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was holding onto his wavy black hair as her small body moved up and down along
the wall of their bedroom.
He was
grunting every time he pushed into her, and when she moved her hands down to
his arms, to get a better grip as he began pounding her, she felt the veins of
his rock-hard biceps as he did her.
body was pouring sweat.
And when his
sparkling green eyes looked at her, they were so hooded they were rolling back
into his head.

the feeling baby,” he was saying to her as he fucked her.
“Oh how you make me feel!”

was feeling the same way too.
It was
beyond intense.
It was even beyond
Charles was thrashing her now.
He was getting every pinch of pussy he could
get out of her, and she was giving every pinch she could give.
She was going to be sore later, and she knew
it, by the way he was pounding her, but she wouldn’t have it any other
Sexually, Charles was never very
gentle with her.
He was a man with a
strong appetite.
It took some getting
used to for Jenay, but now she craved that strength.
Sometimes he was easy on her, like their
morning fucks, but most of the times, like this time, easy was the last thing
she wanted.
She wanted it hard.

gave it to her. He put it on her the way a drummer put it on a drum.
He sex-beat the hell out of her.
As he pounded her she was sliding up and down
against that wall so hard that she thought they were going to break it
He must have thought the same thing
too because, without stopping a single stroke, he lifted her, laid her on their
bed, got on top of
her, and continued to
pound her and pound her and she continued to love it until they both came.
Jenay exposed the veins of her neck as she came.
Charles exposed the veins all over his body,
including his penis, as he came.

grunted as if they had to force it out.
But they weren’t trying to force it out.
It was so intense, they were trying to force it back in.
They could barely handle the intensity.

it was all over, they were breathing uncontrollably.
They looked at each other.
Charles used to have good sex with the
various women he banged.
But Jenay was
the only woman who blew his mind when he fucked her.

was so mind blowing that he was shaking his head as he looked at her.
“Golden pussy,” he said.
“You’ve got the golden pussy.”

then he rolled off of her, fell onto his back in pure exhaustion and
satisfaction, and then he smiled.

looked at the TV monitor again, saw that their baby was still fast asleep, and
smiled too.
Having a man who genuinely
loved her was a wonderful thing.
a man she could please in bed unlike any other woman ever could, was

looked over at him, as he continued to control his breathing and lay on his
back, and she exhaled.
When she made the
decision to come to Jericho and give their relationship a chance, she was
scared to death that she was making the absolute wrong decision.
But now she knew she had gotten it
For once in her life she had
finally, completely, absolutely gotten it right.

right here, right now, life was good.




Stephie said as she entered the kitchen to check on her latest order.

was on break sitting at the small table, drinking a Coke and munching on a
She almost asked who was back,
but then she realized who.
And her heart
leapt at the prospect of seeing him again, especially since she hadn’t seen him
all week.

looked at her.
“You heard me right?”

I heard you.”

Special up,” Norm said as he tossed a plate filled with French fries and a
thick burger onto the warming counter.
He tossed the plate so hard that the burger bounced.

don’t even care, do you?” Stephie said to Denise as she grabbed the plate.

munched on her bagel and looked at her coworker.

“Lucky dog.
I’d give my right arm to have Brent Sinatra
chasing after me, and you don’t even care!”

not chasing me,” Denise said.
“He’s not
the chasing type.”

looked at her sidelong.
“Oh, really
So you know him like that, do you?”

“Girl, bye,” she said.
“I’m on break. You aren’t.
Don’t you have customers to serve?”

conversation is not over,” Stephie warned, and hurried out of the kitchen.

When she
left, Denise took another bite of her bagel, stood from the break table, and
walked over to the pickup counter.
looked across the café.
First, she
checked to see if Kerstin and her posse were in attendance.
They weren’t, thankfully.
She didn’t want any drama
with that foolish girl.

then her eyes roamed further.
When she
saw Brent, she smiled.
She actually
missed him!
Jericho wasn’t the
friendliest town, especially not to strangers, but she could always rely on
Brent to smile at her whenever she took his order, and to laugh at comments she
didn’t mean to be funny.

considering it, aren’t you?” Norm asked as he came up to her and wiped his
hands on his apron.

any other day, Denise would have denied it up and down.
But on this day, on this boring Friday night
in this boring-ass town, she didn’t bother.
“Why not?” she asked.

Jenay’s stepson,” Norm said.
should be a big no.”

come on.
Jenay is practically the same
age as Brent.
It’s not like he’s some
kid I’m exploiting.
He’s older than I
And he’s interested.”

what I heard, Brent Sinatra and his brothers are interested in every girl in
town period.
Don’t get it confused.
It’s not about you.
It’s about what you have to offer.”

already knew that.
If she were to hook
up with Brent, it wouldn’t be about him either.
“But things are going nowhere for me, Norm.
Jenay invited me to Maine and gave me a roof
over my head and a job to tie me over until I decided what it was I really
wanted to do.
But I haven’t decided a
damn thing.”

have a certificate in Hotel Administration.
Jenay is willing to hire you as her assistant.
But you’re so stuck in the clouds worrying
about Mark that you can’t take advantage of anything.”

was right.
Denise was still texting
Mark, although he wasn’t texting her back.
She was still calling their mutual friends back in Boston to see what he
was up to.
She still had Mark on her
Making a decision about her
future wasn’t something she felt equipped to do right now.
Unlike becoming Jenay’s assistant, where she
had to keep up with schedules and appointments and everything else that was
thrown her way, waitressing was simple.
And right now, until she could make more permanent decisions, all she
could handle was simple.

that itch was still there.
And it was
growing stronger and stronger with each passing day.
And hunky Brent Sinatra was back, the man she
was willing to bet had a huge dick.
that was what she needed.
And he was great looking too, and his father
was rich?
Maybe he could give her what
she needed.
Mark certainly wasn’t giving
her a damn thing.
He wouldn’t even return
her text messages!
Her itch would never
get scratched if she left it up to him!

if Brent Sinatra scratched that itch, it would be commitment-free.
He certainly wouldn’t put any emotion into
it, she could see that right off.
Not a
player like him.
He certainly would
understand the parameters.
His brother
Tony would have too, she knew, but Tony would also get emotional about it.
His jokes and playing around act wasn’t
fooling her.
Tony took things to heart.

Brent would be different.
In a lot of
ways, he would be the best man for the job.
She knew he was only interested in her for her body.
Norm was right about that.
But she was only interested in him for
It seemed like the perfect
And she decided, looking at him
through the comfort of the kitchen, that she was going to light that match.

her break was over, and Norm was back at work, she headed out of the
Brent was still sitting at one
of her tables, but Stephie was taking his order.
As soon as Stephie left to place the order,
Denise made her way over to him.

smiled when she came.
He dearly missed
seeing that expressive face of hers.
“How are you?” he asked.

How are you?”

in there.
I didn’t see you around.
Stephie already took my order.
She said you were on break.”

I was.
But thanks for noticing.”

stared at her.
She was behaving
“No need to thank me,” he

she just stood there, smiling, as if she was trying to think of more
conversation to make.
She was hoping
he’d ask her out again, and was ready with her answer.
But he didn’t.
The question never came.
She began to feel kind of foolish.
Maybe he was over it now and had come back
today, not for her, but for the food.
“I’ll see what’s keeping Stephie,” she said, and began to head
That was the story of her
She’d hesitate and hesitate, and
then, when she was ready to jump into the pool and finally take the plunge, all
of the water would be dried up.

then he reached out, and took her by the hand.

felt his touch, and was pleased by it, but she kept her cool as she turned
toward him.

she turned his way and he saw those big, creamy-chocolate eyes, he felt a thump
in his heart.
It was such an odd,
emotional thump that it surprised him.

she asked when she turned.
She was not
completely hopeful yet, but she was getting there.

time do you knock off?”

inwardly smiled.
Her hope was

don’t have to close?”

tonight, no.”

still held her hand.
It felt so small in
“You have a room at the B & B


don’t I pick you up and we go out somewhere?”

still hesitated, but then she thought about that darn pool, and acted.
“Sounds good,” she said.

was inwardly delighted.
But he had to
make sure.
“I thought you said the two
of us hooking up wasn’t a good idea.”



“Needful,” she said.

“Double that,” he said.
Then he looked into those sad eyes of hers
“I’ll be here around, say,

see you then,” she said, trying to keep her emotions under wraps too, and then
she headed back to the kitchen.
could feel his eyes all over her ass as she walked.
But she didn’t care.
She was pleased.
She was going out.
She was going out with Brent Sinatra!
And by night’s end, she was going to make it
her business to get laid.
To finally get
some serious relief once and for all!

boring-ass town, she thought as she walked, just got a lot more interesting.


parked her Mercedes on the street in front of the Ackerman’s home, grabbed the
cake she had baked and her Dior bag, and made her way toward the entrance.
By the look of the cars already there, she
was one of the last to arrive.
Which was
fine by her.
She really didn’t want to
be there anyway.
But Charles felt he had
a duty to keep tabs on these people, so she took on that duty too.
Although she could think of a zillion other
things she could spend her Friday night doing.

rang the bell.
The door was opened, not
by Pat or one of the other ladies on the steering committee, but Stoke
Ackerman, Pat’s husband.
He owned a boat
ramp company that had been in his family for three generations.
Jenay knew it could not possibly sit well
with him that Charles’s boating business, a company he started less than ten
years ago, surpassed him in sales each and every year.
But like so many of the blue bloods around
town, they knew how to smile and hide their contempt.

hello there, little lady,” Stoke said as he opened the door wider. “Come on
They’re waiting for you.”

entered the palatial home, made her way down a narrow hall, and then entered
the living area where Pat Ackerman and a group of about eight other ladies were

come on in!”
Pat said jovially.
She was a middle-aged petite white woman with
a beautiful face and smile.
“We were
hoping you didn’t back out.”

would I back out?” Jenay asked, as she entered Pat’s lair.

of the other ladies glanced at each other, as if they couldn’t believe how
ridiculous she was to ask such a question.

was just a figure of speech,” Pat said.
“Before Charles turned on Paige, she used to represent him at all of the
steering committee meetings.
She would
back out of attending often.
She always
had some excuse.
That’s why I asked
Then Pat stood and accepted the
“And you bought cake,” she
“How sweet.”

you make it yourself?” Karen, another businessman’s wife attending the meeting,
asked Jenay.

did, yes,” Jenay responded.

quickly stood up.
“I’ll take it to the table,”
she said, and took the cake from Pat.

everybody had settled down, they began the meeting in earnest.
And it went fine.
They talked about the upcoming Founders Day
parade and other smaller upcoming town events.
Nothing untoward in Jenay’s eyes.
It was, in fact, a wonderfully uneventful night.

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