Alluring Temptation (Bayou Stix #3) (27 page)

BOOK: Alluring Temptation (Bayou Stix #3)
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Well fuck me ten ways from Sunday… The man of my dreams just asked me to marry him. He loves me and he loves my baby. He called this little man “our baby.”

I’d be an idiot not to say “YES.”

I’m so busy convincing myself that he really just asked me, that I forget to answer. He coughs and says, “Um, are you going to answer me, Clove?”

My head whips up from his hand and I focus on his face. He looks terrified.

I see his face fall as he sighs, “It’s ok. You really are too good for me. I understand. I shouldn’t have asked you…”

Launching myself into his arms, I stop his flow of words. He looks at me in surprise as he catches me. I knock us both to the pavement. I land on top of him and start kissing him all over his face as I exclaim, “Yes!” Kiss. “I will marry you.” Kiss. “I love you.” Kiss. “I’ve never loved anyone else.” Kiss. “Yes.” Kiss. “I want you to be this baby’s father.” Kiss. “You already are…”

He stops my rambling by taking my lips in a bruising kiss. He holds my head immobile so he can ravish my mouth.

We lay on the ground, him underneath me, kissing as he holds me like he’s never letting me go for a long time.

Eventually, he mumbles. “Um, my ass is bruising. I think I’m lying on a rock.”

Laughing, I climb off of him and help him up. He smooths my dress back down and tucks my hair behind my ears before leaning down to kiss me again.

As we break apart, he opens his palm and the ring catches the glow from the moon. It sparkles. “Can I put this on you now? I want it on your finger.”

Nodding as silent tears roll down my face, he slips the ring onto my finger. It’s a perfect fit.

Something catches my eye over his shoulder and I gasp and point. He turns and we watch the shooting star together until it disappears just as quickly as it showed up.

Liam tucks me against his side and says, “Thanks, Maw.”

Then looking down at me again, he softly kisses my mouth and whispers to me, “She approves.”

I smile up at him and cup his face. “I love you.”

Smiling down at me he says back, “I love you, too.” Then dropping to his knees, he kisses my stomach. As he does, I feel a tiny flutter.

Gasping I grab my stomach.

Liam looks up in alarm and says with trepidation, “What’s wrong? What happened? Is it the baby?”

Laughing, I pull him up. “Yes, it’s the baby, but it’s not bad. I think he just kicked.” His face lights up in wonder as I say, “He wanted to say hello to his daddy.”

Liam scoops me up and swings me around as he whoops with glee on top of the levee.

Giggling in joy, I squeal. He makes me dizzy and I feel like I have to pee. “Stop. Stop, Liam.” I laugh. “We have to go back. I have to pee.”

He snorts. “You’re so romantic.”

Slapping him on the chest, I sigh. “I know right?! But I really do have to pee and I’m sure everyone is wondering where we are.” I tense for a minute as I think back on the scene in the mansion. “What are we going to say about Chelsee, Liam?”

He stops and cups my face as he looks deep into my eyes. “We can say whatever you want to say. You tell me what you want me to say and I’ll say it. I don’t want people talking badly about you, but I also don’t want people questioning this baby. I love you, Clove and I love our baby. I think of him as
baby. I don’t want that jeopardized.”

His words reaffirm how much I love him. If he’s willing to do that for me… how can I not love him?!

I have an idea. Grabbing his arm stops him. He turns and waits.

Smirking I say, “I have an idea. Let’s say nothing. If no one asks again… then ok. But if they do, well, let me talk, ok? I can fix this, without lying and neither of us will look bad. Chelsee will…”

He bites the tip of his tongue as he thinks. He nods. “Ok. I’ll leave it up to you.” Then he smirks. “I thought you had to pee?”

Snorting with laughter, I pull him the rest of the way down the levee.

As we enter the party, no one says anything to us. They just smile at us and some wink. If we act like everything is fine, and we will, because it is, then they should, too.

Liam takes me to the bathroom and waits outside while I relieve my very full bladder and then wash my hands and fluff my hair before touching up my make-up.

My reflection shocks me. I look so… happy. My face is glowing. My eyes are sparkling and I look healthy and so very happy.

As I walk out, I’m pulled against a wall behind a potted tree. A hard, firm body is pressed against me before sexy blue eyes smile into mine. He says, “Hi.”

Chuckling at his ridiculousness, I say, “Hi! Come here often?”

He raises his brows and plays along. “No, not really. Not my scene. I prefer venues with less… sparkle and more acoustics.”

Slapping his arms, I lean up and nip his chin. “I know this room that has great acoustics… I’d like to see how they sound later… when you make me scream your name. Over and over.”

He steps back and his arms drop in shock as his mouth hangs open. “What?”

Chuckling, I step around him. “Why so shocked? You like it when I scream and I’m in the mood for a good, long, thorough pounding later.”

He looks down at his groin where something is standing at attention. “Really, Clove?!” He points down. “You’re going to do this to me right now? At an event where politicians, movie stars, and music big wigs are everywhere? I have to walk around with a hard on. You freaking devil woman.”

Rubbing past him, I make sure my breasts rub his chest and I feel his cock jerk through the fabric of my dress. “I didn’t do anything. You accosted me when I was leaving the bathroom. But hold onto that tension and give it
to me later.”

I chuckle as I walk away and he groans and bangs his forehead against the wall.

Once I enter the main room and Bradi, Blue, and Lexi see me, they all head straight over. They swarm me and all hit me with questions at once. Once I reassure them that everything is fine and that Liam and I are good, they relax some. Bradi says that James took Chelsee outside and reamed her up one side and down the other. Apparently she’s been hanging around the set trying to get him to notice her. He’d been uninterested, but Hugo mentioned that he got the invitation for tonight and he needed a date. He also mentioned having a local model on his arm as eye candy was good publicity and James reluctantly agreed. He regretted it almost immediately. But when she flew into psycho jealous bitch mode and accused Liam of using her, he lost it and sent her packing. He called her a cab and came back to the party. He apologized to Bradi and Blue and said that he spun the story as best as he could and that everyone should be fine.

I see Liam walk into the room and he’s immediately surrounded by Dade, Cruz, Jessie, Jude, Micah, Erik, and Alec. I bet he’s getting some major shit.

Oh shit! I’m engaged to Liam! I have to tell them. Did he ask Dade? Does Dade know? Should he have asked Dade’s permission? Shit!

I look down at my hand and Bradi, Blue, and Lexi follow my gaze. I can see the ring for the first time clearly and it’s amazingly beautiful. I hold it up to my face and take in all the delicate detail. It’s rose gold and obviously vintage. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I sigh in pleasure and amazement that I’m wearing this ring. As I look up, I realize it’s quiet and the three women I’m the closest to are all staring at me with their mouths open in shock.

Lexi is the first to find her voice. “What is that? What is that? Oh my God, what is that? Are you and Liam engaged?!” By the end she’s loud. Really loud. Her eyes open wide and she throws her hands over her mouth.

Bradi grabs my hand and pulls it to her face. She screams. “Holy shit! That is beautiful.” She turns away and I can see that the guys are staring at us, too.

Dade is talking animatedly to Liam and Jessie as the other guys stare from their group to ours.


Liam looks at me and winks and then Dade shocks me by pulling him into a huge hug and screaming out, “Attention everyone… This man is marrying my beautiful baby sister!”

Liam is shocked, too and then Dade is running across the room and grabbing me, while pulling a dazed Liam behind him. People are laughing and clapping and cameras are once again flashing.

Dade swoops me up and swings me around as people clap then, as if I’m a ragdoll, he just passes me off to Liam, who has gotten over his shock and is now grinning like a fool. He calls out to the crowd at large, “Drinks on me!”

Dade laughs and calls out to everyone, “He’s buying. So drink up!”

Reporters swarm us and once again shout questions at us. “Can we see the ring?”, “How long have you two been an item?”, and “When is the wedding?”

It’s insanity, but we are both happy to answer their questions.

Blue slides next to us about twenty minutes later and pacifies the crowd with promises of the details of our courtship on the website soon before whisking us out of the ballroom. I’m so glad. I need the break and my feet are killing me. We slip into an empty sitting room to chill for a minute away from prying eyes.

Liam gently pushes me onto a settee and takes my shoes off. I sigh as my feet are able to breathe. Chuckling he starts rubbing one foot from ankle to each individual toe. I lean my head back and moan at how good it feels.

He keeps massaging my feet as he quietly talks to me. I’m so tired I could just lie down and I’d be asleep in minutes.

I’m just about to doze off when we hear angry voices in the hall. Opening my eyes, I look at Liam and a silent question is passed between us. At the same instant we recognize the male voice.

It’s Dade!

He sounds like he’s arguing with a female. Racing over to the door, we open it and peek out.

What the hell is this?

I look at Liam with confusion written all over my face. He’s wearing the same expression.

Chapter Twenty-Five


brought Clove into this sitting room to relax for a bit and get her off of her feet. She’s exhausted. I’ve already decided that we’re staying for another half an hour and then we’re heading home. She needs her rest and tonight was a lot for her with the launch and the excitement, then add in Chelsee, and my proposal… and she’s beat.

She’s lying back in here and I’m rubbing her feet. She’s purring like a cat at my ministrations. But I can already tell that as soon as she stops for sixty seconds, she’s going to be out like a light.

I decide to just let her rest when suddenly her eyes pop open as we both hear voices in the hallway. Someone is clearly upset. Damn, I wonder what some asshole did. I hope it wasn’t anyone I know getting caught doing something they shouldn’t have.

After a minute, I realize I know the male voice. Holy shit, it’s Dade!

Clove jumps up and before I can stop her, she races across the floor and opens the door a crack to peek at what’s going on in the hall.

I’m right behind her and we look into the hall to see who has Dade so upset.

Am I seeing correctly?!

Apparently I am, because Clove gasps and looks at me. She asks me without words if I know what’s going on.

I shrug down at her. I’m just as lost as she is.

Dude, what the hell? Why are you arguing with Dr. Bird in the hallway?! Dr. Bird, as in Clove’s doctor. How the hell do you know her, Dade?

We both listen and try to see if we can gain some insight.

Dade has his hand on her arm and she’s trying to pull it away, but he’s not letting go.

Dr. Bird says in a low, furious voice. “Let me go, you asshole!”

Dade answers in a voice just as furious. “What are you doing here? And I’m an asshole?! Are you kidding me?!” She tries to free herself again and he pulls her into his body. She struggles and her blonde hair falls out of its topknot.

Clove whispers to me, “What the hell is this, Liam? How does my brother know my doctor?!”

I whisper back, “I have no idea. Honestly, I don’t know. Should I go out there and break this up?”

Clove shakes her head and says, “No, I want to know what the hell is going on and I doubt either one of them is going to tell us.”

We continue to watch the spectacle.

Both are breathing hard, but Dade groans and tightens his arms around Dr. Bird. She pulls back again, but it looks like she’s not trying very hard to escape. Dade leans in and kisses her.

Clove and I watch with our mouths hanging open. Dade pushes her against the wall and holds her there and he devours her mouth. I feel like a perv for watching this. Ugh, is this what he felt like when he walked into the kitchen all those times and saw me kissing Clove?!

I don’t want to see this. I’m about to pull Clove back into the room and give them some privacy when we hear a resounding slap. It echoes down the hall.

Dade looks at Dr. Bird in shock and his hand touches his face where she just slapped the piss out of him.

He grits out, “You slapped me!”

She cradles her hand and the look on her face clearly shows she didn’t mean to do that. She spits words at him. “You. Do. Not. Touch. Me.” Stepping back, she glares at him. “Don’t ever touch me again.”

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