When I’m With You (Indigo) (17 page)

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Authors: Laconnie Taylor Jones

BOOK: When I’m With You (Indigo)
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“Your earrings and my bracelet.” She’d finally gathered enough courage to allow Brie to pierce her ears as a birthday present to herself. Marcel had rewarded her courage with a pair of two-carat pink diamond studs.

“Anything else?”


“I better let you go,” he hurriedly responded.

“Marcel, is everything okay?”

“Yeah, baby. Everything’s okay.”

After a long pause, she whispered, “I love you.”

“Love you, too. Make love with me later?”

“Count on it.”

* * *


At ten o’clock sharp, Caitlyn answered the intercom. “Ms. Thompson, your car awaits you.” The voice belonged to the chauffer Marcel had hired to pick Caitlyn up.

Fifteen minutes later, the immaculately dressed chauffeur arrived in front of Taste of Heaven, Brie’s beauty salon. He assisted her out, and Brie greeted her at the door.

“Brie, what’s going on here?” When she didn’t get a response, Caitlyn said again, “Brie—”

Brie tossed a quick wink. “Just relax and enjoy.”

After a continental breakfast of croissants, juice and herbal tea, Caitlyn undressed, slipped on a white satin robe and received a facial and neck massage.

None of the staff uttered a word. They smiled, catering to her every whim, and extended the most exquisite care of her life.

In a candlelit room, Brie provided a ninety-minute massage that lulled Caitlyn into a peaceful slumber. It was well after two in the afternoon before she woke to a late lunch of smoked salmon, fruit, cheese and crackers. Afterward, she received a manicure and pedicure that left her fingernails and toenails a shiny candy-apple red.

Her final stop was the stylist’s chair. Jennifer, one of the salon’s stylists, shampooed, blow-dried and arranged her hair in an upsweep coiffure and Candace, the esthetician, applied her makeup to perfection.

Brie answered a knock at the salon door and moments later returned with a long garment bag slung over one arm and a smaller one in her hand.

“Come on, lady. Time to get you dressed.” She handed the smaller bag to Caitlyn. “Here. Use the changing room in the back to put these on.” She gave Caitlyn’s shoulder a gentle push. “Go on, now. We’re running on a tight schedule.”

Caitlyn came back a few minutes later clutching the robe tightly in front. “Brie, you didn’t give me a bra.”

The only two items in the bag were a pair of black, lace boy panties that barely covered her cheeks and an ultrasheer pair of black, thigh-high stockings with a back seam.

“Honey, you won’t need one with this.” Brie unzipped the larger bag and pulled out a black silk corset-style strapless evening gown with a sheer mesh bodice to showcase the tiny gold ring in her navel.

“Oh, my God, Brie…” Caitlyn’s eyes began to fill with tears.

“Oh, no, you don’t.” Brie quickly grabbed a tissue and dabbed softly at her eyes. “You can’t be messing up our hard work.”


Brie smiled. “Go on now and get dressed.”

Caitlyn returned a few moments later and stood in front of Brie. “You look absolutely beautiful.” Brie was about to walk away but stopped. “Oh, Lord, I almost forgot.” With a quick snap of her fingers, Candace and Jennifer took their place on each side of Caitlyn while Brie stooped to slip a pair of jeweled T-strap heels on Caitlyn’s feet. “Now you can look.”

Caitlyn couldn’t believe she was the woman reflected in the mirror. She felt beautiful. She felt happy. She felt loved. “Oh, my God, I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything.”

A second later, there was a knock. “Ms. Thompson, are you ready?” asked the same chauffeur who’d driven her over earlier.

* * *


The limousine pulled into the circular driveway of Marcel’s estate, and the chauffeur assisted her out and to the open front door.

“Happy birthday, kitten.” Marcel stood in the doorway, handsomely dressed in a white dinner jacket, mandarin collar shirt and black trousers. “Did you enjoy your day?”

Overcome with happiness, tears spilled down her cheeks. Not trusting herself to speak, Caitlyn simply wrapped her arms tightly around Marcel’s waist and nodded. Once she had recovered, she obeyed his instructions to close her eyes as he led her by the hand to the garage. When she opened her eyes, she found the red BMW convertible she had given back to him wrapped with a huge red bow, and her tears flowed once again.

Her total submission to his plan got her thoroughly kissed.

Later that night, it got her thoroughly loved.

Chapter 13

Caitlyn and Vic’s conflicting schedules interrupted the time they spent together on Sundays. So, after attending service at Vic’s church, they returned to Caitlyn’s apartment for lunch.

With mischief twinkling in her eyes, Vic walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. “Glad you could come up for air and share some time with a friend.”

“I know. Except for the days you’re at the center, we really haven’t had a chance to hang out together. I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for what? Sweetie, I don’t have to see you for the next decade as long as you keep that glow on your face.”

Flashing the smile of a woman in love, Caitlyn turned to her best friend. “I’m happy, Vic.”

“That’s all that matters.”

Caitlyn stood at the kitchen counter. “Listen, thanks again for helping out at the youth center. You know I appreciate it.” Caitlyn stopped preparing the tossed salad and looked over her shoulder. “What in the world were you and A.J. fighting about yesterday?” Picking up the salad bowl, she placed it on the dining room table. “I thought you two were getting along.”

From the kitchen, Vic bellowed, “Getting along? Caitlyn, the man is crazy.”

“Vic, come on.”

Vic came from the kitchen and stood next to Caitlyn. “Don’t come-on-Vic me. Do you know what he had the nerve to tell me?”


“That if a woman is married, she doesn’t need a career, that her place is in the home.”

“Oooh, I bet that ruffled your feathers.”

“Ruffled, hell. How about plucked right out?”

Caitlyn giggled. “What did you say?”

Vic’s placed her hands on her hips. “I told him, Negro, please.” She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Girl, the man’s definitely not in the twenty-first century. And you know what else gets on my nerves? He calls me ‘honey.’ ”

“Come on. Vic. Be nice.”

“Oh, I’ll be
sweet. I’m just going to ignore his chauvinist behind.” Vic sat and plucked a carrot from the salad bowl. “You better hang on to that man you’ve got. I’m telling you, he’s a rare commodity.”

Caitlyn stared. “A rare commodity?”


“How so?”

Vic bent back her fingers with each point she made. “Thirty-eight, no babies, college educated, and ain’t spent time in jail…”

Caitlyn heard the knock at the door first. “Who is it?”

“It’s me, kitten.”

“Hi.” Caitlyn stood aside and let Marcel enter.

“How’s my girl?” Marcel pulled her into his embrace and buried his head against her neck, breathing in her fragrance.

Caitlyn moved seductively in his embrace. “I’m wonderful. But baby…uh…Vic is here.”

“I see her. But a smart man prioritizes.” He proceeded to kiss her with such thoroughness her legs gave way. He grabbed her hand, and they walked to the table.

“Hi, Vic.” Marcel leaned down and placed a kiss on her cheek.

“Hi, yourself.” Vic put a forkful of salad in her mouth and chewed. “I heard what you just said back there, brother. You ain’t getting no complaints from me about handling your business. Besides, from the looks of things, my girl might want to consider giving you a promotion.”

“Promotion?” Marcel gave Vic a puzzled look.

“Yeah. Move-in rights.” Still smiling, Vic winked at Marcel. “Listen, you take my spot. I’m out of here.”

Marcel placed his hand on her shoulder. “Oh, no you don’t. I’m not going to stay. Actually, I’m glad you’re here. I want to know if I can talk you both into joining me for Baptiste family week.”

Vic shook her head. “Marcel, that’s sweet of you, but I’m not family.”

Marcel shook his head in disagreement. “Yes, you are. You’re a part of my kitten’s family, and her family is my family. So, will you join me?”

All Caitlyn could do was smile. She was touched by Marcel’s generosity, that he would invite Vic to his family gathering because of her. If she didn’t love him before, she sure loved him at that moment.

Vic smiled. “Is there another one like you anywhere around?”

Marcel’s puzzled gaze volleyed between Vic and Caitlyn.

Caitlyn offered an explanation to clarify things. “Vic thinks A.J. is a chauvinist.”

“Ain’t no thinking to it…he is,” Vic hissed.

Marcel smiled. “You and everybody else think along the same lines, so join the club. But to answer your question, no. My other brother, Ray, is even worse. He’s at the other extreme. Skirt chaser. Guess I fall somewhere in the middle.”

Caitlyn and Vic looked at each other, then back at Marcel, saying at the same time, “And that is?”

“Uh…well, I admit I can be arrogant at times…”

“At times?” Caitlyn mocked.

“A little stubborn…”

“A little?” Caitlyn rolled her eyes.

“Be quiet, kitten.” He blew a kiss her way. “Let’s see. I don’t take no for an answer…”

Caitlyn nodded. “Oh, you got that one right.”

“But I’m a firm believer in chivalry.”

Vic chuckled. “Good save. Your hole was getting a little deep there, brother.”

After a moment of laughter, Marcel sat in the chair across from Vic. “Listen, don’t pay any attention to A.J. I’ve been telling him for years that what he needs is a good sister to put him in check. Well, what do you say? Will you come to family week?”

Vic smiled. “Sure. Thanks for the invite.”

Marcel turned and looked across his shoulder at Caitlyn who stood behind him. “What about you, kitten?”

“Maybe.” She turned and walked toward the kitchen, purposely swaying her hips.

In fast pursuit, Marcel walked up and pinned her against the counter. “Just maybe?” He trailed his tongue along the space between her neck and shoulder. “Can you take a week off?”

“If I do, what’s in it for me?” She moaned as Marcel cupped her breasts.

“Can’t let you in on all my surprises, but I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.”

“God, that feels so good.” Feeling Marcel massage her nipples through her silk blouse made her knees buckle.

“I aim to please.”

The movements of his lips and tongue accompanied by the rubbing of his hard erection against her caused Caitlyn’s eyes to flutter shut and her head to fall against his chest. “I’m not family, you know, just a friend.”

He inched back slightly and placed her hand on his crotch. “Baby, friends don’t make me feel like this.”

“Bad boy.”

“Oh, you ain’t seen nothing yet.”

“You need to show me.”

“First, you show me those moves you were doing at the center the other day.” Caitlyn really wanted to encourage the girls at the center to exercise, so she’d started a belly-dancing class.

“You mean like this?” She slowly gyrated her hips.

“Yeah, that’s it.”

She moved in closer and pressed hard against him. The feel of his hips rolling with hers caused her breathing to quicken. “Marcel…”

His head dropped back and slid his eyes shut, all the while rotating his hips in perfect sync with hers. “Whatever you do, don’t stop.”

From the dining room, Vic shouted, “Caitlyn, you coming or what?”

Caitlyn gripped Marcel’s thighs as she reached the peak first. “Hmm-hmm.”

A few moments passed before Vic shouted out again. “Marcel, come on now.”

Marcel clamped his hands down on her hips right as he slipped over the edge. “I did.”

* * *


It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon when everyone gathered at Alcee’s home for the official start of Baptiste family week. The family was committed to coming together every year during the second week of October in commemoration of Angelique, the Baptiste children’s late mother. It was a symbol of their strength as a family, bound not only by their love for her but for one another.

Early Monday morning, Caitlyn smiled as she stood alongside Mama Z doing her best to stifle her yawn. Only she and Marcel knew the reason for her exhaustion—they’d made love until dawn once she finally found the room he was in. She’d always had a poor sense of direction, especially when she had to rely on someone else’s verbal instructions. On Sunday night, she had eased down the dark hallway trying to follow the directions Marcel had given her to his room until she realized she was lost. She ended up in Mama Z’s room.

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