When I’m With You (Indigo) (16 page)

Read When I’m With You (Indigo) Online

Authors: Laconnie Taylor Jones

BOOK: When I’m With You (Indigo)
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“Thank you.” He gave her a warm smile. “Now that we’ve got that settled, tell me what it is you’d like your man to do for you now.”

The huskiness and desire in his voice coupled with the hardness of his arousal prompted her next words. “Discuss us.”

Now that she’d confessed her love to him, the only thing he wanted to know was how fast they could make it to his bed. But the decision needed to be hers, though. He hung on to his promise not to rush, barely. He trailed his finger down the side of her cheek until he reached the opening of his robe. “What do you want to discuss?”

“Where we go from here.”

“Where do you want us to go?”

“To the physical. I want us to have sex.”

Marcel caressed her cheek. “Sorry, but that won’t happen, cat eyes.”

“I see.” She turned her face away to try and hide her disappointment at the impact of his words. For weeks, she’d hoped he’d break his ironclad control. She’d even told him she loved him and meant every word. What was this man trying to do to her?

With his index finger, he turned her face back to his. “We won’t ever have sex, kitten.” His lips brushed across hers. “We’ll make love. There’s a big difference.”


“Yeah, baby?”

“I’m ready to make love.”

Pulling back slightly, he looked into her eyes. “So am I, kitten. And you’re ready to accept everything that goes along with that? Meaning, this isn’t temporary, and you can’t wake up one day and decide it’s over between us. You’re my woman, and from this night forward, what we share is for keeps. I told you before, I keep what’s mine.”

Staring back into his smoldering gaze, she nodded. “You are the man that I love, the man I trust, the man I want to make love with.”

They’d shared kisses before, but this one was different. It was hot and deep. His tongue swept hers, tenderly at first, then moments later her tongue matched the strokes he made, and before either could pull away, tongues dueled, teeth clashed, and lips formed a seal so tight not even air could escape.

“I’m getting a little warm.” Caitlyn stood, slowing loosening the sash on the robe.

“That can be fixed.”

Walking backward to the door until she could go no farther, she purred, “Perhaps a nice long bath would help cool things off.”

He shook his head. “I don’t believe so.” He reached to rid her of the robe.

The silk material glided down her body and pooled at her feet. “Perhaps if I took this off, that would help.” She reached up to release the front of her bra. “Or this.” Her matching thong quickly followed.

Standing before him completely nude, she wrapped her arms around his neck, seductively moving against him. When he captured a taut nipple, then circled it with his tongue, desire raced through her with such force, nerve endings short-circuited.

He nuzzled his lips along her neck as his hand palmed her damp center. “All mine?”

“All yours.”

She followed him with her eyes when he dropped to his knees, his tongue trailing a wet path along her navel, down her hip, ending with a kiss against her curly patch. Moisture pooled at her center and threatened to spill forth, and her nails left their imprint on his shoulders.

Marcel stood, scooped her into his arms, and once in his bedroom, lowered her onto the bed. He watched her gaze follow him as he quickly undressed, never taking his eyes from hers. Nude, he proudly stood before her so she could see exactly the state he was in whenever she was near. “I want our first time to be better than good, and we’ll go slow.”

He placed one knee on the bed, committing her beauty to memory. Every exquisite detail of her body was exposed without inhibition. Firm breasts, chocolate-tipped nipples, a narrow waist that connected to slender hips, and even the tiny gold ring that pierced her navel were imprinted forever in his mind. Crawling on all fours, he lifted her petite feet to his mouth and kissed his way up, searing her silky skin with the warmth of his breath and branding her with such pleasure she writhed against the sheets. He crouched over her, his palms flat against the mattress. “I don’t want you to ever be afraid of making love with me. I want nothing between us—no fear, no doubt, no shame. One day soon, I want to come inside of you. I want the love we make to fill you with my
. I want this house to become our home.”

God, he hadn’t meant to propose to her in the heat of passion. His declaration of commitment was supposed to be on bended knee after a candlelight dinner. But the moment he stared into her eyes that reflected her complete trust in him, the words burst forth like a volcanic eruption.

He reached to retrieve a condom from the nightstand, but the hand on his arm halted his efforts.

“In a minute.” She nipped at the tiny buds hidden by the triangle of hair on his chest, and her hands roamed the smooth, hot length of his arousal.

His arms strained and trembled from his weight, yet he closed his eyes and surrendered to the magic of her touch. Feeling the first moisture drop squeeze through, Marcel knew things could end before they began.

“Kitten, hurry…baby, please.” Whatever words he’d thought to add gave way to the sensation of her nails raking lightly over his moisture-beaded head.

“Not yet.” She gently squeezed him until he moaned, his hips rocking in mid-air.

“Baby, now,” he hoarsely pleaded.

“Fair exchange.” She relented and rolled the condom in place.

He dropped his weight and gathered her close. He lovingly punished her mouth with his for the delay, then moved to a nipple, drew it in and sucked hard.

“Marcel, please.”

“I will, baby…just stay with me.” Tonight, his only mission was to brand her as his. Not one part of her was to be left unclaimed. Finally, he lifted her hips and started his entry. The brief flinch that flashed over her face stilled him. “It’s okay, kitten. I’d never hurt you. Relax and open for me.”

With trust in her eyes, she did.

Inch by tantalizing inch, he filled her, stretched her until he’d settled in. “Aaah, kitten,
Je t’aime.
” A hard, deep moan rumbled from his chest when she clamped herself tightly around him. Marcel savored the feeling of finally being united. Pulling Caitlyn’s arms overhead, he laced their fingers together to start an expression of love designed exclusively for them.

“I love you, too.” She wrapped her legs around his waist and tightened her hold on his fingers. “Marcel…”

He eased back, then slowly pushed forward, establishing a leisurely rhythm. His strokes deepened, and he knew if he died right then and there, he’d enter the pearly gates with a smile.

When he set out to seduce her, he’d never imagined he’d end up seduced. Nor did he ever imagine he’d come to her a virgin. But that was exactly what he was. Before, he’d had sex. But for the first time in his life, he made love. And it was the most soul-stirring, intoxicating lovemaking imaginable. It simply didn’t get any better than that.

He never took his eyes off her and before long, heard her soft whimper. Listening to the small catch in her voice, he knew her release was moments away. He increased their rhythm, their bodies pumping frantically, wildly, and he didn’t stop until he felt her shudder beneath him, softly whispering again and again, “
Je t’aime
.” Hearing that, his control snapped and he surrendered to the rapture of their love.

They stayed connected, neither wanting the inevitable separation to take place. He was a large man, and as tiny as she was, he needed to be certain he hadn’t hurt her. He planted a gentle kiss at her temple. “You okay?”

She palmed his face and nodded. “

He kissed the tip of her nose. “This is usually the point where a brother becomes concerned.”


“He wants to make sure his woman was satisfied.”

She smiled. “All right, I’ll scream a little louder next time.”

“And before your mind goes there, I’m not on a macho trip here.” Resting on his left elbow, he trailed his finger along her cheek. “I just need to be sure I didn’t mess things up, and that it was good for you.”

She ran her hand up and down his back. “Was it good for you?”

He smiled. “Maybe I need to roar a lot louder next time.”

She palmed his face and the love she felt for this man brought tears to her eyes. “Marcel?”

“Yeah, baby.”

She glanced at the tiny, car-shaped gold charm dangling from the chain around his neck. A tear slipped down her cheek at the thought of how an old, raggedy car had brought her so much happiness. She whispered softly, “

* * *


Exhaustion finally laid claim just before dawn, after Marcel misinterpreted Caitlyn’s early morning request to go riding. They’d often driven around late at night, with him serving as her personal tour guide. He quickly discovered his error. Straddling him, Caitlyn took him on the ride of his life. She rode him hard. She rode him long. She rode him with so much passion his white-knuckled grip loosened the fitted sheet from the mattress. His release hit him with such intensity he roared her name in English, made up another name for her in French, and invented an entirely different language, which he went to sleep trying to figure out.

When morning came, he stared down at the woman lying next to him, and a smile touched the corners of his lips. He was just about to pick up where they’d left off a few hours earlier when he heard the ringing of his private line.

Frustrated by the disturbance, he answered on the first ring. “What?”

“Marcel, it’s Moni. Have you seen Caitlyn? I’ve been trying to reach her all morning.”

Marcel felt Caitlyn snuggle closer. Talking to his sister was the last thing he wanted to do. “Yes, Moni, I’ve seen her.”

“Well, I was trying to see if she wanted to go shopping with me. Besides, we missed each other yesterday to discuss the tutoring schedule.”

Marcel opened his mouth to speak, but Moni interrupted him. “That’s okay. I’ll try her at home again. Bye.”

A few seconds later, the phone rang again. Caitlyn had remote forwarded her phone to Marcel’s. “What is it, Moni?”

“Marcel, where’s Caitlyn? What’s going on over there?”

He pinched the bridge of his nose and rolled his eyes. “Look, Moni, that’s more information than you need to know.”

“But why are you answering her phone at this hour of the morning?”

Marcel spoke with forced patience. “I didn’t answer her phone. I answered mine.”

“Well, how…”

“Listen, Moni, I’ll let you figure that out for yourself. I’ll give Caitlyn your message.”

Chapter 12

“Brie, I need your help,” Marcel said.

“All right. Shoot.”

Marcel explained that Caitlyn’s birthday was two days away. Even though he’d spent weeks planning for it, he felt he’d missed something. He wanted her day to have a personal touch—his touch. Everything had to be perfect because he intended for this birthday to be one she’d never forget.

petit frère
, I’ve got the perfect plan.”

Marcel listened intently, and even he became excited. “You really think so?”

“I know so. Just leave everything to me.”

“Brie, have I told you lately that I love you?”

“Nope. Been too damn busy seducing your woman.” She released a hearty chuckle. “But I forgive you. She’s worth it.”

“Thanks, Sis.”

“Love you, too.”

* * *


Morning sunlight crept through the bedroom window and awakened Caitlyn from a short, but peaceful slumber. She stretched as a slow, sexy smile crept over her face.

She’d tried in vain all week to find out what Marcel’s plans were to celebrate her birthday. He’d steadfastly refused to divulge any information, saying she needed to trust him.

And she did.

The ringing of the phone brought Caitlyn back to reality. Before she met Marcel, only Vic would phone at six in the morning.

“Good morning, beautiful.”

Caitlyn rolled to her back and spoke in a low, sultry voice. “Good morning.”

“Did I wake you, baby?”


“I miss you.”

She chuckled. “How can you miss me when you saw me less than six hours ago?”

“It could only be six seconds ago, and I’d still miss you.”

“I’m looking forward to tonight.” She propped her pillows against the headboard and rested her back against them. “Can’t you give me a teeny-weeny little hint?”


“Well, how do I know what to bring or what to wear?”

“Do you trust me, kitten?”

“You know I do.”

“Good. Just remember to be ready by ten, okay?”

“All right.”

“By the way, what do you have on?”

“What?” Her giggle was soft and sultry.

“I mean right now, what are you wearing?”

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