Whisper Pride Pack (4 page)

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Authors: T. Cobbin

BOOK: Whisper Pride Pack
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Chapter 6


So much for a good day. For fuck’s sake!

Mate? She couldn’t be. She couldn’t stick around. What if
Harry came looking and found her? Listening to Conan, Josie knew his wolf and
pack would protect her, but what if Harry brought a gun or a knife? She had
only been there a few days and already she admitted she felt something toward

He was Alpha to twenty-six wolves? Shit, now that he had revealed
his secret, if you wanted to leave would he let her go?

A shifter? They were all make believe, weren’t they?

“Will you answer my questions?” she asked, not moving her
head from his chest where it was currently resting,

“Anything you want to know, my mate, I will give you your
answer if I can.” He nuzzled his chin on the top of her head, and she took
comfort in it. For some strange and bizarre reason she wasn’t scared. Was that
normal? She wanted to laugh, but withheld it.

“Can I see your wolf? I mean
you are a shifter and
I am
your mate, then I get to see, right? If you bite me, will I turn
into a wolf? Can you—”

“Hey, hey.” He shifted and lifted her chin from his body.
“Chill.” He chuckled. “One at a time. Yes, you can see my wolf.” He smiled. “I
will only bite you to mate with you, but in the throes of passion it won’t hurt
at all. And no, you won’t become a wolf. We are born, not made.”

“You will bite me?” she almost shrieked, her eyes growing

“It’s okay, little one. Yes, I will bite you, right here...”
He ran a finger above her collarbone near the madly beating pulse in her neck.
“But I’ll be so deep inside of you while you come that the pain will be gone
within seconds,” he said with a smirk.

She tucked her head back into his chest. Her pussy clenched.
She wondered how he would feel deep inside of her.

* * * *

Conan could feel the slight heat Josie’s cute little blush

“Would you like to see my wolf, and then maybe we can go
inside and talk more over food? I can hear your stomach, and it’s sounding
pretty hungry!” He was pleased she seemed to be taking it well. Alas, he was
also rather wary she might think he was a bit cuckoo, but if she did would she
still be sitting in his lap?

“Yes, please,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Conan stood and placed her carefully down where he’d just
been sitting, then raised his shirt.

“You’re...gonna do that now...here?”

“Yeah, these happen to be my best scrubs.” Bold and brash, with
a waggle of his eyebrows, he began stripping.

When he was finally down to his boxers, and knowing he sure
as hell couldn’t hide the boner he had anyway, he stripped the final piece of
material off. Letting the wolf inside of him come closer to the surface, he let
the shift overtake him, his eyes never leaving his mate.

His skin rippled as stark white fur emerged from his pores.
His bones began snapping, and he went from two human feet to four white paws in
a matter of seconds. When he had first started shifting as a teenager the shift
had hurt a little, but over the years it had become part of him, and he didn’t
feel the shift of bones anymore.

His wolf was a playful beast, although when it was needed,
he’d make sure it was known he was the Alpha. Currently, he was just a wolf
trying to impress his mate.

* * * *

Shit! How had a day that had started out so normal turned into
this? Josie sat there watching a sexy man she liked turn into a fucking wolf!


Within a few seconds, and after some teeth-grinding, bone-cracking
noises, Conan had shifted into a very large, stark white wolf.

The beast didn’t make a move toward her, just sat down on
his hind legs with his tongue lolling out the side of its mouth with what
looked like a doggy grin on his face. Even his damn eyes shined. She was frozen
to the spot. How could this be happening?

The wolf whined and laid his big head on his great big paws,
still looking at her. He looked so sad.

She climbed off the seat and crouched low in front of the
animal. “Well, if someone brought you into the vet’s I’d ask them where your
saddle was...you’re huge!”

The dog whined again and crawled on its belly a few inches
toward her, his paws touching the tips of her boots, and again placed his head
down on its feet.

“I have so many questions. Can you understand me?”

The wolf lifted its head, and she swore it nodded.

“Okay, that’s just funny.” She giggled. “Okay, I guess you
do. I can’t believe this. I mean, I believe it now that I’ve seen it, but it’s
just a shock. Wow, you were there as a human man and now...”

She couldn’t say any more, just kept her eyes on the big,
white wolf lying at her feet. Plucking up the courage, she ran her hands
through the short, fine hair on its head, then over the even softer, velvet
hair on its ears. The wolf didn’t move, just looked up at her with soft amber
eyes. Still not saying anything, even though her mind was going over all kinds
of scenarios and questions, she moved her hand down into the long, coarser hair
at the neck and body. The wolf whined again and closed its eyes.

“You even smell of dog.” At the small growl she didn’t feel
frightened, but took it as he didn’t like being compared to a dog, or maybe
that he smelled. “Can you stand for me?” she asked, wanting to see him in his
full glory.

The wolf stood and stretched, then turned to face her. His
face was level with hers as she was still on her knees. She looked deeply into
the animal’s eyes, trying to see any trace of the human inside. A huge, wet
tongue ruined her concentration as it licked up the side of her face.

“Eww.” She giggled.

The wolf again sat on his hunches with his tongue lolling
out of his mouth. Wrapping both her arms around the wolf, she cuddled into the
soft fur, rubbing her face over its head. Coming here and seeing something like
this was amazing. She felt melancholy slip over her. What she wouldn’t give to
stay with Conan, with this awesome experience.

The wolf must have sensed her mood change, because it began
to struggle in her arms. Letting it go, she watched as the white fur began to
disappear, and in a matter of seconds a naked, sexy, and rather aroused Conan
was standing in front of her. With her still on her knees she was currently eye
level with a very hard, erect penis, the veins filling it out. It twitched and
a tiny pearl of pre-cum appeared on the bulbous head.

“If you keep looking at it, baby, it’s going to get more
excited.” Conan’s deep and husky voice slid over her.

Realizing that she was staring with lusty thoughts, she
moved her gaze up and over his tanned body, looking straight into his amused
eyes. Taking his offered hand, she rose to her feet, knowing full well her face
had gone a deep shade of blushing pink.

“Food?” he asked with a smirk.

Looking down at his cock unintentionally, she thought

“Yes, please,” she quickly spluttered out, and then she hurried
inside the cabin.

Chapter 7


After quickly donning a pair of jeans Conan prepared a meal
of steak, chips, and green beans with peppercorn sauce. He watched Josie tuck
in. Hearing her moan around the fork at the first taste had his already hard
cock twitching again.

“So,” she said, finishing her first forkful and licking a
bit of sauce off her lip. “Are you going to tell me just how old you are?”

The image of her pink, wet tongue licking over her lips had
him inwardly groaning. His cock couldn’t possibly get any harder. “You were
nearly right when you worked it out earlier—I am older than I look. We live
slightly longer than humans do as well. Our senses are stronger too, they’re
the same in our human form as they are in wolf form. We also like the company
of each other, so we stick together, hence why we have the pack house and
several other cabins in the area. At the moment the men outnumber the females
so that causes problems at times.”

He winced, thinking back to the day before. It was becoming
a daily/weekly problem that some of the younger male pups trying to get the
females’ attention had begun to fight with each other. As wolf shifters, they
had very high sex drives, and knowing they could only have pups with their
mate, the teens took this time to practice a fair bit.

“We first start shifting when we hit puberty. When we hit
mating stage at around twenty-one our bodies slow down in the aging process,
where as I look about thirty I am in fact...fifty-five.” He swallowed nervously,
looking into his beautiful mate’s eyes and waiting for her reaction.

“If you don’t age as fast, how do you keep it a secret?”

“We carry on as normal until it becomes too obvious, then we
disappear for a bit, stay on pack land, or basically start another job. It hasn’t
yet been a problem.”

“And you say I’m your mate, right? So if I as a human mated
with you... Is that like marriage too? I mean, will I be your wife?”

He couldn’t hide his smile as she rambled. He had noticed
that she tended to do that when nerves got the better of her.

“Will I be able to leave? Okay, hang on, back to the age
thing. Will I get all old and wrinkly while you’re as fresh as a daisy?” She
paused. When she opened her mouth to say something else he cut her off, leaning
down and placing a soft, tender kiss on her lips.

She gasped, letting him slide his tongue inside. She tasted of
peppercorn sauce and Josie. He had to stop before he swiped everything off the
table, bent her over, and slid his cock into her wet folds, pounding into her
until she screamed his name. Pulling back with a groan, he saw her eyes had a
lusty glaze to them.

“To answer your questions,” he said a few minutes later,
clearing his throat, “when we mate,”
And we will mate, my love
“I will
bite you here...” He placed his lips over the place where her neck met her
shoulder. He could feel her slight shudder as he did. “It will release a
chemical into your skin. This only happens to the one we either bond with or
our true mate. It will tie us together, and then you’ll age the same way I do.
But just to let you know, I would love you no matter how old and wrinkly you
got. You’re my mate, sweetness, and there is no way I could let you go. My soul
belongs to you. You are the key to my heart, the love that makes my heart beat,
the very essence to my world.”

Everything he said was true. She was everything to him, and
without her he would be an empty shell. Thinking back only a few days, he
wondered just how he had coped, feeling as full and overwhelmed with love and
joy right now and a feeling of right! He supposed the old saying of ‘what the
eye don’t see, the heart don’t grieve over’ was true. Because sure as hell, his
heart would grieve if he lost Josie now.

“You love me? No...no!” she said, pushing away from the
table. “No, you can’t love me.”

He moved fast, holding onto her and tugging her against his chest.
He could feel the small sobs as she began to settle against his body. Breathing
in her scent, he was shocked to find that not only was it fear that he scented
coming from her but sadness.

“Why does that frightened you and make you sad, little one?”
he asked.

“It’s too soon.” She looked up, tears streaming down her

Wiping a few away, he kissed each cheek. “As a shifter, we
know our true mate, Josie. The wolf knows his other half. It’s pretty rare that
mates don’t love or like each other, it’s like an automatic imprint a baby has
for its mother.”

She looked deeply into his eyes. He knew she could see the
amber flecks in them, his wolf was pretty close to the surface and not liking
the emotions his mate was going through.

“Why me though? I mean, look at Cassie—she’s tall, skinny,
and blonde. I’m short, fat, and dumpy. I have more folds and creases than
laundry on ironing day!”

“Baby, not in any way have I ever felt attracted to Cassie.
She may be kinda good looking on the outside, but that woman has a cold heart.
You are the opposite. My wolf and I both know you are ours. You’re sweet, kind,
loving, and those folds you talk about work fine for me. I can grab hold of
those luscious hips and have no problem pounding my cock deep and hard inside
of you and not being afraid of breaking bones. Trust you, I love everything
about you.”

“Sorry.” She blushed. “My self-confidence has always been
low, and so much is going around my head right now.”

“It’s okay, sweetness, I understand. Come on, let’s finish
our meal and go sit on the swing outside and chill.”


* * * *

After they’d finished eating they sat outside on the swing,
something she had envisioned earlier—a cup of hot chocolate in her hand, feet
up on the porch balcony with a blanket over her legs, and curled up tightly to
Conan. So much had happened in a few hours, it seemed like days had gone past.
Conan was a wolf shifter. He turned into a pure white wolf with amber eyes. It
was something from a story book. He was beautiful.

He said she was his mate, a wife but more permanent, a forever
of sorts if she accepted. She had found out that if she did deny the mating he
would always be on his own, never able to have pups. He could fuck whoever he
wished, but it would never give him an heir, a next Alpha for the pack. He had
also said that after her he would never want to touch another woman again

Thoughts of Harry flashed through her mind. What if he was
looking for her? How would that affect Conan and the pack? Harry was a sadistic
man; he could cause a lot of trouble.

“Hey there.” A long, callused finger lifted her chin up.
“What’s got that frown on your beautiful face?”

“Just random shit,” she muttered.

“Do I need to do my
Fiddler on the Roof
act again?”

“No, you fool.” She giggled.

He leaned toward her and kissed her. His tongue glided over
her lips. Giving him entrance, she moaned as the first taste of him swept
across her tongue. He tasted so good. Her hands began to roam his naked chest. He
hadn’t put a shirt on after he had shifted, which was okay with her. His jeans
had hung low on his torso, showing off a very fine six-pack that lowered to a
sexy v. He had no hair on his chest; it was smooth and silky, showing off his
exquisite pecs. She was sure the meal had tasted a lot better after watching
him cook with no shirt on, it definitely added flavor.

When her fingers roamed around his now puckered and hard
nipples, he groaned into her mouth. She could stop this now—it was too early to
do this, right? Especially after what she had seen today. But as her tongue
searched and felt its way through his heated cavern, brushing over his, she
maybe later

His hands moved up and under her top, caressing her breasts
over her bra, then he slowly pulled the cups down and caressed her nipples.
They bunched and puckered, both of them becoming hard and peaked to stiff
little points. Her hips undulated toward him, her pussy becoming moist with her
own juices. He swiftly pulled her onto his lap so she straddled him, his lips never
leaving hers.

In this position she could clearly feel his very stiff
erection in his jeans. She rubbed herself up and down, trying to get some kind
of friction. Her clit throbbed for attention. Pulling away from his mouth, she
helped him removed her top. She hadn’t realized that he had undone her bra at
some point, and it too fell down her arms and landed on the porch deck with her

“Oh baby, you are so beautiful,” he growled out.

The cool night air rippled over her heated skin, causing
small goose pimples to appear. Both of his tanned hands cupped her breasts,
gently fondling them, his fingers lightly stroking her nipples. His head lowered,
and then she felt the warm air of his breath blow over her breasts. She moaned
and arched her back, pushing them further toward him. He let out a low growl
that vibrated straight through to her clit. She moved her hips again, pressing
her still clad core on top of his stiff shaft. When she managed to hit the
right place, she couldn’t hold in the groan, it felt too good.

“Baby, we need to get...bottoms...” he growled. Suddenly, the
scrubs that she was still wearing had slits in them on each side. Wondering how
the hell he had done that, she looked down and saw sharp, claw-like talons
where the tips of his fingers had been.

“That’s kinda hot!” she said with surprise. The rest of the
now tattered cloth was ripped from her body in one fell swoop. Her torn, lace panties
fluttered to the ground after.

“Oh God...give a shit...” He suddenly pushed a finger
between her folds, searching lower until he hit the jackpot. He slid one then
two of his long fingers inside her dripping pussy. He pushed them in and out,
finger fucking her while suckling on her breasts. “So wet and tight, baby,” he

“I need more...now...” She was beyond caring, she needed him
inside of her. Her pussy trembled against his cream-covered fingers. He pulled
out, and she moaned again. “Don’t stop.” She whined then felt the sting of his
teeth as they bit down on her tender breast, then he thrust his cock deep
inside her. When had he taken his jeans off?

She opened her mouth to scream as the sensations hit her,
but nothing came out. She gasped as his huge cock slid inside her vagina,
stretching her walls to an almost painful point. He paused, and she looked deeply
into his blue eyes. They had streaks of amber in them, and she assumed his wolf
was pretty close to the surface.

“Ride me, baby!” he grunted.

A slight sheen of perspiration now glistened on his skin, and
she swept her tongue over his neck, licking the salty sweat. “Mmm, tasty,” she
moaned and licked again.

His patience snapped, and he lifted her hips, digging in his
fingers, and raised her off his cock. She slowly lowered herself on shaky leg
muscles to slide down, feeling every little twitch and ripple along his cock
until his balls touched her arse, his penis firmly embedded inside of her

“Tease,” he whispered and hiked her up all the way off his

“What are you doing?” she nearly shrieked. Her answer came
in being bent over the porch balcony.

“Keep your hands on that rail!” His voice sounded deeper.
“I’m going to fuck you hard and fast. No more teasing.”

She did as she was told. Grabbing hold of the balcony, she
held on as he bent her over. She liked this dominating side of him. Spreading
her legs with his feet, he leaned over her back, his hands grabbing hold of her
hips tightly, and slammed inside of her again to the hilt. She gasped for air
as he began to set a pounding beat. The sounds of slapping thighs and tiny,
squelching, sexy sounds filled the air as it also filled with the scent of

He grunted and she groaned each time he hit deep inside. He
shifted his hips until she cried out; he’d managed to get to that little bundle
of nerves deep inside. Her pussy fluttered and her toes curled. She arched her
back, pushing back against him, trying to get him deeper. His movements began
to get jerky. She could feel her orgasm growing, the pressure building. Her
pussy pulsed, clenched, and her spine tingled. She was so close to that place!

“Come, baby,” he growled out. He found her throbbing clit
and pinched it.

She threw her head back, calling out his name as an
overpowering orgasm flowed through her. “Conan!”

He thrust a few more times and shouted her name into the
wind. “Jooooossssie.”

He didn’t let go of her, which was good, because if he had,
she would have sunk to the floor.

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