further comment on the subject and the four of us sit in an awkward silence for several seconds until the waiter approaches.

As the evening progresses, I decidedly like Adam; he’s friendly with an easygoing nature. We chat intermittently through dinner whist Aidan and Amelia launch into a detailed business discussion, which becomes rather boring after awhile so I zone out and enjoy Adam’s mellowed company.

Aidan however, constantly touches me throughout dinner and at one point he reaches for my hand holding in his lap while asking if I was okay. The gesture was sweet, comforting and by the end of the dinner any feelings of jealousy and insecurity I had had completely dissipated.

Amelia on the other hand, frequently shot me daggers and pretty much ignored me the entire the evening, which was fine by me. I rather talk to her brother who was clearly the nicer of the two siblings and besides it was me who Aidan was taking home at the end of the night.

Just over two hours later we’re sitting in the back seat of the luxury SUV, Aidan’s arm wrapped around my shoulders as Tomas drives us back to Aidan’s house.

The meal was spectacular which only reiterated my decision to tell Jeremiah about the quaint little venue. Maybe we could do lunch there – I’m sure it would be even more delightful without the company of Amelia.

Adam was lovely, we chatted quietly about several things including the fact he was based in Chicago and both he and Amelia had just recently taken over their fathers company, which specialized in real estate developments. Amelia however had relocated to Los Angeles with the goal of expanding the company’s dealings on the west coast.

The project they were collaborating on with the Stone Corporation was a thirty-story luxury high-rise group of condominiums in Chicago. I also learnt that the senior Mr. Anderson, Alexander (I was guessing the ‘A’ names was a theme in this family) was a former friend and business partner of Aidan’s father, although I got the distinct impression Aidan was not very fond of Alexander Anderson.

Overall Adam was sweet, mild mannered and was definitely overshadowed by his aggressive older sister. Amelia did most of the talking including being overtly flirtatious with Aidan which he ignored each time, brusquely bringing her back onto the topic of business.

“You’ve been rather quiet all evening.” He muses placing a kiss on top of my head.


My mother always told me that if I didn’t have anything good to say then I shouldn’t say anything
at all. I felt prudent to use that sage advice at this juncture of the evening.

“Gabriella,” calls Aidan, shifting in the seat. “Look at me please.”

Turning my gaze from the view out the car window, I look over to Aidan.

“The restaurant’s beautiful and the meal was superb, don’t you think?”

“Yes it was and you were uncommonly pensive through most it. What’s up?”

“It was your business meeting, I didn’t want to monopolize the conversation,” I shrug, stretching the truth just a smidgen.

He response is to
raise his eyebrows at me in challenge, silently calling me out.

Avoiding his watchful gaze, I stall. “Besides I was talking with Adam, he seemed nice enough.”

“And Amelia?” He smirks provokingly.

Oh, clever man, he
really does know how to push my buttons. I guess I shouldn’t keep him waiting.

“If you’re asking my opinion about Amelia, I think she’s a man-eating, catty bitch. She has got the hot’s for you like a starving man at an all you can eat buffet.”

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