Betrayal: Reckless Desires (Dark Wolves Book 2) (4 page)

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Authors: Elianne Adams

Tags: #Reckless Desires Collection

BOOK: Betrayal: Reckless Desires (Dark Wolves Book 2)
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The second Wesken released the Mahehkan bastard who had dared come onto their land and touch their women, the coward fell to the ground before stumbling back and bolting through the trees. He’d all but pissed himself when Wesken had approached. And so he should have. Had it not been for the fact that the Mahehkan Alpha needed to hear the message he was sending, he would have killed the wolf and left his mangy corpse for the ravens to feast on.

If the rival pack’s leader was any Alpha at all, he would recognize the challenge for what it was. And if he had any balls, he would come. And he would die.

Besides, letting the coward go didn’t mean a damned thing. His reprieve was temporary. He’d only delayed the inevitable. There was only one acceptable punishment for harming one of the Komoro women. Death. This particular male hadn’t been the one to harm Amalija, but he was just as guilty.

Amalija lay on her side watching the treeline, her chest heaving with her ragged breaths. His vision flashed red at the sight of her blood on the ground and on her beautiful coat. The need to hunt the male slammed into him hard, but Argram had already decided. Even now, as silent as a ghost, Orrin followed, tracking the wolf through the forest. He would come back with the information they needed to eliminate the threat once and for all. It was a matter of time.

He’ll pay for his part in hurting her
, Wesken assured his wolf, soothing it with the promise. He’d make sure of it.

Wesken shifted. Beth and Jinnie both gasped and turned away so fast they might have whiplash. But he didn’t care. If he couldn’t go on the hunt himself, he would take care of Amalija. Sure, the Omegas would pamper her given half the chance, but she needed rest. He didn’t stop, even when Argram’s grunts would have halted another male’s steps. He hadn’t forbidden him from going to her, only warned him to tread carefully. Injured wolves could be temperamental. That was no secret. And if she snapped at him, he’d deal with her and her sharp little teeth once he got her home.


When Wesken shifted and came to her, there was no doubt what his intentions were. She should object. Given a few more minutes, she’d be able to walk. It would hurt, but she’d lived through much worse. But the fierce look in his eyes and the hard lines making his face more ferocious than she’d ever seen it wouldn’t allow it. He needed to do this—to care for her in his way.

His warmth stole over her. His scent filled her sensitive nose. Nowhere on earth would she ever be safer than she was at that moment. Yet her body shook, and her teeth chattered. She tried taking deep breaths to calm herself, but the male’s voice echoed in her mind.
“Give the girl to us, and all this stops.”

All this time, the Komoro pack had thought the Mahehkans had been after their land. She’d half convinced herself of it, too. But they weren’t. Roger didn’t like to lose. He’d promised to hunt down each and every female who escaped and make them pay for their disloyalty. Each time one of them left, he’d rage and threaten—even beat—those who remained. Some of the women were so afraid that, when given the opportunity to escape, they’d refused. But not her.

Wesken’s arms tightened around her, and he pulled her closer still, but it wasn’t enough. She wanted to burrow into him and get lost in his strength—forget that the world existed, if only for a while. She tried to get closer, but in her wolf form, no amount of wiggling would help. She needed skin-on-skin contact.

A deep rumble vibrated in his chest. “Change back if you need to,” he said, his voice gravelly.

What he offered was so much heavier than a simple shift. She’d be naked in his arms. Vulnerable. Something she’d sworn she never would be again. But this was Wesken. He was as different from Roger as summer from winter. You couldn’t even compare the two.

She took a shaky breath and let the transformation take her. The burn in her left leg made her gasp and stiffen as her body stretched and bones reformed. The only sign that he even noticed was the muscle jumping in his jaw as he ground his teeth together.

Nuzzling close, she pressed her nose where his neck and shoulder met, then sighed. Yes, this was what she needed. His heat. His strength. His protection. She’d been fooling herself in thinking that she could resist this man—her mate. She took another deep breath. For months, she’d avoided close contact with Wesken when everything in her wanted to get as close as she could be.

Her wolf pushed—begged—for more. Until now, she’d refused each and every attempt to get closer to the man who was destined to be hers. But not anymore. She’d allowed the nightmare of her past to dictate her life for too long. Roger had stolen so much from her. He’d taken her family, her happiness, and even her home. No more. Her future was hers, and so was her mate, she refused to let her old Alpha take them from her.

Before she could change her mind, she took a long lick of Wesken’s neck. He tasted as amazing as he had when he’d kissed her on her front step, but this time, there was a hint of wildness that drove her wolf closer to the edge. His fingers dug into her thigh, and a small moan slipped past his lips.

“Amalija,” he said, his voice hoarser than it had been.

She slid the tip of her tongue over the corded muscle of his shoulder, this time ending with a scrape of her teeth against his skin. His groaned louder, and he quickened his step.

If any of their pack mates were near, she didn’t know and didn’t care. She needed her mate, and she’d do whatever it took to have him. Even if she couldn’t keep him in the end.




Wesken took Amalija through the village toward her home. No one approached as he strode past. Their pack mates weren’t stupid enough to risk it. Not when the beast inside him was so close to the surface, and the need for vengeance pounded so deep in his soul. That time would come, but for now, he needed to take care of Amalija. Only she mattered. He should have put a stop to it when she’d licked his skin, but the distraction had subdued her constant shaking, and in turn, had allowed his wolf to settle—a little. Now, all he could think of was her pretty lips on his body, the taste of her on his tongue. He needed it more than his next breath.

When she nipped at his shoulder, then licked the spot again, he groaned. They had to be alone. Now. Climbing the steps in two strides, he opened the door.

He didn’t bother putting her down as he entered her home. Her body was healing, and she could no doubt move without his help, but he wasn’t ready to let her go. She wasn’t getting away from him. Not that she seemed to want to, but he wasn’t risking it.

Her soft, little licks and the scrape of her teeth had his cock throbbing and his blood pounding hot in his veins. The scent of her arousal surrounded him, and for the second time that day, he wanted to hold her up against the nearest hard surface and slam into her. His cock twitched at the thought.

Walking through the living room, he headed for the hallway that led to the bedrooms. He hadn’t been in her home before, but it didn’t matter. Although his was smaller, the layout was the same. “Which one?” he asked.

“Let go of my legs,” she said, as she pointed to the last door at the end of the hall.


“Just my legs,” she pleaded as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down to hers. “I need more.”

He could do more. As soon as he released her legs, she wrapped them around his waist and plastered her breasts against his chest. She made a soft whimpering sound as her mound rubbed against him. With his hands on her ass, he pressed her tight. Each step he took had her clit rubbing against him and a moan slipping past her lips. He swallowed each one as he devoured her mouth, delving in with his tongue, mimicking what he would do with his cock.

He didn’t stop until he had her on the bed, and was covering her with his body. Still, she clung to him. Thrusting her hips up, she pulled her mouth from his.

“I can’t wait. Please, Wesken,” she begged as she tried to line her body to his.

He wanted to savor the moment. Take his time and explore each and every part of her…worship her as she deserved. But the desperate need in her voice and her beautiful body laid out beneath his wouldn’t allow it. She reached between them and grasped his cock, stealing all reason.

“Now,” she demanded, her voice raspier than he’d ever heard it. The sound went straight to his cock, making him jerk in her palm. “Take me.”

With his hands on her hips, he claimed her mouth again as he pushed the head of his cock inside her heat. The slick muscles clenched around him so tight, so hot, he had to slow down. He’d hurt her if he wasn't careful.

But Amalija wouldn’t let him. With her legs wrapped around his hips and her hands grabbing his ass, she took him deeper. “So good,” she mumbled as she pulled back, then pressed up again.

He rolled then, ending on his back, taking her with him so that she straddled him. Never had he seen a more beautiful woman than Amalija astride him, poised over him with her eyes half closed and her lips puffy from his kisses. She dug her fingers into his chest as she lowered herself, taking his entire length in one long, slow glide.


Nothing Amalija had ever done had felt so good. Ever. Her whole body thrummed with energy. Wesken stretched her body so tight that the burn was almost too much, but when she moved, when
did, it sent jolts of pure pleasure rushing through her body. She didn’t dare go any faster. If she did, she’d splinter into a million pieces, and she didn’t want it to be over. Not yet.

Leaning forward, she brought her lips down to his, whimpering as her clit rubbed against his pelvis.

He brought his hands up, running his fingers through her hair, fisting his hands in the silky strands as he held her for his kiss. The deep rumble coming from his chest had her heart beating faster, pounding out a rhythm meant for only them. As his tongue tangled with hers, she welcomed the sting in her gums as her canines came through. He was there—right there. What she wanted, what she needed, was to claim her mate. To bite him. Mark him. But she couldn’t. Not until he knew who—what—she was.

It took all of her will to pull away. She raked her nails down his chest, from collarbone to ribs, leaving pink scratches that she wanted to follow with her tongue. She wanted to lick each and every one of his scars until he begged her for more. Wesken hissed a breath through his teeth and thrust up into her, harder than before.

Sensation flooded her, making her moan and lift her hips, then sink over him again. As much as she wanted to make this last, already, her traitorous body was on the precipice. Her clit throbbed with each heated pulse coursing through her. Each time she flexed her fingers on his chest, his cock jerked inside her, and his fingers gripped her a little tighter.

She lifted her hips, hesitating for only a second before coming down again. “I can’t…” she whispered as she moved over him, taking him again. And again.

“You can’t what, Amalija?” he kept her gaze, not letting her look away.

A shiver of pleasure rushed down her spine, and she gasped. “I can’t stop. Can’t wait.”

Wesken brought his hand between them and gave her clit a small stroke. “I don’t want you to wait.”

When she lifted off him again, he thrust up, meeting her as she came down, and flicked her clit with the pad of his thumb. The sound of their bodies coming together was drowned out by her gasp and his moan. Amalija repeated the motion, desperate for that jolt. The fiery heat that pulsed through her ignited every nerve ending and every cell, making each one sing, desperate for more.

He pounded his cock into her, and she slammed herself onto him. With each thrust, he stroked her, sending her higher and higher until everything around them faded, and only they existed.

With waves of pleasure that went on and on, cresting and receding only to crest again higher and stronger, she shattered. The muscles in her pussy clenched and released around him with each ebb of the sensuous tide, taking—demanding—what was hers. With a hoarse moan, he shuddered and stilled as his cock jerked inside her.

Amalija collapsed over him, tucking her face into his neck, inhaling his musky scent. More than anything, she wanted to complete the mating with her bite, but she closed her eyes and took one deep breath after another. They needed to talk, but she was too tired to do anything more than snuggle closer and drift off to sleep.




Amalija woke slowly. With her head tucked on Wesken’s shoulder and his arm curled around her, she craved nothing more than to snuggle into his warmth and drift off again. She took a shaky breath. Part of her wanted to ignore the reality of what she had to do and bask in the joy of being in her mate’s arms, but she couldn’t. It wasn’t fair to either of them.

“Why are you so tense all of a sudden?” he asked, his voice a little drowsy as though he’d just woken, as well.

She lifted her head to look at him and licked her lips. His eyes darkened as his gaze followed the movement. He looked as though he would close the distance and kiss her. She couldn’t let that happen. Not until she had everything out in the open. Hell, maybe once he knew what she was doing, he’d help her. She wasn’t the bad guy after all.

“We need to talk.”

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