Bad Apple (The Uncertain Saints MC #4) (20 page)

BOOK: Bad Apple (The Uncertain Saints MC #4)
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His eyes went up my naked body, starting at my bare ass and ending at the top of my shoulder blades.

“Oh, I want this,” he said. “But I want to do this at home, later tonight, in our own bed.”

I was shaking my head before he even finished.

“Absolutely not,” I denied, breaking away from his hold and turning around on the bed. “You’re going to lay there and let me love you.”

His eyes flared.

“I am not,” he contradicted. “We can’t leave Emily with my dad. He can’t take care of her.”

I narrowed my eyes.

“I left my cell phone on the table with him, and a bottle ready to feed her the moment—
and that’s a big if since I just fed her not even an hour ago—
she wakes up,” I said. “And you need to stop coddling us and let us breathe.”

“I’m not coddling you!” He replied, angry now. “I’m

“Protecting us from what?” I asked, throwing my arms out wide
. “Ourselves?”

His eyes narrowed.

“Every time you get excited you have a fucking seizure that knocks you out for half a day. Excuse fucking me if I’m trying to prevent that,” he hissed, backing away from the bed.

I followed him, being careful of my still weak leg when I stepped.

“That sounds like a bitch excuse to me,” I goaded him. “It sounds like you’re keeping me in a goddamned bubble that I can’t fucking breathe inside. Do you know what it’s like to be told to do

“Most girls would like that their man takes care of them,” he muttered darkly.

My brows rose again.

“Most girls aren’t me. I’m independent. I like being able to go to places I want to go. Such as the grocery store or Walmart to buy my own goddamned Kotex.”

He crossed his arms.

“I did that for you!” He snapped, instantly upset that I would say he didn’t provide for me.

“I know you did. That’s the problem,” I muttered. “I want to do stuff. Take Emily to a mommy and me class.”

“She’s still too young,” he said instantly.

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

“I know that,” I groaned.

“Then why would you just say you wanted to take her to a mommy and me class when you know she’s too young for that?” He questioned.

“It was an example!” I fumed. “I want to go places. On a date. With you! I’ve never even been on a date with you that my brother didn’t orchestrate.”

His eyes went intense.

“What are you talking about?” He hesitated.

I smiled at him and not in a nice way.

“You didn’t think I’d find out that my brother asked you to take me on a date?” I smiled, and not in a good way. “Well, you’d be mistaken.”

I prowled forward, letting him see the hurt in my eyes.

The same hurt that was in my eyes this morning when I heard my brother joking around with Wolf, saying he was the reason Emily was even alive. That if it hadn’t been for him, the most beautiful girl in the world wouldn’t have even been conceived.

“I took you out because I wanted to take you out,” he said stiffly. “Had I not already been planning that event, I wouldn’t have said yes to your brother.”

I glared at him.

“How am I ever supposed to trust that?” I cracked, throwing my hands up in despair. “I was a pity date!”

He was on me before I even finished bringing my hands back down to my sides.

“Pity?” He shook his head, grabbing a hold of my chin with one large hand. “I don’t fucking pity you for what you think I pity you for.”

“What?” I asked in confusion.

The ‘what’ came out sounding more like ‘waft’ since his hand was impeding my ability to speak clearly.

But it got the point across.

“I pity you because you have to deal with me for the rest of your life,” he leveled with me.

I blinked.

“Why would you pity me for that for?” I wondered. “That actually sounds like heaven to me.”

He backed away with disgust.

“How can you say that?” He ran his hands through his sweat slickened hair. “I’ve ruined your fucking life.”

I looked at him with incredulity.

“Ummm. How?” I was lost.

He looked at me like I’d grown a second head and then started pacing.

“Emily is mine and yours. You’ll forever have to deal with me, even when you wise up and decide I’m not worth the trouble,” he muttered, his hands going up to cup the back of his neck.

“I don’t see that happening any time soon. Plus, I thought we discussed this. That you were it for me,” I told him gently, taking a seat on the bed when my noodle leg started to shake from the exertion of standing up for so long.

He turned his head to look at me, then turned back to the wall where he was staring as he paced.

“Why do you think I’m still here?” He questioned. “I made you a promise, and even though I think that promise was stupid on your part, I’ll stay. Because you asked me to. And because I’m too selfish to go.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose again.

“Have you been taking your meds?” I tilted my head slightly, seeing where this was going.

He looked over at me sharply.

“I…ran out.” he confessed. “I have to go get them refilled.”

I sighed in exasperation.

“You’re stupid,” I grunted. “Jesus Christ, you can’t just stop taking those. They’re making you better.”

He shrugged.

“I’ve been too busy.”

Because of me. And Emily.

“I gotta go,” I picked up my clothes from the floor and dropped them on the bed.

Before I could tell him that he was leaving with me, though, Apple was on me, turning me over onto my back and following me down.

“You’re not leaving me,” he declared. “You’re mine. And I never let go of what’s mine.”

I blinked.

“I wasn’t letting you go,” I cupped his face. “You were coming with me.”

He blinked, his beautiful eyes staring deeply into mine.

“I’m not ready to leave just yet.” His voice dropped.

“Then what are you ready to do?” I asked breathlessly.

He ground his erection between my legs, and I blinked at him, then asked cheekily. “You want to dance?”

He growled and reached a hand between us to unbutton and unzip his pants.

Shoving them down, and then kicking them off completely, he came up to his haunches between my legs, and then pushed his erection down on top of my slit.

I arched when his length touched my clit, and then started to moan when he thrust his hips, letting the length rub against me. Coating himself in my juices that’d accumulated while I’d been watching his beautiful body chop wood.

“You’re ready for me,” he observed, bringing his hand that was now covered in the essence of me up to his lips.

Then his tongue slipped out between those perfectly white teeth and he licked his hand clean.

“Jesus Christ,” he groaned. “You taste so good.”

My eyes went molten as I spread my legs wider.

“Fuck me,” I ordered him.

He leaned down and positioned his erection at my entrance, then slowly slid inside.

“Oh, God,” I whispered, my eyes closing as he filled me. “You feel bigger.”

He chuckled darkly as he bent forward and captured my lips with his.

“Not bigger,” he promised. “You’re just tighter.”

“I don’t know why…or how,” I admitted, eyes closing as his strokes started to pick up in speed.

His hands moved to capture my thighs, hooking the backs of my knees over his forearms, as he pulled out and then slammed inside.

I squeaked in surprise as he hit bottom, inside of me.

“Good or bad?” He slowed.

“Good,” I panted. “Hurry. Faster. Now.”

He growled in approval and started the same rhythm back up. All the way out until his cock rested at my entrance, then he thrust inside so fast and hard that I could barely breathe.

The oxygen deprivation was perfectly fucking acceptable, though. At that moment in time, I wouldn’t have noticed a damn thing was happening to me because my body was too focused on what he was doing between my legs.

Between one thrust and the next I was coming, bursting apart into a million tiny pieces of Kitt, as my orgasm took hold.

My eyes closed, as well as crossed, as I felt him stiffen inside of me.

His cock twitched, and I was only aware just enough to hear him curse as his warmth bathed my insides.

My pussy clenched as I came with him, my breath coming in short pants.

Needless to say, the previous couple of minutes went about as I’d intended them to—only earlier. I now had him exactly where I wanted him.


Sadly, life had a way of intervening into our perfect world as reality came back.

We were lying in the bed, panting and about ready to pass out from the exertion, when I said the words that I didn’t know Apple needed to hear.

“I want to get married.”

“Just say when, and I’ll be there,” he declared. “Do you want your ring now or after we go to the store to refill my prescription?”

I laughed at him.

“Now. Then we need to go do that. And you need to not run out again,” I said. “What would you say if I did the same thing?”

He growled at me.

“Point taken.”

I smiled.

Then we went to the store, where we
refilled our prescriptions.

Yep, perfectly fucked up together.

That night I had another seizure.

And the night after that.

And the night after that.

And the day after that.

Which caused my brother to wreck his new truck, and everyone to begin questioning what exactly
wrong with me, and if I’d ever have a normal life again.

Chapter 19

A king only bows down to his queen.

-Apple to Ridley


I ran through the hospital doors, Emily in my arms, praying that Kitt would be all right.


This was beginning to be a habit that I seriously didn’t enjoy.

At least this time I had one less person to worry about seeing as Emily was currently in my arms.

I wasn’t worried about Ridley at all.

He’d been the one to call me to tell me that they’d been in the accident in the first place, so it was natural not to be as worried when he sounded perfectly fine.

The second I passed through the ER doors, I walked immediately to where Kitt and Ridley were in beds next to each other, hurrying to them.

“Here,” I gave Emily to Ridley, not caring that one of his arms was hurt.

I also didn’t care that the movement would likely cause my kid to puke. Something she’d already done in the truck on the way.

Over the last two months we’d been very careful when it came to moving Emily around after she’d been fed. If we weren’t careful, then the movement made Emily puke, and we’d have to feed her all over again.

My body turned, allowing me to survey Kitt’s injuries.

She was awake and conscious, and I knew that she wasn’t in a good place.

“You scared the shit out of me,” I blurted. “And Emily puked all over the back of the truck.”

Her mouth curved up at the edges, and a smile broke out over her face.

It was the most beautiful sight in the world.

Walking carefully toward her, I sat down on the edge of her hospital bed and stared deeply into her eyes.

“I don’t like what your eyes are telling me,” I told her softly.

She looked haunted, and I didn’t like that. Not even a little bit.

Not when that haunted look would normally mean very bad things if it’d been reversed and on my face.

“Talk to me, momma,” I said softly.

Her eyes closed, and then reopened.

“I’m a menace to society,” she whispered brokenly.

“How do you figure?” I asked.

She swallowed hard.

“I killed Corey,” she whispered.
“I almost killed my baby.” She scrubbed her hands over her face
. “And I almost killed my brother today. And I’m only getting worse!”

I caught her hand that had flailed out to the side and brought it up to my lips.

“You’re not a menace to society,” I said. “And I think it’s time for a second opinion. You’ve been with this doctor in Dallas for a while now, and I think it’s time to use someone else’s knowledge and hope that maybe they can find the answers that your other doctor can’t.”

She closed her eyes.

“And what if they don’t have any idea, either?” She whispered brokenly.

I was about to reply when Kitt’s face turned to her brother and she snapped, “Language!”

I turned too, noticing that the floor was covered in spit up and that a nurse had quite a bit of it dripping down her pant leg into her shoe.

Ridley’s eyes were focused on the nurse like a predator, and I sat there, stunned, to see anything other than indifference on his face when it came to a woman.


I turned back to Kitt, raising my brow at her.

“What?” I asked.

“You didn’t answer. What if the other doctor doesn’t have any idea, either?” She pushed.

“Then we worry about that when it happens. Don’t borrow trouble.”



Two days later, I found myself at my new doctor’s office.

“Hello, dear. It’s nice to meet you. Would you come in?” My new doctor, Dr. Pierce, smiled and waved his hand for me to enter.

We both followed him in and took seats directly across the desk from him.

My belly was turning as I stared at him.

The nurse that my daughter had puked on last night had recommended Dr. Pierce, and he’d worked me in the very next morning.

After reviewing my chart, he’d called and asked me to meet him at his office at eight this morning. I was also instructed not to take any of my medications and to eat normally with no caffeine intake.

So I’d done as instructed, and now here I sat, tired and nervous as hell, Apple at my side.

Then again, that’s where he’d been since my accident yesterday morning.

Apple, somehow sensing my thoughts were on him, grabbed my hand and squeezed it lightly, giving me strength that I didn’t know I needed.

I gave him a quick smile, letting him know that I was all right and turned back to the doctor who was shuffling papers around on his desk.

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