A Christmas Tail (12 page)

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Authors: Trinity Blacio

BOOK: A Christmas Tail
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“No, but she’ll bruise.” Orion said.

“From now on we put her in and take her out of the tub while we’re here.” Barry ordered and Davis and Orion agreed.

“What? You’ve got to be kidding?” She looked up at Barry to see that he was dead serious.

“Barry, I’ll be fine. it was just one of those things.” She couldn’t believe how worried the three of them seemed.

“Nonsense, you’ve been hurt enough in your life and we are here to make sure you don’t get hurt again. Put her nightshirt on and carry her to the couch. She can keep her leg up while she eats. We’ll just have to be careful tonight,” Barry said over his shoulder as he moved out of the room and Orion slipped her shirt on and lifted her up into his arms.

“I’m sorry Betsy. I should have thought of this before you fell.” He kissed her lips softly.

“Orion, I’m fine and I’ve had worse. It’s not your fault, so stop blaming yourself. I should be trying to see if I can put some weight on it though.” She said and tried to get down.

“Do not!” Orion said with a little whip to it and held on to her. “You will allow it to heal before putting any weight on it.”

She stared at him and burst out laughing. “Orion, what are you going to do when I have your children? You do know there is massive pain with childbirth?” she asked and he snarled.

For the next three hours the men treated her like porcelain doll making her eat, and when her Heat came back strong as ever, they made slow careful love to her. They were so careful that Betsy was ready to scream.

Finally, unable to take any more, Betsy jumped off the bed, ignoring the pain and Davis’ hands as he tried to grab her. She ran for the bathroom and slammed the door shut. “I’m not a damn doll!” she yelled at the door before plopping down on the toilet, staring down at her ankle which was throbbing really bad now. “Smart Betsy, real smart,” she mumbled right before Barry appeared in the bathroom and knelt down in front of her.

“Don’t!” she snatched her foot back and smacked it on the toilet.

“Betsy, if you weren’t already in pain, I’d spank your butt. Now give me your ankle.” He ordered.

“Fine.” She held out foot and he shook his head.

“Not only is it all swollen now, but it’s black and blue. I’m disappointed kitten, really disappointed.” He stood and lifted her into his arms as the bathroom door swung open on its own. Davis and Orion both frowned at her as Barry carried her to the bed and placed her in the middle of it. “Barry, grab an ice pack.” He glanced at her. “Do not move from this bed.”

Barry waited for Orion before covering her up with blankets, the ice pack on her ankle. “Sleep, we’ll discuss this in the morning.” Barry turned and left her as did Davis and Orion.

The bedroom door closed, leaving her alone and for the first time since meeting them. She felt alone, truly alone. Tears filled her eyes and she scooted down under the blankets confused and hurt, but the doors opened again and Barry stood there staring at her.

“I can’t bear your tears kitten, but I’m still furious with you,” he moved into the room and crawled in behind her, hugging her to his body. “Why did you get so mad? What was so wrong with our pampering you?” he asked holding her tight.

She hated to admit why Betsy acted like a fool. “I’m sorry Barry. I just need more, but you three kept holding back, afraid to hurt me. Kind of silly, I know.” She shrugged. “I guess I felt like you thought I couldn’t handle what I needed. You’ve done so much for me, I want to give back to you.”

He leaned back and stared down at her. “Kitten, you keep up with us fine and you give us more than you know. You are the bond that keeps our family whole. Before you came along, we had a unit like a well-oiled machine, but now we have a family. One that we wouldn’t give up for the world. I guess we’re going to have to keep showing you how much you mean to us.” He leaned down and kissed her lips softly.

“Now sleep before the next spell comes on you.” He said, snuggling up to her.

“Where are Davis and Orion?” she asked, looking at the closed door.

“They will come in a few minutes. They have some things to take care of. Rest kitten,” he said and all of sudden, she was tired extremely tired and she knew he had used his power to help her sleep.

“I love you, Barry,” she whispered and closed her eyes. “I love all of you.”

“And we love you kitten,” he whispered in her ear.




Chapter Eight


Barry joined Orion and Davis in the outer room as soon as he made sure their woman was asleep. She was tired and cranky. Already her body was changing. He could have smacked Davis for giving her the last exchange tonight. Betsy didn’t even realize her body was changing and it wasn’t only her ankle that was hurting.

With the Heat strong earlier Betsy hadn’t even flinched when some of her organs inside started to change, which was one of the reasons why they and gotten so careful of her. Already she carried their child, her Heat lessoning as the night progressed. Even her scent had started to change.

He opened the door and nodded to Zanger, who bowed. “Congratulations my friend. May I suggest you keep her here in this room until we capture Drang? He is growing more furious and is acting out, killing anything and anyone who crosses him.”

“I’m afraid that won’t go over too well with her, already she is restless.” He smiled. “She has a little temper too.” He glanced at Rhodes. “Any sign?”

“Nope, all is quiet here in the hotel, but you know Drang could pop up anywhere including that room behind you?” Rhodes stated, stopping his heart. At once he turned and ran into the room. She was still fast asleep, but Rhodes was right, one of them needed to be with her at all times until that man was gone.

“I’ll stay with her. Go finish this so we can get some sleep. I have a feeling we’re going to need it,” Orion grumbled and moved into the room, stripping out of his pants carefully climbing into the bed, spooning her body.

“We’ll make this quick.” Barry spun and moved into the living room. “You’ve made your point, Rhodes. I want him caught now. Even the mention of his name has Betsy trembling. Isaac and the rest of our party will be here. Zander, Drang might try and hurt Lacey to get at Betsy.”

“I’ll be there when the plane lands. Are you getting any closer to finding the children?” he asked and Barry nodded.

“Isaac believes we’ll have them soon. Now, if you will excuse us, we need to get what sleep we can.” Barry said as Davis opened the door to see his father there.

“He’s here in the hotel,” was all he got out before they heard her scream, sending chills down his spine. Barry turned and ran for the bedroom. In a matter of seconds, he burst into the room to see Orion on the floor with Drang under him, his arm bloody. But what had his attention was the other man fighting with what was his.

The demon inside with the power given to him roared and at once the man holding Betsy started to burn, but he wasn’t the only one. Drang’s screams filled the room as both men burst into flames and were no more. The room smelled of burning bodies as Barry rushed to Betsy’s side. He lifted her up in his arms, holding her crying form.

“Shh, kitten, I’ve got you.” He moved into the living room as Davis and Orion followed. “Rhodes, we need a new room now.”

“On it,” Orion’s brother rushed out as the other brothers stood guard.

“Is he really gone? He won’t be back?” Betsy whispered, burying her face in Barry’s chest.

“Bring her to our room until the hotel gets a new one ready for you. Your mother has a nice hot pot of tea ready for her. It will help calm her down while Davis looks after Orion’s wounds.”

Barry nodded and glanced over at Orion. “You okay?”

He nodded and grinned. “I’m fine, a few scratches,
but damn that was something you did in there
.” Orion said the last part in his head not wanting to draw attention to the gift their woman had given him.

They followed his father out of the suite. “
I believe it only works up close when a threat to her life is there, but you are right, it is something.”
Barry placed a kiss on Betsy’s head. “He’s gone kitten, he can’t hurt anyone again.”

“Do you think the babies are okay?” she placed her hand on her belly and he stopped before his parents’ door where his mother stood, staring at them.

“Babies? You knew you were pregnant?” Barry stared down at her and a small smile appeared.

“Yes, Nella told me I carry three babies as my sister does. I was going to tell you three later, but...” she shivered and he pushed into the room and sat down where his mother indicated.

“Here, give her some of this, it won’t hurt the babies and it will help sooth her. Congratulations, you’re going to be a papa.” His mother beamed and he shook his head, taking the cup of tea and handing it to Betsy who stayed curled up on his lap.

“I was already a papa, we just haven’t found the children yet, but a day or two and they will be with us I’m sure.” Barry said, earning a gasp from Betsy.

“What? You’re that close to finding them? We’ll have them before Christmas?” she squealed more afraid now than she was of the danger that she had faced earlier.

“Settle down, it’s going to be fine, and yes, we are that close. Isaac’s men found the original place where the children were dropped off as infants. Tomorrow they will track down where they went from there. And don’t worry, we’ll make sure you are there for them when we find them.” He nodded to the tea. “Drink kitten, and stop fretting so much. We’ll be right there with you when we find them.”

Orion sat down next to them, taking her leg into his lap. “Are you sure you’re okay?” Orion asked, rubbing her leg.

“I’m fine, my throat is a little sore, but I kept him from hitting my stomach, that was the important part. You are the one who took on Drang. I just had his wimp partner on me. Are you okay?” Betsy leaned over and placed her small hand on his cheek. “I was so worried he’d take you away from me when I had just found you.”

“I’m fine kitten, but tell me, how do you know there are three babies? It’s a little soon to tell, isn’t it?” Orion expressed his own concerns to her and she grinned.

“Nella told me. She says we’ll always have three babies at a time. Three mates, three babies,” Betsy pulled back from Orion and took a sip of her tea when someone knocked on the door, making her jump. She would have spilled the tea on herself, but Orion grabbed it before she did.

His father got up and moved to the door. When he opened it they saw the hotel manager there. “Please forgive me, Mr. Zorn. I wanted to personally apologize for this mess.” The man came in the room and held out his hand to him.

Barry placed Betsy in Orion’s arms and Davis and he stood to greet the man, a wolf shifter. “It’s not your fault. He could have appeared anywhere.” Barry informed him, shaking his hand. “These are my mates, Davis and Orion. Our woman Betsy was the one they were after. We should have warned you.” He glanced at Davis.

“But your man did warn us, I’m afraid we have another situation downstairs. But it seems the employee who spoke with Davis and Orion also worked for the man who attacked you.”

“Where is he?” Barry snarled and the manager stepped back a few inches.

“I’m sorry but he’s nowhere to be found. I’ve put you in the top suite where the king and owner of the hotel usually stays at his request. No one can get in there and I’ll have only my personal staff waiting on you and the rest of your group when they arrive. The top two floors are warded, if your group here would like to move tonight, that would be fine. I’ve brought keys to three of the rooms below yours and the keys to the penthouse for you. Also Ms. Betsy, your sister will be in the other penthouse on that floor with you. So only your two groups will have access to the upper floors. Again I’m so sorry for this.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a set of keys.

“Father?” he turned to look over at him and he was shaking his head.

“No, we will stay here. This way we can keep an eye on things. Take Orion’s brothers and Zanger with you until the other guards come. I suggest you keep one of them in the suite with you. If what this man says is true, there are others out there, they might not be as powerful, but they could be trouble now that Drang is dead.”

Barry snarled and nodded. “Orion, Davis, let’s go. Zanger, you can room with us. Rhodes, you and your brothers will be right below us,” he said as he sent Isaac the update.

How is Betsy? Lacey is having a fit she isn’t there with her sister.”
Isaac snapped.

“She’s fine, a little nervous knowing we are close to finding the children and now this about others being around. I’ll be happy when we find these people and destroy them.”

“You and I both. We’ll see you in the morning. I have the key, thank you and congratulations. Also, believe in what Betsy’s cat says. It seems they have their own gifts to protect our woman and know things in advance. At least we don’t have to worry about Drang’s thugs popping in our rooms. Night.”
Barry slid the key in the elevator when everyone was in it.

“I’m sure you will find the accommodations here agreeable. The king has installed the best in everything.” The manager said and stepped out of the elevator when it opened to the penthouse floor.

Zanger whistled, “Damn, now this I could get used to,” Zanger glanced at Orion. “Your king must be something else.”

Orion snorted, carrying Betsy in, who looked around and nodded. “Yep, I have to agree with Zanger, this king has some great taste.” She looked over at the huge couch and pointed to it. “Put me over there, Orion. I know you want to scope out the place.”

“I’m not leaving you, the others can scope out this place,” he grumbled and moved over to the couch sinking down into the big thing. “Oh yea, this is nice,” he mumbled putting his legs up as Betsy lay on top of him.

“Nice ass there,” Zanger said.

“Yes, she does and it’s ours. Now what do you think of what the manager said?” Barry asked after he left them.

“He’s up to something. He didn’t tell us everything and seemed very nervous. He kept his eye on your woman for some reason.” Zanger said moving around the room, taking note of everything.

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