Amanda's Amorous Aliens (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (7 page)

BOOK: Amanda's Amorous Aliens (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Are you all right, Amanda?” the computer asked with what sounded like genuine concern.

“Peachy,” she said with a soft laugh. “I need to get my ship repaired today. Were you able to manufacture the tools I described?”

“Of course,” To’huto said as said objects dropped into the basket on the nearest wall. “Were Sektannen and Karriak unkind to you last night?”

She laughed at that. Hell, if they’d been any
she might have had a heart attack, but the computer seemed to make an anxious noise so she stopped laughing and explained.

“No, To’huto, they were perfect gentlemen. I’m just not used to indulging in that sort of…um…activity.”

“I am glad to hear that,” To’huto said with a strange little sound of joy. “I knew you would make a perfect wife for Karriak and Sektannen.”

“Whoa, buddy,” she said, wondering why she was about to correct the computer’s assumptions. Hell, it was just a computer, wasn’t it? “To’h, I can’t stay. I need to get back to my own time.”

“But you just said that you indulged in…” The computer paused for a moment and then her own words replayed through the speakers. “…um…activity.” She could almost imagine the computer scratching its head like a confused human. “Doesn’t that mean that you are mated?”

“No, To’huto, that just means we had some fun.”

“Oh,” To’huto said, sounding concerned once more. “Are Sektannen and Karriak aware of this strange human quirk?”

“Huh?” Okay, now it was her turn to be confused. “Quirk. It’s not a quirk. It was just sex. It doesn’t mean we made a commitment to each other. Hell, we barely know each other.”

“But you are a perfect match for Karriak and Sektannen. Physically, mentally, emotionally, you complement Karriak and Sektannen perfectly.”

She shrugged. Wonderful, a computer that thought it was Cupid.

“I’m sorry, To’h,” she said, glancing up at the nearest visual display as if the computer were somehow a person. “I don’t know what to tell you.”

“Tell him what?” Sektannen asked as he came through the door. She had no idea how she was able to tell them apart, but when she’d finally woken this morning, she’d known without looking at their tattoo marks who was who. Sektannen walked straight to her, wrapped his arms around her middle, and lifted her up slightly to press a kiss to her lips. She groaned as the material of her jumpsuit pulled tight against her still-swollen pussy.

“Are you okay?” he asked, quickly putting her back on her feet and searching her face with his gaze.

“I’m fi—”

The computer cut her off. “Amanda is unused to the activities you indulged in last night.”

“I know,” Sektannen said with a purely masculine grin.

“I suggest,” the computer said with what seemed to be barely leashed aggression, “that you escort her to the medical area so that I can provide medical assistance.”

“No,” Amanda said, shaking her head even as she melted at the concern on Sektannen’s face. “No, really, I’m fine.”

“Uh-huh,” Sektannen said, pressing a single finger against her swollen pussy. She tried to hold back the gasp, but he read the discomfort in her expression. With a soft growl, he wrapped one arm around her middle, the other behind her knees, and then lifted her into his embrace. “To’huto can help you feel better more quickly.”

“I’m okay,” she said again, even as she realized that lying was doing her no good.

“Not,” Sektannen said with a wicked grin a moment before he pressed a kiss to her lips, “if you want to continue what we started last night.” He winked at Karriak as they walked through the bridge area of the ship and stepped into the medical bay.

She gasped as erotic memories floated through her mind.
Holy heavens.
She supposed she could stay for another night or two. It wasn’t like “time” was against her. She could return to her own time later.

Amanda let him place her on the medical bed, again fully clothed. Yesterday they’d just done a heap of noninvasive tests. She suspected that actual treatment would likely be different. A blush covered her entire body when she thought about what that might entail.

Talk about embarrassing. It was almost enough to have her climbing off the table and refusing their help. Almost. The lure of sharing last’s night pleasure again tonight was rather appealing.

“Sektannen, preliminary scans show no actual damage, just swelling and mild abrasion.” The computer seemed almost to hesitate as it considered its next words. “You and Karriak did a good job protecting your female from your lusts.”

Sektannen seemed to nod in embarrassment, but then placed a hand on his hip and asked impatiently, “What equipment do I need?”

“Only the cream that I am synthesizing now. It will help with the sting and reduce the swelling.”

“Thank you, To’huto,” Sektannen said with a wicked grin. His gaze never left her face as he leaned in to press a kiss to her lips. “I told you getting dressed would be a waste of time.”

“That you did,” she said as a pleasant shudder swept over her skin.

“Clothes off, beautiful.” She sat up on the table, intending only to take off the clothes necessary for him to be able to access the parts of her requiring the cream, but of course, before she could blink he had her jumpsuit off, her underwear down, and her T-shirt over her head. “What’s this thing?” he asked as he fingered the elastic material of her sports bra. “It looks like some sort of torture contraption.”

Hmmm, that sounded just about right. The bra was good quality, so it was comfortable enough to wear during the day, but she’d never met a bra that didn’t make her sigh in relief when she took it off.

“I believe human women in the twenty-first century call it a brassiere,” To’huto offered helpfully. “Although, I do not fully understand its purpose.”

“Your women don’t wear bras?” Amanda asked with a smile.

Sektannen frowned at her but answered slowly, his voice very deliberate. “Kobarian women do not wear clothing under their clothes.”

“Oh.” She might have asked more about his culture, but he seemed upset by her question. Perhaps she’d stumbled onto some sort of taboo. Considering the things they’d shared last night, it seemed a rather strange attitude. She quickly reached behind her, undid the fastenings to her bra, and let it drop onto the pile of the rest of her clothes.

“Holy shit!” To’huto exclaimed in a most uncomputerlike manner.

“What?” Amanda asked as she slapped her hands over her breasts, finally realizing that the computer likely did have visual recording devices in here.

“The undergarment has left the most torturous markings on your skin. If Sektannen or Karriak had done such damage I would have been very upset. Why would you wear such a painful device?”

“It’s not…” Her words trailed off as she realized that was probably a lie. She’d grown used to wearing a bra, and the red marks faded quickly, but they’d never been truly comfortable.

She wasn’t quite fast enough to stop what happened next. With her mouth hanging open she watched as the bra—an expensive one at that—dissolved in the recycler.

“Why did you do that?” she asked Sektannen angrily.

He merely grinned. “You do not require it.”

“I do,” she said, trying to work up a whole diatribe about respecting the property of others, but the warm hands and cool cream on her breasts were very thoroughly distracting. She moaned, and then moaned again at the telling noise.

“I think she likes that,” Karriak said from the doorway.

“The cream can also be used as a lube,” To’huto said in his professional-sounding voice.

“Thank you, To’h,” Karriak said as he moved into the room. “You can switch off your surveillance of this room now.”

“Aw,” the computer whined like a child denied television, “I never get to have any fun.”

“Don’t make me shut you down again, To’h.”

“Fine,” To’huto said with a very human-sounding huff, “but you might like to thank me first for the items I just synthesized.”

Karriak walked over to the basket, peered inside, glanced at her and Sektannen, and then smiled wickedly. “Thank you, To’h,” he said, just as he’d been instructed.

Chapter Six


“What’s in the basket?”

Karriak grinned at his woman’s nervous question. “Some things Sektannen and I hope you will find very…enjoyable.”

“Like what?” she asked as her eyes widened—in alarm or interest. He wasn’t quite certain.

Sektannen grinned, obviously guessing what To’huto had made for them. He eased Amanda onto her back, his hands sliding over the soft skin of her pussy as he gently massaged the cream into her skin. She sighed when he worked it inside her folds, her question and anxiety apparently forgotten in her reaction to Sektannen’s touch.

Karriak reached over, scooped up a handful of the salve To’huto had created, and began to massage her breasts. He couldn’t resist pressing his lips to hers, his tongue somehow finding its way into her mouth, the soft groan seeming to come from them both.

Amanda wrapped her arms around his head, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss as Karriak guessed what his brother was doing. She was shaking all over as he lifted his head and glanced down her body. Just as he’d suspected, Sektannen had grabbed the thin, cock-shaped implement, coated it in the healing cream, and was currently pushing it deep into her body. Karriak reached over, smoothing extra cream over her clit as she both sighed in relief and shook with arousal.

Sektannen made eye contact, his nonverbal question very clear. Karriak had spent the better part of the morning delving into the database of information in the hopes of finding some answers. Unfortunately, it hadn’t given him anything definitive. Anal sex was practiced on Earth, but he’d been unable to determine if it was a common indulgence or not. And he hadn’t been able to find anything on double penetration. It was quite possible that multiple-partner relationships had been considered normal on Earth in the twenty-first century, but since they carried only limited information in the ship’s records, he hadn’t been certain of anything.

Karriak nodded at his brother and turned his attention to the woman shivering in their embrace.

“Amanda, have you ever had anal sex before?”

She shook her head, her eyes widening. Again he didn’t know if her reaction was from fear or arousal, but if he had to guess he’d say it was likely she’d never even considered it.

“Would you let us teach you?” he asked, damn near holding his breath. When she nodded and smiled, he practically leapt into the air. Sektannen grinned like a loon.

“We’ll start with a plug,” Sektannen said as he smoothed his hands over Amanda’s stomach. “It will stretch the muscles and help them to relax so that we don’t hurt you.”

“O–Okay,” she said quietly. She nearly leapt off the table when Sektannen slid the cock-shaped implement down toward her back hole.

“Shhh, it’s okay,” Karriak said, running his hands soothingly over every inch of her he could reach. “You’re going to love this, I promise.”


* * * *



So far she didn’t believe him.

The press of the wand, or dildo, or whatever it was that Kobarians might call it, against her anus just felt weird. It didn’t hurt as such—not yet anyway—but the pressure against muscles that did not want to open was very uncomfortable.

But instead of trying to force the thing into her ass, Sektannen swirled it around and over the puckered skin, and slowly, oh so slowly, the sensation began to change. She could feel the muscles relaxing, perhaps even opening of their own accord, welcoming the slippery implement inside her just a little.

“That’s it,” Sektannen murmured encouragingly as he lifted her knees up higher, exposing her anus more fully to his gaze. She knew she was blushing all over, the scorching heat of embarrassment covering her entire body. The slippery implement pushed into her ass, easing past the tight ring of muscle as she moaned at the sensation. Good heavens, he hadn’t been exaggerating. If this was any indication on how she might feel during anal sex she was definitely looking forward to it.


Karriak smiled, apparently reading her reactions correctly, and then leaned over to take her mouth in another devastating kiss. His fingers still danced over her clit, but it was when Sektannen started thrusting the wand into her ass over and over, each time going deeper, stretching her a little more, that orgasm burst over her.
. A low, unbroken moan escaped her lips as the wave after wave after wave of pleasure engulfed her, bouncing over and around her, the need to move, the need to have, to experience only growing stronger.

Holy heavens.

After last night she’d never imagined experiencing anything more intense. How wrong could one person be? How would she ever go back to the boring, unimaginative sex that she’d experienced on Earth?


* * * *


Sektannen smiled as Amanda undulated against the padded surface of the medical table. His cock was so hard he was certain that any moment now it would push through the stretchy, supposedly unbreakable material of his pants. Hell, the urge to slam his dick into Amanda’s pussy and fuck her like a wild man was nearly overwhelming.

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