Beats of Life (Perception Book 5) (12 page)

BOOK: Beats of Life (Perception Book 5)
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Chapter 16




“Holy shit, that party was crazy,” Melanie declares, walking into the main bedroom of our hotel suite. She is wearing a baby pink silk chemise nightie and fluffy pink slippers. I giggle softly when she dives onto the bed and sends the morning newspapers flying into the air.


Part of my job is to gather all of the printed articles about the band in print and online and present it to Emily in a brief dot point format. Today, the news is pretty quiet on the front of the band. Noah and Emily had dinner at Michael Mina and Marcus was spotted driving a convertible over the Golden Gate Bridge. Other than that, there are no huge new stories regarding the band.


My eyebrows pull together tight and I look at Melanie curiously when I notice her sniffing the white sheets on my hotel bed.


“What are you doing?” I eventually question when she pulls my spare pillow to her face and takes in a large inhale of breath through her nose.


She cocks her eyebrow and her lips pout before she replies, “I thought this room would have been reeking of hot smelly sex.” She practically purred when she said the part about hot smelly sex. I pick up one of the spare throw pillows and throw it at her head, causing her to giggle softly.


“That kiss was hot,” she advises, throwing the pillow back at me. “Even my panties got moist watching it,” she continues, making my face scrunch up in disgust and a small bit of bile to form in my throat. That is the last image I want in my mind right now. She rolls her eyes dramatically when she notices the expression on my face. “Don’t deny it, that kiss made you all wet and horny,” she declares confidently.

I’m not denying it. My kiss with Slater last night was heart stopping, knee wobbling, pussy clenching good. It was one of the highest rating kisses I’ve ever had. He tasted clean and fresh with a slight hint of beer. I had nearly forgotten that we were in a house full of strangers, until their excited cheers and screams projected around us. When I reluctantly pulled away from his delicious lips, I couldn’t miss the look of lust in his eyes. It was like the last two years had never happened and I would have given anything to go back two years ago and fix everything I did wrong to him, but I couldn’t. So instead of letting the past haunt me, I quickly jumped to my feet, declaring that the snacks table needed to be replenished.

Normally, that is the only task I ever do when Melanie throws one of her famous parties. I make sure the snacks are constantly refreshed and that we don’t run out of alcohol. Last night was the first time I ever participated in any of the little games she organises. I’m glad I managed to down a few glasses of liquid courage before Slater arrived. Otherwise I may have never had the chance of experiencing one of his heart stopping kisses again.

I could feel his eyes on me the rest of the night but he kept his distance. It was only when I informed Melanie at three am that I was going to bed as I had to work the next day did he walk back towards the interconnecting door. He stopped halfway upon entering and our gaze met and held for several moments. If he had nodded his head, requesting for me to join him, I would have, but he didn’t. Instead he offered me a small smile before he darted into his room.

“What that’s saying?” Melanie questions, staring into space. “You can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl,” she continues, her eyes flicking back to look at me.


“That saying applies to you. Two years and you still smell country,” she informs with a hint of disgust in her voice.

It’s actually been two years and three months since I’ve been back to the ranch. The last time I was there was the first time Slater met my family…….

Slater walked into the spare room at my parent’s house and placed his small duffle bag down onto the single wrought iron bed. His confused and slightly amused face slowly turned around to face me.


“You’re on top,” he said cheekily, motioning his head towards the single bed.


“Actually…I’ll be sleeping in my room,” I replied softly. His eyebrow cocked and a small smirk formed on his face. His gaze leisurely roamed over my body and when he took a step towards me, I took a step backwards, triggering him to smile largely. 


“My parents are old fashioned and they don’t allow anyone to sleep in the same room until they are married,” I advised quietly, crossing my legs in an attempt to help lessen the tingling sensation that had rapidly formed there from his lust filled eyes roaming over my body.


When he took another step closer to me, I stepped back and ended up crashing into the set of drawers that were sitting next to the open bedroom door. My breath came out in ragged pants and my eyes flicked between Slater and the open door. He took another step closer to me, leaving only a small inch of air between our bodies.


“I haven’t had you in a week,” he whispered, his warm minty breath fanning my hungry lips. “Do you think I can wait another night?” he questioned, his lust filled eyes roaming over my face before stopping to stare at my lips.


A small smile formed on my face. I leaned in closer to him, so close that our noses were nearly touching. “Well maybe we should get married then?” I suggested.


Slater’s face instantly morphed into panic. His eyes darted between mine and his pupils dilated. The longer I maintained my composure, the more his panic settled in. I darted under his arm that was leaning against the wall and walked out into the hallway.


When his panicked eyes eventually lifted to mine, I gave him a seductive wink before suggesting, “Or we could just have sex in the barn later?” I then turned on my heels and quickly made my way back down the stairs, not missing the frustrated groan of Slater that sounded down the hall.


My parents couldn’t have been any more different than Slater’s parents. My dad was raised on that very ranch and my mom lived next door. They had been together nearly as long as Slater’s parents, except I wasn’t conceived until after my parents got married at the local church. Five years after I was born, I was followed by my little brother Teddy. His real name is Theodore, but we all call him Teddy.


When Slater made his way back down the stairs, I introduced him to my mom and dad. They both stood frozen in the doorway, my mom’s mouth was slightly open, her eyes slowly roaming over Slater’s body. Dad’s eyes zoomed straight in on the tattoo’s covering his arms and narrowed angrily. Even Slater offering his hand to my dad to shake didn’t register with my dad. It was only when Teddy walked into the entranceway declaring that Slater’s tattoos “Are totally sick,” did my parents hypnotic state finally come to an end.


Teddy moved straight to Slater and accepted his hand that was left hanging by my dad. When his eyes turned to mine, I offered him my thanks with a smile. Teddy was only sixteen and he was normally too absorbed with his own teenage problems to bother with anyone else, but even he couldn’t miss the awkwardness in the room.


“You have to come and meet Misty,” I informed Slater, grabbing a hold of his hand and dragging him out the front door. Eager to be anywhere but in that entranceway.


“Dinner is in an hour, Kylie,” Dad informed sternly when I reached the front porch.


Once I was at the front of the house, my eyes slowly lifted to look at Slater. “I’m sorry about my parents,” I apologized softly. I had never realized my parents were judgemental people until just then.


“It’s fine,” he replied softly. “But I take it they don’t know about your tattoo?” he questioned with his eyebrow cocked into the air. My eyes instantly darted towards the house, praying that we were far enough away that my parents’ didn’t hear what Slater said. When he noticed my reaction, he chuckled loudly before declaring, “I take that as a no.”


“Shut up,” I instructed firmly, clasping my hand within his and walking briskly towards the barn. The closer we got to the barn; the more Slater’s smile enlarged.


“This isn’t the barn I mentioned earlier,” I advised, wiping the smile right off his face.


I giggled softly at his disappointed face before I walked him up to one of my greatest loves. “Slater met Misty, Misty this is Slater,” I introduced. Misty moved towards me and rubbed her beautiful nose right down the side of my face, her breath out of her nostril felt warm against my cheek.


“Nice to meet you Misty,” Slater said kindly. He ran his hand down Misty’s nose, causing her to buck up and rear.


“She has some jealously issues,” I advised. Misty was my beautiful light grey mare that I had been the proud owner of since I was ten years old. She was the one thing I miss the most about not going to a local college. I use to ride her every opportunity I got. Back then, I was lucky to get on her back once or twice a month.


“Do you want go for a ride?” I questioned excitedly, peering down at my watch.


We should have been able to ride out to the old barn and back before dinner if I could convince Greg to help me saddle up Misty and another horse. Greg was the leading hand on the ranch, he has been working with my dad since the day I was born. He is like an uncle to me, he is also Dominic’s dad.


When Slater remained quiet, I turned to face him. He was shaking his head and his face appeared more panicked than what it did when I jokingly suggested that we should get married.


“I’m not getting on a horse,” he informed mortified, looking at me like I had suddenly grown another head.


“Why not?” I queried, just as I noticed Greg walking into the barn.


I quickly made my way to Greg and requested for him to saddle up Charlie. Charlie was a few years older than Misty and he was also a lot more timid, so he was perfect for a first time rider. I made my way to the store room and grabbed a pair of chaps and riding helmet for both Slater and I. When I walked back out of the storeroom, Slater smiled brightly.


“I’ve seen those before,” he advised, his eyes darting down to the chaps. “Just not in any movies you have probably watched,” he continued chuckling softly, triggering me to screw up my nose in disgust. I threw a large pair of chaps and a helmet to him, before moving to Misty’s stall to clip a lead onto her bridle.


He watched me place a rug on Misty before gently placing her saddle on her back. When I tightened the straps under her belly, she reared up and kicked, forcing him to take a step backwards.


“She gets cranky when she hasn’t been ridden in a while,” I informed.


“Sounds like someone I know,” Slater replied cheekily, forcing me to smile brightly.


Once I had finished saddling up Misty, Greg entered the barn with Charlie. “Slater this is Charlie,” I introduced, walking over to Charlie and running my hand down his white nose. Charlie is black in color, bar his white nose. “Charlie this is Slater. You need to be nice to him as it’s his first time on a horse,” I advised, staring into Charlie’s black eyes. Charlie nodded his head and neighed like he could understand me.


When I turned my eyes back to Slater, he was shaking his head sternly. I walked towards him, nodding my head. “I’m not getting on a fucking horse,” he declared loudly, causing Greg to cough over his explicit language. Greg has three sons, but I’m pretty sure none of them would have ever swore in front of him. If they did, they would have gotten a whooping.


“It’s just like riding your bike,” I informed quietly, standing in front of him.


“No, it’s fucking not,” he replied, his eyes flicking back to look at Charlie. I couldn’t help but giggle over the fact that Slater, the big bad boy biker, seemed so scared of a little innocent horse. When he heard my giggles, his non-amused eyes darted back down to mine.


I fisted his shirt with my left hand and used my right hand to pull his lips to mine. His lips were stern and dry to start with, but as the kiss intensified they became smooth and silky. When I pulled away from our embrace, his eyes slowly popped open. “We are going to the barn I told you about earlier,” I whispered quietly, trying to ensure that Greg didn’t overhear our conversation.


Slater remained quiet, like he was considering my request. His eyes flicked between mine and they occasionally lowered down to my lips. When my tongue darted out to moisten my lips, a sly smirk morphed onto his face. He grabbed the chaps and helmet I threw at him earlier and handed them back to me.


“I don’t wear protection,” he informed, making me wonder if he was still talking about the riding equipment. When he noticed the expression on my face, he winked before he made his way towards Greg and Charlie. Greg lowered down and assisted him in throwing his leg over Charlie and I used the stirrups to mount Misty. When I looked at Slater sitting on Charlie, it was like seeing two worlds collide. Country and Rock N Roll all rolled into one, and it was a mighty spectacular sight.

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