A Cat's Chance in Hell (46 page)

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Authors: Sharon Hannaford

BOOK: A Cat's Chance in Hell
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A moment later, one of the internal phones beeped. Byron stood up and answered it. He listened for a moment, his face showing surprise and then a hopeful gleam as he thanked the caller and disconnected.

Turn on the TV to local news coverage,” he directed Kyle. “It sounds like our search area has just been narrowed.”

Everyone turned with interest to the TV as Kyle flicked it on. A roving reporter was standing on a grassed area next to a lake surrounded by a throng of people who were dressed casually, as though on holiday.

I’m standing here at the Pine Lake Marina where a flock of ducks have been exhibiting some bizarre behaviour this morning,” the reporter was saying into his microphone. “We’ve been filming for at least ten minutes, and the ducks have been flying in this formation for the entire time the cameras have been rolling. It seems that ducks are trying to learn their ABCs. Holiday-makers at the Marina say the ducks got people’s attention at around mid-morning by dive-bombing a group of water-skiers and then flying high into the sky, not in their usual V formation, but in another letter entirely.” At that point, the camera panned up into the sky where a flock of large ducks was lazily flapping around beneath a light smear of cloud in the very distinctive shape of the letter H.

Julius felt a wry smile twist up the corner of his mouth, and when he glanced around the rest of the room, there were a few full grins on the faces of those watching the report. The reporter was now droning on about duck experts and their theories, but nobody in the conference room was listening anymore. Kyle actually whooped.

Forget the Bat-Signal,” he yelled with delight. “Our Gabs has got the Hellcat-Signal!”

Alexander snorted next to him. “Go Hellcat,” he said, shaking his head with reluctant admiration.

All heads turned to Athena. “Alright, alright,” she said. “I’m going. Do I have to drive or can I use the helicopter?”

The Council members looked at each other in indecision, so Julius spoke up, “If I may make a suggestion,” he asked, when they waited for him he continued. “The sound of a helicopter will be very audible to any supernatural. If Alexander and I can keep ourselves from sleep during the day then Danté can too. If they realise their hideout has been discovered, they may try something desperate. There is time to do it by car so it would be safer to do the recon as inconspicuously as possible.”

There were lots of nods of agreement, but Athena just looked annoyed.

I would also suggest that at least some of the team leaders go with her, so that once Athena pinpoints Gabi’s exact location they can do a proper survey of the area, aerial shots are helpful, but eyes on the ground will enable us to isolate the best points of attack.” Julius’s military training may have taken place over two centuries before, but certain things didn’t change much over the years.

Yes, that’s an excellent point,” said Doug. “Athena, I’ll join you. Kyle, you want to come along?”

Kyle gave him a ‘was that a trick question’ look and went to raid the catering table before they left.

Neil,” Byron said to the older Magi standing quietly out of the fray. “I think you would be an asset on the trip in case Athena needs to call on extra power.”

The man nodded and hurried to join the small group getting ready to leave.

Keep in contact and let us know your every move,” Byron said to the departing team, “and Kyle?” he waited until the Wolf looked back at him, “don’t try anything stupid. We do this as a clean, strong, united attack. Gabi can hold out until the full contingent arrives.”

Kyle nodded, a little reluctantly, and turned back to follow the others out, gripping Julius’s shoulder briefly on his way past, an ocean of unsaid things flowing between them.


Elements of the remaining group left to take care of their own specific tasks; Irene and Margaret were going to prepare a team of offensive Magi as well as a team of Medics and Banishers; Matt and Lance went off with the rookies to organise the weapons and gear needed for the attack; and Stewart was sent off to get some rest — he was looking grey and haggard after the last session tracking Gabi. As Alistair started to leave on his assignment of gathering the Werewolf contingent, Julius called to him.

Patrick will be here in a few minutes,” he said, referring to the Werewolf who headed up his daytime security. “He’s also a dominant Wolf, but he’s had the kind of military training which will prove invaluable tonight. Do you think the two of you can work together in this?”

Alistair thought for a moment before replying. “Yes, I know Patrick’s reputation,” he nodded, “His input will be very useful. I’m sure we can find a way to work together. I’m assuming you’re bringing in a team of Weres of your own to assist in the rescue?”

Yes,” Julius nodded, “Patrick was just rounding them up and getting them organised. What we need tonight will be a co-ordinated, precision attack, so we need to have everyone on the same page. I’ll make it clear to mine that other rivalries are to put aside for tonight.”

I can do that, too,” Alistair agreed. “Though it may be safer to keep the two teams on opposite sides of the fray.”

Julius gave a wry smile of agreement. “I’ll leave the details to you and Patrick to sort out.” Alistair took his leave, agreeing to meet back in the conference room in an hour. That left Byron, Julius and Alexander in the room.

You have a keen understanding of military operations, Julius,” Byron remarked. “You’ve done this kind of thing often?”

Julius bit back a smile as he moved back to study the map. “I was a lieutenant in the army of King George the 2
and fought in the Seven years War against France in the 1750s. I cut my teeth against the Scottish in the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745,” he said casually to Byron. Then he looked up and speared the older-looking man with his deep blue gaze. “The technology may have changed in that time, but the tactics remain very similar.”

He’d spoken mildly, but he could see the effect his statement had on the man. Byron was used to being the most mature person in the organisation he’d helped to found, being almost venerated for his wisdom and experience, and he’d just had to think about the fact that Julius was more than four times as old as he was, had actually experienced the history that had been written about by hundreds of noted historians.

Byron collected himself, closing his slightly gaping mouth and wiping the astounded look off his face. “One of these days you and I need to have a long conversation,” he said to Julius finally, muted awe in his voice.

Alexander rolled his eyes and started making small marks on the large aerial photo of the area someone had laid on the table.


You’re not gonna believe this,” Kyle said, his voice slightly tinny over the speakerphone.

Just spit it out, Kyle,” Byron said with an unusual hint of annoyance in his tone.

They’re holed up in an old wine estate,” Kyle informed them. “The story from the locals is that the original owner died a few years back without an heir, while the lawyers have been trying to track down any living family the place has been left to go to ruin. No one had any idea that it was being occupied again.” The listeners could hear a car engine in the background. “There is a strong ‘go-away’ ward placed all along the boundary fences of the vineyard, so that would explain why none of the locals noticed anything odd. Athena said she’s not going to bring down the wards now, as it would probably alert the Maleficus. Between her and Neil they were able to worm though the protective ward and pinpoint Gabi’s location without disturbing it. She’ll be able to bring it down when we’re ready to strike.”

Alright, well done,” Byron said. “Have you finished driving the area?”

Yes,” came Kyle’s reply, “Doug and I have run most of the boundary, the place is surrounded by the old, overgrown vineyards. It’ll give us a lot of cover going in, but it’ll be easy to lose them if they make a run for it. We’re on our way back now for a full debriefing. See you in half an hour.”




Danté and Mariska had given up their torture sometime after midday; apparently they did have other things to do besides play with Gabi. She’d stopped healing at some point and Danté seemed to have grown bored with his sport. Gabi had enjoyed her sojourn with the ducks; she wondered if her message had been received.




The logistics of involving the Vampires in the attack made timing very tricky. Everyone agreed that the Vampire contingent was essential, especially as there was an unknown number of Vampires in the ruined manor house, but the best time to attack would’ve been while the sun was still up. Julius knew most of his guard would be awake well before sunset, but they couldn’t withstand the light outside until the last few minutes before full sunset. They countered the problem by calling in two military helicopters that Byron had access to. By using blackout on the windows, they could get twenty Vampire guards to the vineyard at sunset, and the first wave of the assault would commence the moment his guard could leave the helicopters.

Athena knew Gabi was being held underground in almost the centre of the manor house, but the team hadn’t been able to lay their hands on a copy of the blueprint for the house on such short notice. The advance team, who was responsible for ensuring Gabi’s safe release, would be going in blind to the layout of the house. Kill teams and sweep teams were in place and ready, Medics and Banishers were in position away from the main points of assault.


As the dying light of the sun turned to burnt amber, a precision, military-style assault descended on the ruined vineyard. Four ranks surged into motion from different directions. Doug and Lance each led a large contingent of Werewolves, coming in from the east and the west, the majority of them in their Wolf form, but a few had managed to keep their human shape and were armed with flame-throwers. The Wolves were shaggy-coated and massive; their flanks reaching Doug and Lance’s shoulders, saliva dripped from their mouths and their strangely human eyes gleamed, intent and battle-ready. Two black-clothed Magi brought up the rear of each group, like dark, silent ghosts. A smaller group moved in from the north, covering the rear of the buildings. The two rookies led this team, backed up by some experienced SMV Werewolves, Shape-shifters and Magi; their main goal to catch and eliminate anything trying to flee into the overgrown vines. Just as the sun touched the edge of the horizon a deep thrumming filled the air and the fourth team poured from helicopters in a silent black torrent; leaping out as the helicopters hovered twenty meters from the ground, fifteen Vampires in dark clothes, lead by Liam and Nathan, landed lightly in the dust, drew their weapons and surged towards the front of the main building to meet the Demons, Ghouls and Vampires pouring out of every door and window.


A fifth team followed in the wake of the main attack. Julius, Alexander, Kyle and Athena had only one purpose — find and free Gabi. They hung back as the opposing sides met in a clamour of shouts, howls and unearthly shrieks. Within moments, the attacking forces set to achieving their first objective, drawing the fighting away from the main building and out into the open, dusty, unkempt gardens, allowing the small rescue team to slip inside unnoticed. Once inside, they ducked into a small side room which was empty except for some dust covered furniture and a few paintings and the men kept watch as Athena concentrated on pinpointing Gabi’s location. She came out of her trance in a few moments and pointed north east.

That way,” Athena whispered and they left the room on swift, silent feet, making their way towards the rear of the house. They followed Athena though the kitchens into some storage rooms and came to a blank wall. There was no door or window nearby, Athena looked confused and frustrated.

She must not be in this building, but she’s really close, almost under our feet. It’s not an exact science,” she hissed at Julius’s angry glare.

As they spun to retrace their steps, looking for a way outside, a pair of unknown Vampires materialized from the gloom. One of them gave a startled shout but before they could run or attack they were frozen in place by the force of Julius’s will. At a glance from Julius, Alexander and Kyle moved to take up watch positions.

Where is the woman?” Julius growled at the two captive Vampires. He watched dispassionately as the two buckled under the weight of his power, agony contorting their features.

Cellar,” they both gasped immediately.

How do we get there?” he demanded.

Door is inside….. ne.. next building,” one of them gasped.

Julius didn’t bother putting his next question into words, he simply exerted more pressure.

Behind you, behind you,” the other one shrieked. “There is a secret passageway, open the cupboard.”

Julius eased the lash of his power and the two slumped forward on the ground as Kyle hurried to open what appeared to be a door to large built-in cupboard. When he opened it, the musty smell of old wine and oak barrels seeped out. Julius turned back to the other Vampires, already recovering from their ordeal and dragging themselves to their knees. “Who is your Sire?” he asked in a deadly voice.

There was a short pause and then defiance filled the eyes of one. “Danté. The King of Demons,” he spat at Julius. “No one can overcome him. HE is our Sire.”

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