Captain O'Reilly's Woman - Ashes of Love 1 (10 page)

BOOK: Captain O'Reilly's Woman - Ashes of Love 1
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“Hmm?” Samantha breathed languidly. Feeling the corners of her mouth turn up, she exhaled slowly as she traced David’s tight, moist back with her fingertips. She squirmed lightly beneath him. “What?” She barely managed one coherent word as her sated and sensitive body thrilled at the feel of him. The feel of his cock, inside her. The obscene, delightful wetness now oozing out of her, tickling the mouth of her sheath and her anus as it dripped down onto the ground beneath them. His arms were anchored around her. They were so powerful and every inch of him was huge and male and utterly delicious. The hair on his chest, coarse now with their shared sweat, abrading her nipples so very...nicely. She giggled, actually giggled, and giggled again at the foolishness of it.

David let out a sigh of relief. “I’ll assume you liked it.”

“Oh yeah.”

“And that you’re dying to tell me how good I was?” He brushed his mouth across her sweat-moistened forehead. “What a stud I am? The best lover in the world?” He rotated his hips lightly, letting his cock stir the wetness inside her. His seed and her ecstasy, combined. “
lover,” he added with a quiet sigh of contentment.

He smiled when Samantha did. The corners of his remarkable eyes creased with humor when she looked up at him. She pressed the tip of her tongue to her throat, tasting the brine misting his skin. “Mine,” she breathed against him, making him shiver, then wove her arms and legs around him deliberately, claiming him, his body, everything he was and would be as hers.

Then her limbs fell away as repleteness, warm and soft and fuzzy flowed through her. It softened her bones to jelly. She looked up at the canopy of leaves fluttering above them. She heard the water lapping against the boathouse, birds singing, and grinned as she imagined chipmunk eyes on her. What did they think about these lusty animals that had invaded their island sanctuary? She chuckled.

“What?” David demanded with a quiet smile. He kissed her forehead again then tipped his body back so he could look down at her. He fit his hand between them and cupped her breast.

“Oh nothing,” she breathed. “Just thinking the chipmunks won’t mind us making out on their lawn, so long as we keep the lettuce coming.”

One of David’s dark brows came up and he glanced around ruefully. “Probably right,” he replied then squeezed her breast gently and kissed her nipple.

Samantha inhaled sharply as his softening cock shifted inside her. “Oh don’t take it out...please.” Despite her muddled facilities, she dropped one leg over his thighs and tried to hold him inside her.

“I have to. Eventually,” David murmured. He straightened so he could press his loins flush to hers. “Or else we’ll have a chipmunk riot on our hands. And who’s going to defend me if you don’t have your bowie knife?”

Chuckling, Samantha allowed her leg to drift back down beside his body. “Will you still be doing this to me when we’re old?”

“Definitely. Although we’ll have to slip the grandkids a few bucks and send them to the marina for fries. Wouldn’t want to send the progeny into therapy because granddad and grandma won’t stop screwing each other on the front lawn.”

They laughed together. Eventually, David sensed it was time and he eased his cock out of Samantha’s warm pussy. They both shuddered from the exquisiteness of the sensation then David sat up, knelt between her spread thighs and looked down at her. The pelt of fire-bright hair on her mound glistened with moisture. He touched her, stroked her gently, enthralled by how soft she was, again thinking she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Looked down at his deflated cock, the length of it glistening in the dappled sunlight, he saw the light streaks of her blood mingling with his seed and her juices. David’s mouth thinned but not in regret. It thinned with grim acceptance of the pain he’d caused. He touched her still-swollen folds, dipped his fingertips into the mouth of her sheath and stroking her lightly. His seed seeped out of her, it and another thin steak of blood but no more after that.

“Did it hurt much?” he asked quietly, tipping his head to one side and looking at her face.

“A bit,” Samantha answered truthfully. She squirmed lightly in counterpoint to the delicate probing of his fingers. “Although with that big cock of yours, frankly, I’m surprised it didn’t
hurt. Are all guys as big as you?” she asked bluntly, reaching out and stroking him curiously.

David threw back his head and laughed. “No, they’re not,” he boasted. Leaning over her, he kissed first one swollen breast then the other. “Lucky you.”

“Men...always bragging about size,” Samantha sighed dismissively.

“And you would know this because?” David demanded when he felt a flare of jealously.

“Because they do. I work surrounded by guys and they forget I’m a girl. Forget I’m even around half the time and the way they talk...” She scowled. “I swear my cheeks were permanently blush-pink my first few months in the corps.”

David laughed again. Mostly at himself for his stupid, juvenile jealousy. “Well I can confidently say that
never forget you’re a girl,” he teased. Reaching out and toying with her breasts, he enjoyed the way they moved as she sighed and squirmed. He leaned back from her, kissed her mound then stood, holding out his hand.

Samantha took it and, with a strong, graceful movement, rose to her feet. He led her back to the shower, turned on the water and bathed them quickly. Carrying their discarded clothing, he led her back up to the incline. The towel was still on the ground where they’d left it. He knelt down beside it, touched the wet spot at the bottom, the light streaks of her blood.

“Thank you,” David said quietly, looking up at her. “For wanting me. My children.”

She blinked hard, forcing back the tears that made her eyes shimmer. Standing over him, she held his head to her breasts, kissed the short, spiky hair on top of his head then leaned back. He looked up at her again. Sunlight made her bright, clear eyes glisten. Wordlessly, she took his hand and, still naked, they walked into the cottage.

Chapter Five

The next morning, David grinned as he started to wake. Home. He was home. The scents of wood and rattan greeted him, the feel of linen sheets and real feather pillows. And Samantha, curled up into his warmth. Her naked body was pressed against his. The lushness of her breasts against his ribs delighted him. Her leg was thrown over his like she owned him and couldn’t stand to be parted from him even in sleep. The first rays of sunlight came through the window and he heard water against the shore.

His grin widened as he stroked her soft, warm back, happily aware of the hard-on he’d woken with and enjoying the feel of his cock lengthening even more. Remembering how she’d jumped up onto the kitchen counter and watched him plate the chicken dinner they’d picked up at the grocery store. How he’d smeared some of the barbeque sauce across her shoulder and licked it off, and hadn’t stopped until they were both naked and he was buried inside her. Her firm ass slid across the granite as he drove into her. Her arms and legs wrapped around him so tight he thought she’d crack his back.

Perhaps it hadn’t been prudent. He’d torn her maidenhead only a few hours earlier. But it had definitely been delightful, for both of them.

And later, after they’d eaten, she’d asked if they could light a fire down by the lake. In the same fire pit he and his brother and sisters used to roast marshmallows in when he was a kid, with bats wheeling overhead and the quarter moon reflected off the surface of the lake, his Samantha had stood up from one of the beach chairs he’d carried down. She’d taken off her clothes. Did it so slow and seductively he was amazed she’d managed to stay a virgin as long as she had. And that he’d managed to avoid being court-martialed for jumping her. His grin turned into a smile as he remembered tearing off his own clothes and following her into the water, holding her in his arms and trembling with need as she stroked and pulled his cock until he was hard as stone. Then slid it inside herself and began moving on him. Dragging his hand down her body and pressing his fingers to her clit, he’d loved the feel of her rubbing her nipples against his chest. She’d aroused them both then came at him so hard and fast it was a miracle he didn’t come before she did.

Still smiling, David eased his thumb across her back. He’d never been so content. So...

The old-style phone on the night table started to ring. That one, the one in the study and the one hanging on the kitchen wall too.

Gritting his teeth, he stretched out his free arm, yanked the receiver off the cradle and growled into it. “This better be good.”

Samantha stirred. She dragged her breasts against him as she moved and he tightened his arm around her, heightening the sensation. Ignoring the phone in his hand now, he kissed her brow then her mouth when she lifted it to him.

woke up grumpy today.”

“Cheryl I’m gonna break you in two when I see you...whadaya want?”

” His oldest friend clucked and he grimaced at the cheerful tone in her voice. “Eleven o’clock. Down at the hospital. The administrator wants to meet with you and Samantha. Talk about naming the emergency room expansion—dedicating it in your name.”

Mommy, tell him to stop punching me.
” A second, high-pitched and wheedling voice broke in.

“Shh, not now, poppet. Mommy’s on the phone.” It sounded like Cheryl had put her hand over the receiver but she hadn’t managed to completely muffle her voice.

David’s attention drifted and he grinned when Samantha kissed his abdomen. She began to lick his skin with her warm, wet tongue.

“Eleven o’clock,” Cheryl’s voice interrupted his rising lust. “I’ll tell them it’s set then.”

“Wha...wait a minute,” David managed. He looked down at Samantha and shook his head adamantly. “Not you.” He caressed the back of her head and barely managed to bite back a moan when she flashed him her best dirty-girl smile and drove her tongue into his navel, then sucked it and the surrounding skin into her mouth. His pulse rate jumped when she ducked her head under the sheets. Her soft hand was on his cock then the tip of her tongue licked the sensitive, engorged head. He yanked the receiver away from his face so he wouldn’t moan into it.

“Yeah. Eleven. Whatever,” he shouted into the phone from a distance and tossed it aside. His loins tightened painfully when Samantha repeated the caress.

“Teach me how to do this,” she whispered seductively, her head popping out from beneath the sheets. She reached over him and replaced the receiver in its cradle. When she leaned into his leg, her breast got even plumper and rounder.

?” he growled teasingly. Lifting his hips then stretching back comfortably across the bed, he stroked her hair and pushed it back from her face.

“How to suck your dick,” Samantha purred, folding her tongue around the hole in the top of his cock before letting it slip back between her lips. Licking away a drop of pre-cum, she grinned as she discovered his taste.

David’s cock twitched.

“Hang around the motor pool long enough and a girl’s bound to overhear a few things,” she murmured then rested her chin on his thigh, gazing up at his hard-on lustfully.

“Start,” he swallowed painfully, “at the base. And lick your way up from there.”


Later, with his libido and his cock pleasantly sated, David carried two plates into the bedroom’s en suite.

“For my lovely lady,” he pronounced happily and handed Samantha a plate of scrambled eggs, toast and cut strawberries.

She sat up in the tub, grinning. “David, you’re wonderful.” She accepted the plate and scooted backward, leaning back against the gently curved edge. “Climb in,” she invited pertly and started eating.

David took a moment to enjoy her beauty, the way her shimmering hair was piled on her head. Her shoulders glistened from the steam rising from the water. The rise of her breasts was obscured by a thin layer of bubbles. As she took the first bite with the sunlight streaming across her, her wide, brown eyes smiled at him. “Delicious.”

“Yes. You are,” David murmured then, dropping his robe onto the floor, slid his bulk into the water. He leaned against the side of the tub facing her and sighed as the warmth enveloped him. Picking up his plate, he forked some egg into his mouth.

When their plates were clean and balanced on the tiled tub surround, David pointed at a dial on the wall. “You know this thing has jets? Like a whirlpool.”

“Show me,” Samantha asked, obviously intrigued. Reaching beneath the water, she caressed his ankle, then watched him step out of the tub and activate the controls.

She gasped as the motor kicked in and a combination of air bubbles and swirling water erupted around her.

“Good?” David asked, getting back in with her. He lifted her and settled her across his lap with her thighs spread on either side of his. He wiped the bubbles from her breasts and drew them to his mouth, sucking on her gently.

“Hmm. Very good.” Samantha’s purr turned to a gasp when David drew his teeth across her nipples. She arched into him then arched again when his hand dipped between her legs and, with the tips of his fingers, began to tease the sultry folds of her pussy.

good,” David repeated hotly as he lifted his head and took her mouth.


“So how many buildings around here are named after you, anyway?” Samantha asked as David helped her down from the Jeep. The emergency room entrance was around the side of the building and the pathway to it from the visitor’s parking lot was lined with trimmed hedges and flowers. She smoothed her light, cotton shorts down over her thighs. The shorts were long, reaching down to a few inches above her knees. Conservative, like the sleeveless, buttoned vest she was wearing.

David squeezed her hand lightly. “Two. Two too many,” he added with a dismissive snort and led her around the corner of the small hospital.

“People need something to believe in,” Samantha said. “The Great War took a lot of things but mostly it took people’s hope. Everybody needs an anchor.”

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