Whizz (6 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica

BOOK: Whizz
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Her mouth went dry from the possessive look staring right back at her.

“You’re not going anywhere. I believe you when you say you didn’t hunt for me, but you found me, Lacey. Not only did you find me once, you came to me several times. I’ve been inside you, and I’ll be inside you once again.”

She shook her head. “You’re being insane.”

“No, you’re the one being insane. Those men, your brothers, they’re dead. They died because they didn’t have the fucking sense to come to us. The Skulls would have let them live, but they put us and the town at fucking risk. They were a bunch of idiots pretending to run a club.”

Lacey slapped him around the face. “How dare you? You didn’t know what it was like being hunted by Gonzalez. We were all easy prey to him. He took our families from us and made sure we knew who was in control.”

“That was Gonzalez’s father,” Whizz said. He was glaring right back at her. He didn’t raise a hand to her even though she slapped him.

Lash stayed away, which surprised her. She figured he would have intervened by now.

“Gonzalez was there with his father. He made the order that took our families from us. Both of them were there when he gave the order to do what they wanted. When the first man stole my innocence, Gonzalez was organizing a dinner for when he got home. I wasn’t important enough to stick around. I lost my ability to bear children. We had the right to take Gonzalez out. Danny, the club, didn’t trust anyone to ask for help. From that moment Gonzalez tore our world out from under us, we were warned not to say anything. We were told to stay silent, to not talk about the past. We didn’t. All of us moved on together with one mission in mind, to kill the Gonzalez line.”

“Your biggest mistake was not listening to Butch,” Whizz said.

“You don’t get it.”

“I get it, but you’re too busy feeling guilty instead of listening to reason. I’m not going to keep trying to tell you differently. They’re gone. You’re alive, and I will not let anything happen to you.” He gripped her arm and started walking her toward the bike.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“I’m done listening to you feeling sorry for yourself. We’re going back to the club.”

“I want to see Butch.”

“You don’t get to do that.” Whizz handed her the helmet. “Put it on.”

“Why are you angry?” she asked.

“You’re determined to find excuses for them. They were untrained and could have killed everyone in that room. Fort Wills belongs to The Skulls. The moment the Savage Brothers hit out they were dead. You were all stupid to believe that you could get away with it.”

Lacey didn’t think about what she did. Raising her knee, she connected with his cock and balls. Without giving him time to react, she started running away, trying to get away from him.

“Fuck,” Whizz said.

She ran off but didn’t get far.

“I don’t fucking think so.” Lash grabbed her around the waist, dragging her back. She started to hit out at him.

“Let me go.” She wasn’t going to give up without a fight.

“You better deal with her.” Lash caught her hands together. She didn’t stand a chance against his strength.

A red-faced Whizz stared at her. He didn’t speak, simply put the helmet on her head and turned away. She watched him climb on the back of the bike.

Lash put her on the back. “I suggest you hold onto him if you don’t want to hurt yourself falling off. I’m not in the fucking mood for you to start killing yourself. You want to die, ask one of us to do it.”

She shivered as a wave of fear washed through her. These men were not the kind to mess with. Wrapping her arms around Whizz’s waist, she held onto him. They went straight back to the clubhouse. The sun was still up. She saw Angel walking into the grounds as she removed her helmet. Gash was right behind her.

“Where have you been?” Lash asked, walking over to Angel.

“I went to the spa.” Angel pushed some hair off her shoulder, smiling up at Lash.

Lacey watched the change in Lash. He wrapped his arms around his woman with a smile on his lips.

“I bumped into her and decided to walk her home,” Gash said.

“Am I forgiven?” Lash asked.

She nodded. “I can never be mad at you for long, even if she didn’t deserve your words.”

Lacey didn’t get to hear the rest of the conversation as Whizz dragged her back through the clubhouse. He led her upstairs. His grip was hard on her arm. She didn’t fight him as she was pulled into his room. He slammed the door, pressing her up against the door.

“What the fuck was that?” he asked, growling the words in her face.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Yeah, you know exactly what I’m fucking talking about. Don’t ever hit me in the balls again.” He glared at her, yet she wasn’t afraid.

“Don’t speak about my club like that.” She should hate him. He helped to take out her club, lured her back to the clubhouse so she would be far enough away from the danger. “After all the lies I told you, why did you have to save me?”

“I wanted to fuck you.”

“So to get your loyalty I’ve just got to give you free access to my cunt?” she asked. She didn’t want to be hurt by his words, but she was.

“No, there’s a lot more, but you’re not ready to know the truth just yet.” His gaze dropped to her lips. Her gut tightened as his gaze darkened. She saw the change inside him.


“Shut up.” He closed the distance between them. His lips were so close that she felt the air of his breath over her face. Heat spilled from her pussy. She wanted him, and there was the problem. Lacey didn’t want to want him, but she did. He was an addiction she couldn’t stop.

“You’ve got to stop the guilt.” He slammed his lips down on hers cutting off any kind of protest. His tongue glided over her lips, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth. She moaned at the contact of his lips, opening her mouth for his invading tongue.

She met him halfway, sliding her tongue over his.

He sank his fingers into her hair, tugging on the length.

Within seconds Whizz pulled away, opened the door and closed it, leaving her alone and confused. She didn’t know what had just happened. Her lips were swollen, and she was turned on. If Whizz intended to torture her, he was going the right way about it. Sitting down on his bed, she rested her head in her hands.

She was losing her mind. On the one hand there was the guilt of causing Dalton’s death. She didn’t feel she had the right to be happy. On the other hand, she wanted to be with Whizz. From the moment they first met at the coffee shop she’d felt a connection to him. Lacey didn’t want to lose that. He was the first and only man she’d ever felt such a strong connection to. It went far beyond the damage and pain they’d both suffered.

Dalton’s face flashed through her mind. She was never going to get away from him.

“I’m sorry,” she said.


Chapter Three


Whizz rested his head against the door. He didn’t know why he kissed her or why he walked away from her. Her lips were too fucking tempting to ignore. She was driving him insane, and they barely knew each other. Everything they knew about each other was stuff they’d discovered through searching files. Whizz doubted she knew anything about him that would surprise him.

“What are you doing?” Killer asked.

Turning around, he saw his friend standing with his son on his hip. Killer held a baby bottle in his hand. The sight of Killer holding a baby was strange to Whizz. He’d watched him kill other men with his bare hands. The way Killer held his son showed the love and care he took.

“Nothing.” Whizz stepped away from the door. “Where’s Kelsey?”

“She’s not feeling well. From the smell, she’s got some kind of bug. I’m taking Markus for the night, letting her rest. She’s back in the room.” Killer started walking. Markus fisted his hands and started flailing them, making gurgling sounds. Whizz couldn’t help but smile. The little guy was so charming and full of beans.

“Can I hold him?”

“Sure.” Killer handed Markus over.

Together they walked downstairs toward the main clubhouse. A couple of the sweet-butts were on the table, dancing for the men. He wasn’t interested in the women and headed toward the pool room. Hardy was sitting in the corner drinking a beer. Lash and Nash were playing pool while Steven stared at the game on television.

“Thank you for coming forward for Lacey,” Whizz said, taking a seat.

“Hey, no babies allowed,” Steven said.

In response Markus just gurgled some more, looking totally adorable.


“Kids have got us wrapped around their little fingers,” Lash said, sipping his beer.

“Stop all the talk of fucking kids.” Hardy stood, looking angry.

“Still no sign of the ice breaking from Rose?” Steven asked.

“Do you all know my business?”

During the Gonzalez problem, the news of Hardy’s past affair had come to light when Rose refused to keep it quiet. The couple was holding on by a thread, but the cracks in the couple’s relationship were blatantly on show. Rose wouldn’t back down any longer.

“The whole club knows what happened, Hardy. We all know what happened,” Lash said, pointing at all of them. “So do the women.”

Hardy ran fingers through his thick hair. He no longer looked like the confident man that Whizz recalled. This man looked like he was about to lose everything. He’d put all of his chips on the one number, only the ball had passed that number one too many times to come back around.

“I’m trying. I’m always fucking trying to help her, but I can’t make her forgive me.”

“Why fuck another woman?” Whizz asked, looking from Markus up to Hardy. When he’d heard the news of what happened over ten years ago, he’d been shocked. Rose was a beauty, and any man would be crazy to cheat on her ass.

“I was young. I don’t know. Shit was different back then.”

“Rose is one hot woman. She’s completely in love with you. I can’t even imagine what she was like before you hurt her.” Whizz had only known Rose the past few years. She’d always been completely devoted to Hardy.

“She’s changed a lot since then. Ten years ago, she was sweet, charming, and I changed her.” He shook his head. “I’m calling it a night.”

“Where is Rose?” Nash asked.

“She’s in bed.”

“You do know you can’t get rid of her if you divorce her,” Lash said.


“Rose is a big part of the club. If she decides to divorce you, Tiny’s not going to let her out in the world on her own. She’ll be part of the club, and if she finds another man, you’ll have to deal with that.”

“She’s not a member.”

Lash shrugged. “I back Tiny with what he says. Rose is family. She’s part of the club as much as you. She decides to divorce you we won’t kick her out. Tiny has already put his foot down. You’re not getting away from her.”

“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that,” Hardy said, heading out of the room.

“Why?” Killer asked.

Hardy looked back. “Because I will kill any man who thinks they can take my woman from me. Rose is mine, she’ll always be mine, and I’m not going to back down without a fight.”

He left the room.

“Do you really think she’ll divorce him?” Nash asked. He was drinking water. None of the men wanted Nash drinking anything alcoholic. He was an ex-addict, and as such, he was ordered to stay clear of the stuff.

“I don’t know. If someone was to tell me that Rose would even be considering it, I’d have laughed. It just goes to show we don’t really know the couples in the club.”

“It has been ten years. Surely, she must be over it,” Nash said, taking his shot on the pool table.

“If Zero fucked Sophia when he thought he was in love with her, would you have gotten over it?” Steven asked, speaking up.

In response Nash looked ready to commit murder.

Steven laughed. “It’s probably a good job Zero’s completely in love with Prue.”

“Someone called my name.” Prue entered the room with Zero trailing behind her. The couple rarely separated. Prue had taken to the club life better than most.

Markus started to cry on Whizz’s knee.

“He’s getting ready for his feed.” Killer took his son, resting him in his arms to start feeding him.

“I still can’t get over the fact you’re a father.”

“Kelsey and I had a rough start, but we’re getting there.”

Killer had fallen in love with Kelsey, who had been a dental nurse when they met. Kelsey had kept the fact she was married hidden from him, and it had strained their budding relationship. It didn’t help that her then-husband, Michael Granito, had arrived. The ensuing problems had Kelsey nearly killing herself, and the club being put in danger. Fortunately, Killer and Kelsey were now married and totally in love.

“You’re a lucky man,” Whizz said, watching the baby. Lacey couldn’t have this. She was like Rose in that regard. Only the two women had very different reasons for not being able to conceive.

Prue took a seat beside Killer. “He’s so adorable.”

Zero picked up a pool stick, getting ready to join in with Lash and Nash. It wouldn’t be long before Prue joined in, playing against the brothers at Zero’s side. She was a damn good pool player, and pretty decent at cards.

“We’ll have one soon enough,” Zero said. He rested his chin on his hands.

She stroked Markus’s head. “You’re going to be a heartbreaker. God, with the way you’re all breeding we’re going to be overrun with the next generation of Skulls. Can you see Anthony and Miles? They’re going to be big boys.”

Anthony was Lash’s son while Miles was Tiny’s.

Whizz smiled thinking about all the babies coming around. The family events were exactly that, full of family.

“Angel wants to meet Lacey. I’ve told her no. You’ve got to get your woman under control before I let Angel near her.”

“If any woman needs to be under control it’s Tate. She’s pissing me off, and I don’t give a shit about her hormones,” Prue said, biting back at Lash.

“I’m not in control of her. Talk to Murphy. Whizz’s woman kneed him in the balls today and tried to run off,” Lash said, point his stick at Whizz. “I’m not risking Angel’s life with her.”

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