Adam's Thorn (26 page)

Read Adam's Thorn Online

Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #mystery, #love, #sexual intercourse, #BBW Romance, #spooky, #small town romance, #policeman and massuese, #sexual heat, #plus size romance, #sexual intimacy, #weird, #laughter

BOOK: Adam's Thorn
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Oh Christ, he wasn’t going to
survive this, no way.  Didn’t want to survive it.  Desire burned through him, spreading
through him, starting from every point she’d caressed to centre in his shaft
which was throbbing now, thick and stiff under the towel he gripped so hard.

Adam wanted to throw it off,
wanted to toss it aside and grab Barbie, grab her hair and tug her close to his
face, kiss her hard, demandingly, and order her to -

Jesus, he couldn’t do it.  Closing
his eyes, he couldn’t help but stiffen, hands clenching so tight in the towel, tension
in the arm he’d thrown over his face.

That tension shot through him,
ricocheting up when her hands continued, lighter now, more a caress, fingertips
trailing lightly up his thigh, making the muscles tense, flex, as he shifted
his leg, bending his furtherest knee a little in silent invitation.

God, he wanted her.  Wanted her so
badly, his body humming for her, the growl breaking past his lips.

Wanted her so bloody bad it was almost

He actually tensed, readying
himself to push up so he could grab her, to ravish her like a wild beast, but
then he froze.

Froze because her fingers had
edged under the towel to trial along the crease of his groin.

Fire burned, his breath exhaling,
and without thought he ripped the towel away, throwing it aside to bare himself
to her gaze.  At the same time he shifted his arm higher, looking her fully in
the eyes.

The naked desire in her face shook
him, made him burn hotter, made his hips flex.  The knowledge that she wasn’t
unaffected, that she liked touching his body, that she wanted him in the same
carnal way he wanted her, had him sucking in deep, chest rising, and then he
blew it out evenly, his gaze locked on her.

Her lips parted, the soft, lush
pillows moist, but her hand stayed where it was, fingers resting in his groin,
her other hand resting above his knee.

“Adam…”  So sweetly, erotically

“Touch me.”  His answer was grated
out, harsh with need, deep with command.

Her gaze left his face, trailed
down across his abdomen to where the head of his shaft strained up past his
belly button.

Heat thudding, pulse racing, Adam
watched her, bending his outer knee more, his free hand grabbing onto the side
of the table as she licked her lips.

Oh Christ, was she…would she…?

His thoughts almost splintered
when she reached out to run the tip of one finger down the length of his shaft.

“Barbie,” he rasped. “Baby, don’t

The flash in her eyes was a
mixture of pale fire and amusement, a teasing light that had his breath

One step sideways had her firmly
placed level with his hips.  Trailing her finger up his groin, she slid her
hand beneath his throbbing shaft to lie flat on his abdomen.  The sensation of
her hand beneath his shaft yet atop his stomach had his abdominal muscles

God, she felt good, just that
light touch.

Reaching up, Barbie placed her other
palm against his shaft, curving her hand around it but pressing, too, and then
she slowly slid down, the oil on her palm making the journey easier.

It had him seeing stars, had his
hips pushing up.

She actually shocked him by
pressing her hand down on his abdomen.  “Settle.”

Was she actually telling him what
to do? 

Always one to give orders, always
being the dominant partner, Adam started to push upright, fully intending to
show her who was boss, who gave the orders, only to have her blow his mind.

Her hand on his shaft pressed
against the base of him, fingers spreading out so that she played along his
sac, short nails scraping over the puckered skin.

Then she simply cupped him and
pressed up against his body.

All breath left him as she pulled
the vulnerable sac away from him again, rolling his balls in her palm,
separating them with dexterous fingers and rolling, rolling, just rolling them.

He arched up, she pressed down on
his stomach, laugh soft, taunting, full of hot, carnal teasing.

“Oh God, Barbie!”

Releasing his sac, she moved her
hand further, finger sliding along behind to press firmly against his perineum,
stroking lightly, then firmly, pressing  in little pressure areas.

Fire seared, his sac drawing
tight, and her fingers withdrew.

Lurching up onto one elbow, he
reached for her, intending to drag her up his body so he could kiss her hot and
hard, but then she dropped her head, capturing his shaft and pulling it back
from his body at the same time in a move so quick that he wasn’t ready for the
sensation of her tongue stroking flat across the tip.

He fell bonelessly back onto the
table, his hand gripping the side.

Barbie licked again, tongue flat,
the roughness almost abrading, and Adam’s hips bucked helplessly when she
played the tip of her tongue across the slit in the head of his shaft.

Needing to hang onto something,
not wanting it to end, wanting to both plunge his shaft deep inside her and
have her suck on him all at the same time, Adam reached back over his head,
hands grabbing onto the top of the table, anchoring himself.

Panting, chest rising and falling,
he felt her hand on his other thigh pushing his bent knee further out, opening
him more to her gaze and touch.

Caught up in a hot chasm of fiery
need and carnal heat, he obeyed, his jaw clenching, his back arching once more
when her mouth engulfed him, soft lips sliding down his shaft, fire exploding
out as she sucked strongly, her tongue curving around his shaft to rhythmically
rub against him as she sucked,

The fire swept through him,
centred on his engorged shaft, roared through it, only to pull back and sear
through his sac when she cupped it, rolled the balls, squeezed, bringing him to
the cusp of mindless pleasure bordering on the threat of pain, the dangerous
knowledge that if she squeezed too hard he could be in agony of a totally
different kind.

But the agony she threw him into
was searing, boiling eroticism.  Sliding her mouth firmly up his shaft, tongue
pressing against throbbing veins, she slid right up to the tip, keeping her
lips firm and sucking on the end.  Concentrated sucking, drawing on him, drawing
right over the slit, and just when he thought he couldn’t take it any longer,
was going to explode, she slid her mouth slowly, so agonisingly slowly, down
his shaft.

Her free hand was around the base,
holding him firmly, her other hand spread on his abdomen, fingers flexing
against the hardness of his muscles.

Sucking, just sucking so hard.

Adam writhed on the table, totally
at her mercy, arching up, hips thrusting as he drew in great, shuddering breaths.

He’d never known anything like
it.  Never been
so mercilessly, so erotically.

Barbie played him, stretching his
nerves, pulling them tight, and then he went stiff, muscles tensing.

She deep throated him.

Shocked, aroused beyond measure,
he bucked, would have driven further but she controlled the depth with her hand
on his shaft.

He was large, he knew it, in girth
and length, bigger than the average man, and he’d never been deep throated
before.  It almost blew his mind.

Then she swallowed, swallowed
again, her throat closing snugly over his shaft and squeezing.

Adam shattered.  Hips bucking wildly,
muscles bunching and flexing, hands gripping the table violently, Adam emptied
into her.  Seed poured forth, shooting down her throat, and she continued to
swallow, her hand squeezing the base of his shaft in a delicious, torturous
grip, and then she ripped his sanity completely apart.

Cupping his spasming sac, she
pressed it up against his perineum and massaged.

His roar echoed in the room, his
hips shoving hard.

She swallowed everything he gave.


Adam didn’t know how long he’d
been out, how long he’d been drifting in the pleasant after-haze of
mind-numbing release.  Slowly he came to, opening his eyes.  Music still
thumped gently from the CD player, the sun shone outside, and the sounds of
birds filtered through the window.

His arms actually shook when he
propped himself up on his elbows.  Glancing around, he saw that he was alone in
the room.

Jesus, he felt rung out, depleted,
so deliciously used.  Lifting the towel that was draped primly across his lap,
he looked at his shaft.  It wasn’t so proud now, so demanding.  It lay limp.

Well used.

God, Barbie had used him well. 
Sucked him dry, worked her mouth until he’d lost total control.


Sitting up, he swung his legs off
the table, flexing his arms and stretching.  His muscles felt good, relaxed,
like he could just slide off the table onto the floor in a spent puddle.

She’d left him alone.

The memory of her mouth on him was
enough to get his shaft stirring, and Adam stood up.  Yeah, she’d used him well…and
then she’d left him alone with the towel draped across his hips.

Rolling his shoulders, he smiled. 
Yeah, she’d used him, but by God, he was going to return the favour.

Strength flowed through him,
straightening his spine.  Control slid back into place.  Yeah, she’d had the
upper hand, had had him at her mercy, controlling him, but if Barbie Declan
thought that was going to happen again, she had another think coming.  Unless
he let her.

Hell yes.  But another time.

Just the memory of her hot,
teasing laugh right before she’d controlled him so mercilessly had carnal
desire coursing through him.  He felt almost barbaric, the overwhelming urge to
capture and tame her hitting him hard, making him smile in anticipation.

Hell yes again

Now to find her.

Before he could take a step
towards the door, the sound of a car engine caught his attention, had his head
swinging around.  Voices.  Crossing to the window, he saw Barbie approach a car
as a man climbed out to greet her.

His nostrils actually flared at
the thought of any man near his woman right now.  With his scent on her, hell,
his seed
her, his taste on her tongue, no man had any right to be
near her.

The archaic emotion had him yanking
his jeans on, shoving his feet into his shoes, pulling his shirt on and leaving
the buttons undone, the sides flapping as he stalked from the room, the cloud
of desire and dominance riding him hard.

The cool breeze hit him as he
walked out the door, his searching gaze drawn immediately to where Barbie spoke
quietly to the man, her hands gesturing.

The hands that had been on him,
squeezed him, played with him

Just the thought had fire sparking
under his skin.

Stepping down off the veranda, he
crossed the grassy expanse separating him from the man with
woman at
the car.

Barbie saw him, her eyes widening,
her cheeks flushing crimson.

The man stopped talking, his gaze
flicking between Barbie and Adam.

Coming up beside Barbie, Adam slid
one arm around her waist, pulling her into his side as he looked down at the
man.  “I’m Adam.”

“Hi - um…”  The man glanced at Barbie
then back up at Adam.  “I’m Spencer.  I’m from the antique dealer in the
city.”  He held out a hand to him.  “I’m here to see the furniture and other

“Really?”  Adam growled.  “Maybe
you should come back another time.”

“Adam!”  Barbie glared up at him,
partly annoyed, partly mortified

He looked hotly down at her,
making no effort to hide the heat he felt.  It was gratifying to see the red
bloom deeper in her cheeks.

Even more gratifying was to see
her nipples pressing against the front of her bodice, ample proof that she
wasn’t unaffected by their heated encounter.

“If this time isn’t okay-” Spencer

“Its fine,” Barbie assured him.

“It’s not.” Adam held her closer,
pulling her hard against him.  “We have things to do.”  Yeah, that had the
blush covering her whole face.

Made him feel like pounding his
chest, throwing her over his shoulder, and carting her back inside to lay her
out on the bed and lick her from top to toe and back again.

Why the hell not?  Bugger

And right then came a huge
stumbling block.  A second car pulled in right behind Spencer’s, and out came
Mrs Hubble.  Her wide eyes took in everything, shooting from him, to Barbie, to
the arm he had around her waist.  Mrs Hubble looked at Spencer.

“Hi.”  He smiled widely.  “I’m

Damn Spencer, and right then, damn
Mrs Hubble, too. 

Barbie plucked at the back of his
shirt while he glared at the couple swapping pleasantries.

“Let go of me,” she hissed. 

Slowly he lowered his gaze to her.

“Please,” she repeated quietly. 
“Mrs Hubble…”

“I don’t care about-”

“I do.  I don’t want to be the
talk of the town.  Please, Adam, I have business to do.  The antique dealer
came all the way from the city.  Mrs Hubble is here.  Please. Just go.”

Go?  His eyes narrowed.  Did she
really think he was just going to walk away?

“Please.”  She started wringing
her hands.

A car went past on the road, the
horn hooting and a voice calling out, whistling.

Barbie bit her lip, her eyes
distressed as she watched Larry Kingsley in his fancy car pass out of sight.

It was that distress that made
Adam rein in his wildly out-of-control instinct to grab her and drag her inside
regardless of who was in view.  Right then he might not care, but Barbie -
well, hell, he didn’t want her upset. He wanted her all hot and bothered and
panting with lust, not crying with embarrassment.

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