A Complicated Love (Complicated Love #1) (11 page)

BOOK: A Complicated Love (Complicated Love #1)
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Sienna’s is packed full, when we finally make our way inside. Luckily Joshua put us on the list and we are shown by one of the bouncers, the way to the VIP area. Tracy and I follow the bouncer through the throngs of people grinding on the dance floor. There’s a set of double metal stairs leading up to the first floor where the VIP section is located. The bouncer leaves us at the stairs and makes his way back to his post at the door.

Tracy grabs my hand and we make our way up the stairs and to the right where there’s a roped off area. There’s a guy standing by the roped entrance wearing a black suit and dark shades. I giggle to myself as he reminds me of Will Smith in
‘Men in Black.’
We give him our names and he checks his list. He smiles and opens the rope to let us through. There’s not many people in the VIP section, so we have enough room to walk around. The VIP section is made up of black leather armchairs, there're single and double seats and chrome tables are spaced around the area. I look around and see a bar up here, but it’s not situated in the VIP section and there are other tables and chairs dotted about the first floor.

“Wow, look at this place. Do you want a drink, my shout?” Tracy places her bag on the table and rummaged around until she finds her purse.

“Go on then… orange juice, please.” I giggle at the frown on her face.

“An orange juice? In a nightclub?”

“Uh… hello? Pregnant here!” I wave my hands in front of my stomach. She laughs and rushes out of the VIP section. I’m assuming she’s going to get us some drinks. I feel weird sitting here all on my own. A guy across from me is checking me out. He has a bald head, a black bushy beard and is wearing blue jeans and a light blue button up shirt. He hasn’t stopped looking at me since we arrived. I shift uncomfortably in my seat while I wait for Tracy to get back. I look over at the bar and see Tracy still waiting to be served. I hate sitting by myself in nightclubs. I glance out the corner of my eye at the bald guy, and he’s still staring at me.
What’s his problem?
I look down and play with my fingernails. I hope Tracy isn’t too much longer. I hear a voice I never thought I would hear again. My head snaps up and I come face to face with Tammy.

She glares at me as she takes a seat with the bald guy. She’s wearing a short, black mini-skirt with a bright pink halter neck top. Her blonde hair is falling in waves down her back and her black leather, knee-high boots complete her outfit. She has plastered loads of makeup on and to me, she looks a lot like a clown. She looks so trashy, but she keeps glaring at me as she rubs her hand up and down the bald guy’s chest. What is she doing in the VIP section? Tammy starts making out with the bald guy, when I see Tracy wobbling on her heels back to our table.

“Here you go, your orange juice.” She places it on the table with her glass. It looks like Tracy’s on cocktails tonight. It’s bright green with a slice of lime wedged on the side of the glass. I’m not sure what cocktail it is, but it does look pretty. I take a sip of my orange juice and I can’t help looking over at Tammy. She’s still making out with the bald guy and it’s a gross display.

“Do you fancy going to the ground floor?” Tammy looks at me and laughs.

“Are you kidding me? We’re in the VIP section. Why would I want to be down there?”

“I’m just a bit uncomfortable up here.” Tracy looks at me with concern.

“What’s going on Annabelle?”

“You see that girl over there, plastered to that bald guy?” Tracy picks up her drink and takes a sip while glancing discreetly toward Tammy. She turns back and looks disgusted at what she sees.

“Bloody hell! Is she trying to eat his face?” We both giggle.

“She’s Joshua’s ex. I first met her when she was at Lynn Publishing. She was interviewing to be his PA. She was a right bitch, and it didn’t help when Joshua told her I was pregnant and dumped her. Now she is out for my dust.”

“She does look like a tramp. Don’t know what Joshua saw in her.” Tracy pats my hand. “Just ignore her. We are here for my last night in London. Don’t let her spoil it.” She stands up abruptly. “Let’s go dance!” I giggle at her enthusiasm and take her hand. She pulls me up and we walk out of the VIP section to the first-floor dance floor. It’s not as packed as the ground floor, so it’s easier to dance around. I’m not a very good dancer, so I stand and sway from side to side. Tracy is really going all out and is grinding and gyrating. It doesn’t take long for a guy to make his move. A black haired guy comes behind Tracy and starts grinding against her. He places his hands on her hips and sways in time with her. I’m happy dancing on my own.  I have a few guys come up to me and try to start dancing with me, but I politely decline them and they move on to their next prey.

After two more songs, I’m beginning to feel like a third wheel and slightly weird as everyone else who’s dancing has someone to fall all over. Some of them should be ashamed. If they don’t stop now, they might end up having sex on the dance floor. Tracy is too busy to realise that I’m getting uncomfortable, so I leave her playing tonsil tennis with black-haired guy and make my way back to the VIP section. I notice that Tammy isn’t anywhere to be seen, but the bald guy is sitting in the exact same spot on his own. He notices me as the bouncer opens the roped entrance. He smiles snidely and continues to stare at me. I pick up my drink and try to avoid looking at him. He’s really creeping me out and where has Tammy gone? I really miss Joshua right now.

“Hey gorgeous, what are you doing sitting here all alone? I turn and the bald guy is sitting in my booth right next to me. I try to scoot as far away as possible, as I don’t like the way he’s looking at me.

“My name’s Derek.” He licks his lips while his eyes are fixated on my breasts. “Fancy going somewhere a bit quieter?” He smiles wide and takes a gulp of his beer.

“Um, thanks, but I’m here with my friend.” I glance around looking for Tracy, but I can’t find her anywhere and the guy she was with has disappeared too.

“Well beautiful, how about I keep you company for a while?” He tries placing his hand on my thigh, but I scoot further away. Now I’m trapped between Derek and a wall.
How am I going to get out of here?
He’s just staring at me while he finishes off his beer.

“Ah… that was good. Do you want a drink, babe?” I look at him in disgust as he waits for me to answer him. Before I can answer, Tammy comes sauntering up to us.

“Well, well, well, what’s happening here then? Can’t you keep your grubby hands to yourself? I can’t go to the toilet without you going after something else of mine. She glares at me while she stands by the side of the booth.

“Excuse me? Look Tammy I’m sorry, but I’m not sure what I’ve done to you.”

“What you’ve done? Joshua broke up with
because of
He had to do the noble thing and stick by you because you had to get yourself knocked up.” She crosses her arms and pouts her lip, looking furious.

“I had nothing to do with you and Joshua breaking up.”

“Well, don’t think he’s with you for anything other than that baby! He will come crawling back to me when he gets bored with you. I mean, look at you?” I’m getting really sick of her, but I can’t move because Derek is still sitting right next to me smiling like a Cheshire cat.

Why is he smiling?

“Derek, what are you doing sitting with
?” She turns her glare to him while he just laughs and shakes his head.

“Just keeping this beautiful women company.” He blows me a kiss while staring at my chest. “I was just about to buy her a drink and see where the night takes us.” I stare at him open-mouthed.
Is he serious?

“Um… no, we weren’t. I told you, I’m just waiting for my friend.” I glare at him as he’s making this whole conversation worse.

“So, it wasn’t enough that you took Joshua from me, but you want Derek as well? You two bit hussy. This isn’t over. I’m going to make you pay.” She flicks her hair over her shoulder and marches away. I see her exit the VIP section and move across to the bar.

“So gorgeous, let’s get this party started, hey?”

I can’t take this anymore, I stand up and gather my bag and jacket.

“Look Derek…
No! No! No!
Okay? I don’t want a drink with you, and I’m not interested in you, so can you please let me pass and I’ll be on my way.” He scoots out of the booth, but he looks at me with disgust and his face is bright red with anger.

“Whatever bitch!” He inches closer and I hold my breath. “What a tease. Maybe I should teach you a lesson for being such a tease, bitch.” I flinch away from him and go to move around him. I have to get out of this VIP section. He grabs my arm tight and leans in. “Watch your back, bitch.” He smiles snidely before he releases my arm. I stumble out of the VIP section and go in search of Tracy. I see her leaning up against the bar, flirting with the bartender. She must have gotten bored with the guy she had her tongue down the throat of the last time I saw her.

I can’t believe Derek, he seems slightly off balance. I’m more than ready to get out of here. After dealing with Tammy and Derek, I’m ready to just go home and wait for Joshua. Maybe get into something sexy, and hope the night will pan out ten times better than this evening. I perch myself on the bar stool next to Tracy.

“Tracy, I’m feeling a bit tired, so can we go home?”

“Annabelle, Annabelle!” She wraps her arm around me and squeezes me to her. The bartender looks slightly amused with my intoxicated friend. “This is my best friend in the whole world, world, world.” I smile at the bartender while I try to prize Tracy’s arm from around my neck.

“Tracy, we have to go now.” She grabs her bag and jacket and jumps down from the bar stool.

“Okay, let’s go!” She leans over the bar to address the bartender. “Goodbye Kyle. You’re so dreamy. Um… the things I’d like to do to you… ” She blows him a kiss while I drag her away. I giggle as I help her put on her jacket.

“Oh crap, I forgot to get Kyle’s number… be back in a moment.” She rushes back to the bar.

“I’ll wait for you outside,” I shout, but I don’t think she hears me. I make my way to the stairs that separate the first floor from the ground floor.

I feel a hard pressure on my back. I don’t have time to grab the banister before I’m falling. My head hits something hard and my vision goes blurry. It happens so fast that before I know it, I’m at the bottom of the stairs. I ache all over and my hand instantly goes to my stomach. My vision is so blurry that I can only just see shadows of people crowding around me. I hear someone screaming, but it sounds very far away. I hope the baby is okay is the last thing I think about before everything goes black.


Things have certainly been in fast mode with Annabelle and I. Everything has been going great between us and I couldn’t be happier. I never thought I’d ever feel like this, but with Annabelle I wouldn’t wish for it to be any other way. I’m so glad I finally had the courage to get rid of Tammy. She’s been hanging around for ages now, and to be honest I didn’t know how to tell her I wasn’t interested. She can be a right bitch most of the time, and it was just easier to have her popping in and out when she wanted to. I didn’t mean to let slip about Annabelle being pregnant, but Tammy was shouting and kept asking why, over and over again, before she turned and became so angry. I have to admit, seeing Annabelle being all angry at me was a bit of a turn on. I never knew she could be so feisty. She was really pissed at me. I had a lot to make up to her and I wanted too, so much.

My best mate and ex-college roommate Karl Stanford showed up at my office. I don’t see him much because he lives in Oxford and we both work a lot. He is an Architect and he owns his own company. I could have strangled him when I walked in on him flirting with Annabelle. He’s always been charming and never has any problems getting women, and the way Annabelle was smiling at him, wasn’t sitting well with me at all. Karl didn’t stay long in London. I was so angry with the way things ended with Annabelle and me, so we headed to Sienna’s that night. I drowned my sorrows and confessed my feelings about Annabelle and our baby. Karl laughed at me a lot that night. He said I sounded like a love sick fool. I wouldn’t go that far I guess

I mean love?

I know I care about Annabelle a lot, but is it love? I don’t know much about her. I know I always want to be there for her and the baby, and I do want more with her too. This is why I want to be there for all her appointments and show her that I’m committed. The doctor’s appointment went swimmingly, and I was really looking forward to the scan. When I took her home afterward, I told myself I wouldn’t rush her at all.

Annabelle thanking me was the last straw of my resolve. She looked so vulnerable and innocent. When I got out of the car and kissed her, it was explosive. I’d been waiting to do it for ages. Even before I found out that she was pregnant, I wanted her. I want to spoil her and in a way, prove that I want to get to know her. Arranging the dinner cruise on the Thames was a first date that I thought she would love. Asking her over text was not the most brilliant idea, but I couldn’t wait. I had to ask her out. I wasn’t sure what to make of the kiss in the last message from Annabelle.
It must mean that she cares about me?
When I got up the next morning, I decided to give Annabelle the day off. I want her to take it easy when she can, and I was picking her up for our date in the evening. I wanted her to feel relaxed and I’m glad she did. She was breathtaking in that purple dress she wore. She was beautiful. She was a knockout. The date couldn’t have gone any better, and I really wanted to end the night on a high, but I want to take it slow with Annabelle.

We have done this all backward and I can’t rush it. I don’t want to. I want her to know I want her, and not just the baby, so rejecting her that night was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I know I hurt her. I could see it in her eyes, but I’m hoping I made it better by sending my message about why I had to leave before things went too far. I couldn’t believe I put
‘made love’
in the message. I hit my head against the wall when I realised what I’d typed. I was hoping that I hadn’t scared her off.

I’m ashamed about that night as I never appreciated her, and it was so stupid after realising how brilliant she is and how wonderful. The next time I have sex with Annabelle it will be because I love her and want to worship her. I mean it when I told her in that message that I want to make love to her. I will wait for as long as possible to be with her again.

Being at the scan with Annabelle was amazing and a wonderful experience. Seeing our baby on the screen was beautiful. I got so choked up, but I didn’t want Annabelle to see me crying. Call it a male pride thing. I had to have a picture to keep with me. Sometimes I just take it out when I have a few minutes, and look at this beautiful little person that we have created.

I’m a bit concerned at Annabelle’s concern over looking for somewhere else to live. She has told me she won’t be able to afford the rent on her own and she seemed really shocked when I suggested buying it. If I can keep Annabelle and our baby with a roof over their head, then I’m going to do it. I don’t want her to worry about anything, and that includes work. If I could, I would fire her and have her living with me. She doesn’t have to work because I will take care of her. I’d do anything for her. I earn enough money to support all of us, but I don’t suggest it as she has her own pride and wants to make her own money.

Giving her the day off again so she could spend time with Tracy on her last day in London was my way of keeping her away from the office. I’d been looking into getting another PA to work alongside Annabelle so she can do light work while pregnant. I know she won’t stop working, so it was the only option I had. I couldn’t stop myself from just checking in with her. I miss her every single time I’m not with her. She tells me that they are off to Blue Bliss for a girl’s night. I’m not too keen on the idea, as Blue Bliss gets quite rowdy and there have been major issues in there and I don’t want Annabelle in that type of environment. I suggest that they go to Sienna’s instead. It’s not because I can keep an eye on her. Okay, not really. I did ask Dave, the bouncer in the VIP section to keep an eye on her, but not to let her know that he is. I was going to join her later on, but a business meeting had come up and I couldn’t get out of it.

She did suggest meeting her at her place after I’ve finished and I’m definitely meeting her there. I can’t wait to just hold her and I love waking up with her. I haven’t told her yet, but I want to take Annabelle to meet my mum. Danielle is on a break from Oxford University, so she’s staying with my mum until she has to go back. I thought it would be the perfect time to introduce them to Annabelle. They know she’s pregnant. Mum wasn’t exactly happy with the way things panned out between Annabelle and me, but she’s coming to terms with it, and the last conversation I had with her, I told her my feelings for Annabelle have grown. She’s finally coming around to the idea of being a grandmother and Danielle is thrilled for me.

The business meeting is dragging really slowly. I can’t help checking the time and wondering what Annabelle’s up to. I’m dying to see her, and I’d rather be with her than with these business suits. My phone starts buzzing in my pocket and I discreetly pull it out to check. I see Annabelle’s name lighting up the screen. I stand and quickly excuse myself. I hope she’s all right. I check the time and see it’s just after 11:00 p.m. so I’m guessing she’s checking in after getting home. I swipe the screen.

“Hey beautiful.” I frown as I hear sniffling on the other end of the phone.

“Joshua… it’s Tracy… um… Annabelle… has had… an accident.” She’s sniffling so badly that I’m finding it hard to hear what’s happened.

“Tracy, take a breath and calm down.” I hear her breathe deeply and it's gone quiet on her end. “What’s happened, Tracy?”

“Annabelle fell down the stairs at the club and she’s being taken to the hospital.”

“Is she okay?” I clutch the phone tightly.

“She’s unconscious. An ambulance was called and they are taking her there now. I’m going to go with her in the ambulance.”

“Okay, I’m on my way now.” I hang up and grab my car keys. I don’t wait around to tell the business suits what’s going on.

I try to drive carefully through London, but I’m worried about Annabelle and our baby. I can’t live without them. London traffic is terrible and it’s taking a long time to get across town.

Half an hour later and I arrive at the hospital. I park or maybe abandon, should be the correct word, my car and rush in the double doors toward reception. After explaining why I’m here and who I am, she gets hold of a nurse to take me down to where Annabelle is located. I’m led into a small room that’s white from floor to ceiling, and going around the sides of the room are plastic chairs. I see Tracy seated in one of the chairs. I rush over to her.

“Tracy, how is she?” Tracy looks up and her eyes are really red and puffy. She’s clutching a tissue while her lips tremble. She’s trying to stop herself from crying.

“I don’t know… they haven’t told me anything yet.” She blows her nose. “As soon as we got here they wheeled her through those doors out there and directed me in here. They haven’t been in since.” She starts slowly crying. I sit down beside her and wrap my arm around her.

“It’s okay Tracy, she’s going to be fine. I know she is.”

“How can you be so sure?” She buries her head in my shoulder while she sobs uncontrollably.

“Because I have to Tracy. I have to believe it.” I get choked up and swallowing becomes uncomfortable.
I can’t lose her.
We have so much happening right now. I reacted badly when I found out she was pregnant, but since then I’ve loved spending time with her and getting to know her. She’s wonderful, smart, caring and I couldn’t imagine my life without her. Annabelle and our baby are my future and I will do anything to keep them with me.

Two hours later and Tracy has fallen asleep on my shoulder. She cried herself to sleep while I kept watching the clock. The waiting room door opens and a doctor walks through. I tap Tracy on the shoulder and she jerks awake instantly. We both get up and rush toward the doctor.

“Are you here for Miss Connor?”

“Yes doctor. How is she?” I don’t see a smile on his face and he’s freaking me out.

“Miss Connor is doing relatively well. The neurologist sent Miss Connor for an MRI scan and you will be glad to hear she hasn’t sustained any broken bones.  She has a gash on her head that we’ve bandaged for now until it heals a bit more. She’s still asleep at the moment, but it won’t be long until she’s awake.  She will be very groggy at first.” I breathe a sigh of relief. She’s going to be okay.

“And how’s the baby doing?”

“Well, Miss Connor was brought in as soon as possible and we had to whisk her straight into surgery.”

I swallow hard. “Surgery?”

“We discovered that Miss Connor was bleeding rather heavily when she was brought in. We took her straight to surgery to see what was going on. I’m sorry, but there was nothing we could do. Miss Connor had a miscarriage.”

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