Autumn's Hope (Cowboy Seasons) (9 page)

BOOK: Autumn's Hope (Cowboy Seasons)
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sprung to her eyes. “Thank you.”

hell, I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

cry all the time these days and I want you to know that I’m not much of a
crier.” She grabbed a tissue from the counter. “I don’t want to be a burden.”

closed the distance between them and hugged her to him. Leaning in, she put her
head on his hard chest and his heartbeat had a lulling effect on her. He stroked
her back and she closed her eyes, loving the feel of his large hands on her. If
she had her choice they’d just stand there all day.

me introduce you to my couch.” He stepped back and smiled tenderly at her.

took up residence in her stomach as she stared at his happy face. “Sure, the
couch looks huge.”

got one that fit me. If I want to stretch out on the couch, I want my feet to

never had that problem.”

light of it if you want, but it’s not easy finding a couch this long. I like

was right, she felt swallowed up by the couch. Jonas went to one of the
bedrooms and brought back a pillow and blanket. He carefully placed the pillow
under her head and then tucked her in. Warm and fuzzy were her only thoughts
before she fell asleep.


* * * *


sat in the chair next to her, gazing at her lovely features. Autumn, the name
fit her. The russet color of her hair reminded him of the color of changing
leaves. The circles under her eyes were the only flaw on her dainty face. He
frowned. She looked perfect and he was scarred. He’d been so eager for her to
see his house and when she liked it he was thrilled, too thrilled. He was bound
to get hurt but he couldn’t help it. They could never be anything other than
good friends, so somehow he had to keep his feelings hidden. He hoped he was up
for it. Living on his own, he hadn’t had to hide his feelings. It had been good
for him. Nothing like hammering nails to get aggression out. It also gave him
time to think and when Colt O’Malley first contacted him about helping with the
rescue horses, it was fate.

kept his mind on his cattle and the horses. The sick and abused animals kept
his thoughts occupied enough for him to begin to heal. He still had nightmares,
but the therapist told him that it was normal after what he’d been through.

swept her with one last, wistful gaze and went to take care of his animals. He
wondered if Holden was able to fix the mare’s teeth. If he could get her to
eat, he could work with her about being head shy. He secretly wished he could
torture the owners as badly as they tortured the animals. Karma would get them
in the end.

quickly jotted down a note for Autumn and included his cellphone number in case
she needed it. Hopefully, he’d be back before she woke up. He walked outside
and gave Richard a quick call and told him to come over later than planned.

walked into his barn and headed straight for Page’s stall. She moved as far
away as she could as soon as she spotted him. “Hey, Page, how are you? I hear
you had your teeth fixed. You look real pretty.” The gray dun refused to look
at him. “I was hoping we could be friends. Sometimes friendships take a while
to develop and of course there is the whole trust thing.”

glanced at him then looked away but not before he saw the grit and
determination in her eyes.

right girl. Besides you, I have five other horses to help. You’ll meet them
soon enough. Oh, I also have a little gal up at the house. She’s going to be a
mama. I know it sounds crazy, I hardly know Autumn but she’s come to mean the
world to me. Now, don’t get all jealous. My heart is plenty big.” He kept his
gaze off the mare but he could see out of the corner of his eye that she was
beginning to respond to the sound of his voice.

have a feeling that once we get you eating, you’ll be right beautiful. Your gray
coat will shine and your mane will be full. What more could a girl ask for?”

gave Page one last look and was heartened when she didn’t immediately turn
away. If only it could be that easy with all females. He heard a car coming up
the drive and hurried out to see who it was.

got out of his car, towering over it and Jonas wondered how he even got in that
thing. “Good to see you, Jonas. How’s our girl?”

stiffened. “She’s resting. I thought you weren’t coming over until this

have too much prep work to do for the restaurant this afternoon. I thought I’d
just drop her stuff off and be on my way.”

walked to the car and met Richard at the open trunk. “She’s going to be here
for a while. You should have brought more of her things.”

handed him a suitcase. “This is all she has. She’s always traveled light.”

eyes narrowed; he didn’t like Richard. “Well, we can always get what we need.”

gave him a short nod, closed the trunk, got back in his car and drove away.
There was definitely something off with that guy.

quickly dismissed Richard and carried the suitcase into the house. Maybe she
did travel light, what did he really know about women?

hair was fanned out on the pillow reminding him of a halo. Somehow, he didn’t
think his fiery gal was a complete angel.

are you smiling about?” She rubbed her eyes and sat up.

never smile. I have no idea what you are talking about.”

not a smile? I guess I’d call it a sexy grin then.” Her face instantly turned a
bright shade of red. “I mean a big grin.” Her gaze became fixed on her hands.


don’t know why that popped out of my mouth. I heard that pregnant women say
things that are out of character.” She darted her gaze to him quickly and just
as quickly looked away.

was difficult to suppress the laughter that was growing inside him, but he did.
“I’m sorry.” He bit the inside of his mouth to keep the amusement out of his
voice. “I didn’t mean to tease you.

color lightened and her shoulders relaxed. “It’s fine. Do you have any food in
that beautiful kitchen of yours?”

I have steak. Oh hell you don’t eat meat. I have frozen veggies.” Autumn rolled
her eyes at him. “I guess frozen peas aren’t dinner. I have bread. I guess I’ll
go shopping tomorrow if you make me a list.”

not sweating are you?”

lilting laugh had him shaking his head. “Maybe a little.”

laughed even harder. “It’s fine, really. I bet you have more I could eat. Do
you have potatoes?”

ma’am, I do.”

baked potato will do just fine with a side of peas. You don’t have to be a chef
to be a vegetarian.”

could do that. Potatoes were easy and she didn’t act fussy. “I’ll put the
potatoes in to cook.”

me help.” She stood up and before she could take a step, Jonas shook his head
and pointed to the couch.

I’ll get it. You’re on bed rest remember?”


He cocked his right eyebrow.

crossed her arms in front of him and glared. “Don’t you dare make fun of me. I
try not to swear.”

he turned and went into the kitchen, trying desperately not to laugh.




next day, the birds chirped on the windowsill. Autumn opened her eyes and
smiled. Her bedroom had a vaulted ceiling with triangular windows near the
ceiling and the sun appeared to be pretty high in the sky. Glancing at the
clock, her eyes widened, it was just before noon. She never slept this late.

up in the spacious bed, she stretched her arms above her head. It was the best night’s
sleep she’d had in a long time. The baby kicked and she touched her stomach.
Her heart lightened and she realized that a lot of the burden on her shoulders
seemed to be gone.

house welcomed her in a way no other place ever had and Jonas was a big part of
that feeling.

door opened and she pulled the sheet up to her chin.

head came into view as he peered around the door. “Oh good you’re awake. I put
dinners in the refrigerator and some in the freezer. I’ll drop new ones off
every few days.” He walked in and sat on the edge of the bed. “How’s it going?”

fine. Isn’t this house wonderful?”

think you mean isn’t Jonas wonderful.”

needed to put an end to this type of conversation. “He’s nice enough.”

winked. “I think he’s more than just nice.”

know, Richard, you don’t know what you’re talking about. I plan to be a single
mom so you can put an end to your speculation.”

don’t fool me, Autumn.”

just a cowboy. We have nothing in common. I appreciate his kindness but there
will never be a me and Jonas.” Her heart sank as the door opened wider to
reveal Jonas standing there.

just stopped in to make sure you were all right. I can see that you are.” He
smiled but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. “I’ll come back later. Nice to see
you, Richard.” Jonas turned on his heel and walked away.

is your fault.” She pointed at Richard. “This is his house. He shouldn’t have
to come back later.”

thought you didn’t like him?”

are so obtuse. Just please go so I can get dressed.” She sighed loudly.

take care and I’m sorry if I caused you any problems.”

mad at myself. You know you’re my best friend. I’ll call you later to talk
about the restaurant okay?” She couldn’t help the feeble smile she gave him. Her
heart had dropped and her morning happiness fled the minute she saw Jonas
listening to her conversation.

worry about the restaurant I’ve got it. I’ll call you later.”

waited until she heard the front door close and then threw her pillow at the
door. Jonas must think her a shallow opportunist. How could she have
categorized him as just a cowboy? He was so much more, and her aching heart
agreed with her.

gingerly slid out of bed, ever mindful of her baby. Somehow she needed to make
things right with Jonas. He didn’t deserve her comments and there was nothing
wrong with being a cowboy. In fact, her heart beat for a certain cowboy.

dressed and walked into the main room. There was a bagel and coffee sitting on
the table in front of the couch, probably from Jonas. Richard would have made
her something elaborate. She sat down and took a sip and almost spit it out. Decaf
coffee. Tears rolled slowly down her face. He made it special just for her. He
was so kind and she… Her crying turned into sobs.

front door opened and instantly Jonas was sitting at her side, drawing her into
his arms. “What happened?”

made me decaf.” She clung to him.

the coffee that bad?”

you big hearted lug, you’re being too nice to me and I don’t deserve it. I said
horrible things but I didn’t mean them.” Her body stopped shaking and she
pulled away. “Richard was being nosy and I was trying to change the subject but
I didn’t change it and you heard things and—”

I get it.” He stroked her wet cheek. “Don’t get so upset. This lug is fine.”

emotions were a series of misfires and she didn’t know if she should laugh or
cry. Taking a deep breath she put her head on his shoulder. “Thank you for the
bagel and coffee. You called Richard and asked him to bring me food didn’t

I called him last night.” He kissed the top of her head. “Listen, if I’m
stepping on Richard’s toes just let me know.”

chest tightened. “No, no. Richard and I are friends only. We never dated. We’ve
had long term goals that included a restaurant but we both thought it was more
of a dream. He’s a sweetheart and I can trust him.”

is a good cook.”

laughed. “You make a mean bagel.” She lifted her head from his strong shoulder
and gazed at him. His lopsided smile soothed her heart. “Now go and get your
work done. I don’t want to be the cause of you falling behind.”

course not.” He sighed and stood up. “I’ll be back in a bit. I want to
introduce you to the men that work here. I usually have an open door policy and
I think you should meet them. I’ll let them know to knock first from now on
anyway.” He handed her the television remote. “Lots of channels, maybe there is
something on.”

find something.”

I get the cooking channel.”

shook her head. “How did you know?”

guess, see ya.”

grin he gave her before he left lightened her mood. She needed to stop crying.
It was getting to be embarrassing. She ate her bagel without turning on the
television. The quiet soothed her. The view from his floor to ceiling windows
was amazing. The mountains were far away but the purple and green hues stood
out against the vibrant, blue sky.

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