Alpha Male Incorporated Under Your Protection (11 page)

BOOK: Alpha Male Incorporated Under Your Protection
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“I don’t want to hear it,” Sahara whispered, desperate to get away. “How about you let me leave your bedroom and I’ll forget about seeing you wearing those fangs? I swear I won’t tell anyone about them. Just let me go. I’ll just tell Uncle Frank you got called to do a more important job than mine. He’ll believe me. I swear I’ll make him.”

Chuckling, Jax lowered his head and nibbled gently at her neck. Sahara flinched when she felt the fangs pressed against her skin. Shit! He was actually going to try to bite her with those fake things.

“Sweetheart... my fangs are very much real. I’m a vampire and you’re my mate.”

Sahara stared at Jax and then burst out laughing. If she’d ever doubted it she now had proof Jax was out of his mind. He was CRAZY! God, he was pressed against her wet and naked with his erection poking into her stomach. Or maybe she was the one who was out of her mind and she was having a hallucination after all.

What sane man would think or tell anyone he was really a vampire? She had to deal with this very carefully and calmly, so Jax would move and let her leave the room. He outweighed her by at least a hundred plus pounds and was at least a foot taller than her. This situation needed to handled very carefully or things could get out of hand fast.

“Jax, you’re not a vampire,” she said slowly like she was speaking to a child, “and I’m not your mate. You need some professional help and I’m sure my Uncle Frank will be more than happy to get you an excellent therapist.”

Bracing his hands on either side of her head, Jax leaned into her. There was a lethal calmness in his eyes that lured her in and made her unable to look away.

“If you weren’t my mate how in the hell do I know about your harp shaped birthmark? It makes you a
woman and my mate from birth”

Sahara’s heart began to beat erratically at the words coming from Jax’s mouth. The silence lengthened between them making her even more scared. Jax knew about her birthmark? How was that possible? She made sure not to expose it to anyone.

“I don’t believe you,” she shouted resuming her struggles against Jax. “I’m not sure how you know about my birthmark but it doesn’t mean a thing. Get away from me.”

Jax’s extraordinary green eyes blazed and glowed as he studied her closely before he pushed his body away from hers totally comfortable with the fact his beautiful body was still completely naked.

Seeing this as her chance to escape away from Jax and get help, Sahara made a dash for the door only to be stopped by Jax wrapping his hand around her arm.

“Sahara, you’re mine and I won’t let you deny us. I haven’t spent a lifetime thinking you didn’t exist only to find out you did and then to let you go. I won’t allow it. I love you and you’re mine.

”Sweetheart, I know you’re scared. I completely understand, but I can give you time and eventually you will be calmed down enough to listen to me. When you’re composed enough and ready to accept me I’ll bite you and turn you into my mate for eternity.

“Yes, it might be hard to leave your human side behind, however; we are meant to be together forever and I won’t let you push me away.”

Jerking her arm away, Sahara raked her eyes over Jax shaking her head as she backed up. What in the hell was Jax talking about leaving her human side behind to become a vampire! This wasn’t happening to her. “I’m sorry you believe this, but I don’t. It’s craziness.”

Twirling around, Sahara raced from the room, down the steps and out the front door. She needed some time to think and she wouldn’t be able to do it with Jax trying to convince her something that couldn’t be true...vampires weren’t real. She only had a birthmark and the two things didn’t have a thing to do with the other. Who in the hell could she tell about this?


Chapter Nineteen



Snatching the red marker off the desk, the person drew a huge red X across Sahara’s face before writing the words DIE BITCH in huge letters across the eight by ten photo before sliding it into the envelope with the letter that was already inside there.

Sahara... no Coco wasn’t going to be making anymore chart topping songs because her future was about to be over.

It didn’t matter that the tall blond man was inside the house now. He wasn’t going to stop things from getting done. His presence wouldn’t stop that lying bitch from getting what she deserved.

The plan wasn’t ready to put into motion yet, but it was going to happen very soon. Why did anyone think revenge wasn’t coming to Sahara? Oh, she was going to get it and when it finally came it was going to taste so fucking good after waiting so long for it to happen.

The envelope was closed, turned over, and inspected to ensure it looked innocent and flawless. No one would know the destructive contents on the inside by glancing at the outside which made the plan so brilliant!

After the letter was sent a few days would have to pass before a call could be made to make sure Sahara got it instead of her stupid uncle or the new man living in the house.

This time her cell phone number had been harder to get but it was amazing what a computer geek would do for three hundred dollars. Money was a great way to buy people off to get matter how personal it might be.

Humming softly, the individual got up from the table and sauntered towards the door. It was time to get the first part of the plan into motion. Everyone had been expecting more things to come before now and that was the main reason for waiting to send something new.

No one was going to be able to guess when something was sent and when it wasn’t. Sahara shouldn’t be able to ever guess when she was going to get a new little gift. Now was the time to give Sahara something special and not a day before.

Sahara’s biggest desire was to be famous and she was going to get that little treat and everything else which came along with it.

Who knows, maybe the last gift for Sahara would be the one that would literally blow her mind.


Chapter Twenty



“Sahara has been avoiding me and I’m about to put a stop to it. She’s mine and the faster she comes to terms with it the better off she will be,” Jax complained staring out the kitchen window at Sahara training with the self-defense trainer he’d hired.

Since he had revealed his eventual plans for them, Sahara had made sure never to be alone with him, and yet she hadn’t told anyone. That gave him some hope, even as it frustrated him.

“You can’t rush this with her. She wasn’t happy having you as her bodyguard at first, but she got over it. What makes you think she’ll jump for joy at having you as her mate for the rest of her life?” Zander asked, hooking up the last of the security cameras on the wall.

“Damn it. I can’t give her anymore time to get used to ‘the idea.’ Sahara’s life is in danger from the psycho fan watching her every move. I’m even more worried that the stalker hasn’t tried to make contact with her in over a month.

“I can’t wait much longer. I need to know that she’ll be safe from harm and turning her is the only way I know she’ll be safe for sure if she gets hurt.” Jax glanced away from the window over at his brother.

Zander stopped working and looked at him. “Jax, you know the rules. You can’t turn a
woman until she agrees to leave her human side behind to become a vampire and from what I’m hearing Sahara isn’t going to allow you in the same room as her. Does she even know that you have to do it before your four hundredth birthday or the sleep of the dead will take you over?”

“Sahara will come around when she gives me a chance to get her alone again. All I need is for her to stop fighting me so hard. None of this would be going on at all if she hadn’t surprised me in the shower.”

“Shit man. I still can’t believe how she found out about you being a vampire. How did you not hear her come into the bathroom?”

Jax knew he was never going to live this down. He wondered how fast Zander had told Thorsten about what happened.

“I was more focused on pressing matters at that moment. little brother, I didn’t hear Sahara come into the bathroom,” he snapped before returning his gaze back to Sahara in time to see her finish up her lesson.

Zander chuckled. “More pressing matters...” His chuckle turned into a throaty laugh.

Jax shot him a steely glare.

He watched as Sahara started to walk toward the house. This might be the only chance he got to get Sahara alone and he was going to take it. “I have to go,” he said, moving away from the window. “I’ll call you later.”

“Jax, don’t do anything to ruin Sahara accepting her fate,” Zander yelled after him as he strolled from the kitchen.






Walking into her bedroom, Sahara congratulated herself on keeping away from Jax again because every time she turned around he was in her face since his confession to her about being a vampire which she was still finding
hard to believe.

Vampires weren’t real. Yeah...there were a load of vampire movies out along with television shows like True Blood, but those were actors portraying a part. None of them really had fangs in their mouths like Jax.

However, Jax’s fangs had looked and felt very real last night. He must have paid a lot of money to his dentist to make those accessories because they weren’t in his mouth all of the time. So he must just put them in when he was in the mood for them.

Hell, she didn’t care as long as Jax stayed away from her. She wasn’t his mate! Where in the hell had he gotten that crazy idea? She would never know. She was her own woman and she would be the one who picked her future husband... and it wasn’t going to be Jax Irizzary.

“Sahara, I would stop thinking about bringing another man into our relationship unless you want me to hurt him which means I will kill him without a second thought,” Jax threatened from behind her.

Gasping, Sahara spun around to find Jax lounging against the wall next to her bedroom door. How had she not sensed him in her bedroom?

“What in the hell are you doing in my room?” she demanded. “You need to leave now.”

“No. I’m done with you pushing me away. We need to talk and that is what we’re going to do, sweetheart.” Jax closed the door and then locked it behind him. “I know you want me. Why are you fighting it so hard? It’s not like I don’t want you too. It’s only natural for you to be a little nervous, but I promise I’ll make you my mate as painlessly as possible.”

“That’s a damn lie.” Sahara took a step back when Jax moved closer. “I don’t want you and stop with all of this ‘I’m your mate’ crap. Do you know how crazy you sound?”

Jax chuckled. The deep masculine sound filled her bedroom turning her on. Damn it. What was wrong with her? She was supposed to be scared as hell of him not turned on. How had the situation changed?

“Baby, I have been a lot of things over my long life, but a liar isn’t one of them.”

Sahara snorted. “There’s a first time for everything.”

With one hand, Jax reached out and jerked her against him holding her close. “I agree. There is a first time for everything and you will experience every single one of them with me.”

Holding her lower body to him, he rocked his erection against her sending tiny shivers racing throughout her body. “I don’t mind teaching you everything that you need to know,” Jax whispered as his mouth lowered to her neck.

Sahara flinched the second she felt his lips touch her skin.

“Don’t,” she begged. “I’m scared.”

Jax slowly lift his mouth away from the side of her neck. She placed her hand against the spot where his mouth had been. “Why can’t you just leave me alone?”

“Sahara, I’ll never hurt you. You understand that don’t you? I’m your mate. It’s my job to care for you.”

Dropping her hand Sahara pushed Jax away from her. “Yeah, you have to protect me because of Uncle Frank and that’s it. Why hadn’t you mentioned this mate stuff before yesterday if you care about me so much?”

“I felt it, but I was fighting it. I knew we had this connection from the second I met you in the den, but I didn’t want to admit it. I thought that Colleen
─” Jax st
opped talking at soon as the other woman’s name left his mouth.

“Who’s Colleen?” Sahara asked instantly wondering who the other woman was.

Silence filled the room while Sahara waited for an answer from Jax and a bit of jealousy started to ease into her body. What was so special about this woman that Jax couldn’t talk about her? Was she a past lover or a woman he’d loved and lost?

“Jax, are you going to give me an answer or not?” Sahara asked again but more forcefully this time.

“She was someone I knew a long time ago, but she has nothing to do with us,” Jax insisted. “She’s a part of my past. I’m only concerned about my future and you.”

“Yeah, right.” Sahara snickered. “You don’t care about me. I don’t know what you’re up to but I don’t want to hear anymore about how you’re a vampire and I’m your one and only. I want you to leave.”

Instead of leaving like he usually did when she demanded him too, Jax sauntered towards her as the corner of his mouth lifted up into a predatory smile revealing perfectly white teeth. “You’re jealous, which means you feel something for me. You keep telling me to get away from you, but you really don’t mean it at all. The problem with you is that you don’t like not being in control. It’s hard for you to allow someone else to be the leader, isn’t it?”

“Jax, you’re so wrong. I’m not a control freak. I can handle not being in control of things very well,” Sahara said.

“Really?” Reaching out, Jax slipped his index finger into the loop of her skirt. “How about you prove it to me?”

“Why should I prove anything to you? I know the truth and that’s all that matters.” Sahara was so carried away by her own response she failed to notice that Jax was making them move backwards until her lower back hit her dresser against the wall.

“I want to show you how much you want me despite the fact you listen to your mind way more than your heart,” Jax said as he picked her up placing her on the dresser behind them.

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