You'll Say Yes (33 page)

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Authors: Tri Amutia,Jovy Lim

BOOK: You'll Say Yes
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Joshua nodded curtly and smiled slightly. "Thank you, Samuel. It's nice to see you too."

From their conversation, I could tell The Walshs must be a regular customer in this restaurant. Again, it didn't surprise me.

Samuel smiled back and looked at me. I smiled slightly. "And may I know who this beautiful girl is?" he asked.

Joshua's eyes glinted and he kissed my temple. I looked at him stupidly. I've never seen him like this before. "This is Abigail Bennett, my fiancée," He said proudly.

Samuel chuckled and extended his hand. I smiled and shook his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Samuel," I replied in courtesy. Being editor who often edited lots of story, I've learned some courtesy from those stories.

Samuel shook my hand back and released it. "The pleasure is mine." And then he looked back to Joshua.

"The usual place?"

"Yes, Samuel. Thank you," Joshua answered.

Samuel walked in into the restaurant while Joshua and I followed him inside the restaurant. Honestly, I had no idea what 'the usual place' meant. I felt like I was left behind, but Joshua's gentle touch on my waist told me without words that he wanted to do something special for me tonight. I exhaled and braced myself for some surprises.

Samuel led us to the elevator and I was getting more confused. Where are we having our dinner? I just thought we will have a normal dinner inside the restaurant. We got out from the elevator and then I understood. It was a private balcony. I shook my head slightly. Only Joshua could do this for me.

"Your dinner is served on the table and please, let me know if you need anything, Mr. Walsh," Samuel said and he turned to me. "May you have a lovely evening, Ms. Bennett."

I smiled. "Thank you, Samuel."

Samuel smiled briefly and walked back to the elevator. I still stood there like an idiot, trying to absorb the scene in front of me. It was a beautiful balcony with city lights around us. A table was served with food and drinks and a beautiful candle in the middle of the table.

I laughed shakily.

"This is all for you, Abby," I heard Joshua spoke for the first time since he greeted the waiter.

I looked at him. "This is too much, Joshua. I don't deserve it."

It was his turn to laugh shakily. "Of course, you don't deserve it. You deserve more. This is just a simple thing. It's nothing compare to what I feel about you."

I shivered.

He smiled warmly and took my hand. "Shall we, my lady?"

I laughed lightly and nodded.

He walked me to my chair and he pulled out the chair for me. I sat on my chair and after making sure I was settled, he sat at his own chair across from me. He opened a bottle of champagne and poured it to both of our glasses.

I raised my eyebrows. "Champagne? We are still driving, remember?"

He smirked. "I know that, Abby. Apparently, I had a tolerance with alcohol levels. I have better resistance."

"Really?" I asked in disbelief.

He raised his glass and I raised my glass too. "To our future together," He said and clinked our glasses together. I drank my glass and almost moaned in delight.

"Wow, this is a good one," I said to myself after I put my glass back to the table.

He smiled coyly. "It's the best from this restaurant. And now, let's have our dinner."

I smiled and we began to eat our dinner. The food was marvelous too and I tried very hard not to think the costs for this dinner. Joshua will never tell me even if I asked. After we finished our dinner and had some champagne, he rose from his seat and walked to a stereo set in the far side of the balcony. I blinked several times. Wow, I didn't know it was there. I guessed I was completely distracted.

He smiled at me and offered me his hand. I made a face and he laughed. "May I have this dance?"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I took his hand and rose from my seat. Joshua led me to the center of the balcony and a song was played from the speaker. It was an old song from Marc Anthony, titled My Baby You. He wrapped his arm on my waist and his other arm held my hand while I put my free arm to his shoulder.

We were staring at each other, dancing swiftly with the romantic song. His gaze made my knees going weaker, but I never tired to look at his beautiful eyes.

"You're so beautiful, Abby," He whispered.

I chuckled nervously. "Well, look at you. I should be the one who says that to you."

He smirked and I giggled.

We continued to dance with the song. Joshua still looked at me lovingly and slowly he leaned down to kiss me. I helplessly surrendered to his embrace and his arms wrapped on my waist now while my arms were wrapped on his neck. For a moment, we were kissing until the song was ended. He broke the kiss and our foreheads touched.



He looked at me deeply. "Marry me."

I couldn’t say a word.

A natural reaction, I guessed. For a moment, we were just stood like that. The silence surrounded us, only a distinct sound of busy streets. I couldn't think straight right now.

Joshua sighed and stroked my cheek. "You're all that I want, Abby. I love you. I want you to be my wife. I'm sure our life won't be different after we were married. We already live together these few months and although we had lots of differences, but I just felt it was the thing that made our bond getting stronger."

He paused.

I blinked several times. He knew that too?

"I know you still afraid in marriage life. I can't make you promises for that not to happen, but we both are together, Abby. We will work out. I know we will."

I took deep breaths.

He pulled out something from his pocket and I gasped when I saw the ring box. This time I knew he was serious. This time it was not a promise ring, but an engagement ring. He opened the box and showed me an elegant ring. It was a bit old fashioned, but honestly I didn't care. I stared at the beautiful ring.

"This is my mother's engagement ring."

My head shot up. "What?"

He smiled. "This ring has been in The Walshs for many generations. It's a tradition for all The Walsh men to give it to their fiancées. This is my time to give it to you."

I took a deep breath. Truthfully, I still worried about marriage life if I remembered my parents. But, sometimes we need to take the different decision regarding our lives. My life is different from my parents and I know Joshua loves me very much. So, why should I pass this chance?

"Abigail Annabel Bennett, will you marry me?"

I closed my eyes briefly before I opened it again and looked into his eyes.

Joshua looked at me, hopeful.

I smiled grimly and held the ring box. "Yes, Joshua Walsh. I will marry you."


































Chapter 23
The Beach Trip: The Issues

This time it was him who didn't move. Joshua stood there motionless; he didn't even blink.

I raised my eyebrows and waved my hand in front of his face. "Joshua? Are you all right?"

Seconds later he blinked several times. "Did you say yes?" He asked stupidly.


"You accepted my proposal?"

I tried hard not to laugh. "Well...yes. Do you want me to say no?"

"Of course not!" He nearly shouted at me.

I giggled while he was blushing. "Sorry..." He said in low voice. And then he composed his face. "Please, say that again."

I made a face. "Say what again?"

"Say the words again."

I chuckled when I saw his expression. His green eyes lit with happiness and I couldn't be more grateful for making him so happy. I took a deep breath and smiled. "Yes, Joshua Walsh. I will marry you."

A huge grin appeared on his face and suddenly he twirled me around. We both laughed with happiness. Although, I didn't say I love him yet, but I couldn't deny that I willingly accepted this engagement future wedding. He put me down on my feet and kissed me deeply. For a moment, I forgot we were still in the restaurant and I kissed him back passionately. Joshua was kissing my jaw and down to my neck before he stopped in my ear and whispered, "Abby...not now, dear."

Oh, right!

I nodded slowly and trying to control my breathing. "Sorry..." I whispered in his ear.

He chuckled and leaned away from my face to look at my eyes. He cupped my face with his hand. "My fiancée," He said to me and his eyes were smoldering again.

I smiled slightly and turned my eyes to look at the ring box in his hand. I smirked. "Shouldn't you put that ring on my finger?"

Joshua blushed slightly and I giggled. It was funny to see him like that.

"My apologies, Abby. I guess I was too happy when I heard you say yes," He muttered.

I shook my head.

He pulled out the ring from the box and put the box back to his pocket. He gingerly took my left hand and pulled out my promise ring. He put the promise ring to my ring finger on my right hand and finally he put my engagement ring to my left ring finger. He exhaled when he saw the ring was finally settled in my finger. He kissed the back of my hand and smiled. "Thank you, Abby."

I smiled back. "You're welcome, Joshua."

I looked at the elegant ring and almost shivered when I remembered this ring was already owned by The Walshs for many generations. Are there any stories for this ring? I've never known about The Walshs before and if I was about to marry Joshua, I probably should learn something from their history.

"Come on. Let's have our dessert and then we could go home," He whispered and kissed my forehead. His voice brought me back to reality and I nodded slowly.

We had our dessert and finally we walked back to the front desk. Samuel greeted us when we arrived and he smiled when he saw my engagement ring. He congratulated Joshua and I instantly knew he must have known Joshua's plan for tonight. I sighed internally. Never underestimate my...fiancé, I guess. I shivered slightly. Yes, he is my fiancé now and it's official. We haven't talk about our wedding yet and the next step in our relationship.

I was silent during our journey back to the beach house. Thousands of emotions attacked my brain. I was happy, excited and...Anxious, I think. I still couldn't imagine if we were married and finally get into the physical step. I exhaled. I didn't have any experiences at all, but so did he. Will we be able to survive that? And what about his family? Maybe there are others of The Walshs that I didn't know yet. Or...what about their wealth? I'm not a gold digger, but I should know those things, right?

And then I felt the car finally stopped at the garage. We sat there for a moment before Joshua said, "Would you like to take a walk with me on the beach?"

I turned my head to look at him. His eyes searched mine and I nodded.

He got out from the car and opened my door. "Wait here," He said before disappeared into the house.

I waited next to the car and then Joshua walked in into the garage with our jackets. I almost forgot about the weather. We put our jackets on and began to walk on the beach after we both took our shoes off. We walked slowly on the beach and felt the sand in our feet. The sound of waves filled the silence around us.

"What are you thinking? You seem so quiet after we went home from the restaurant. Are you not happy with our engagement?" Joshua asked in low voice.

I clutched my jacket and chuckled. He still worried I'll regret my decision. "Of course, I'm happy. I was just thinking about some...things."

Joshua scooted closer to me. We were walking next to each other, but not holding hands. "Will you please tell me what are you thinking?"

I smiled grimly. "It's about your family."

"My family?" He asked in amusement.

I nodded. "You said that my engagement ring is already own by your family in so many generations. I don't know anything about your family." I sighed and played with the hem of my jacket. "If I marry you, I should know about your family, right?" I bit my lip.

I could hear him sigh.

"Hmmm...all right. Where should I begin?"

I rolled my eyes. "Why don't you start with the easy one? Like where is your family originally from?"

He chuckled and wrapped his arm on my shoulders. "Okay...let's see. My ancestors were originally from England. The Walsh family was an influence family at that time, but it's different from the royal family. Some of them were married with Irish and you can see that from my red hair."

I chuckled while he was smiling.

"After the great fire, the last descendants from The Walshs decided to move to America and I guessed it was my great grandfather. And we live in America ever since."

I nodded thoughtfully. "But, it's strange though. There could be several men in the family, but why you only had one ring?"

He smiled coyly. "That was the most interesting part."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "How could that be interesting?"

"In every generation, there are only two or three Walsh men. And as for me, I'm the only male in my generation."

My eyebrows shot up. "Seriously?"

He shrugged. "It's like already written in our family history. The Walsh name will always survive because there always be a male who carries the name."

I shivered. I had never believed in supernatural things, but I guessed it could be happened. "Don't you have like...cousin...or something?"

He chuckled. "I have cousins." And then he looked at me. "But, they are all females."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "You never told me about them."

He sighed. "Because they are far away in France now. Their mother is my dad's sister. I've never seen them."

"How could that be?"

He smiled grimly. "Not all member of the family is happy with Walsh name, Abby. Apparently my aunt is one of them. She moved to France and got married there. Even my dad never saw her since. Sometimes she sends e-mails or pictures about her life in France."

I frowned. "But, how could she do that?" How someone could separate herself from her family? Didn't Joshua's aunt miss her family here?

He chuckled again. "It's her decision, Abby. You don't have to feel sorry about that."

I ran my hand through my hair. "So, that means I'll have a son?"

Joshua stopped walking and turned to face me.

I gulped. Did I say something wrong?

His eyes glinted mischievously. "I can give you a son and a daughter."

I blinked several times. He smirked and kissed me. I was too stunned to fight back. He began to kiss my neck and my collarbone again. One of his hands tangled in my hair and I helplessly titled my head to give him a better access to kiss my neck. My knees were going weaker and I almost fell on my own feet, but Joshua held me tightly on my waist. "Just tell me when you want a son and a daughter and I'll give it to you," He said seductively while continued kissing my bare shoulder.

I swallowed hard and fought hard to think clearly. And then I blurted out, "Please, not now. I don't want to do this until our wedding night."

Joshua stopped kissing me while I blushed hard. Thank you to my irresponsible tongue, I guess.

He raised his head and looked at me deeply. His eyes were dark and I shivered when I saw his gaze. I felt like a prey to a predator, but in a good way. For a moment, we were just staring at each other before finally he smiled and kissed me again.

"Deal!" He said in my lips.

"O...kay.." I said dumbly.

And then, I realized something. He didn't want to marry me just to get me to his bed, did he? If I remembered, he has always been the one who eager to have the physical relationship with me although I was trying to push him once, but he stopped me. I didn't know if he was waiting for me to give myself without any reservations or he was thinking with his responsible thought. I knew William will dismember him if he did something that could hurt me. His father was a surgeon after all; he could do that to Joshua when he didn't realize it.

I frowned at him. He looked at me in amusement. "What?" He asked.

"You didn't marry me just to drag me to your bed, did you?"

He raised his eyebrows and burst out laughing.

"That's not funny," I said again, pouting.

His laughter subsided and he looked at me with humor in his eyes. "My dear Abby, I thought you knew me better than that, although dragging you to my bed is an incentive. Because finally, I could be yours and you could be mine in all senses."

I narrowed my eyes. "You're not answering my question."

He sighed and then started to kiss my face. " you...because...I love you...and I need you," He said between his kisses and I giggled like a child.

He smiled and enveloped me on a hug. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Abby. You are my life. You are my everything."

I smiled and kissed his chest, where his heart was beating for me. "I know."

"Anything else that you want to ask me?"

I raised my head and frowned. "Am I that obvious?"

He chuckled. "Your face is so easy to read. So, what is it that you want to ask about me?"

Suddenly, I remembered my own plan to ask him about his family...wealth. I blushed slightly.

His eyebrows shot up. "You're blushing?"

My face became redder.

He laughed nervously. "Abby, you can ask me anything. If you worried about my v-"

"No, it's not that," I interjected. I knew what he wanted to say and I didn't want to hear about all of his girls stories.

"Then, what is it?"

I sighed and leaned away from his embrace. I began to walk again with him keeping his pace by my side. "I'm sorry if I ask you this question, but I think I need to know about this...thing."

I paused.

"Abby, I'm waiting…..” He said with playful tone.

I took a deep breath and kept my eyes to the sand. "How could your family be" My voice was faltered in the end. I felt like a woman in 18th century who asked her future husband's possessions so she could decide to marry him or not.

I heard him chuckle. "Is that all?" He asked with humor in this tone.

I looked at him briefly. His eyes twinkled and I blushed again. I turned away and looked back to the sand.

He wrapped his arm around me and turned my body to face him. I raised my head and looked at him. He smiled warmly. "You don't have to be embarrassed about that, Abby. Actually, I had planned to show you all of my family stocks on the market and the stocks that we own. You are my fiancée after all. You need to know about this."

I stared at him stupidly. "Stocks?"

He smiled slightly. "Yes. Not much, but it's enough for us. I learned how to manage those stocks once and we got lots of profits. You can see some of my shares in my exquisite black car, as you called it."

My eyes widened. "Your car?" He bought that car just from manage stocks? Really! Never underestimate him.

He grinned and hugged me closer. I leaned to his chest automatically. "I will tell you everything, my dear. Besides if we were married, all my possessions are yours too even though you don't want it."

I grimaced. He knew me too well.

He titled my chin so I was looking straight to his eyes. He cupped my face with his hand. "I will be your husband, Abby, and I will stand by you forever. To love you, to take care of you and to cherish you."

I shivered. He said those words without removing his gaze from me. I could see his promise, his love and mostly his devotion. I smiled slightly and leaned back to his chest.

"So, you still want to marry me even I'm a somniloquist?" I murmured.

He chuckled darkly. "Somniloquist or not, I'll still marry you."

I sighed and rested my forehead to his chest. "I thought you will back out from your own words when you realized how klutz I am or I will disturb your sleep because of my sleep talking."

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