Autumn's Hope (Cowboy Seasons) (20 page)

BOOK: Autumn's Hope (Cowboy Seasons)
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ran his hand over his head. “I have a theory about that too. It’s only the
rescues that have been hit. We’re being targeted.”

you could be right. Good thing Dee Ann is here to help.”

it is isn’t it? Did you know she quit her job and plans to work here?”

Carlston? She never mentioned it to me. She asked me for land for horses but I
wouldn’t part with any. I have plenty of room for all the horses and I told her
we had a fine network going and her sanctuary wasn’t needed at the moment.”

eyebrows rose. “She asked me for land too. What section of land did she ask you

wanted the eastern portion.”

wanted my western parcel. I do believe she was trying to get a big piece of
land from our adjoining property. I never gave it much thought when she asked
for that piece of land. Usually if you want something for free you don’t have
it all picked out like that.”

kicked a piece of burnt wood. “She’s a damn good vet, I wonder what’s up? I
guess it’ll wait, looks like you have company coming up the drive.”

heart leapt at the site of Summer’s car. Despite his leg he made it quickly to
the passenger side and had the door open in seconds. His eagerness surprised
him, he needed to be sure that Autumn was fine. He studied her face until she
finally stuck her tongue out at him. “Was I staring too long?”

you big, hunky cowboy.” She laughed. “Help a pregnant woman out of the car?”

pregnant woman, and I’d be honored to help.”

began behind him, and he winked at Autumn and helped her out of the car. He
lifted her into his arms and turned. Holden’s two youngest brothers Luke and
John were there trying to stop laughing. “What’s so funny?”

nodded to Autumn then glanced at Jonas. “Looks like the love bug has hit you,

time,” John added, his chocolate eyes full of merriment.

until it hits you.” Jonas smiled and walked by them with Autumn in his arms.

held the door open for them and waved them over to the couch. “I’ll give you
some privacy, I want to see Holden.” She slipped out the door.

sat on the couch with Autumn on his lap. He liked the way she snuggled against
him. “What did the doctor say?”

I could leave. More bed rest but I’m fine. I didn’t get much sleep and frankly
I’m worried about the restaurant and Richard. Things don’t make sense.”

the worries to me, love. It’ll be fine.


I won’t punch Richard in the face, even though he deserves it.”

kissed his cheek. “That’s really nice.”


one ever wanted to punch someone for me before.”

tucked her head under his chin and smiled. He was lucky to have her. She was
unlike anyone he’d ever known and he loved her. A husband and a father, who
would have ever guessed? He never allowed himself to picture such a future, it
hurt too much. Closing his eyes he leaned back against the couch, bringing her
with him. He felt her body relax against him and her rhythmic breathing of
sleep soothed him.

her up, he stood, gently lay her on the couch and covered her with a quilt. She
appeared so young and fragile but it was misleading; she was his spitfire. He
gave her one last look and went out to find Holden. He hoped that Holden didn’t
need him so he could go and have a little chat with Richard.

luck would have it, Holden told him to go and Summer promised to take care of
Autumn. It was a relief to know that Autumn was in good hands but his body
tensed more and more the closer he got to town.

parked in front of the restaurant and knocked on the door. Richard let him in,
appearing both guilty and sorry. He had deep circles under his eyes and his
hair stood on end.

was wondering when you’d get around to coming,” Richard said. He led Jonas into
the kitchen and poured them both coffee. “I don’t know what got into me. Is
Autumn going to be okay? Is the baby hurt?”

glared at him. “You’re just asking now? You didn’t try to find out before?” His
hands clenched and unclenched and he was having a hard time keeping his promise
not to punch Richard in the face.

was out of my mind with worry but Dee Ann told me that everything was fine but
I don’t trust her. I never should have let her stay here.”

gut tightened. “What do you mean? Dee Ann has been staying here?”

said that you and Autumn needed your privacy and Autumn told her to move into
her apartment upstairs. I can tell by the look on your face that’s not the
truth. Why am I not surprised? Ever since she got fired and came here, she’s
been a leech.”

do you mean she got fired?”

said it was all a misunderstanding. There were some billing discrepancies and
she double billed a few people or something. Then she had this crazy idea that people
were going to give her land that bordered the main highway. She said it was for
the horses but now I don’t think so.”

do you think?”

wants that land for something. I heard her on the phone talking about making a
killing selling the land to some big land developer. She mentioned gulf courses
and spas.”

grabbed his coffee and took a swig. Damn, he still wanted whiskey when he came
to this place. “We’re not giving her any land.”

turned white “That’s what I was afraid of. The reason I was so crazy when I
went to see Autumn was because I didn’t want her to look at the books and I
thought if you were going to be a part of the restaurant you’d see the missing
money sooner than later.”

it, Richard. What missing money?”

Ann said it was a great investment. She was going to have her horse sanctuary
and build a summer camp for kids to learn to ride. I gave her every extra penny
from the profits.” His shoulders slumped and he shook his head. “I don’t know
how to tell Autumn. I’ll have to get the money back as soon as Dee Ann comes

at Holden’s place. I’m headed out there now. I’ll have a chat with her,
Richard.” He put his coffee down and turned to leave. Hesitating, he turned
back. “You’re going to have to tell Autumn your part in this. Personally I want
to punch you in the face but I promised Autumn that I wouldn’t.” The fear he witnessed
in Richard’s eyes was satisfaction enough, for now. He walked through the restaurant
aching for Autumn. She was going to be upset when she heard what Richard has to
tell her.

got into his truck and drove to Holden’s place, wondering the whole time if it
would be better if he broke the news to her. Waiting a few days sounded like
the best idea. He sighed and rubbed the back of his aching neck. Turning into
the driveway, it dawned on him who was behind all the violence and vandalism.
Horses were killed, was she out of her mind?

he got closer to Holden’s place, Jonas instantly noticed Dee Ann’s car was
gone. He exited his truck and went right to the barn. He’d rather go see Autumn
but this couldn’t wait. He was glad that both Holden and Colt were inside. “Are
the horses okay?”

nodded wearily. “Rounded up the last of them. This is insane.”

was just telling Colt we needed to hire guards,” Holden said.

know who is behind it. I need to sit down, my leg is killing me,” Jonas said,
cringing. It hurt his pride to have to admit his weakness.

nodded. “I could use a rest too. The women are in the house but the porch is

shot him a grateful smile and walked behind them to the porch. He didn’t want
them to watch him limp his way over. The cushioned wooden chairs were a welcome
sight and he groaned as he melted into one.

door opened and Autumn came out, her smile full of sunshine. “I’m glad you’re
back, Jonas. Summer and I are making plans for the wedding. I have so much to
tell you.” Her smile vanished. “What’s wrong?”

back inside, Autumn. We need to talk about the ranches. I’ll be in later.” If
he could have taken the hurt from her eyes he would have.

swallowed hard, and glanced away. Silently, she went back into the house.

heart lurched but it couldn’t be helped.

did Dee Ann leave?”

an hour ago. Why?” Holden sat forward with his elbows on his knees.

seems that she was fired from her last job for overbilling or something and she
said she wanted to live and work in Carlston.”

was fired?” Colt asked. “I wondered when she’d be leaving but she never
answered me. I did notice that she is adept at changing the subject. She’s
tried to get cozy with me more than once, but not happening.”

had a talk with Richard, the chef at Autumn’s restaurant and he invested all
the profits from the restaurant into her sanctuary and kids’ camp. The one she
said she would build on the land that Holden and I give her.”

eyes widened. “I already told her no land.”

nodded. “I know me too but the interesting part is she was talking to some land
developer and Richard overheard her talking about a golf course and a spa. I think
she is behind everything that’s been happening around here.”

brow furrowed. “I’m not following you. What does her hurting the horses have to
do with a golf course?”

Holden said. “She wanted to prove the need for the sanctuary I bet. What a

interrupted. “That’s the same thing I thought.”

let out a long whistle. “She helped doctor up the same animals she put at risk?
What about the three dead horses?”

stared at Colt, then at Jonas. “She must have had some help. Hell, she was the
one that kept calling the sheriff. How much money did Richard give her? Maybe
he helped her.”

shook his head. “I don’t know how much but from the way he turned pure white, I
think it was a lot. I can’t picture him having the guts to help her. She lied
to him at every turn. In fact when she left my place she moved into Autumn’s
apartment. She told Richard that Autumn okayed it.”

jumped up. “No one messes with my horses. I’m going over to the restaurant and
haul her scrawny butt to jail.” He was off the porch and in his truck, gunning
the engine before they could object.

nodded toward the front door. I think you’d better get in there. I saw that forlorn
look you’re little gal had on her face.”

stood up. “Explaining without upsetting her won’t be easy.”

probably already upset.”

was a definite chill in the room and the glare Autumn gave him was downright icy.
Summer immediately left the house without even glancing his way. He sat on the
couch next to Autumn and her body stiffened. “I’m sorry.”

glanced at him, cocked her eyebrow and glanced away. “Sure, whatever.”

really I am sorry. I talked to Richard and he had some info about the attacks
on the horses. I had to talk to Holden and Colt about it.”

body relaxed but she didn’t look at him.

hell. I was trying not to upset you and I’ve done just that.”

do you mean Richard had information?”

took a deep breath. “Let me hold you, while I tell you. I need to know you’re
all right.”

gazed at him, hesitated, and then finally nodded. She moved closer to him and
allowed him to encircle her with his arms.

kissed the side of her neck and placed his hands on her belly. “I wish I’d been
the one to pick you up today.”

you for the flowers and I understand why you couldn’t come. Now about Richard.”

explained everything to her as gently as possible. She asked questions and
stiffened a few times but she was much calmer than he expected.

can be too gullible at times. I’m sure we can make it. I’ll have to look over
the books to be sure. I should have been looking at them all along. My
restaurant, my responsibility. I would appreciate having her thrown out of my
place though.”

love you,” Jonas whispered in her ear.





weeks later Jonas stared in awe at the tiny baby in his hands. Who knew they
were so small? The baby came into the world a little early but he was perfect.
Jonas grinned at Autumn. It had been a frantic twenty-four hours since her
water broke and through it all he was a nervous wreck. Autumn on the other hand
acted calm, almost serene. All in all he’d won the lottery, he now had a wife
and son. “He’s perfect.”

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