A Demon Bound (Imp Book 1) (29 page)

BOOK: A Demon Bound (Imp Book 1)
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Althean’s gold curls shimmered in the faint moonlight. He was not trying to be as human in his appearance, and his skin was solid and marble looking with the glow and the blur at the edges. He was naked, which was kind of bizarre. He’d had clothing on at Robinson’s. Did the nakedness signify something important? Did he just lose his clothes or blow them to bits like I always managed to do? Of course, I was naked too, and he’d probably wonder the same about me if he saw me. I assumed that his teeth were pointy and his eyes dark. Better keep my arms away from those teeth. One tattoo was enough for me.

I watched him edge toward the cabin. There was a clearing of about fifty feet long between the woods and the porch steps. The best place to grab him would be right at the edge of the woods. He’d pause there to check out the clearing before he made his dash. If I waited until he was in the clearing, he’d be liable to see me and gate out before I reached him. Better to grab him while his attention was on scanning the porch and clearing for activity. Slowly, I trailed him from the side, utterly silent, my heart thudding and adrenaline surging. I had to struggle to keep my energy deep within myself where he couldn’t sense it.

Finally, he paused at the edge of the woods to survey the clearing and I made my move. I blew everything out, then back in with a boom of sound. The trees disrupted some of the effect, but Althean dropped to his knees. I jumped on him, knocking him into the clearing and straddling him, and punched him in the face just because I felt like it. It didn’t do much except hurt my hand and give him a chance to throw me off and scramble to his feet. I hit him again with another boom of sound, and he staggered. I threw another one at him, knocking him down and giving me a chance to straddle him again. Then I began pummeling him with the sound; he clutched his head. The blood dripped out his nose, eyes and ears, from the corner of his mouth, and even began to seep out his pores. I knew I wouldn’t have the time to own him, so I’d have to be satisfied with just killing him. Once he was dead, I’d shred him to bits. I’d roll in the blood and flesh of his empty form. I’d savor the pain and fear of his last moments.

He was struggling less, so I placed my hands against his chest and made ready to hit him hard and loud, when I was grabbed from behind. I knew who it was, so I spun around and threw the blast I had into Gregory instead. He made an
sound and grabbed me in a wrestling hold.

“Stop it,” he commanded, covering my energy with that slippery shit, again. I didn’t have to look, I knew Althean was gone.

“You fucking bastard,” I snarled. “I had him, and now you let him go. He was here to attack Candy.”

“I know,” he said, sounding oddly affectionate and still holding me against him. “You were just protecting your friend, I’m not angry with you. But you can’t kill him. I won’t let you kill him.”

It was less about protecting my ’friend’ and more about making my kill, but whatever.

angry. You let him get away. Again! You don’t care anything about stopping him, bringing him to justice, or having him pay for his crimes. All you care about is covering your ass by sweeping the whole thing under the rug, protecting your reputation and Althean’s. You’ll grab him, take him to Aaru, and stick him in some nice office job. Then you’ll assign another angel to the werewolves and act like the whole thing never happened.”

“What, because that’s what you’d do?” Gregory asked. Now he was angry. “You know nothing about me, nothing about how we operate. Don’t go making assumptions about our society based on your own twisted lawless nature. You know nothing about us.”

“I know enough,” I retorted. “I was at the place in York. I know what happened. I felt the bodies, saw the video tape. Althean killed a pregnant woman. An innocent woman and an innocent child died. And from what Candy says, lots of the victims have been innocent. I honestly don’t care who you kill, but you have an agreement with these people. They’ve given up a lot, the least you could do is keep to your end of the bargain. Althean isn’t keeping the contract, and neither are you.”

“There are subversive factions among us who would bypass protocol and take action. If Althean were just one of these vigilantes, he would be punished harshly. And trust me, prison and punishment among our kind is worse than death. He’s wavering in his convictions, though, making him capable of redemption. The last few kills have caused him to go nearly insane with doubt and guilt. The death of the woman and baby have put him over the edge. I know there is something in him still worth saving,” Gregory insisted.

“He’s not worth saving, and neither are you. You were there in York, too. You covered it up. I saw you put the mark on the woman and the baby, I read your energy signature. Even without the video tape, I know your energy signature very well by now. It was you. You marked them both as if they were criminals. You fucking hypocrite. You’ll save Althean, cover the whole thing up, but where’s the justice for the werewolves? Their dead have
been marked as criminals. A baby, for fuck sake!”

He’d held me by the wrists away from him to look at my face as I ranted. Finding I had a foot free, I kicked him in the shin. It was like kicking a wall with my bare foot.

He looked down at me in amazement. “Marked them as criminals? What are you talking about?”

“The angel wings on their temples,” I told him. “I could see it on the woman, and I saw you place it there from the video tape. I got your energy signature off of it, and then I felt the same mark, the same energy signature on the unborn baby. How in the fuck can you justify marking a
as deserving of death? It’s not only against the contract, it should be against your very nature. Unless your kind has changed that much in the last two million years, it should be contrary to all you hold dear to condemn an infant, especially an unborn one.”

Gregory stared at me as if I’d gone insane. “Criminals? The wings don’t make them criminals, they are to convey that someone has paid for any crime they may have committed, that they are clean. They’re a forgiveness mark, a blessing, not a condemnation.”

I was stunned. What incredible arrogance it was to deign to convey forgiveness on those they killed. I hated these fucking angels.

“So those who violate every rule, every clause of the existence contract, they get forgiveness, too? Same blessing as an unborn baby? Because all of the executions bear that mark.”

Not that I thought dead people gave a shit about some pompous asshole angel granting them forgiveness. What the fuck? No wonder we ditched these psychos for our own place. They were so full of themselves, it wasn’t even funny.

“Yes, even the worst criminal deserves forgiveness. They’ve paid their dues with their death, and they should approach their afterlife with a clean slate.”

I rolled my eyes. When I finally could resist it no longer and let my entire being scatter throughout the universe, I doubted if it gave a flying fuck whether some angel gave me the thumbs up or not. All were equal in death. Maybe that’s what he was saying though in his own full of shit way.

“You’ll still cover it up. I know you will. You killed a cop, and you covered that up too. Fucking holier–than–thou hypocrites, all of you.”

“I did a lot of things in anger that day that I’m not proud of, but I refuse to feel guilt for that death. I will never let you get away, never let you escape me, and the deaths of a million humans are an easy price to pay for that,” he said with determination, finally letting go of my hands.

It was a little unsettling to know that he’d casually plow through a million human lives just to have the pleasure of killing me himself. And they say
are evil.

“He’s one of yours,” I insisted. “Tell me honestly that you’ll kill him, that he’ll see justice, because I just don’t believe that’s going to happen.”

“Althean will pay for what he’s done but
cannot kill him. The justice needs to come from our own kind, from someone with the proper authority to deliver judgment.”

We stood there a moment as the bugs sang in the woods around us. I wasn’t sure I believed him. I suspected Althean would live for millions of years as they plowed through the red tape of who had jurisdiction and what laws pertained to this suspected offense. There was something else I wondered about though.

“Those demons that you’ve killed, do they get wings too? Are they granted your forgiveness?” I asked, knowing the answer but wanting to hear him say it.

Even in the dim moonlight, I could see a bolt of pain cross Gregory’s face before it hardened into a rock like mask.

“Demons are filthy creatures, abominations beyond redemption and forgiveness,” he said bitterly. “They don’t deserve forgiveness or mercy, either in life or in death.”

I shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. None of us want your blessing. None of us give a shit about your forgiveness. Like we even care. We return the same. You’ll get no mercy from us. No forgiveness, either.”

I saw him wince at the last few words.

“None of you has the
for mercy or forgiveness,” he said. He was furious, but at least he wasn’t glowing. “Your vibration pattern will continue to diminish, you’ll continue to devolve until the lowest worm has more divinity than you. You deserved to be banned from Aaru, to be banished for all eternity. You deserve to be killed on sight with no mercy. I should have killed you the moment I saw you. I should have killed you when you tried to escape me. I should just kill you right now.”

That pronouncement should have had me on my knees, begging for that mercy he told me he’d never dish out. But I was pissed, so I taunted him the best way I could think of.

“Then why did you do
instead of killing me? What is this you’ve done to us both?” I asked, running my finger up the underside of my arm and over the tattoo of his sword.

Gregory jerked and clenched his fists. “That,” he said. “That is a terrible mistake.”

I smiled to myself as he stalked away into the woods. Just what I had thought. He’d fucked up whatever he’d done to me somehow and what the mark did went both ways. If only I could find out exactly what it did and how to work it, I could do to him as he did to me. Whatever that was. Right now, I could turn him on. Funny as that was, I couldn’t see how it would work to my advantage in the long run. Hopefully, more useful applications would reveal themselves in the near future. Hopefully, before he killed me.

I turned around to walk to the cabin and my smile faded. Candy and Wyatt had woken up to the booms of sound in the front yard as did many of those in the neighboring cabins. They’d all been an interested audience to the whole exchange. The neighbors must be particularly entertained to see a naked woman arguing with a clothed man in front of the cabin. I also had a depressed feeling that any chance I’d had of a continued relationship with Wyatt was vanishing by the moment.

Chapter 17

woke up rather pleased that I’d managed to get through the last night without damage to my physical person. Candy announced she was making a breakfast and coffee run for us and pointedly left me alone with Wyatt. He sat on the bed and messed with his tablet while I walked around the cabin moving stuff around, and basically hovering. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore, so I scooted up on the bed next to him.

“Please talk to me?” I pleaded. “There is nothing going on between me and that angel. Nothing sexual, nothing romantic, not even remotely friendship. I’ve been trying to get away from him, and somehow that always ends up with me injured and usually naked. He seems to be less fired up about killing me the past few days, but I’ve pretty much run out of options. He’ll eventually kill me; I’m just trying to stall until I can think of something. There was a wild gate in the pool at that house. I tried to go through and he dragged me out of it. It was a good thing, actually, since I would have died in there. That’s how desperate I am, I went into some crazy wild gate with a million to one chance of coming out in one piece and somewhere reasonable. Because a million to one chance is still better than zero.”

Wyatt paused a moment, then tossed his tablet aside and gathered me up in his arms. He was still shirtless with his pajama bottoms on and his skin felt glorious against my face and arms. Warm and smooth with his heartbeat against my cheek. He had muscle, but the muscle and flesh had a firm give to it, so unlike the hard rock of a chest I’d spent the last few days being crushed against. I snuggled against him like a puppy and breathed in the scent of his skin as Wyatt tightened his arms around me. It felt so good. I was actually considering giving the straightjacket of sleep another try tonight.

“When he first came after you, I had a knight–in–shining–armor impulse.” He laughed. “Stupid, I know. A human can’t do anything against a being like him, and you are a thousand times stronger and more capable of protecting yourself than any woman I know. It’s horrible to stand back and watch you two go at it, though. It makes me feel worthless, that I’m not worthy of being your friend, let alone anything more. I’m so outclassed, and I’m not used to that. I’m used to being the big fish in the little pond. The one who can get any girl he wants, and could easy smack down any threat or competition. This situation has smashed that illusion to bits. Then every time I turn around you’re naked and pressed against him with his arms around you like something from a dime store romance.”

I felt him twirl my hair in his fingers for a moment. “I’m making this whole situation about me and my feelings of inadequacy, when it should be about you. You’re the one fighting to survive, and I’m pouting about having a supreme being hone in on my woman. I’m sorry, Sam. I’m a selfish jerk. I should be helping you and not having a pity party, here.”

I pulled away a bit to look him in the face, and put a hand on his cheek.

“I’d be dead if it wasn’t for you, Wyatt. You fucking
him. Point blank, in the head, with that huge gun of yours. I know it didn’t kill him like you intended, but it distracted him. If you hadn’t done that, he would have lopped my fool head off right then and there. I was practically wetting my pants, and you had the balls to shoot an
. You
a big fish in my book. You’re clever, fun, hot beyond belief, and you’re my go–to guy when the shit hits the fan.” That was super hokey, but it was true. And to make my point, I leaned over and kissed him.

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