Be Careful What You Wish For (16 page)

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Authors: Misty Blue

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

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Why did his words sound like a threat? Or perhaps they were meant as a pleasurable experience to look forward to.

‘Now lie on the floor the way you would when I examine you. This is the “Examine” position, indicated like this.'

Holding his hand parallel to the floor, he moved it sharply from left to right. Abi hastened herself into the position, and he moved her hands to her sides, palms facing upward, legs spread wide.

‘You will in future adopt this position when instructed, and it will be used to examine you.'

He knelt down with her and parted her labia, sliding one finger, then two, into her vagina. He watched the expression on her face change, and a single gasp escape her lips as he set up a rhythm using the thumb as a pivot.

‘Remember, slave, you cannot come without permission from your Master.'

He was teasing her. She knew it, but still she couldn't help the spasms, the tingling, the flow of emotions. His fingers withdrew, glistening with her juices. For a moment, just a short fleeting moment, she held herself on the edge of a climax, and then frustrated by his withdrawal, writhed in a state of high agitation on the floor.

At once he pulled up her knees, widening her legs and holding her firm, and in deadly earnest smacked her several times on her pussy. She knew, even though she couldn't help herself, that she had once more tested the boundaries, the limits of control he had over her, and failed. She was being punished.

He held her until she was still. Then turning her over quickly, spanked her buttocks with a series of hard and calculated smacks until both cheeks glowed warm and red.

The lesson then continued just as if there had been no interruption at all. But Abi was wary, uncertain about the mood which seemed to have taken Shadow over, or where it might lead.

‘These final two positions will play a major part in the Ceremony, and the movements must be fluid. Now kneel as before, but a shoulder width from me. Back straight. Arms behind your back. Head and eyes lowered. This is the “Collaring Position”, and a hand motion will be made by one or other of your Masters by placing our right hand to our throat. Your new collar, that of true slave, will be placed around your throat as a sign of commitment, together with the words that will pass between us.'

It was the first time she'd had any part of the Ceremony explained, and she listened carefully to his every word.

‘Finally, when cuffs are placed about your wrists you will hear the command “Cuffs Front” or “Cuffs Back”, indicated with the hand signal of an index finger and thumb encircling the left wrist, front or back, depending on which way it is to be.'

Shadow smiled at her look of confusion. ‘Don't worry; we'll go through this many times, and I'll leave a list for you to study so it'll be perfect on the day.'

Abi let out an audible sigh of relief; it was a lot to remember. For the moves to be smooth it would take time.

‘Now, before I set you your task, come to the couch and let us begin the necessary modifications to your body. It must look the best it can for the Ceremony, and you must be prepared for those things you'll not know about until The Day.'

Once on the couch her legs were parted and fingers inserted into her vagina, already wet with anticipation. A set of small eggs replaced the fingers, sliding in to vibrate inside her. Then making certain he had her full attention, he uttered the word, ‘Present.'

He made a swift turning motion with his fist, but caught on the edge of a spasming climax it was a moment or two more before she obeyed... too late! He was playing with her again, and she had failed to notice the switch.

He turned her, legs drawn underneath, and spanked her again. ‘Your response must be quicker.'

She hoped his palm stung, but she'd need to watch that such thoughts passed unnoticed by keen eyes. And just to confuse her he added with a wry smile playing about his lips, ‘And yes, it seems we must see to your needs now or we will get no further.'

He held her firmly with one hand, while the fingers of the other returned to her anus and, combined with the vibrating eggs, brought her to a climax within seconds.

But Shadow was not finished. No sooner had she come than he told her to hold her cheeks apart in the true position of “Present”, and using a small hose, bathed the area well before patting her dry. He laughed openly, cruelly, taunting her without hiding what he thought.

‘You are so easy, so relaxed, so ready for what is to come.'

He pushed into her rectum a larger than usual butt plug, and she winced as he manipulated the intruder into place. ‘You need your passage widened,' he said, answering her unspoken question. ‘But don't worry; you won't need it in for long. Now turn onto your back; we need to do the same to your sex.'

The vibrating eggs were driving her crazy, further and further towards another orgasm, but he eased them free and again used the hose to wash her thoroughly before inserting a plug into her vagina.

‘Now stand and assume the position.' He clapped his hands once, saying, ‘Inspect,' in a firm and commanding voice. At once she put her hands to the back of her head, legs wide apart, back arched. He placed on her a black leather corset which he tied tight, pulling in the ties, causing her to suck in her breath while ensuring her breasts were on display. Then he clamped each nipple again, causing her to wince, but she knew any protest would result in another punishment.

He pointed to the floor. ‘Standard,' and she positioned herself at his feet while he sat on a chair.

‘We will finish this session with a task to complete over the next week. You are to pick and prepare a switch. Now the selection of a switch is very important both physically and psychologically. A good switch is taken from a tree in bud, about three-eighths of an inch thick at the handle end, and green, in the interest of bending as it strikes your bottom. You will prune it free of buds, breaking off all twigs, and then you will scrub it with anti-bacterial soap to assure its cleanliness, and leave it to soak in a bathtub of warm water. It will be your duty to check the switches at intervals, for yes, there will be more than one, ensuring the water does not cool. Are there any questions? You may speak freely.'

Abi was bursting with hidden fears she could not easily put into words, and so Shadow, in an act of comfort and strength, added, ‘It is the task which is important in this instance. Whether or not the switch is actually used is irrelevant.'

‘How will I know when the Ceremony is to take place?' she asked. ‘I've no idea of time or even what day it is.'

‘You will know. Trust, remember? When the time is right we will come for you, and you will be ready. So complete the task which has been given. Learn the moves, positions and hand signals. In that way you will be prepared.'

He took her gently in his arms, cradling her in an act of unexpected affection, showing at least some of the deep feelings he had for her as a woman and as a slave soon to commit herself to them. He felt her panic, her fear, her anticipation, and her wonder. Beyond all doubt she would match the name they had chosen for her. He kissed her, an achingly passionate kiss.

‘Trust, my Little One. Know you are in safe hands. You have come Home.'

And then he left her, feeling just like a child waiting for Christmas.


istmas Comes Early


Christmas was always going to come early, Richard chided himself gently. How could it not when he had such a beautiful protege living alongside him? His thoughts endlessly shaped and shifted around all the possibilities. It was just like having the best ever menu and not knowing which to choose - fillet or rib-eye, or then again leg or breast when it came to chicken. He liked them all.

Suddenly he laughed as he realised the route his thoughts were taking him. It was hard to concentrate, to focus on anything but the body...
body... the lines...
curves... the way she held herself, the way her breasts invited him to explore, to hold, to feel...

The times when he shared breakfast with her almost drove him crazy, not reaching out to touch, not drawing her in, having to remain separate, aloof, detached, as if his emotions weren't really a part of him. And all the time churning, aching, erect... admiring from afar...

He was a man obsessed.

Finally, finally he had a slave within his grasp, it was a lifetime ambition - well almost - and he was keen to embellish the experience. The more he watched her through the screen the more he wanted her; to touch, to taste, to feel, to know everything there was to know, and more, much much more, to see how far the experience might go.

Business was good, the Christmas party season well underway. There were persistent rumours he was picking up of foreign investors looking for a restaurant chain, and it had been alluded to, it was his chain that was being targeted. Perhaps they were false, but if they were or not he may have to reassure his investors of any situation affecting the share price. Whatever the reason it meant he may have to be away from the island to visit his chief exec and the city. He had no option. Profitability was good. He was making money hand over fist. He didn't like rumours, and he didn't want the business threatened in any way. He didn't like to compromise. He could put off the time of his departure until after the Ceremony, but no later. Meanwhile, the aching need within him was growing daily. It was driving him to distraction, so much so that perhaps he had taken his eye off the ball.

He glanced at his desk. Usually he was organised, and yet his in-tray was unusually full. Something had to be done - and soon.

And where was Shadow? He should at least have been keeping papers in check, putting the most urgent in a separate pile for his attention. He checked the CCTV images being relayed to his computer. The camera displays in front of him showed his manservant in turn gazing down at a screen. Shadow's back was towards him.

What the fuck was Shadow looking at?

He watched with concern, and then a growing sense of envy as Shadow's unseen hand obviously slipped between his legs to stroke his cock slowly up and down, becoming more and more urgent, his body carrying through the rhythm. It could almost be termed a dance. He was monitoring Pandora, but what was Pandora doing to generate such lust? Not for the first time he wished he had more time to train her himself, rather than have his trusted sub do it.

But what was Shadow seeing on his screen? It reminded him of when a boy at the fair watching his friends being titivated by peep shows. He'd listen enviously to their excited chatter about what they'd seen, how they felt, what they wanted to do after. Why hadn't his father allowed him the experience? What could be so bad? After all, wasn't it part of a growing boy's education, part of his carnal knowledge, to know such things? Shame he'd had to wait so long for the answers...

He clicked on the screen to maximise the camera watching Pandora. She lay naked on the bed. One hand was wrapped around the head of a hairbrush, while the handle disappeared between her legs. Her other hand pinched the shy left nipple, and even he could see it was round and ripe, and obviously the instrument of an arousing pleasure-pain experience. Pandora looked achingly beautiful. Her eyes were closed. Her lips parted. Hair fanned around her head on the pillow, and she snaked across the bed, caught in self-induced abandon. No wonder Shadow was so excited.

But now what was he to do? Between them they had just exacerbated his problem. While his manservant was fixating on his slave and in no way attempting to castigate her, she was breaking all the rules and masturbating. Both should be punished, but was that necessarily the right action to take?

Angered and even slightly jealous by the images on the CCTV, he pressed the pager button to summon Shadow. But the figure on the screen didn't move. He pressed the button again... and then again. Still he seemed oblivious to the pager. All his attention was focused on the ‘peep show'.

It wasn't the first time Richard's commands had gone unheeded. His reactions were getting slower. For a period of time he had known Shadow was following his own agenda, and he'd let it go unchecked. That had been careless of him. But then his own mind had been distracted. It was also apparent that, since introducing Pandora into the household, Shadow was getting above his station. He would think nothing of questioning a command when his immediate response should be to act without thinking. He knew well enough the first rule of a slave: to act immediately a command is given.

But what was he doing now? He'd moved out of the line of vision. Deliberate? Was he daring to play with him? Had he learned the trick of where he could be just out of sight of a camera? For a long while he'd been thinking of installing additional cameras, but with Shadow present all the time on the island how could he? Perhaps this was the time and he should create a window of opportunity by making Shadow ‘absent' for a while.

He mused on the idea while his fingers tapped the keys irritably, trying to locate his missing servant. This would need to be played carefully. Shadow wasn't stupid. Shadow must have a hideaway, created when he set the cameras up, a place out of reach, out of sight.
. He knew he wasn't going to find that place now; his mind was still too full of the girl. But soon, Shadow, and in the meantime a plan had begun to form.

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