Wrapped in Flame (16 page)

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Authors: Caitlyn Willows

Tags: #Contemporary; suspense

BOOK: Wrapped in Flame
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Gina zipped by with a packet of saltines and a can of ginger ale. “I’ll take your shift today.”

Sandy muttered her thanks, took one look at the crackers, then barreled through her caregivers to reach the bathroom. Gina hurried after her. The rest of them went back to work, leaving Mike and Tim alone.

“One fucking thing after the other,” Tim muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. “We still on for the school demo?”

“Unless the principal cancels.” Mike hated to disappoint the kids. It would be a great way to start their school week. Erica had told him many teachers had planned the week’s special assignments geared around the event.

“Maybe we should,” Tim said. “With those reporters up our asses, there’s not much to stop them from going to the school. As a parent, I’d be damn pissed about that. Hell, they could already be there looking for Erica.”

True enough. He’d love to know how they found out where she lived when she’d barely moved in. Had to be phone tracking. That left Posner. Mike refused to believe one of the family dimed her out.

Bub poked his head around the door. “School principal’s on line one for you, Captain.”

“Looks like the decision is out of our hands,” he told Tim, then picked up the extension. She’d only be calling to cancel. “Good morning, Mrs. Ritz.”

“I wish that were so, Captain.” A heavy sigh began her rambling explanation about why the school felt it was in the best interest of all involved to postpone the demo.

Mike listened, patiently adding “of course,” or “I understand” at intervals where appropriate, then promised they could follow up to reschedule. “Also, don’t hesitate to call the sheriff’s department if reporters encroach on school property.”

“I doubt they will,” Mrs. Ritz replied. “We have gotten some calls, but once they learned Mrs. Randall took off work to deal with this tragic loss, they stopped calling.”

“She’s not there?” Why hadn’t Erica told him?

“She called me at home last night and said she’d reconsidered time off once she saw reporters hovering all over the place. She didn’t want the children exposed to that. Frankly, I’m relieved. I had concerns but didn’t want to make an issue of it unless I had to. Erica Randall is one of our best teachers. My heart breaks that she’s going through this. Honestly though, after what her husband pulled by serving her with divorce papers at school…” She sniffed. “Never mind. I hope this dies down soon. The children are going to be so disappointed.”

“So are we, ma’am. We’ll talk again soon.”

Tim let out a hard breath when Mike ended the call. “Thank goodness she canceled.”

“Tell me about it.” Mike rubbed his eyes. “I’m beyond exhausted.”

“Did I hear her say Erica took time off work?” Tim frowned.

“That’s what the woman said.” Mike punched in Erica’s number.

“Well, good morning to you.” Her voice slithered through his veins, awaking parts of him Mike was certain were dead to the world. Apparently not.

“Want to tell me—“
Wrong tone, buddy
.” Mrs. Ritz canceled the demo for today. She also mentioned you’d taken time off. Why didn’t you say something?”

“The easy and safe answer is that you were at work and I didn’t want to bother you. The real answer is I wanted it to be a surprise.” There was that sexy-as-hell voice again. “I’d planned something hot for you for breakfast.”

Definitely not tired anymore. “Keep it warm for me.”

“Not a problem. It’s been simmering for a long, long time.”

Damn, woman.
“I’ll be quick.”

“Not too quick, I hope. Give me a five-minute warning before you come? Home, that is.”

He tossed back a laugh. “You got it.”

“I do hope so.” She ended the call.

Mike grabbed a clipboard to hide his erection and pushed to his feet. “Let’s get this briefing over so I can get the hell out of here.”

“Figured that from your goofy smile. I envy those days,” Tim said wistfully.

Mike snorted. “I don’t know who you think you’re bullshitting. I heard your whispered call to Trish last week, checking to make sure all the kids were elsewhere. ”

Tim shrugged. “With four kids, we’ve had to carve out private, crazy moments when we can.”

Now who had a goofy smile?

* * * *

Erica peeled off her clothes, leaving a trail from the front door to Mike’s bed. She’d planned her seduction with care throughout the night, fantasizing about its execution, the look on Mike’s face when he came home and saw a hot woman waiting. On the off chance he wasn’t interested in sex—Erica laughed—she had a breakfast casserole warming in the oven. The scent of bacon filled the house. Perhaps she was being cruel, forcing him to choose between his cock and his stomach. But with Mike’s healthy appetites, he’d find a way to have it all. Maybe even find a way to eat right off her body.

Her body tightened with the image. She fought the urge to toy with her clit by fluffing the bed pillows, and then she arranged herself dead center in the bed. Mike would be home—how perfect that word sounded—and find her ready and waiting. Erica bent one knee, rocking it to and fro, and leaned back on her elbows, just as she had the other night.
Too much? Too repetitive?
She tried another pose by stretching out on her side across the bed, hair draped over her breasts.
That’s better.

The doorbell scattered her anticipation.

“Who the hell…”

Snagging her white bathrobe off the hook on the back of the door, she strode into the living room as she swung it on and knotted the belt. “Whoever you are, you better be quick.”

A third ring echoed through the house as Erica reached for the doorknob. Caution reminded her to check first. A glance through the nearby window buckled her knees. Mike’s blue eyes bored into hers. A smirk lifted one corner of his mouth. His brown hair was mussed, whether from the breeze or him worrying his fingers through it, she didn’t know. Hot chills buzzed through her. Erica couldn’t take her gaze off him if her life depended on it. Talk about a feast.

“Door’s locked,” he said. “No key.”

“Oh. Sorry.” She twisted the knob.

Mike pushed inside before she could open the door. Erica didn’t block his entrance, but she also didn’t get out of the way. She gave him enough leeway so the door could close behind him. He butted against her as he shut the world away. Their bodies locked like magnets. Erica drew in a sharp breath, reveling in that wonderful mix of fresh-washed yet all male that was uniquely Mike.

“I somehow suspected you’d be naked. I see I wasn’t wrong.” He brushed his hand over her hip, leaning down until their noses almost touched and their lips were a whisper away from a kiss Erica wanted more than her next breath.

“Love what you’ve done with the decor.” He jerked his head toward the trail of clothes. “And is that bacon I smell?”

“It is,” she whispered. “I know. Decisions, decisions.”

“Only decision I have to make right now is how hard and fast I take you.”

The declaration yanked a gasp from the depths of her soul. Mike covered it with a deep, hard kiss. Erica fisted his yellow-gold T-shirt and hauled herself to her toes, giving back as good as she got. He groaned and clamped his hands over her ass, raising her higher as he back-walked her toward the sofa. It’d never be able to withstand the sheer magnitude of the ride she intended to give him.

She jerked her lips from his and pushed against his solid chest. He dragged his mouth down her throat, yanking frantically at the belt that held her robe together. He gave up the fight, shoved her robe open, and sucked her nipple into his mouth.

Erica clutched his head to her breast and arched into his plundering mouth. Each deep draw plunged to her clit, swelling it to the breaking point. He spanned one big hand over her back. The other cupped her butt. One dip, and she was off her feet. Another placed her on the sofa, her hips braced on the pillowy arm. Mike raked his mouth down her body, shoving the robe as far apart as the stubborn belt allowed. He paused long enough to drill his tongue into her belly button. Sparks shot to her extremities. Erica dug her fingers into his hair and snapped her leg around his waist.

Mike groaned and nudged it to his shoulder. “I swear I’m going to stage condoms in every corner of my house and yours. But moving’s the last thing I want to do. Want to guess the first?”

He combed his fingers through the thatch of hair between her legs, touching everywhere except the one place she needed him most. Moving wasn’t on the top of her list either.

“I’ve never had sex with anyone without a condom, even though I’m on the pill.”

“Good.” He eyed his target.

Erica pushed her heel against his collarbone, blocking his attack. “And you?”

“Never without one, blowjobs notwithstanding. Even when a woman says she’s on the pill. But…”

Mike pulled in a breath and locked his gaze with hers. Erica felt awkward and vulnerable with her legs spread and him hovering over her pussy. One part of her wanted to close her legs. The other wanted to pull him down and take him inside her and put an end to a discussion neither of them seemed to want to broach.

“I want to take that next step with you. I don’t want anything between us. I don’t want any regrets either. This has to be
decision. This is a serious move for me, and I really need you to understand what it means when I say I want a full-on commitment with you.”

“It means we love each other, Mike.” Erica tried to sound calm and sure. It wasn’t easy when her heart was beating so hard she could barely hear herself think. “We have for a long time, and it’s silly to pretend otherwise.”

“Then no more pretending, sweetheart.” He dropped a kiss to her ankle, a lick to her calf, a nip to the tender flesh behind her knee.

With a sigh, she settled her leg over his shoulder. Mike cupped her ass in his hands as he knelt before her. One shrug settled the other leg onto his other shoulder. Erica watched the hunger on his face, the way his tongue tracked over his lips. One flick in the right place was all it’d take to make her come.

He eased his tongue over her. Eyes closed, she cried out. Clenched thighs locked his head in place. Mike feathered his fingers up her thighs. Gentle lips kissed her hard clitoris.

“I need it, Mike. I need it now. Please don’t tease. We can take our time later.”

“I’ve spent the night in agony without you. I’m going to savor every second, and then I’m going to fuck you into the sofa cushions.”

He tunneled his tongue along the valleys of her labia, up one side and down the other, over and over again. She rocked into the touch to no avail. Mike was in charge. She’d come when he was ready and not a second sooner. The thought both thrilled and frustrated her.

“I need you inside me,” she pleaded.

Mike grunted a response and shoved two long, thick fingers into her pussy. He nibbled her inner thighs while he finger fucked her until she countered every thrust with one of her own. Then he pulled free and speared her ass, plugged his thumb into her pussy, and clamped his lips over her clit. He lashed his tongue against it, yanking her orgasm front and center. Erica fisted his hair and tensed into the mounting sensation. It burst upon her with an intensity that seemed to grow stronger each time they were together. The aftermath was no less brilliant. She lay there limp, spent, and gasping.

She basked in the after-kisses Mike dotted to her thighs and belly as he eased away. Filled her eyes with the wonder of his hard body as he peeled his clothes off. Felt her stomach plunge when his erection bounced free. All hers.

Erica scooted back to stand. Mike was on her before her feet could move from the cushion.

“We’ll break the sofa.” A halfhearted protest, especially since she wrapped arms and legs around him as she invited him into her body.

“I’ll buy a new one.” Grabbing his cock, Mike took aim and slid in deep.

He hovered over her, eyes closed, jaw clenched in an effort to maintain control. Erica wanted to break it, to show him she could undo him as wonderfully as he’d undone her. But emotion overwhelmed her, kept her still. He filled her body and her heart to bursting. It was a moment to savor.

“Damn, you feel so fine inside me.” Erica kissed him hard and deep. Swallowed his groans with her own as he pounded into her. Absorbed his shudders when he came. Hugged him to her in the afterglow and never wanted to let go.

“I missed you so much last night.” The words came out rough and raw. Erica couldn’t help it. Emotion was too determined to have its way with her. How was she going to manage it tomorrow when he went on a three-day shift?

“I missed you too.” He brushed his fingers over her cheek. “Missed you so much. It was a hard shift. All I wanted was to feel your arms around me, keeping the world at bay.”

If she didn’t already love him to bits, this would have clinched it. He missed her, and not because of sex.

Mike hoisted himself to his elbows. “Now. About that bacon.”

* * * *

Erica pushed her plate to one side and idly stirred her coffee. “Has anyone come forward about Betty?”

Mike washed down a large helping of breakfast casserole with a second cup of coffee. She’d been subdued since they’d come into the kitchen. He’d tried not to read too much into her silence. They’d had quiet moments a lot in the time they’d known each other. It hadn’t meant anything before. Two friends hanging out. Being lovers—being in love—shouldn’t change that. But it did. It changed everything, even while things had to stay the same until the turmoil from Keith’s death settled. So of course she’d been mulling over the ramifications of the whole commitment thing. That was fine. They could talk it out. They
talk it out, because he would not have any relationship without communication. Maybe she felt that way too and bringing up the Stantons was her roundabout way of opening up. Or it could mean nothing at all.

“Not yet,” he finally replied. “He stayed at the station last night while we dealt with a three-vehicle collision on the highway. One of the reporters was killed.”

“I heard on this morning’s news. Rough night.”

It was. Nothing like being welcomed home with all the amenities. He felt decadently spoiled, and though he couldn’t say he was fully refreshed from the long night, he didn’t feel beat down. That had more to do with being near her than anything else. Here he sat in boxer briefs and she in her robe, like they’d been a couple for years. She centered him, chased away the nightmares and hobgoblins, and made him feel whole.

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