Wild Hearts (10 page)

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Authors: Virginia Henley

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Historical, #Large Type Books, #Scotland

BOOK: Wild Hearts
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"Where is the gold to be delivered?" McCabe asked. -

"In England. Berwick-upon-Tweed. I will give you directions to a specific building when you have an agreement for me. There, the gold will be exchanged: for the lady, and everyone will be happy."

"Is there a deadline?"

"I don't think he will waste any time trying to get her back. Abrahams will not find it too difficult to get his hands on twenty thousand in gold."

McCabe poured Scotch whisky into lead crystal glasses, and they drank to their agreement.

"I will have my sister Shannon drop by soon, in case you need to get a message to me," said Paris as he departed.

He bought a few presents and headed home. He covered the distance in two and a half hours because he traveled alone. Before the evening meal, he dispatched three of his men to keep round-the-clock watches. One at Callum McCabe's law office, one at Maxwell Abrahams's home and the other at Abrahams's bank, with instructions to report all comings and goings.

After dinner, the family spent a typical evening around the fire entertaining one another. Damascus played her stringed lute so beautifully that it brought tears to Tabby's eyes. Alexander recited Murdock Maclean's famous poem, "The Tartan," and Paris quoted his favorite, "The Ballad of Chevy Chase." All the others joined in and quoted, verse after verse until the ballad was finished. As Tabby listened to Paris quote the lines with such relish, she realized how attractive and magnetic the man was. There was an overpowering maleness about him that called to something within her. She feared him, yet upon occasion, that fear thrilled her and tempted her to dare his manhood. More and more often she found his eyes upon her, almost caressing her with his glance.

They began to play a game where one quoted a couple of lines of a poem, and the next person in the informal circle finished the remaining lines. Tabby dragged her thoughts from Paris to concentrate upon the game. She listened to them in amazement. They were all so educated and witty, good-looking, well dressed and clever as monkeys. Whenever it was her turn, she just shook her head helplessly, and they quickly passed over her until Paris took pity on her and quoted: "And see ye not yon bonnie road that winds about the fernie brae?"

Tabby smiled her thanks at him shyly as she finished: "That is the road to fair Elfland where thou and I this night maun gae."

As he moved around the circle to stand behind her; her heartbeat quickened and raced madly. When he put his hands gently upon her shoulders, she jumped as if a red-hot iron had touched her skin. He bent low and whispered, "I knew you'd respond to me."

It was impossible for her to think coherently while he was so close. Suddenly, they were all looking at her, and she realized that once again it was her turn. In frustration she said, "
Je ne sais rien
, I know nothing!"

"Oh, how delightful, you speak French," cried Damascus.

"Paris had a year in France and Italy, but none of the rest of us have been," complained Shannon.

"That reminds me, you've never told us what you did in Italy," complained Venetia.

Paris winked. "I picked up a little Italian and had a marvelous time."

"Is there any need to be lewd? Why is it rnen always have to be lewd?" asked Damascus, her fastidious little nose up in the air.

"For God's sake, Damascus, your are completely bereft of a sense of humor, accused Alexandria.

"Oh, no, she isn't." Troy laughed. "She entertains Cessford, doesn't she?"

"For the last time, what have you got against Robert Kerr?" demanded Damascus.

"I've been telling you— it's that awful red hair."

"God, Damascus, you are slow-witted," said Alexandria. "He catches you with that one every time."

Paris took his hands from Tabby's shoulders. "I have something for you," he murmured low. "Did you know that when you get a present, your eyes sparkle like amethysts?" Paris handed out his gifts to the others first.

Damascus cried, "Oh, Paris, perfume. Mmm, if I'd had some of this last night, I think Robert might have proposed."

"Proposed what?" teased Paris.

Shannon got a pair of riding gloves, and Venetia was delighted with a hand-painted fan. He gave presents to the twins, who exchanged with each other before they even unwrapped them, as soon as Paris turned his back. He beckoned Tabby away from the others and irresistibly she approached him. The color rose high in her cheeks as she became aware of his bold eyes upon her breasts, then he slowly lifted his gaze to her mouth, where it fastened hungrily. As he handed her the tiny package, his hand brushed hers, and the shock of it ran up her arm. Though she ought to have hated him for having her at his mercy, he was right; she did respond to him. She couldn't help herself! To cover her confusion she quickly unwrapped the pretty package. It was a small ornamental mirror on a chain to fasten at her waist. Thoughtlessly, she said the first thing that popped into her mind, "Did you buy these or steal them?"

"Thankless little bitch! Too bad your scruples won't allow you to enjoy ill-gotten gains. I had a bathtub and full-length mirror for you, but now I suppose I'll have to make use of them in my chamber." He hid his smirk and took the usual large box of chocolates up to the White Tower.


"Oh, Mrs Hall, I've just done it again!" she bemoaned.

"Put his lordship's back up?"

"I'm afraid so. He was in such a mellow mood, I should have pleaded my case to return me to Edinburgh. I feel guilty because I know clearly where my duty lies."

"Ye should take lessons from these lassies in how to handle men. They sweet-talk and flutter their lashes, and the men eat out of their hands." Personally, Mrs. Hall thought her charge prettier by far than the other girls.

"Oh, I know. I should look at him with big, sad eyes, plead and beg, wring his heart with pity at this poor maiden in distress. Tomorrow I'll do it! But I must learn to control my tongue."

Mrs. Hall said, "I've decided I like it here. Everyone's so jolly, and the kitchens are busy day and night. The food is the very best and always plenty, even for the servants. In fact, I've only met one woman I don't like. A Mrs. Sinclair. You'll know her when you see her—she's very thin with coal black hair and a mouth like a rat trap." Mrs. Hall helped her to undress and hung up her clothes. She took the two silver-backed brushes and began to brush out Tabby's long, thick auburn tresses. She continued, "This Mrs.Sinclair was very nosy, asking questions about you. She looks after some invalid or something. Anyway, she didna get a thing out of me." Mrs. Hall brushed Tabby's hair until it crackled with a life of its own. The candlelight gave it a burnished glow.

"You've been very kind to me, Mrs. Hall. I like being mothered."

"Then into bed wi' ye now I've finished your hair. You have to be wearing your prettiest face tomorrow if you are to plead wi' his lordship."


Paris had decided to make use of the bathtub before he had it carried to Tabby's chamber tomorrow. It was quite an improvement on the- bathhouse attached to the men's quarters. A man could get used to bathing before the fire, he decided as he stepped from the tub. He caught sight of himself in the full-length mirror and paused to examine his reflection. He was heavily muscled about the shoulders and chest. He flexed an enormous bicep and smiled at the tattoo that stood out upon it. What sailor had not succumbed to the lure of the tattoo parlors that lined the docks of every foreign port? He ran his fingers over it. A Scotch thistle in full bloom. A thick mass of red curls covered his chest and ran down his belly to his groin. Still wet from the bath, the hair looked almost black. He turned his back to the mirror and looked over his shoulder to observe himself from behind. The muscles of his broad back tapered down to a narrow waist and flanks. He laughed at the whiteness of his buttocks in contrast to the rest of his body.

He faced the mirror and stood, hands on hips, with his legs apart. The emerald dangled rakishly from his ear, giving him the look of a pirate.

His legs were thick columns of muscle, one marred by a livid scar that ran from groin to knee; a souvenir from a Gordon sword. Perhaps tomorrow night Tabby would do as he was now doing. His imagination was vivid as he saw her step from the tub, shake out her lovely mane of hair and catch a glimpse of her naked beauty in the full-length mirror. She would come timidly forward, then more boldly appraise her body in the glass.

His shaft hardened as his thoughts ran on, until it stood high and erect, reaching toward his navel. Mirrors were mysterious things, with an almost magical quality. If his naked image should suddenly reappear as she was standing before it, what would her reaction be? He laughed at his absurd thoughts and took one last look at himself. God, his naked body was very likely enough to frighten a young girl to death.







Tabby was late down to breakfast the next morning. When she finally sat down, the girls rushed her through the meal. No-nonsense Shannon said, "Paris has made plans to take you with him today, and he has an iron-clad rule never to be kept waiting. Especially by a female."

"Where is he taking me?" asked Tabby, half-afraid.

They completely ignored her question.

Damascus, ever conscious of appearances, said, "If she's riding out with Paris, she will need a decent habit. He won't want to be shamed by her appearance."

"Well, much as I hate to admit it, Shannon's is the only one that will fit in the bustline," decided Venetia, who seemed to get slimmer each day.

Shannon took an oatcake out of Tabby's hand and put it back on the platter. "Come on, then. I will let you have my dark green velvet, but I want it back, it's not to keep."

"Just one moment," said Tabby angrily. "Everyone is-speaking as if I were not present and had no say in the matter whatsoever. I haven't, even been consulted about whether I'll even go!"

"Don't talk rubbish." Alexandria grinned at her.

Alexandria was right, of course. Her heart was already racing at the thought of going with Paris. At last, here was her opportunity to plead her case and beg him to let her go back to Edinburgh. The problem was that she was beginning to be torn in two directions, part of her knowing she must go, but another part secretly longing to stay. Before she could protest further, she was propelled to Shannon's chamber, and they had taken off her dress. Standing in drawers and petticoat, she felt almost shy, but the girls were so busy, they didn't notice. Venetia had slipped something about her waist and was pulling the strings so tight, it took her breath away and dug into her rib cage just beneath her breasts. "Why do I have to wear this thing?" she protested.

Damascus explained, "It's to make your waist much smaller than it is in reality."

"Why?" asked Tabby.

"So that your breasts will be higher and fuller," she answered patiently.

Shannon was putting the green velvet over her head. "When Paris helps you on and off your horse, his hands will easily span your waist."

"But I want to show him how well I can mount on my own!" Tabby declared. The girls looked horrified.

"Is she really so ignorant, or is it just an act?" exclaimed Shannon.

Alexandria spoke up in her defense. "She really is that ignorant; she knows no tricks whatever."

Damascus was making tiny curls to frame Tabby's face with a hot iron she took from the fire.

"Oh, her hair is so easy to curl, much nicer than yours, Shannon."

"Well, then, let me abase myself before this paragon we have in our midst," mocked Shannon before she immediately belied her words with her generosity. "Go on, you may as well have the new riding gloves to go with it."

On impulse, Tabby leaned forward and kissed Shannon's cheek. Embarrassed, Shannon gave her a little push and said, "Don't be soft," but the gesture had sealed their friendship.

"You look beautiful," whispered Alexandria.

"For God's sake, hurry," urged Venetia. "If he pulls that damned whip out and starts cracking it with impatience, all our efforts will go for naught."

Tabby assumed the girls wanted her to look her best so she could beguile Paris into returning her to Edinburgh. The thought couldn't have been further from any of their minds. They had decided she was the perfect mistress for their brother. Paris in love would make life more pleasant for them, and matchmaking was such a delightful amusement.

Paris's reasons for the ride were threefold. First, he wanted to see if he could ride about openly with Tabby and pass her off as one of his sisters; second, he needed to scout a plausible location where the prisoner and the gold could ostensibly be exchanged; and thirdly he desired the sweet pleasure of seduction.

As she emerged into the sunshine, she saw him coming across from the stables to collect her. He smiled his approval at the way she looked. She took a deep breath and placed her hand upon his sleeve. "Please, milord, I must speak with you."

"You appeal so prettily, how could I refuse?" He smiled.

She chose her words carefully, hoping to tap into his pity and pull his heartstrings. I was in that orphanage so many years, I became quite hopeless. Then Mr. Abrahams made it possible for me to leave. You must see I cannot repay him with treachery. I die of shame every time I think of the ransom you will demand from him. I implore you, Lord Cockburn— Paris— please return me to Edinburgh and forget about the money."

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