Blue-Eyed Soul (20 page)

Read Blue-Eyed Soul Online

Authors: Fae Sutherland,Chelsea James

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

BOOK: Blue-Eyed Soul
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"You look very serious, Remey."

Remey nodded. "I am serious. And I'm glad you think I could be one of the best things to happen to you, Aleks. Because you are for me. Because I've been falling for you since the moment I met you and you scowled at me and... and now I'm not only falling for you--I love you. I'm in love with you."

Aleks let out a heavy breath. He'd kind of known this was coming, and part of him had dreaded it. Not because he didn't like--no, love--the idea of Remey falling for him, but because Aleks couldn't yet offer the words to Remey. Yet.

He reached up and cupped Remey's cheek in one hand, heart thumping at the way Remey sort of tilted his face into the touch. "You know, your friend caught me at the snack bar during halftime and told me if I hurt you, she'd mail me my balls from a yacht in the Caribbean."

Remey laughed and shook his head. "Stop. I'm not expecting you to make some grand declaration because I said I love you. I'm a grown-up, Aleksander, and I know how this works. But I wanted you to know. So when you're lying there at night wondering whether I'm worth taking a chance on... maybe I'll have an extra check mark in the 'pro' column now."

Aleks shook his head. "You are worth it, Remey. Don't ever think you're not. My own reservations and baggage has nothing to do with you or how amazing you are. And maybe I haven't been very forthcoming with it, but I do think you're amazing. And I think I'm very fucking lucky you feel anything for me at all."

He pulled Remey down to brush a kiss to his lips, eyes closing as his heart pounded. "Promise you won't leave, Remey." He brought both hands up to cup Remey's face and kissed him again. Then his eyes opened and their gazes met. "I don't have any right to ask for promises, but I am anyway... promise you won't leave."

* * * *

Remey pressed his lips together for a second, his throat tight. laying a hand on Aleks's cheek, he took a deep breath, meeting Aleks's eyes. "I promise you, I'm not going anywhere."

Aleks let out a breath and kissed him, arms sliding warm and sure around Remey's body, gathering him close. Remey closed his eyes, their bodies rocking together in a natural, easy rhythm. His heart was thumping hard in his chest, and Remey pressed himself as close to Aleks as he could, wanting to wrap himself up in his warmth for as long as he could, as long as Aleks would let him.

When the kiss broke a handful of endless moments later, Remey smiled, his eyes still closed, his hand trailing down the side of Aleks's face, down his neck. Aleks caught it, his fingers wrapping around Remey's wrist, turning his head to press a kiss to the tender skin at the inside of his wrist. Remey shivered, his eyes fluttering open, and Aleks smiled up at him. Remey couldn't help smiling back, letting out a quiet, content sigh when Aleks's other hand stroked down his back and up again, over his shoulder and down his arm, like he wanted nothing more than to touch Remey in any way he could.

Remey caught his breath when Aleks rolled him to his back, kneeling over him with all his gorgeous dark red hair falling around his face, curtaining them so Remey could hardly see anything but Aleks. Letting out a soft sound, he pulled Aleks down for another warm kiss, their legs tangling together.

Aleks slid one knee between Remey's thighs, urging them apart. Remey moaned into the kiss as Aleks held him for the sensual assault on his beautiful mouth. Like Remey was going anywhere. Not a chance. He didn't have a single place he'd rather be than right there in Aleks's arms. For today... hell, forever, if Aleks wanted. Maybe he would.

When the kiss broke, Aleks smiled down at him. "Backtracking a little bit, but have I mentioned I love your glasses? They're sexy."

Remey laughed, arching against him. "Sexy? They're geeky."

Aleks shook his head. "Hmm-mmm. Not geeky. Sexy. They make me want to put you in a school uniform and roleplay something obscene and probably illegal in some states."

Remey interest perked. "And here all along I thought you were such a straight-laced, upstanding pillar of the community." One hand slid between them to wrap around Aleks's cock. "I'd say something about pillars right now, but it's too easy."

Aleks kissed him, tongue sliding deep into his mouth. God, Remey couldn't get enough... and not the sex. It was Aleks. He didn't even know when or how he had he gotten addicted to him, but here he was... a fucking junkie.

"You make me crazy," he said as the kiss ended. He gave Aleks's lower lip a suck.

Aleks growled against his mouth. "Same goes. Turn over."

Remey shivered at the rough order and obeyed, squirming around onto his hands and knees. A choked sound escaped him when Aleks bent and pressed hot, open-mouthed kisses down the length of his spine, his body quaking with the onslaught of pleasure.
Oh please be doing what I think you're doing...

As if in answer, Aleks's lips pressed to the small of Remey's back, his tongue slipping out to swipe across the damp skin.
Oh God...
Then Aleks shifted and spread the cheeks of his ass apart. Remey let out a strangled gasp as Aleks's tongue circled his entrance.

"Oh, fuck," Remey whispered, his eyes squeezing shut as he dropped his shoulders to the bed, his hands on his pillow. Aleks's mouth was so talented, and Remey knew he was about to have his mind blown. He panted as Aleks swirled and circled his tongue, sending bolt after bolt of pleasure shooting through Remey's body. God, he seemed to know how to push Remey's buttons, without any prompting at all, his hips bucking as Aleks slid a hand between his legs to stroke and fondle his cock, the other curled on his hip.

"You're addictive, Remey," Aleks murmured, his voice low, and Remey let out a quiet whine, shifting to peer at Aleks over his shoulder.

"Me? Aleksander, if I thought I could get away with it, I'd lock you in my bedroom and not let you leave for a week... no, a month." Remey panted as Aleks's hand on his hip slid up to pluck and pinch his nipple, a strangled groan escaping him

He liked that idea very much. A month to have Aleks all to himself, no one to share him with, free to do whatever he pleased. He had about a hundred ideas of where to start off the top of his head.

Aleks pressed on the small of Remey's back, encouraging him to arch more, and Remey did, his ass lifting higher in silent offering. The anticipation was so great, it was almost enough to make him come on the spot.

Aleks seemed to sense Remey wouldn't last long because he only toyed with him for a few minutes before moving up behind Remey and nudging his cock along the cleft of Remey's ass. "Now... tell me you have lube?"

Remey nodded, gesturing to the side table. "In... In there... fuck, Aleks, hurry."

Aleks stretched over to pull open the drawer and snatched up a bottle of lube. "Oh no, no hurrying today, Remey. I'm going to fuck you right out of your mind."

Remey shuddered, his hands flexing on his pillow, panting. "As long as you don't make me wait too long to have you in me--" He broke off on a groan as he heard Aleks pop the cap on the bottle of lube, his whole body quivering with anticipation, hips rocking back to encourage the hot slide of Aleks's cock against his ass, the skin-on-skin contact intoxicating.

Aleks chuckled and set the lube aside once his fingers were slick with it, his other hand running down the length of Remey's back. "That'd be teasing us both, wouldn't it?"

Remey hissed at the first touch of Aleks's lube-coated fingers against his entrance, relaxing his muscles as Aleks pressed one finger into him. His breath caught and he dropped his head, a quiet moan escaping his lips. "I... I wouldn't put it past you."

Aleks bent down over him, their bodies pressed together as he thrust a single finger. "Sometime I'll let you do the teasing," he murmured, his voice catching as Remey moaned. "God, Remey, you're beautiful."

Remey almost protested, but instead, he turned his head and nudged at Aleks's lips with his own, the kiss slow and hot, their tongues moving in time with the movements of Aleks's finger. Remey shuddered when Aleks broke the kiss and worked a second finger into him, their eyes meeting over his shoulder. There were a hundred things Remey wanted to say right now, promises he wanted to make, but he held them in, not wanting to upset the balance and ruin the most perfect moment ever.

Aleks withdrew his fingers, then urged Remey over onto his back. Neither said a word as Remey smiled and reached over to grab a condom from the drawer as well. Aleks bent over him and kissed him again as Remey tore open the wrapper and reached between them to roll the condom on.

Then Remey wrapped his arms around Aleks and lifted his hips, insisting Aleks come inside. Thank God, Aleks didn't make him wait and reached down to guide his cock against his entrance, hips rocking.

There was something so powerful about the instant of penetration. Not only the pleasure of it, but the profound intimacy of letting another person inside your body, feeling so close to them you're almost one person for an instant. He didn't know if Aleks felt the same, but he thought so. He hoped so. All Remey knew was he felt so fucking close to Aleks and he liked it. More than liked it.

Aleks pushed deeper then, one hand cupping Remey's cheek, the other curled on his hip as Aleks sank all the way inside, holding there for a moment as the kiss broke and their eyes met. Aleks smiled.

"You feel better than anything in the world," he murmured.

Remey smiled, the depth of emotion in Aleks's voice making his throat tighten up. Maybe Aleks hadn't said the words--that he loved Remey--but it was clear he was feeling something deep, important and real. He'd worried his declaration would ruin things or push Aleks away, worried Aleks might not feel even close to what Remey did. He knew now his worries had been unfounded. It was obvious in the way Aleks touched him and looked at him.

"So do you," he whispered, his voice catching as Aleks began to move in long thrusts that took Remey's breath away. Keeping his eyes on Aleks's, he curled his fingers over Aleks's hand on his hip as they moved together.

Aleks flashed him a smile, his eyes soft and warm, then bent to kiss him again. Remey sighed into the kiss, pleasure rippling through him, his other hand tightening on Aleks's shoulder, clinging to him, reveling in the closeness and the connection between them. Aleks nuzzled his mouth, nibbling at Remey's kiss-swollen lips, their breath mingling. It was so perfect, so intimate, Remey couldn't have imagined it any better if he tried.

"I dream of you like this..." he whispered, sucking on Aleks's lower lip, then releasing it. "Around me, surrounding me... you're good at that, you know," he teased, and Aleks smiled, his eyes bright.

"Only because you're so little," Aleks said, letting go of Remey's hand to run both hands down his sides. Remey smiled, curving into the touch, letting out a trembling breath.

Aleks shifted, arms wrapping around Remey as he rolled onto his back. Their eyes met, and Aleks lifted his head to nuzzle Remey's mouth.

"Ride me, Remey. I want to see you, all of you."

Remey smiled, hands bracing on Aleks's chest as he sat up. "Like this?" he asked, sitting upright and then leaning back a bit, hands now bracing on Aleks's upper thighs.

Aleks looked entranced, and Remey had never felt so beautiful as he did then, with Aleks's gaze devouring him. "Fuck." That one, roughly-spoken word told Remey everything he wanted to know.

Remey laughed. "I am."

* * * *

Aleks couldn't even laugh, his entire focus on the delicious, sensual show Remey was putting on. It occurred to him then--and he knew it wasn't the greatest time for epiphanies--that he was in serious trouble. He was in freefall and there was pretty much only one landing possible... right smack in love with Remey Dufresne.

He couldn't summon a single reason why he ought to try to stop it. If he even could, which he doubted. He was falling in love. It was the only explanation for all this fucking emotion he couldn't ignore.

Aleks had forgotten how good it felt to be in love, until Remey.

Remey's lips curved in a delighted smile and he moved over Aleks in a tempting rhythm, his fingers resting on Aleks's thighs. "You feel amazing," he whispered, his voice hitching as his body moved, his muscles clenching as he took Aleks deep inside.

"You feel better," Aleks answered with a groan, his hips rocking up, thrusting himself deeper.

This wasn't at all what Aleks had expected when Remey had arrived in Haven. He'd figured on trouble and hassle, and though there'd been plenty of that, too, it was secondary to what had come with it. Someone Aleks thought he could love. Maybe already did.

"No rush, Remey," Aleks murmured, his eyes hot. "We've got all afternoon."

Remey's smile was full of sexy promises. "I know... I want another round."

The erotic impact of his statement, along with the faster, tighter rolling of Remey's hips, about sent Aleks over the edge. How did you argue with that? When the most gorgeous man Aleks had ever had in his bed made it sound like all he wanted to do for the foreseeable future was make love to him?

The answer--you didn't argue. Aleks slid his hands over Remey's stomach and chest as the other man rode him, a fine sheen of sweat breaking out on his skin. Aleks groaned and sat up, arms wrapping around Remey and head dipping to drag his tongue along his gorgeous, sweaty chest.

They moved together harder, faster, until Aleks tumbled them over with Remey ending up on his back. Aleks took over the pace, hips snapping, and their mouths met in hot, panting kisses as the pleasure raced toward completion.

"Aleks... Aleks..." Remey clung to him, meeting every hard thrust.

"Right here... fuck, Remey... fuck..."

Remey moaned, hooking his legs around Aleks's hips. He was so fucking gorgeous lost in pleasure. "So... so close..." Remey panted, his fingers digging into Aleks's shoulders, and Aleks nodded in breathless agreement.

"Right there with you," he promised, his hands tight on Remey's hips, one diving between them to wrap around his cock and stroke, fast and tight.

"Fuck... Aleks..." He breathed the last, eyes widening, and Aleks's heart thumped, hard, as Remey cried out and arched, eyes squeezing shut as he came.

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