American Psychosis (36 page)

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Authors: M. D. Torrey Executive Director E Fuller

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Diseases, #Nervous System (Incl. Brain), #Medical, #History, #Public Health, #Psychiatry, #General, #Psychology, #Clinical Psychology

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. Foley,
Community Mental Health Legislation
, 44.

. Briefing book on proposed CMHC legislation for the Secretary of HEW, Bertram S. Brown files, MSC 493, container 11, folder 11, National Library of Medicine.

. Foley,
Community Mental Health Legislation
, 39; Atwell, interview by author; Franklin Chu and Sharland Trotter,
The Madness Establishment
(New York: Grossman Publishers, 1974), 18.

. Allen J. Matusow,
The Unraveling of America: A History of Liberalism in the 1960s
(New York: Harper and Row, 1984), 100–107; Hamby,
Liberalism and Its Challenges
, 205.

. Foley and Sharfstein,
Madness and Government
, 166.

. G. N. Grob, “Mental Health Policy in 20th-Century America,” in
Mental Health, United States, 2000
, eds. Ronald W. Manderscheid and Marilyn J. Henderson (Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2001), 3–14.

. A. K. Bahn and V. B. Norman, “First National Report on Patients of Mental Health Clinics,”
Public Health Reports 74
, no. 11 (1959): 943–956; V. B. Norman, B. M. Rosen, and A. K. Bahn, “Psychiatric Clinic Outpatients in the United States, 1959,”
Mental Hygiene 46
, no. 3 (1959): 321–343.

. R. M. Glasscote et al.,
The Community Mental Health Center: An Analysis of Existing Models
(Washington, DC: Joint Information Services of the American Psychiatric Association and National Association for Mental Health, 1964), xiv; W. T. Vaughn and M. G. Field, “New Perspectives of Mental Patient Care,”
American Journal of Public Health 53
, no. 2 (1963): 237–242.

. I. Zwerling and J. F. Wilder, “An Evaluation of the Applicability of the Day Hospital in Treatment of Acutely Disturbed Patients,”
Israel Annals of Psychiatry and Related Disciplines 2
(1964): 162–185; T. T. Friedman, A. Becker, and L. Weiner, “The Psychiatric Home Treatment Service: Preliminary Report of Five Years of Clinical Experience,”
American Journal of Psychiatry 120
, no. 8 (1964): 782–788; R. H. Felix, “Community Mental Health,”
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 33
, no. 5 (1963): 788–795; “Characteristics of Community Mental Health Services Acts,” files of Bertram S. Brown, MSC 493, container 11, folder 10, National Library of Medicine;
Mental Illness and Retardation
Hearings on S. 755 and 756
, 88th Cong. 47–48 (1963) (statement of Mike Gorman).

. Foley and Sharfstein,
Madness and Government
, 54; Brown, interview by Stewart, 20.

. Aide-Memoire, Bertram S. Brown files, MSC 493, container 11, folder 10, National Library of Medicine; Leamer,
The Kennedy Women
, 601.

. Foley and Sharfstein,
Madness and Government
, 163–169.

Mental Illness and Retardation
Hearings on S. 755 and 756
, 88th Cong. 45, 191 (1963).

. Felicetti,
Mental Health and Retardation Politics
, 57, 82n19.

. Foley and Sharfstein,
Madness and Government
, 67;
Mental Health (Supplemental), Hearings on H.R. 1576, Before the Subcomm. on Public Health and Safety, Comm. on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
, 88th Cong. 72 (1963).

. Paul Hoch, letter to Jacob Javits, May 7, 1963, Bertram S. Brown files, MSC 493, container 11, folder 15, National Library of Medicine; H. Brill and R. E. Patton, “Clinical-Statistical Analysis of Population Changes in New York State Mental Hospitals since Introduction of Psychotropic Drugs,”
American Journal of Psychiatry 119
, no. 1 (1962): 20–35.

. Hoch, letter to Javits.

. J. K. Wing, “Pilot Experiment in the Rehabilitation of Long-Hospitalized Male Schizophrenic Patients,”
British Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine 14
, no. 4 (1960): 173–180; J. K. Wing et al., “Morbidity in the Community of Schizophrenic Patients Discharged from London Mental Hospitals in 1959,”
British Journal of Psychiatry 110
, no. 4 (1964): 10–21; C. M. Parkes, G. W. Brown, and E. M. Monck, “The General Practitioner and the Schizophrenic Patient,”
British Medical Journal 1
, no. 5283 (1962): 972–976; J. R. Ewalt, “Needs of the Mentally Ill: Types of Effective Action between the Community and Its Hospital Facilities,”
Mental Hospitals 12
, no. 2 (1961): 12–15.

. Grob, “Government and Mental Health Policy.”

Mental Illness and Retardation
Hearings on S. 755 and 756
, 88th Cong. 190–91 (1963) (statement of Robert Felix); R. H. Felix, “Our Present Prospects and the Task Ahead,”
Comprehensive Psychiatry 4
, no. 6 (1963): 368–374.

Chapter 4

. Foley and Sharfstein,
Madness and Government
, 69–70; Hamby,
Liberalism and Its Challenges
, 257.
. Foley and Sharfstein,
Madness and Government
, 72, 79;
Research Facilities, Mental Health Staffing, Continuation of Health Programs, and Group Practice
Hearings on H.R. 2984
, 89th Cong. 52 (1965).
. Foley,
Community Mental Health Legislation
, 89; J. F. Wilder, “Strengths of the Community Mental Health Center in Urban Areas,” in
An Assessment of the Community Mental Health Movement
, eds. Walter E. Barton and Charlotte J. Sanborn (Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1977), 67.
. Chu and Trotter,
The Madness Establishment
, 26; Grob, “Government and Mental Health Policy.”
. Bertram S. Brown, interview by Henry Foley, 1972; Foley and Sharfstein,
Madness and Government
, 260; Miller, “Hindsight in Retrospect.”
. S. F. Yolles, “Psychiatry, Mental Health, and Society: A View of the Future,”
Biological Psychiatry 1
, no. 1 (1969): 5–12.
. S. F. Yolles, “Intervention against Poverty: A Fielder’s Choice for the Psychiatrist,”
American Journal of Psychiatry 122
, no. 3 (1965): 324–325; S. F. Yolles, “Community Mental Health: Issues and Policies,”
American Journal of Psychiatry 122
, no. 9 (1966): 979–985; S. F. Yolles, “Social Policy and the Mentally Ill,”
Hospital and Community Psychiatry 20
, no. 2 (1969): 37–42; D. F. Musto, “Whatever Happened to ‘Community Mental Health’?”
Public Interest 39
(1975): 53–79.
. Frank Baker, Cecil D. Isaacs, and Herbert C. Schulberg,
Study of the Relationship between Community Mental Health Centers and State Mental Hospitals
(Boston: Socio-Technical Systems Associates, Inc., 1972), NIMH contract no. HSM-42-70-107.
. Wilder, “Strengths of the Community Mental Health Center”; A. M. Vayda and F. D. Perlmutter, “Primary Prevention in Community Mental Health Centers: A Survey of Current Activity,”
Community Mental Health Journal 13
, no. 4 (1977): 343–351; H. Harris, “Planning Community Mental Health Services in an Urban Ghetto,” in
The Community Mental Health Center
, eds. Allan Biegel and Alan I. Levenson (New York: Basic Books, 1972), 53; Anthony Panzetta,
Community Mental Health: Myth or Reality
(Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1971), 111, 146.

. Yolles, “Social Policy and the Mentally Ill”; Wilder, “Strengths of the Community Mental Health Center”; Panzetta,
Community Mental Health
, 113, 114, 124.

. Yolles, “Psychiatry, Mental Health, and Society.”

. L. J. Duhl, “The Shame of the Cities,”
American Journal of Psychiatry 124
, no. 9 (1968): 1184–1189; L. J. Duhl, “Psychiatry and the Urban Poor,” in
Distress in the City
, ed. William Ryan (Cleveland: Press of Western Reserve University, 1969), 118; Leonard J. Duhl and Robert J. Leopold,
Mental Health and Urban Social Policy
(San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1968), 4, 14.

. Matthew Dumont,
The Absurd Healer: Perspectives of a Community Psychiatrist
(New York: Science House, 1968), 52, 53, 80.

. H. P. Rome, “Psychiatry and Foreign Affairs: The Expanding Competence of Psychiatry,”
American Journal of Psychiatry 125
, no. 6 (1968): 725–730; James L. Sundquist,
Politics and Policy: The Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson Years
(Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1968), 119.

. Foley,
Community Mental Health Legislation
, 117.

. Yolles, “Psychiatry, Mental Health, and Society.”

. H. W. Dunham, “Community Psychiatry: The Newest Therapeutic Bandwagon,”
Archives of General Psychiatry 12
, no. 3 (1965): 303–313.

. B. Rubin, “Community Psychiatry: An Evolutionary Change in Medical Psychology in the United States,”
Archives of General Psychiatry 20
, no. 5 (1969): 497–507; M. O. Wagenfeld, “The Primary Prevention of Mental Illness: A Sociological Perspective,”
Journal of Health and Social Behavior 13
, no. 2 (1972): 195–203; W. G. Burrows, “Community Psychiatry—Another Bandwagon,”
Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal 14
, no. 2 (1969): 105–114, quoting Davidson; D. W. DeWild, “Toward a Clarification of Primary Prevention,”
Community Mental Health Journal 16
, no. 4 (1980): 306–316.1

. Seymour R. Kaplan and Melvin Roman,
The Organization and Delivery of Mental Health Services in the Ghetto
(New York: Praeger, 1973), 213–214; Duhl and Leopold,
Mental Health and Urban Social Policy
, 17.

. “Community Takes over Control of Bronx Mental Health Services,”
New York Times
, March 6, 1969. See also Kaplan and Roman,
Mental Health Services in the Ghetto
, and R. Shaw and C. J. Eagle, “Programmed Failure: The Lincoln Hospital Story,”
Community Mental Health Journal 7
, no. 4 (1971): 255–263.

. Leopold Bellak,
Community Psychiatry and Community Mental Health
(New York: Grune and Stratton, 1964), 12; L. Bellak, “Toward Control of Today’s Epidemic of Mental Disease,”
Medical World News
, February 6, 1970.

. C. McCabe, “On Looney Leaders,”
San Francisco Chronicle
, September 30, 1969.

. Matusow,
The Unraveling of America
, 227; David G. Smith and Judith D. Moore,
Medicaid Politics and Policy 1965–2007
(New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2008), 21, 44, 45.

. Brown, interview by author, October 15, 2010; Comptroller General of the United States, Report to Congress,
Returning the Mentally Ill to the Community: Government Needs to Do More
(Washington, DC: Comptroller General of the US, January 7, 1977), 46.

. Brown, interview by author, January 13, 2011.

Chapter 5

. D. Robinson, “Conspiracy USA: The Far Right Fights against Mental Health,”
, January 26, 1965, 30–32.
. Arnold A. Rogow,
The Psychiatrists
(New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1970), 126; Henry Pinsker, “ ‘Goldwater Rule’ History” (letter),
Psychiatric News
, August 3, 2007, 33.
. Matthew Dumont,
The Absurd Healer
, 80.
. M. Greenblat and E. Glazier, “The Phasing Out of Mental Hospitals in the United States,”
American Journal of Psychiatry 132
, no. 11 (1975): 1135–1140.
. National Institute of Mental Health,
Provisional Data on Federally Funded Community Mental Health Centers
(Rockville, MD: National Institute of Mental Health, annual reports 1968–1978); Baker et al.,
Study of the Relationship
, iii; Report of the Inspector General of DHEW,
A Service Delivery Assessment on Community Mental Health Centers
(Washington, DC: Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 1979).
Legislative and Administrative Changes Needed in Community Mental Health Centers Program
(Washington, DC: General Accounting Office, 1979); Chu and Trotter,
The Madness Establishment
, 38.
Community Mental Health Centers: The Federal Investment
, DHEW publication no. (ADM) 78-677 (Washington, DC: Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 1978); John F. Bean Jr., Michael M. Makowiecki, and Mark R. Yessian,
A Service Delivery Assessment on Community Mental Health Centers: Executive Report
(Washington, DC: Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 1979).
. Task Panel on Community Mental Health Centers Assessment,
The President’s Commission on Mental Health
(Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1978), 2:319; B. C. Holland, “An Evaluation of the Criticisms of the Community Mental Health Movement,” in Barton and Sanborn,
An Assessment
, 101; Comptroller General,
Returning the Mentally Ill to the Community
; Anthony Lehman, interview by author, July 22, 2010.

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