Be Careful What You Wish For (15 page)

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Authors: Misty Blue

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

BOOK: Be Careful What You Wish For
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It was only here she could develop her submissive nature, and through it know the strength to fly free. They would give her wings and teach her to fly. They were her companions, her soulmates, her lovers, her Masters. And she would obey, because of everything they shared together. Now she desperately yearned to live as One, and together, embrace the Dream. The change taking place in her was obvious, as was her complete submission to them. It was time. The Ceremony of Commitment needed to take place.

Six strokes of the crop lashed her bottom, then Abi held her head high as, with tears flowing freely down her face and her buttocks smarting, the manacles were removed.

‘Now, stand facing the wall, on tiptoes. Closer, so the tip of your nose touches it. And don't move.'

She'd expected the punishment to be over, the sixth strike of the crop to be the last. She had learned her lesson, after all, but she followed the instruction for fear of making her situation worse.

‘Hands behind your back.'

She obeyed immediately and felt them being bound.

‘This button is being placed here, between your nose and the wall. You will keep on tiptoe, and you will hold it there until you are told otherwise.'

Her breasts pushed against the wall in an effort to maintain her balance. Her head moved forward to support the small button and ensure it didn't drop. It was easy at first, but as they left her, not knowing when they would return, her ankles and calves started to ache incessantly.

She began to panic a little. Surely they would come soon. They would know, wouldn't they, that she couldn't stay there for long. But the button was slipping, and still they didn't come. Her face grazed the wall as she struggled to maintain balance and keep the stupid little button there.

She lost track of time, increasingly bored with the exercise. Wanting to simply let go, to ease her aching legs, to walk, to sit, to know once again what it was to be independent of the damn wall and the button so dependent on her. But she didn't dare for one moment lose concentration or let the button drop. And the more she stood there, stretching, legs numb, she realised this was an exercise in obedience, in discipline, a further testing for the slave that was to be.

She remembered what she'd read about having the right mindset of a slave, focusing on respect, obedience, rituals, withdrawing from all else. That was why here, at Arcana, there were no outside influences to distract her from her Calling and her servitude as slave.

When finally they came, taking the button, Abi fell to a kneeling position at their feet, parting her legs wide, stretching her arms, touching her head to the floor in complete submission to them.

For long moments there was silence. She wondered fleetingly if she had done wrong in not waiting to be told. But then hands held her there, while fingers gently rubbed soothing cream into her throbbing buttocks. Then they helped her rise, holding and comforting her as she cried in their arms.

They took her back to her Chamber and lay with her, caressing her into a state of arousal. Dream Catcher lay naked beside her, and coaxed her to take hold of his penis, showing her how to fondle it, pulling back the foreskin and taking it right to the back of her mouth.

As she knelt Shadow knelt, scratching down her back, holding her head in position over the rigid cock. He inserted a finger in her anus, matching the rhythm she was making with her lips.

She was aware that Dream Catcher was in control. He was instructing Shadow. Shadow was instructing her. There was a chain of command. It was something to remember, and to think on.

After a time they lay her gently on her back amongst soft cushions, and with Shadow kneeling over her face she took his penis in her mouth and continued the sucking rhythm of before, while he manipulated and massaged her breasts, pinching her nipples, causing an unbearable pleasure to build in her groin.

Seeing her movements heightened, her hips rising and falling, her body swaying as she was taken to the edge, Dream Catcher positioned himself between her feet, bending and parting her legs, positioning his cock at the entrance already seeping with juices. He awaited his moment, and then, parting her labia, pulled her onto him until his erection was totally embedded.

Her belly rose to greet him, and together, all three came in unison, Abi, Dream Catcher and Shadow, caught in the throws of an erotic wave carrying them towards a faraway shore, beyond rational explanation or reason, a place where their spirits fused to embrace the missing parts of their selves; parts they had waited a lifetime to discover.

This was their Destiny. To become one with the other, each a part and yet separate. Each united in the common goal. And in that orgasmic moment all three knew that one could not live without the other. They were part of the same journey.

One Whole.

One Love.





It was a strange feeling, wanting to live the life of a slave. To be owned by a Master. To be open and available to him at all times. To know he is aware of everything about you, every nuance of your body, every thought, every feeling, every emotion, every truth. To want to give yourself and to please. To be willingly conditioned and controlled.

Abi dwelt on these thoughts swirling about her head, and decided that true submission must be born into a person's character. Life experiences can mould and shape someone, can change and develop in a negative or a positive way. But to want to submit, to make that commitment and to be a slave takes a certain kind of person, and a very special relationship between slave/sub and Master to make that work.

To feel aroused by the idea of smacking, whippings, beatings, while at the same time being afraid, is a contradiction in itself. And yet it is the way it must be for the slave who is truly serious about her vocation. And all the time, within this controlling relationship, Abi felt empowered with a tremendous sense of liberation and freedom she had never experienced before.

With this in mind she knelt before her Masters to discuss her submission and preparations for her commitment to them.

‘Ownership is about belonging. And for that belonging to be total and complete means testing who you are, how you feel, and what you are capable of, building up that trust to such a degree that you are able to place your whole self in our hands, knowing you are safe, protected, loved. We will know how hard to push and what you are capable of. We will know what is best for you. You must trust us to know. We will never cross the line and create an unsafe environment. For this is your Home every bit as much as it is ours. And you need to feel that here you are accepted, that you are loved just the way you are.'

Dream Catcher emphasised these final words to make his point clear.

‘Here you can be as open and as creative as you like. You are an equal and a valued part of this power exchange and the relationship we share. We recognise that there are submissives who have an overwhelming need to be possessed by a Dominant. And that your submissive nature - gentle, vulnerable, sensitive, giving, open as it is - makes you such a person. What you have is a gift. Given the right environment it means you can be coaxed from behind the protective walls built during your lifetime out of a need to protect yourself and to survive the pain of abuse. For it is these very walls that became the prison from which you crave release. And within our protective love, care and control, in exposing all of your true self to your Masters, you can be free, secure in the knowledge that no harm will ever come to you again.

‘For this to be possible it has been necessary to achieve a deep understanding of your emotions. Now more will be asked of you, including an emotional history and your view of what
feel is happening in the relationship we share. Armed with this information we will then be able to ensure we have effectively created and can maintain an environment which matches your needs in terms of protection and control.'

Dream Catcher raised a finger as he saw Abi was about to comment. She closed her mouth and maintained her silence.

‘We will introduce as a part of our commitment to you such things as safewords, time out, contracts, negotiated limits and anything else we consider appropriate to formulate our relationship and make it acceptable to
our needs.

‘Do you understand these things, and are you willing to complete the process and commit yourself fully and absolutely to your Calling?'

Abi made sure she was fully alert, kneeling before him in her nakedness, back erect, hands resting in her lap, before carefully formulating her reply.

“My Masters, I so want to commit myself to you, in every way. I don't fully understand my need; I only know that being a submissive has, until meeting you, only led me into pain. Pain is a part of who and what I am. But there needs to be the pleasure, the pleasing, the protection, the love, otherwise it is assault and abuse. Here you have made me whole. It has been a healing as well as a learning process, and I feel valued, respected, loved, and allowed to be the person I was meant to be. All I ask is that I stay to continue my development and to live out my Calling. I welcome a life shared with you.'

‘A good response indeed. You have been initiated into this life and found it suits you then. Therefore we will now go on to the second and final stage in making this marriage between us. The few weeks we have left before the first day of spring will be spent in preparation. Shadow will begin with your Position Training this morning, and set you a task on which to work.'

Dream Catcher left the room, and Shadow bid her stay in the position she was, but to turn and face where he sat in the chair.

‘Position Training is about obedience, humility, respect. It is aimed at teaching a submissive to assume a set of standard poses when the necessary voice command and signal is given. We will go through the moves one at a time. You must learn them well and be able to automatically give the correct move at any given time. You may be asked to assume a position by a word or hand signal given by either of your Masters. It is a necessary part of the discipline of being a slave. It is particularly important that you know these positions and can perform them without hesitation for the Collaring Ceremony.

‘The position you are in now is the standard slave position. A Master will either snap his fingers or utter the word “Standard”, and you will immediately obey. Your hands must be one on each knee palms up, your chin up also, but your eyes downcast. This is a position used when instructing or talking to you as we are now.'

Abi immediately adjusted her position to accommodate his words.

‘Now, submit to your Master. Bend fully, knees well apart, head to the floor, arms outstretched. This you will do whenever a Master enters the room, and you will remain until told otherwise.'

His hand was on her neck, firmly pressing her down. His fingers ran along her spine until they reached the valley of her bottom. And not for the first time she was surprised at the thrill of being held, tight and secure.

He felt her buttocks, massaging them before spanking them hard. Her groin ached all the more with need, but he released his hold on her, ignoring the shiver of her body as a wave of desire welled up from deep inside.

‘A slave will not come without a Master's permission,' he admonished, before proceeding with the lesson.

‘Stand up, legs apart. Hands clasped behind your head. Arch your back. You will come to this position when commanded by the word “Inspect”, or a single hand clap.'

Shadow came up behind her, and involuntary she turned.

‘Keep your head to the front, back arched. Do not ever move unless instructed.'

His hands began to stroke her flanks, taunting and teasing, almost forcing her to move, to go against his instruction just so he could have the excuse to punish her. But no, that was stupid. He was on her side. He only had her best interests at heart... didn't he?

She shuddered, trying to maintain the position, failing miserably. He moved to hold her tummy with one hand while fingers pressed down her spine, now hurting, prodding, pushing, making her want to break free.

Then in a sudden movement he tilted her sideways, bending her from the waist to the left, thumb and fingers pressing their way down to her bottom.

‘Still some stiffness in the joints; we'll need to work to make them more supple.'

She had the oddest feeling that they were not really the sentiments behind the words. There was something else, something she had sensed before, but which was now coming through more and more. She couldn't get an angle on what it was. Only that he had a different agenda to Dream Catcher. He was tricky. He was not always what he seemed.

She regained her upright posture, only to find herself pinioned in turn to the right while he prodded down her left side in the same way.

‘Present.' He faced her squarely, at the same time making a turning motion with his fist. A hand pushed her head well down, bending her down to her knees.

‘Spread the cheeks of your bottom, and keep your legs wide. This is the “Present” position; remember it and the signal used.'

Holding her firmly, not only with his hands but also with his legs entwined around hers, he spanked her bottom before a finger gently caressed and then pressed inside her anus. ‘Open yourself, slave. You're tight, but you won't be that way for long.'

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