A Man's Promise (24 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jackson

BOOK: A Man's Promise
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ace shifted his body and eased up to sit on the side of the bed. He couldn’t sleep. All he could think about was the conversation he’d had with his brothers earlier that evening.


He glanced over his shoulder and saw Shana look over at him as she wiped the sleep from her eyes. “Sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

Pushing hair out of her face, she said, “I’m fine. I was so tired last night I don’t remember you coming to bed. How did things go with Dalton? How did he handle finding out about your mom’s affair?”

“He already knew.”


“Yes,” Jace said, lying back on the bed. Pulling Shana into his arms, he tucked her head beneath his chin. “He’d been hiding out in the boathouse when he got into trouble at school and saw Mom there with her lover.”

“At the boathouse? At Sutton Hills?”

“Yeah. I guess she felt safe in doing that because nobody but her went down there on a routine basis. She used to claim that was her private place and that the lake would relax her mind.”

“What did she do when she realized Dalton was there? Did he walk in on them?”

“He didn’t actually walk in on them—he was hiding in a closet. But Mom saw him sneak out. He says he didn’t see anything other than two people kissing and undressing. But that was enough for him to get an idea of what they were about to do. Dalton wasn’t a dummy where sex was concerned, even when he was eleven.”

Jace paused a moment and then added, “Mom confronted him about what he’d seen that night and made him promise not to tell anyone. It was wrong for her to do that, but she knew she could get away with it because Dalton thought the world of her. He worshipped the ground she walked on. Dalton believed Mom was perfect, and I suspect it was hard on him to discover she wasn’t.”

Jace drew in a deep breath then said, “And he kept her secret all this time, telling no one what he saw that day. At one point, I suspected he thought Dad did kill Mom, and I can understand why he would. He knew what Mom had been doing and figured Dad had a motive.”

“Do you believe he still thinks your dad is guilty?”

Jace shook his head. “No. I think, after a while, he put the pieces together and acknowledged Dad’s innocence like the rest of us. It’s just not in our dad’s nature to hurt anyone.”

“But an angry person will do just about anything if pushed hard enough,” Shana said.

“True. But I’ve always admired my father’s control, especially under pressure. If anything, he would have asked Mom for a divorce. But he would never have killed her.”

Shana nodded. “Your mom was murdered at the boathouse, right?”


“Then the person who killed her knew her routine or knew she went there often enough. If I were your father, I would have someone check out the Greenes’ alibi again to verify they really were on a cruise when your mom was killed.”

“But here’s the shocker, Shana. The man Dalton saw with Mom that day wasn’t Michael Greene.”

Shana pulled from Jace’s arms to look up at him. “You’re sure?”

“He’s positive. If that’s the case then she must have been seeing two men and, evidently, she was sleeping with both.”

“Who was the man Dalton saw?”

“He said he didn’t know him but that he would recognize him if he ever saw him again. He saw the man that afternoon, but the man didn’t see him. More than likely, Mom never told him that Dalton had been there.”

Shana didn’t say anything for a minute. “What if this other lover found out about her affair with Michael Greene and killed her in a jealous rage or something?”

“I guess that is a possibility. The one thing I do know is that my dad didn’t commit murder,” Jace said with unwavering certainty.

* * *

“All quiet on the Granger front at my end,” Striker Jennings reported to his boss, Roland Summers.

“Good. I’ve heard from the other members of the security detail, as well. It seems as if Shep’s sons have made things easy for us tonight.

“Everything is set for Caden’s trip this weekend?” Roland asked. Once Striker had discovered that Caden Granger would be taking a trip out of town for the weekend, Roland thought it would be best for someone else to shadow Caden. If Caden were to see Striker in Vegas and recognize him as the man who had saved his life, his cover would be blown. Until Carson said otherwise, Sheppard Granger’s sons would be protected, and Roland would do everything in his power to ensure Sheppard’s desire that professionalism and discretion be maintained at all costs.

Roland ended his call with Striker and leaned back in his chair. He recalled the first time he’d met Carson Boyett. He’d been a cop intentionally set up to take a fall. As a result, he had been sentenced to fifteen years.

He had served three years when his wife, Becca, hired Carson to fight to have his case reopened. She did so, risking her own life in the process. In retaliation, Becca was killed, and Carson had come close to losing her own life. But somehow Carson had persevered and had managed to expose the team of bad cops on the take. All five had been charged with his wife’s murder, along with a number of others.

It was through Carson that Roland had first met Luther Thomas, another man who had been wrongly convicted. Through her he’d also met Sheppard Granger. It had been Sheppard and Luther—now the Reverend Luther Thomas—who’d approached him to set up a security detail for Shep’s sons. Striker Jennings was one of those men. Some of the guys working for Roland were, like him, innocent of the crimes they’d been accused of. Some, like Striker, had committed crimes but had served their time and had now taken their rightful place back in society. They were all good men, men he’d been lucky enough to bring into his organization. Hardworking men and dedicated to a fault.

Roland was about to get himself another cup of coffee when his phone rang. “Roland Summers.”

“This is Stonewall.”

Stonewall Courson was the person who’d been assigned to keep an eye on Shep’s youngest son, Dalton. “Yes, Stonewall, what’s happening?”

“I guess the natives are restless. Dalton Granger decided to go out for the evening.”

Roland checked his watch. “It’s after midnight on a Thursday night. There aren’t too many places still open at this hour.”

“He’s headed down the interstate in that sports car of his. At least he’s keeping to the speed limit. Maybe he just wants to ride around or something. I do that myself when I have a lot on my mind. I just wanted you to know it’s not going to be an early night for me like I thought it would be.”

Roland chuckled. “Sorry about that, and thanks for checking back in. Just stay with him.”

“Don’t worry, I will. If he hangs out all night, so will I.”


ou’re still not telling me where we’re going?” Shiloh asked, smiling over at Caden. She was sitting across from him in the private jet he had rented to take them from Charlottesville to the surprise location. Caden was doing a good job of keeping his lips sealed. As she continued to hold his gaze, she couldn’t help but think what a gorgeous pair of lips they were. She definitely liked the neatly trimmed beard he had begun sporting a few months ago. Caden had always been a good-looking man, but as far as she was concerned, the beard made him look even more handsome, and the way it lined his mouth made his lips that much more desirable, more kissable and so darned delicious.



“I asked if you were comfortable.”

She nodded. “Yes, now that the plane has leveled off.”

He chuckled. “I’d forgotten that flying isn’t your favorite pastime. But I hope you believe me when I say I’ll make it worth your while.”

“I hope so, since I didn’t bring a stitch of clothing with me other than what I have on.” And that was the truth. She had followed his instructions to the letter. No undergarments, toiletries or change of clothes. According to him, they would purchase anything she needed when they got to their destination.

Caden was sitting in the seat facing her with his long legs stretched out in front of him. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved white button-down shirt. Although she had no idea where they were going, she didn’t have any doubt in her mind what they would do when they got there. His eyes had been roving over her body from the minute they’d boarded the plane. And sitting across from him was giving her the full Caden Granger effect. He had a way of looking at her that could turn her insides to mush, creating a deep throb between her legs and making her breasts ache.

She could pretend they didn’t want each other, sit here and suffer through the entire trip. Or she could take matters into her own hands, and her fingers itched to do just that. She’d never been a bold person when it came to sex. In fact, Caden had taught her everything she knew. She had saved herself for him, and at twenty-two, she had experienced her first sexual encounter. He had made it worth waiting for.

“What are you thinking?”

His question interrupted her thoughts. “Sure you want to know?”

“Yes. Tell me.”

Could I? Should I? Why not?
“I was sitting here thinking about how sexy I think you look and how your eyes are deliberately trying to turn me on.”

“Are they?”

“I think so.”

She watched as a smile touched the corners of his lips, making the throb between her legs intensify. “Is it working? Am I turning you on, Shiloh?”

She didn’t mind being honest. “Yes.”

“What are you going to do about it?”

Now, that was a thought-provoking question. “Not sure I can do anything.”

“Sweetheart, you’re the only woman who can.”

His words not only stirred her insides but also filled her with the degree of confidence she needed to unbuckle her seat belt. She glanced around. “The pilot is—”

“Flying this plane. And I didn’t think we needed a flight attendant. It’s just the two of us in here.”

She glanced around again. It was a mini-jet, not as large as the one owned by her uncle Rodney. Because he had business interests all over the world, her uncle’s jet was spacious and had been designed for his comfort with sleeping pods and a full-service kitchen. While this jet was nice, it lacked the amenities her uncle’s plane had.

But she would make do.

Easing out of her seat, she knew he was watching her. Waiting. Sometimes she thought he knew her better than she knew herself. “Since you won’t tell me where we’re going, I guess I’ll just have to entertain myself until I get there.”

“Help yourself.”

“I intend to.”

He lifted an eyebrow, and she smiled. Maybe he didn’t know her all that well after all. At least, this no-holds-barred side of her. He was the only man she’d ever slept with. Even during those four years they had been separated, the thought of sharing her body with another man was something she hadn’t had the courage to move on and do. When she thought she had been ready, Caden had stepped back into her life. And he’d let her know in more ways than one that he was there to stay.

She stretched her body, lifting her hands over her head, knowing his gaze watched her every move. She then went to him and leaned toward him, placing a hand on each of his thighs. “I like you, Caden Granger.”

“Do you?”

“Yes. Although I don’t know if you’re taking me north, south, east or west.”

“I’m taking you with me, and that’s what’s important,” he countered.

She smiled, knowing he was right. Right now, the only thing that mattered was that they were together. She unbuckled his seat belt and settled onto his lap like a Cheshire cat ready to be petted. And when he wrapped his arms around her, she curled into him, feeling content for now.

“You smell good,” he whispered close to her ear.

“So do you.” And he did. It was part cologne and part man. The combination was arousing. Incredibly so.

She could feel his erection pressing against her backside, and it was throbbing mercilessly against her. Letting her know what it wanted and what it needed. In turn, his throbbing was causing the area between her legs to throb.

She shifted her body to slip off his lap. She slid down in front of him on her knees with her head between his thighs. She looked up at him and intentionally licked her lips. She saw the flare of heat in his gaze. There was no need for him to ask what she was doing down there because he knew. And if he didn’t, then he would soon enough.

“Stand up, Caden,” she said in a voice so filled with want and need that she could hear it shaking.

He must have heard it, too, and stood while looking down at her with those oh-so-sexy eyes of his. She reached up and slowly pulled down the zipper of his jeans. In the time it took him to pull in a deep breath, she had freed his penis and held the engorged erection in her hands. She was thinking what she always thought whenever she saw this part of him. Not only was this a very useful tool that could bring her a lot of pleasure, but it was also a beautiful piece of art. The shape, size and texture totally captivated her. Very impressive.

She could see blood rushing through the engorged veins and couldn’t imagine any other man being this well-endowed, this magnificently crafted and designed. What good was eye candy if your mouth couldn’t enjoy the delicious taste of it every once in a while? And she intended to enjoy this. She intended to enjoy him. And without wasting any time, she leaned in and guided the shaft toward her mouth.

Opening wide, she slid his erection between her lips, and the minute it was in her mouth, she began doing all the erotic things he had taught her to do, coming up with her own ideas, as well.

* * *

Caden sucked in a sharp breath. Seeing Shiloh on her knees with the full length of him in her mouth was an erotic image being branded on his brain. She’d given him blow jobs before, but there was something different about this one. Her tongue was working overtime. His hands gripped the arms of the seat when erotic sensations rushed through him, making him weak in the knees.

He moaned her name, and she looked up at him while he was still fully embedded in her mouth, almost reaching her throat. And when she began bobbing her head up and down, he growled in pleasure.

Reaching down, he stroked the tip of his finger down the center of her throat in a sensuous motion over and over again and watched her eyes darken with need. That need was affecting him, driving him to want more than her mouth. He needed to be deep within the essence of her.

She continued to gobble him up in a way that had him clutching the sides of her head while throwing his head back and moaning deep in his throat. Lord, she was blowing him away. Literally.

He couldn’t take any more. Her mouth was too much. More than he’d expected but everything he’d wanted. Every lick of her tongue was driving him deeper into one hell of a sensuous abyss. When he felt himself about to come, he quickly pulled back, and she released him with an involuntary sigh.

Hungry for her to the point of being delirious, he pulled her from her knees, and his hands went straight under her skirt to tug down the lacy panties covering her femininity. And then turning her around to brace her hands on the arms of the seat, he lifted her skirt to expose her bottom. Spreading her thighs apart, his shaft homed in on her from the back.

His erection was throbbing to the point of madness when he tilted her backside and entered her. Holding tight to her hips, he began thrusting in and out of her, while her wet, hot inner muscles clenched him. The feel of those muscles contracting and constricting was driving him into mindless ecstasy.

He kept pounding into her over and over again while she cried out his name, told him to keep going and not to stop. If he could, he knew he would remain inside of her forever. Then it seemed the plane shook, and at first he thought it was turbulence but realized it was his body coming apart in one hell of a climax.

Caden threw his head back and shouted her name when he felt her come. His nerve endings seemed ready to explode as he kept up the rhythm and continued thrusting. Nothing was better than making love to the woman he loved, adored and cherished.

He had just pulled out of her and was gathering her into his arms when the pilot announced over the intercom to fasten their seat belts for landing. He watched her slide back into her panties and straighten her skirt while he zipped his jeans.

Reaching out, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her, hoping she felt all the love he felt in their kiss. Then, sweeping her off her feet, he carried her to her seat and buckled her in before taking his own seat and snapping the seat belt in place.

When he glanced over at her, he realized he’d made love to her without any protection. “I didn’t use a condom,” he said, disgusted with himself. Dalton had mocked him often enough but he was right—it was something he should never forget.

“That’s okay. I’m on the pill, so it’s okay if you want to stop using a condom.”

Oh, yes,
he thought, smiling.
I want.
He loved the feel of being skin to skin with her.

She glanced out the window, and then she looked back over at him and smiled. “You’re taking me to Vegas.”

“Yes. I want us to replace bad memories of Vegas with good ones.”

She nodded, smiling. “I can’t wait.”

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