Your Orgasmic Pregnancy (12 page)

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Authors: Yvonne K. Fulbright Danielle Cavallucci

BOOK: Your Orgasmic Pregnancy
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The full body contact increases your intimacy.
If your lover is well-endowed or using a large dildo, you don’t have to deal with as much pressure.
One variation is for partners to lie on their sides, facing each other. Now only you roll back, drawing up your top leg. Your partner can then enter you from the side (see Figure 3.10). De- pending upon the position of your lower legs and thighs, differ-


Figure 3.10
Modified side-by-side, with partners facing one another


ent movements are possible and will provide different sensations to your genitals.
Benefits of Modified Side-by-Side
Allows for more vulval exposure.
The clitoris is more accessible, which allows for easier clitoral stimulation and climax.
Ideal in late pregnancy since it allows space for your belly be- tween you and your partner.
Your partner’s thrusting can be more easily restricted.


ases G-spot stimulation,

u will need to make your partner rust too

For the classic “doggie-style” position, get on all fours and have your partner get on their knees so that they can enter you from behind (see Figure 3.11). This will allow for deep thrusting that incre
though yo sure that doesn’t th deeply.


Figure 3.11
Rear-entry position

Benefits of Rear-Entry
Plenty of room for the belly.
Either of you can stimu- late the clitoris.
Great position if you’re experiencing backaches.


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Variations include:
  • Leaning forward o lows (see Figure 3.1
  • Bending over the b using pillows as sup port, with your love standing and enter ing from behind (see Figure 3.13).
Figure 3.13
Rear-entry position with the preggie bending over the bed and her lover standing and entering from behind


Figure 3.12
Rear-entry position with the preggie leaning down onto pillows


Both of you stand upright, wit partner entering you either fr the front or from behind (see Figure 3.14). You can lift one of your legs and turn it out- ward so your lover can en- ter you more easily.
Benefit of Standing
Your lover can clasp and play with your breasts.


him or

urself y

Have your partner sit in a chair or on the edge of a bed and straddle her (see Figure 3.15). Draw yo up against your beloved’s bod and move up and down on his erection or her strap-on. Or lean your body backward, al- lowing your partner to take the lead in the thrusting


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Figure 3.14
Intercourse while standing
Figure 3.15
Intercourse while sitting


How You Can Help Her
To help prepare her body for delivery, practice massaging her perineum, the area of soft tissue located between her vaginal open- ing and anus. This will not only help to lessen the stinging sensa- tion she’ll experience during crowning, but will also make it less likely that she’ll tear or need an episiotomy on D-day—two con- ditions than can really put a damper on postbirth sex. To begin your perennial massage, grab a nonirritating lubricant and spread her legs as wide as is comfortable. Slide your thumb into her va- gina as deeply as you can. Now press down with your thumb, to- ward the rectum and sides. She may feel a slight burn or tingling from the stretch. Do not let up (unless she wants you to); rather, gently massage the lower part of her vaginal canal, pulling the tissue forward toward the opening, as the baby’s head will do dur- ing delivery. Also, don’t be afraid to orally stimulate her nipples, which can provide some relief and even turn her on.
for partners


Benefits of Sitting




You can look into each other’s
You can kiss more easily.
Variations include:
  • Sitting on a chair with you faci your lover (see Figure 3.16).
  • Sitting on top of your honey sideways (see Figure 3.17).


Figure 3.16
Intercourse while preggie is sitting and facing her lover

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