A Bad Bit Nice (23 page)

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Authors: Josie Kerr

BOOK: A Bad Bit Nice
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Chapter 38

Bailey chewed her lip as she tried every number she had for Rory.

“Come on, Rory; pick up pick up pick up. You’ve gotta pick up,” she prayed. When she couldn’t get him on any of them, she called Em. Em’s phone went to voicemail, too.

“Fuck!” Bailey yelled in frustration, surprising herself. She hardly ever cursed. Rory and Em were rubbing off on her.

As a last resort, she called Ashley. The phone rang once, twice, three times. Just when Bailey was about to hang up, Ashley answered the phone. She seemed breathless.

“Hey, Bailey. Is everything okay at the duplex?” Ashley asked.

Bailey immediately started babbling. “Tripp came to the office and was screaming about Em ruining his life and about how it was all her fault that he was in trouble with Ed and he was really, really, really angry and stupid Billy from Accounting gave him her home address and I think he might really hurt her and I don’t know what to do!”

“Ashley, is Tripp going to Em’s? Do you know for sure?” Bailey could hear Ashley talking to someone in the background. They seemed to be arguing about something.

“Just give me the damn phone,” Bailey heard Rory say. “Bailey, tell me exactly what Tripp said.” Bailey repeated her story.

“Okay, Bailey, wherever you are, lock the door and don’t let anyone in except for me or the police.”

“I’m at the office, Rory. I’ve already locked it up and closed all the blinds. I’m in the break room right now.”

“Okay, Bailey, good. I want you to call the police and report a domestic disturbance at Em’s place. I’m headed over there. Hopefully Tripp’s not done anything too stupid. I’ll call you as soon as I know anything, Bailey. I’m sorry I didn’t pick up the phone sooner.”

“Rory Doyle, you’re absolutely
going over to Em’s house. Are you nuts?” Ashley shrieked when he got off the phone.

“Bailey’s calling the cops, and I want you to call your brothers, Ashley. Pull in any favors they owe you. I have a really bad feeling about this.”

Ashley balked but picked up her phone and began to dial, saying “Rory, don’t go over there. Let the cops do their job. My brothers will get them moving faster.”

Rory kissed Ashley on the mouth. “I’ve gotta go. I’ll never forgive myself if something happens to Em. I should’ve reported Tripp’s behavior a long time ago and I didn’t. I can take care of myself, okay? Some prissy lawyer isn’t going to get one over on Rory Doyle, I can guarantee that.” He kissed her again.

“Rory, don’t do anything that will get you sent to prison, because I am absolutely not having sex in a trailer!”

Rory gave Ashley another kiss. “I’ll be careful.”

Ashley was already dialing her brother’s private cell phone number before Rory made it out the door.

“Hey Johnny, this is Ash. I’m calling in that favor now.”


Em hadn’t told Mick about finding Colin yet; she didn’t feel like it was something she could do over the telephone. She had been pretending for the past week that she was in Wisconsin (not a lie) on a research trip (also technically not a lie) and keeping her usual routine of phone calls and texts with Mick.

She had texted him when she got off the plane and he had said he’d be home in the early evening from a meeting with yet another rapper building a home studio. She was impatiently waiting for him to text her at the moment.

Em had an emotional hangover from the meeting with Colin. She couldn’t wait to get in the tub with a glass of Scotch and relax. Maybe she would attempt to take a nap after the bath.

She walked up the stairs to her apartment, lost in thought, until she spied her front door ajar and heard the sound of breaking glass. Em ran up the last few stairs and pushed the door open the rest of the way, only to find Tripp in her home, taking each piece of her beloved glass collection and smashing it on the hardwood floor. He must have been at it for a while because only three pieces of glass remained on the once-full shelves.

“What the fuck are you doing, Tripp?”

Tripp looked at her. Something about his cool appraisal made her skin crawl. Em stayed by the door, hand on the knob. She licked her lips and said, as steadily as she could manage, “You need to leave. If you get out, I won’t call the police and we’ll forget about everything. Okay?”

“No, it’s not okay, you stupid bitch.”

His cold tone sent off every alarm in her psyche. She turned to run out the door, but Tripp moved too quickly and caught her by the arm, gripping and yanking on it painfully.

He got in her personal space and hissed through clenched teeth, “You got me reprimanded. Dad demoted me. He said he couldn’t trust me to be professional. Professional! I was just trying to save your reputation. You can’t work with criminals and keep your credentials in this business.”

Em realized that Tripp had totally lost touch with reality. She tried another approach.

“Tripp, honey, let’s get some dinner and then we’ll go talk to your daddy and get this all sorted out, okay?” She used her most soothing tones.

Tripp seemed to calm down and he let go of her arm. He took a deep breath before smiling coldly at her.

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Dad always liked you. Everybody always liked you, even Bailey. And now, she’s gone to work with Rory, but you knew that because you’re the reason she left me in the first place!” he screamed in Em’s face. “You’re the reason I’m in this mess!”

Em got angry. No, she got downright furious.

“No, Tripp. You listen to me. You’re the reason Bailey left you, only you. You’re the reason you’re in whatever mess you’ve gotten yourself involved in. YOU can’t handle the work. YOU treat people like shit. YOU have affairs. YOU don’t take responsibility for your actions. You, and
you. I tried to help you, but you just took and took and took, everything except responsibility. You. Are. Broken. I’m so glad you dumped me in front of everybody at that Christmas party. Who I’m sorry for is Bailey. I’m sorry that Bailey got entangled with your stupid ass and that she’s going to have to put up with you for the rest of her life because you’re the father of her child. I was sure you’d check out on her as soon as the baby was born, but you did what I’d hoped like hell you wouldn’t do and checked out as soon as she got pregnant.

“You’re pathetic. I’m glad your father finally had the balls to do something about you. Now, you need to go. Don’t ever come here again, or I
call the police, and somehow, I think Ed’s not going to be too pleased to deal with your bullshit. It was annoying when you were 25, but it sure as hell isn’t anywhere near acceptable now that you’re 45.”

Em moved toward the door. She walked steadily but inside she was screaming and hysterical.

Tripp reach out and gripped her arm, pulling her close. He whispered in her ear, “Now you listen to me, Em. You’re going to call Ed and tell him that Rory was lying in order to discredit me, and that you’re going to take me back and start working at the Holbrook Firm again. He loves you, you’re his precious Em. He’ll believe anything you say.”

Em looked at Tripp incredulously. “You have finally dropped your basket, Tripp, just completely lost your goddamn mind. No, I’m not going to say that. Besides being completely untrue, Ed
it’s untrue. Rory doesn’t have anything to do with this. I’m thinking that Ed knew all about the Williams account and just didn’t say anything, waiting to see if you would confess to almost screwing the pooch on that one. I should’ve let you hang yourself.”

Em rubbed her temples, suddenly completely exhausted. “Tripp, I’m done. Just done. Get out, Tripp. Get out and go live your sad life and stay the hell out of mine.”

She’d gotten as far as reaching for the doorknob when Tripp suddenly grabbed her by both arms and spun her around. He shook her like a rag doll, her head whipping around on her neck.

Em realized Tripp was completely out of control and that he could really hurt her. She knew he was angry, but she hadn’t realized the extent of his anger. He had nothing to lose, and that’s what made him most dangerous. She closed her eyes and willed Mick to show up, praying he would finish his meeting early.

Tripp seemed to calm down, but he still held on to Em’s arms, his hands in a vise-like grip. He stepped closer to her, his breath hot in her ear. “You want me out of your life, Em?”

His calm voice scared her to death. “Please Tripp, you just need to go,” she whispered. “I’ll talk to Ed for you. I didn’t mean to get you in trouble. I can fix this, you’ll see.” She closed her eyes and willed herself to calm down.

She could feel Tripp looking at her even though her eyes were screwed shut. “What’s that big fucker got that I don’t have, hm, Em?” he whispered, pressing Em into the cabinetry. She could feel his arousal pressing into her hip.

, though Em.
Mick is absolutely everything you’re not, Tripp.

Tripp jerked her again, and Em let out a little whimper. Tripp chuckled, enjoying Em’s fear.

“How would he feel if he saw me do this?” he continued, placing a kiss against Em’s clenched jaw. “Would he threaten to beat me up again? Or would he see you for the whore you are?”

“Please, Tripp.”

“Oh, now you’re begging for it, Em?”

Em silently sobbed as Tripp pressed further into her. She took a shaky, shuddering breath and opened her eyes to see Tripp’s jaw clenched white, his eyes hot and crazed. And then Em jerked her knee into his groin as hard as could.

“Goddammit, you bitch!” he groaned. His hands were still on her arms, but their grip loosened as Tripp bent into the pain. Em took the moment of his distraction to slam her knee into his jaw. Tripp let her go and Em scrambled toward the door, desperate to get out of her apartment.

Unfortunately, Tripp recovered quickly and caught Em by the back of her blouse, popping the buttons and ripping the thin material. Still, she struggled and made it out the door and toward the stairs.

Rory arrived just in time to see Tripp follow Em on to the upstairs landing. Tripp caught Em by the hair and shook her fiercely. Em’s eyes were screwed shut, her face in a grimace. She clawed at Tripp’s hand with her nails, trying to get him to release his grip on her hair but he continued shaking her, hard, pieces of spittle flying out of his mouth as he recounted the long list of wrongs she had done to him.

“Holbrook!” Rory thundered. “Let her go!”

Rory’s voice surprised Tripp enough to release his hold on Em. Both men stood still as they saw Em’s body tumble down the uncarpeted stairs, her head and torso bouncing and her arms flailing.

Rory tried to stop the descent of her body, but the momentum was too great and he merely slowed her down.

The sound of sirens grew closer, and Rory sent up a silent prayer of thanks. He laid Em’s head down softly, not wanting to cause any further damage. She was breathing shallowly, her eyes fluttering.

“Fuck!” Tripp roared. He bounded down the stairs and attempted to run out the front door, only to be caught by Rory. The two men were of a height, but Rory had 40 pounds of muscle, years of boxing training, and unleashed Irish fury on his side.

Em groaned and tried to sit up. She was sick to her stomach and her eyes were playing tricks on her because she thought she could see Rory beating the crap of Tripp. She squeezed her eyes closed and then opened them again, seeing halos around the bright light streaming through the large picture windows. She tried to stand, but was too dizzy.

“Hey, girl, you need to lie still,” crooned a familiar voice.
I’m definitely hallucinating. Otherwise why in the world would Johnny be here?

Em tried to tell Ashley’s brother that Tripp had broken into her apartment and threatened her, but all that emerged from her throat was a groan. She tried to sit up again, even though Johnny told her not to, and was rewarded for her trouble with such a sharp pain that she passed out.

Chapter 39

Mick felt the small velvet box burning a hole in the pocket of his jacket. He had known for weeks that he both
Em and was
in love
with her. He knew she wouldn’t expect a big showy declaration, so he was simply going to go upstairs and profess his love for the smart, sexy, tattooed woman. He grinned and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel in anticipation.

He hit Em’s number on the speed dial of his phone, chewing his lip as he waited for her to answer. He checked his watch. She should be home, but maybe she was in the shower, washing off the stink of airport travel.

When she didn’t answer, Mick decided he had time to stop for flowers on the way home. Em loved roses but never bought flowers, her excuse being she wasn’t home enough to enjoy them. Mick knew that Em was going to be in town for the next few weeks, so she would definitely have time to enjoy them.

Mick tried Em again on the walk back to his car after he picked up the bouquet of two dozen long stemmed mixed roses. He frowned when she still didn’t answer. Maybe her flight was delayed.

He knew something was wrong as soon as he approached the house. There was an ambulance and two police cars in the driveway in front of the detached garage. Rory and Ashley were talking with an officer, all of them with tight, tense faces.

Mick flew out of the car, not bothering to shut the door before he started running to the house. Rory intercepted him, blocking him from the entrance.

“Mick! Mick! Listen to me! Em is hurt but she’s going to be okay. They’re taking care of her. Mickey, look at me.” Mick tore his eyes from the door to Rory’s stricken features. “Mick, you need to ride with her, okay? She needs you.”

“What happened, Rory? What happened to her?”

“We’ll talk about it after we get to the hospital. Right now, you need to ride with her, let her know you’re here.”

“Coming through!”

Mick turned to see Em strapped to a gurney, her lovely neck immobilized in a neck brace, bruises already forming on her pretty face. He sank to his knees with an anguished cry. The EMT eyed him and said, “This guy is in no shape to ride with her. Someone else needs to come.”

Ashley nodded but squeezed Mick’s shoulder firmly before she got in the transport. Mick was still on the ground, but he saw Ashley touch Em’s shoulder.

“Sir, does he need a sedative?” The EMT was still eyeballing Mick, but addressed Rory.

“No, he’ll pull himself together. I’ll drive him to the hospital.”

“You need to get yourself checked out while you’re there. That hand isn’t looking too good.”

“Oh, it’s broken. I’ll deal with it.” The EMT, shaking his head at Rory’s lackadaisical attitude about the broken bones, got in the transport and closed the doors. The ambulance rumbled down the driveway with a chirp of the siren.

“I’ll let you go to the hospital, but I’m going to have to ask you some questions later,” the officer said, appearing out of nowhere.

“Thanks, Johnny. I’ll answer everything as best as I can.” Rory looked and sounded grim. The officer nodded at Rory, shook his unbroken hand, and tipped his head to Mick, who still sat, dazed, in the driveway.

Rory squeezed Mick’s shoulder. “Come on, Mickey; let’s go see your girl.” Mick allowed Rory to lead him to his car. “I’ll explain everything I can.”

As Rory drove them to the hospital, Mick came out of his stupor enough to notice Rory’s split knuckles gripping the steering wheel. He remembered something about Rory admitting he had a broken hand.

“How the fuck did that happen, Rory?” Mick asked, jerking his chin toward Rory’s busted hand.

“I beat the shit out of that fucker Tripp Holbrook,” Rory replied blandly. He quickly relayed the highpoints of what he found when he got to Em’s apartment, glossing over the injuries Tripp had inflicted on Em.

Mick sat in the passenger seat, numb. “I should have been there.” he whispered. “I should’ve been there when she got home, Rory. If I’d been there, Tripp would’ve had to deal with me instead of Em.”

“Yes, and Em would most likely be posting bail for you for assault charges right now, and she’d be pissed.” He clenched his jaw. “You’re not going to lose her, okay? She’s tough. And she’s going to be furious that her glass stuff was destroyed.” Rory grinned crookedly.

“Oh, God, she is. We won’t have to worry about taking care of Tripp, because she’s going to kill him herself. What does she always say? ‘I’m gonna kill him and tell God he died?’ Is that it?” Mick’s chuckle at the vision of Em’s righteous fury about her precious glass collection quickly turned to gasping sobs. “Fuck me, Rory. I love her. Nothing can happen to her. It can’t.”

“It’s not,” Rory said, lifting his chin to his best friend. “Nothing’s going to happen to her.”

Ashley was in the waiting area with the police officer when the two men arrived at the hospital.

“Rory, let’s get this done so you can get back to my sister,” the officer said, giving Rory a hard look.

Noticing Mick’s scowl as the two walked away, Ashley slipped her arm around Mick and explained that the officer was one of her brothers.

“I imagine you’ll meet the rest of the crew shortly, Mick. Be prepared. My brothers treat Em like she’s another sister.” Mick smiled at that. He was glad Em had had a surrogate family after her parents died.

“Are they tough?” Mick asked, a little nervously.

“Let’s just say that I didn’t have a date until I was 20 years old, and even then, two of them just happened to be at the restaurant we were at.” Ashley rolled her eyes. “But they’ll love you, Mick. They’ll love you as much as Em loves you.”

Mick slumped into a chair to wait for both Rory to return and for news about Em. But he sat up straight when he heard a voice in the hall. He’d only heard that voice once before, but it was ingrained in his brain.

“I’m telling you, it was an accident,” the voice said. “I went by her house to check up on her. She flipped out and was acting all paranoid, then she ran out the door and slipped and fell down the steps. And then Rory Doyle showed up and started to beat the shit out of me. I want to press charges.”

Mick’s hands drew into fists and he breathed hard through his nose, willing himself to remain calm. He started counting backwards from 100, but he knew that his tried and true method of calming down probably wasn’t going to work this time.

Mick watched the police officers and then a nurse leave the small triage cubicle before he went in.

Tripp had his eyes closed and didn’t bother to open them when he heard the curtain snick open and shut.

“Just tell me if my nose is broken,” he said nasally. “I want to get out of here.”

“You’re lucky you’re not going home in a body bag, Holbrook,” Mick said.

Tripp’s eyes flew open to see Mick’s figure towering over him. Tripp licked his lips and winced. Mick huffed a small laugh.

“What do you want, Brennan?”

“Like I said, lucky,” Mick continued. “You’re lucky I wasn’t the one that witnessed you breaking into Em’s apartment and throwing her down the stairs.”

“I didn’t throw her down the stairs. She fell.”

“Because she was trying to escape from you.”

“You just need to leave, Brennan. You’re not supposed to be back here anyway, not unless you’re family, and you know you don’t have anyone.”

Mick grabbed the front of Tripp’s shirt. “Em
my family. She’s going to be my wife. It’d be in your best interest if you didn’t forget that.”

“You think she’s going to marry you?” Tripp laughed. “Oh man. Good luck with that.”

Mick couldn’t take it anymore. He pushed Tripp back on the small hospital bed, his thick forearm across Tripp’s throat, cutting off his air.

“You’ve made her life miserable for the last time, Tripp. If I hear that you’ve called her, texted her, tried to see her, hell, if I even suspect you’re
about her, a broken nose is going to be the least of your worries, Tripp.”

Mick’s repeated use of his name was completely freaking Tripp out. He couldn’t breathe and not only because he had 200 pounds of pissed-off, bearded giant leaning against his windpipe.

“What’s going on here? Officer! Officer!”

Strong hands gripped Mick’s shoulders, pulling him away from Tripp. Mick briefly thought about swinging at whoever was pulling him away, but realized that getting thrown in jail wouldn’t do Em any good.

“Okay, big guy, let’s walk it off. Come on,” the officer said. It was Johnny, Ashley’s brother. He nodded at the doctor and the other cop. “I’ll handle this one.” He dragged Mick out of the triage area.

“You need to calm your ass down, Brennan,” Johnny said. “Em’s tough, but she’s going to need you to take care of her, and you can’t do that if you’re in jail for assault.”

Mick inhaled, blew a breath out, and nodded.

“Are we good, Mick? You’re going to stay away from Holbrook?”

“Yeah, we’re good.”

“You’re going to stay away from Holbrook?” Johnny repeated.

“Yeah, as long as he stays away from Em. If he doesn’t, I can’t make any promises.”

“Fair enough.” Johnny looked like he wanted to say more, but didn’t. He shook his head and then grinned and slapped Mick on the back. “I always knew that Em, Miss National Merit Finalist Summa Cum Everything Smarty Pants, would end up with a tattooed brawler.”


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