Alice: Bride of Rhode Island (American Mail-Order Bride 13) (5 page)

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Authors: Kristy McCaffrey

Tags: #Historical, #Romance, #Fiction, #Forever Love, #Victorian Era, #Western, #Fifth In Series, #Saga, #Fifty-Books, #Forty-Five Authors, #Newspaper Ad, #Short Story, #American Mail-Order Bride, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Marriage Of Convenience, #Christian, #Religious, #Faith, #Inspirational, #Factory Burned, #Pioneer, #Rhode Island, #Stepfather, #Arranged Marriage, #Seamstress, #Fisherman, #Train Station, #Tiverton, #Brother's Fiancée, #Father's Troubles, #Replaced, #Avenging, #Subterfuge, #Charade, #Worth Saving

BOOK: Alice: Bride of Rhode Island (American Mail-Order Bride 13)
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Chapter Nine



o.” James set his jaw.

“Why?” Frank argued.

“Alice left Daniel Endicott on purpose. I won’t force her back into his life.”

Frank leaned forward in the chair that Alice normally occupied. “How will you get your hands on her inheritance if Endicott doesn’t know you’re her husband?”

“We’re not entirely certain there
an inheritance.” James still lay in bed. It had been three days and he was restless. “I’ve been making discreet inquiries, but so far nothing.”

“All the more reason to stir the pot. It’s just a social gathering. At his house, no less. It’s perfect. I’ve already secured an invitation for you. You simply bring your wife along. You don’t even have to tell her.”

“Do you really think Endicott would let a Martel through his front door?”

Frank smiled, a wicked gleam in his eye. “You’ll be going as Mr. and Mrs. Marsh from Boston.”

“And what do you expect will happen?” James countered, irritated. He really needed to get up and move about. While being cooped up with Alice had its benefits, it had also created a tension between them—a longing that was fast proving to be a damn frustration. He knew she felt it. And God knew, the more time he spent with her, the more agitated he became.

He’d married her to gain an advantage over Daniel Endicott, to right the many wrongs that had befallen the Martel family because of him. He had no qualms pursuing this course of action. But compromising Alice was untenable to him. She deserved better. Gavin Harrington’s daughter merited a man who would love and cherish her, not one who would marry her to gain access to her stepfather. As soon as the business with the inheritance could be handled, James would let her go.

Frank reclined in the chair, stretching his legs and crossing his arms. Having come straight from a day on one of their steamships, the
Three Brothers,
his sweat-soaked shirt, suspenders, and stained wool trousers smelled of fish. It amused James to imagine Alice’s reaction when she came across Frank’s stench. Her vase of flowers on the nightstand did little to mask it.

“Endicott will know you’ve got his daughter,” Frank answered. “It’ll give you leverage. And it’ll scare him too, which he more than deserves. It’s high time he knows that messing with a Martel was a bad idea.”

Frank was right. Jean and Ada Martel had died in a carriage accident, the cause lurking like a fishing net dredging the sea floor. The official conclusion had been that Jean Martel had been drunk, a state in which he’d frequently been found in the years after his ruin by Endicott. But both James and Frank suspected that Endicott may have had a hand in it. Unfortunately, nothing could be proven.

Frank sighed and ran a hand through his dark hair. “You don’t love Alice, so why do you care if she’s upset? As soon as this is done, you can divorce her and get on with your life. It’s what I’d planned to do when I initially sent for her anyway. You can still live your dream of sailing into the beyond on one of your ships.”

James brooded. “I’d never abandon the family or the business.” Did that include Alice?

“Will you at least
attending the party?”

“I’ll think about it,” he finally conceded.

“Don’t think too long. It’s a Christmas party, set for December 12. You’ll need to depart soon if you want to make the journey to Newport without too much hassle. You could tell Alice it’s a belated honeymoon.”

James swore under his breath as Frank left the room. A honeymoon implied marital relations. That was exactly what James had been trying to avoid these past few weeks. And he wasn’t keen about lying to Alice.

You’re already misleading her.

He needed to stop the sentiment seeping into him. He hadn’t desired to get married. He’d simply saved Frank’s hide and Alice’s difficult predicament. He didn’t owe her anything, except that she leave the marriage as unscathed as when she entered it. In return, he’d take back Menhaden Fishing, his papa’s heart and soul. Perhaps Frank was right. The sooner this business with Endicott could be addressed, the sooner he and Alice could get on with their lives.

* * * *

Alice entered James’ room, carrying clean linens, and tried to ignore his stewing temperament.

“I want to get out of bed,” he said.

“I agree. It’s time I freshened the coverings.” She set down her bundle and came to the bedside.

James pushed the blanket away and swung his legs to the floor. Alice pretended that his near state of nakedness didn’t affect her at all. Since he seemed determined to stand, she wedged herself in the crook of his shoulder to allow him to lean on her.

“I’m not an invalid,” he huffed.

She stood her ground. “No, but you certainly are stubborn. Where is it you’re planning to go?”


“Frank did procure crutches for you. They’re in the parlor.”

His arm came around her and she wrapped hers around his waist, enjoying the feel of his bare skin.

“But perhaps you should dress before you make your way back into the world,” she added. She’d never been this close to him before, and the contact brought a flush of heat to her face.


“Do you need assistance?”


“I’ve placed items in the dresser for you. If you can stand, I’ll leave you to it.”

He nodded.

Reluctantly she separated herself from him, continuing to grasp his arm until she was forced to release the contact.

“I’ve decided that we’ll go to Newport for our honeymoon.”

Alice’s gaze snapped to his, but his eyes were elsewhere as he braced a hand on the wall at the head of the bed. His lithe frame and muscled torso briefly distracted her.

“Truly?” she asked.

“Yes. In ten days’ time. My ankle should be better by then. You should acquire more gowns, at least two fancy ones. We may attend a Christmas party or two.”

Elation and apprehension settled in her chest. Did a honeymoon mean that James sought to spend more time with her? In the same instance, she dreaded such a journey. She had grown up in Newport—it was her home—but when she’d fled her stepfather she’d accepted that she would never return.

“That sounds delightful,” she murmured.

His eyes came to hers, but they held no warmth or understanding.

“I’ll meet you downstairs,” she said and left the room, deciding that he could fend for himself.

Alice entered the parlor and sat down, seeking to calm her nerves. To distract herself, she pulled a letter that had arrived earlier from her apron pocket. It was from Judith.


My Dearest Alice,

I received your letter and am so happy to hear you are well.  I am writing you to let you know I arrived at my destination in Wyoming.  You can't imagine how things have gone for me.  Hopefully when I write you next, I can give you more news.

For now I can only tell you that upon arriving, I found my intended had passed away.  Thankfully, I found a position as caregiver for a beautiful baby girl.

It could be that I may have to marry the father, since I live at the house and he is single.

Sean Montgomery is a good man. He is responsible and very respectful.  However, it is not right for me to continue to live in his house without being married.  His sister is pushing us to wed, and to be honest, I am not opposed, as I find him very handsome.

Once I have more news, I will write you.  Know that you are always in my thoughts.

With Love,

Judith Murphy


Alice thought of Judith’s predicament, not unlike her own. Alice hadn’t married her intended, and now neither would her friend. She said a silent prayer that Judith’s situation would prove far better than hers.

* * * *

James watched Alice leave, her lemon scent clinging to him. He’d never envisioned marriage was such a difficult endeavor. When she’d wrapped her arms around him, all he could think of was folding her against him with nothing between them. For a brief, insane moment he couldn’t remember why he was staying away from his bride.


He hadn’t missed the anxiety that pinched her features at the mention of a trip to Newport. He hoped she would understand when he took her to Daniel Endicott’s house that he’d protect her.

Daniel Endicott would never hurt a Martel again. And, at least for now, Alice was a Martel.


Chapter Ten



he trip to Newport, while not far, still took the better part of the day. The train, along with carriage rides from the Martel home and to the hotel, left Alice weary by the time she and James arrived at the Ocean House on Touro Street in the early evening.

Because her stepfather maintained a mansion in town, she’d never been to this establishment. Her eyes widened as the buggy stopped at the entrance and James escorted her to the sidewalk.

“This is a lovely hotel, James. Gothic Revival, I believe.”

“You’ve stayed here before?” He presented his arm, and she tucked her gloved hand into it.

“No. But architecture was offered as a course of study at the boarding school I attended. I found it fascinating.”

They took the steps to enter the grandiose structure, James walking with only a slight limp. “I had no idea you were so well-educated.”

“My stepfather meant to merely send me away, but he inadvertently opened my eyes to the world beyond.” Feeling peevish from fatigue, Alice held back adding:
And if you bothered to speak with me on occasion, dear husband, you might come to know me better.

Although she and James had been forced into close proximity due to his injury, there hadn’t been as big a change in their relationship as she’d hoped. Once he’d started moving about, he’d returned to the servant’s quarters, and she was once again alone in the upstairs bedroom. Still, there’d been limited but pleasant conversation because he’d been forced to take more meals with her.

He’d said this was a honeymoon—of sorts—but based on his behavior, Alice had her doubts. Added to that aggravation was also a growing trepidation. As the date of their trip had neared, she’d begun to dread returning to Newport.

But to her great surprise, now that she was here, a tendril of joy wrapped around her. It was her home, after all. Daniel Endicott couldn’t take those memories from her. She’d had many happy times with her mother and father. Perhaps she’d be able to reconnect with a few friends. And what about her grandmother? It had been years since she’d had contact with her father’s mother, but she should investigate whether Edith Harrington still lived. Now that she was married, family was important.

They entered the lobby, and she removed her gloves while James went to procure the rooms, for surely she would have her own accommodations. Her husband didn’t share her bed in their own home, why would he here?

She untied the ribbon at her chin and carefully lifted the promenade bonnet from her head as she took in the elegant fashions of several ladies that passed by. Its straw construction was too simple for the surroundings. But Alice had always preferred simplicity in the designs she wore. Her mother had always tried to dress her in more frippery than she could stomach, and they’d clashed many times over it.

A sudden rush of sadness filled her.

What I wouldn’t give to see Mama again.

To distract herself, she took in the finery of the hotel, from the rich Brussels carpeting to the rosewood chairs covered in a heavy satin brocade. Expensive-looking lace curtains descended from the ceiling and window cornices. A large Christmas tree stood vigil in one corner, adorned with glass ornaments and balls in bright colors, tin cutouts in various shapes, and wax angels with spun-glass wings.

Christmastime was a mixed blessing since her birthday fell on Christmas Eve. When she was young, it had always been a joyful time, but after her papa had died and her mama remarried Daniel Endicott, there hadn’t been much merriment to be found.

For a moment Alice envisioned an idyllic scene before a roaring fire at the Martel home, James beside her, and children...

She wondered what gift she could possibly get for her new husband.

Perhaps I should break his other leg so he can’t escape me.

She chided herself for the uncharitable thought while allowing a slight smile of amusement to reach her lips. Maybe having a child wasn’t such an outrageous idea. The only problem was that in order to become pregnant, a wife needed her husband to engage in marital relations. That much she knew, if not the specific details.

A glance at James as he approached from across the lobby made her breath catch. His brooding expression and strong, sculpted face coupled with his tall muscular frame drew her near like a kitten she’d once had who’d always wanted to burrow under the covers. Alice was more than willing to bury herself in the warm embrace of her husband, if only he’d let her.

“Shall we?” James took her by the elbow and led her to a staircase.

Pride stiffened her spine. “Just tell me my room number. I can find my own way.”

“It wouldn’t be proper for a married couple to stay in separate rooms.” His hand still gently grasped her arm.

While a frisson of excitement stirred in her abdomen, she knew better than to read anything further into his statement. “You like playing this game, don’t you?”

They stopped before Room 205. “What game would that be?”

“This farce that you call our marriage.” So much for winning him over with sweet nothings and her womanly attributes, not that she had any illusions that such techniques would work with James.

A muscle in his jaw twitched as he unlocked the door, and she sensed a brewing anger in him.

“I’m sorry you’re not happy with our arrangement, Alice.” He opened the door and bade her enter before him. “But, unfortunately, we will be sharing this room.”

Baffled as to why she’d picked a fight with him, Alice stepped across the threshold and once again she stopped to stare. Her temper softened as she took in the opulence of the room. A private parlor contained a settee and two chairs around a glossy table and a modest desk in the corner. Beyond, a spacious bedroom beckoned.

“It’s beautiful, James.”

“I’m glad you like it. The bellboy will have our things brought up shortly. Why don’t you rest and freshen up. I’ll return in an hour and escort you to supper.”

She nodded, awkwardness overtaking her. Would she and James be sharing the only bed? So much for her willingness to conceive his child. She was too uncomfortable to even look him in the eye now.

He placed his hat on his head, left several bills on the short table near the entrance for her to tip the bellboy, and departed.

Her shoulders sagged, and she sat upon an upholstered chair. She was on her honeymoon in one of the most beautiful hotels in Newport. By all accounts, this should be a happy time for her. But marriage was turning out to be nothing like she’d imagined.

* * * *

James sat across from Alice at an intimate table in the hotel restaurant. Despite the faint shadows beneath her eyes, she was radiant in one of the new gowns Mrs. Irwin had helped her acquire. A modest neckline nevertheless enhanced her bosom, the emerald fabric highlighting the creamy hue of her skin. Her hair was pinned in a simple array, but James had never seen her more beautiful.

“Are you happy to be back in Newport?” he asked.

“Yes, of course. I have many fond memories of growing up here.”

“If there’s anyone you’d like to visit while we’re here, I’d be happy to arrange it for you.”

“Thank you.” She took a sip of the wine he’d ordered.

The waiter soon brought a meal of stuffed duck with apples and apricots, golden potatoes, and crispy biscuits. James’ mouth watered, his appetite in full force after a long day of enduring his wife’s company.

It was a double-edged sword—while he enjoyed, and at times craved, her attention, the practicality of putting distance between them pressed on him. He had no idea how he would tolerate sharing a hotel room with her; while it had seemed simple in execution, the reality was filled with more temptation than James cared for. But to have separate accommodations would’ve created too much talk. And too much risk. If Daniel Endicott did find them, James wanted Alice close.

“How is your food?” he asked.

“It’s delicious.” Her blue eyes briefly mesmerized him.

A sharp longing to know her—
know her—shot through him. “Tell me about your childhood.”

She dabbed the corner of her mouth with a napkin. “I was born in Newport. My mother was much younger than my father, but they only ever had one child. Papa was away a lot, since he could never be gone from the sea for long. We lived in a small cottage out of town until we were able to move. I grew up not far from here, over on Thames Street.”

“Maybe you can show me one afternoon.”

She sampled her meal, pausing to swallow before replying. “If you like.”

“Did you ever go out on a ship with your father?”

Alice smiled. “Of a sort. Quite often he would take me aboard and let me scamper about while the vessel was still docked at the harbor.”

He grinned. “A ship rat.” Having finished his meal and with the wine loosening the tension of the day, he sat back and enjoyed the image of a curious, blonde imp exploring a rig.

“I suppose. I always thought that I’d sail around the world with Papa someday.”

“I’ll take you, Alice.” The words were out before he could stop them.

“That sounds like a lofty promise, James, but I do appreciate the offer.”

He supposed he had no one to blame for the empty echo in her voice but himself. The vast distance between them was his own doing, but necessary, he reminded himself.

“Alice Endicott?” A man’s voice interrupted the intimacy of their meal.

Dressed in a fancy chestnut suit, a clean-shaven man with slicked-back brown hair stopped at their table. He put James in mind of a stuffy, arrogant horse.

Alice’s face blanched and her upper-body stiffened.

“I thought I recognized you,” the man continued. “I had no idea you were in town.”

“I just arrived today.” Her tight voice put James on alert.

“Does Daniel know you’re here?”

“I don’t believe we’ve met,” James cut in. He stood and held a hand out. “James Martel.”

“William Evans.”
Alice’s jilted intended.
James took an instant dislike to the man.

“Have you brought our dear Alice back to us?” William asked.

“I guess you could say that. I’m Alice’s husband.”

The surprise on William’s face pleased James, since he didn’t like the proprietary way the man gazed at Alice. It would do well for him—and any man connected to Daniel Endicott—to understand that Alice was under his protection now.

William recovered and turned to Alice, who remained sitting. “This is a bit of a shock. When did the happy occasion occur?” His voice held no gaiety or congratulations.

She smoothed her napkin upon her lap. “About a month ago.”

“Well, I’m sure Daniel must be quite pleased. I wish you all the best.” With a nod to Alice and a dark gaze upon James, he left them.

James sat but kept his eye on Evans as he moved across the restaurant and had quiet but insistent words with his companions, then abruptly departed.

James shifted his attention to Alice, who appeared dejected. “An old friend?”

“You could say that. He was to be my husband.”

Alice’s honesty caught James unaware. He’d really thought she would hedge around the subject. A worry began to gnaw in his gut.

Was Alice secretly happy to have seen William Evans?

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