Werewulf Journals 2: Trolling for Love (17 page)

BOOK: Werewulf Journals 2: Trolling for Love
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He snarled, encountering a lingering hint of his cousin’s touch. Licking over the bonding mark he’d placed on her, Hunter assiduously removed the last of Chase’s contaminating scent by reinforcing his own.

Melody gasped, burning with need as he worked her relentlessly. Impaled on his monster cock, she could do nothing but endure and enjoy. The dark pleasure of his possession stole away every desire but the one to please her wulf, to force him over the precipice of orgasm into the peaceful calm of physical and emotional completion -- into oneness.

Her heartbeat sped up, pulse racing out of control at the sound of his animalistic grunts and groans, accompanied by his body’s surging movements. His thick pelt of fur rubbed against her nipples, abrading the tender tips. Her belly contracted under the brush of coarse hair surrounding his groin as he rotated his hips into her pelvis, scraping her clit with each inward thrust. His heavy balls, weighty with seed, slapped the smooth skin of her ass, the little sting drawing her attention to that naughty area. She shivered as he squeezed a finger past his cock, dipping in her vagina to gather her moisture. He spread slippery cream around the puckered circle nestled in the crease of her generously mounded ass.

Melody writhed beneath Hunter, wriggling in a half-hearted effort to get away from his teasing finger. In his fighting and fucking form, his finger was thicker than some men’s cocks. It felt huge burning its way up her resisting channel. The muscles in her vagina fluttered, pulsed wildly, her stuffed channel trying to contract along his buried length. “Oh shit, Hunter! You know I go ape-wild when you play in the chocolate whiz way ...”

His hooked finger pushed in deeper, buried to the second knuckle, spearing her dark bud with hard fire. She bucked under the extreme stimulation, coming so hard she drenched the sheet beneath her.

“Mel-o-dy!” Letting go of her hands to grip her waist, he guided and held her body as he plunged in and out of her. His other hand shuttled back and forth between her ass cheeks, that thick finger plumbing the depths of her tight sphincter.

Freed, Melody wrapped her arms around Hunter’s torso and grasped his shoulder blades, pulling herself closer to his chest. Holding on for dear life, her lower body left the bed as he frenziedly fucked her, hips pistoning back and forth between her thighs. “Oh ...

my ... GAWD, Hunter ... yessss! Fuck me! Fuck your bitch and never stop ... never ever stop ...”

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“Arrgh!” With a roar of his own, Hunter flung his hips at her, growling and whining as his knot began to form, stretching and tightening her cunt around him. On a last, desperate thrust, he got the widened base all the way inside her elastic opening.

Stretched, intimately filled and conquered, Melody raked her nails down his back, urging him on with hot, whispered words detailing all the nasty little things she wanted him to do to her -- wanted to do with him.

Throwing back his head, Hunter howled through the orgasm that arched his spine and swelled his cock inside her. Pressed against the doorway of her womb, his penis jerked and spasmed, flooding her channel with hot, foamy jets of sperm.

Afterward, drowsy and content, Melody lay with her legs flung over Hunter’s shoulders as he cleaned her with his tongue, lapping up their combined juices with loud slurps and groans of renewed excitement. When his hands slid up to her waist, preparing to flip her over onto her knees, she covered his hand with hers. “No, Hunter. You fucked me so long, I’m too sore.”

The look on his inhuman face was so dejected she sighed. Hiding her smile, she patted his chest, her other hand dropping to his cock, still shining with the residue of her recent orgasms. One hand couldn’t encircle it completely. “Dayum, Hunt, no wonder I ache -- you had all this stuffed inside poor Vanessa!”

He shifted his face enough to form human vocal chords and had the nerve to flaunt a superior, knowing grin as he gently cupped her red, swollen flesh. “I didn’t hear any complaints from Vanessa during our visit. In fact, someone was screaming like a Banshee.

Sounded like Vanessa’s mouthpiece.”

Melody swayed into his touch. “Yeah, well, the fact remains ... I can’t get my fingers, let alone my lips around you in this form. If you expect me to be your mouthpiece, you’d better give me something ... less ... to work with. Change all the way back into your skin form so you can fuck my mouth.”

Hunter cheered right up. “Now, that’s an idea with merit, sweet bitch!”

Quick as a wink, he presented a slightly larger than man-sized cock to her lips, the bulbous head already leaking pre-cum. He smeared the glossy, slippery substance over both top and bottom lips, commenting with a smug smile, “Your mouth looks so shiny and wet, swollen and sexy. You should always wear my cum on your lips ...”

Melody didn’t bother answering his taunt with words. Instead, she inflicted her punishment upon his burgeoning flesh, nibbling and teasing at the sensitive crest of his penis with tiny, sharp nips that made him groan and thrust his hips at her face in an attempt to have more of his hard arousal surrounded by the tight, hot constriction of her mouth. A low, despairing growl rumbled through the air.

Finally, she pulled back, hand still fondling his balls, to do some taunting of her own.

“That groan sounded desperate, Hunter. I must be doing something right.”

Werewulf Journals 2: Trolling for Love


Hunter’s hands grasped her head, tugged her back toward his groin. “Everything you do to me is right, sweet bitch. Now stop talking and get back to sucking me deep.”

Rubbing the palms of her hands up his legs, she brushed the tips of her fingers through the dense hair that covered his balls and bushed at the base of his sex. She rolled his sac, carefully palming the heavy mass, thrilling as it tightened and firmed in her grasp. She leaned forward and licked at his scrotum, one hand pumping his cock as she lavished attention on his testicles.

Opening her mouth wide, she engulfed the head and a good third of her lover’s hard, stiff cock, swirling her tongue over the veins running along the distended length. She loved sucking Hunter. He was all velvet-soft skin over steel hard muscle, jutting firm and deep in her mouth, down her throat. Loving him, enjoying the taste of his leaking sperm, she tongued him, wanting him to know she honored his claim on her. Swallowing and humming, she took him deeper, sheathing him in the tight, heated confines of her mouth.

A deep-throated roar echoed off the walls of the bedroom. Before her wondering eyes, Hunter’s massive-hewed thighs trembled. His claw-tipped hands grasped her shoulders and pulled, lifting her off her knees.

Heart pounding at the proof of the feminine power she wielded over her mate, Melody’s full lips curved in a loving smirk. Staring up into his fierce features, she saw the raw emotion burning in his feral gaze as he flung back his head and howled his arousal. It made her feel beautiful and erotically in charge. “Yes,” she crooned, hands ghosting over his body, voice lowering to a husky drawl, “sing for me, my fearsome wulf.”

Hunter tossed his tousled hair out of the way so he could gaze down on her face while he fit his cock in the tight opening of her pouting pussy. “How about you sing for me, instead?”

After several lusty songs, Melody collapsed on the bed, hugging Hunter close. A moment later, she shot upright and glared down at her mate. “Pig, you’re not sticking me with the wet spot again!”

She crawled on top of his broad body and collapsed once more.

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Chapter Twelve

Hunter walked up the hallway, tugging a reluctant Melody behind him. She refused to face the other wulves, worried they’d heard every cry she’d made while he’d fucked her.

He’d insisted, knowing she wouldn’t sleep well without him by her side. Much as he’d have liked spending more time in bed with her, there was too much to do, a major problem he still had to solve.

“Hunter, wait a minute ...” Melody pulled at her wrist, twisted it in his grasp.

He had no intention of releasing her. “Forget it, Melody. I’m not listening to any cowardly excuses.”

Hunter stopped, turned, and put his hands on Melody’s shoulders, gave her a little shake. “I’ve told you before -- my mate will stand and face all challenges with the pride and courage due a Pack Bitch who will one day be Pack Prima. Chase and his goons are interlopers in our home. You will not cower in the bedroom, afraid to sleep, because he attacked you this afternoon. It’s his failure and sin, not yours.”

She lowered her head and examined the backs of her hands, avoiding his gaze. “That’s not why I don’t want to go in there ...” She slid a glance toward the living room, where the low murmur of conversation had come to an abrupt, listening halt. Pointing up the hall, she leaned closer and whispered, “See, they’re listening in on our conversation right now. I know they heard us, earlier.”

Hunter tried his best not to laugh. He didn’t lower his voice. In fact, he got louder.

“Damn straight they heard us! I meant for them to. As possessive as I was feeling, you’re lucky I didn’t fuck you in front of them, to drive home the fact that you’re my bitch and no one else’s.”

Melody gasped, eyebrows gathering in pique. “Will you hush? You’re embarrassing me!”

Werewulf Journals 2: Trolling for Love


A pretty wash of color flowed over her dark skin as the smell of burnt rubber rose to singe his nose hairs. Hunter couldn’t stop the laughter this time. “I’d have your ass bare right now, if I didn’t have to deal with this bridge problem.”

“Hunter McCallum!”

He removed her hands from her hips and replaced them with his. Dragging her into his embrace, he dipped his knees to bring his eyes level with hers. “I love to see you blush. After all the things we’ve done together, you remain such an innocent.” He rubbed his nose against hers. “Damn, girl, but that pretty wash of color on your dark skin makes my cock hard.”

Melody looped her arms about his neck and pressed her full lips against his.

“Everything makes your cock hard.”

“Everything having to do with you, darling,” Hunter agreed, bending his head and kissing her. He lost himself in the hot exchange, tasting the spicy, exotic flavor of her tongue.

Loving the way her scent burst on his olfactory glands with a dark, sultry musk that made his hips pump against her cushiony belly, he crushed her large body to his, wanting to get as close as possible, to blend their bodies as their scents had blended.

Breaking off the kiss, Hunter drew back and stared down into her sherry-brown eyes for an endless moment. His future looked back at him. This woman turned his heart upside down just by breathing. He’d never loved before Melody, and he knew he’d never love again ... not like this. “Damn it, woman, I can’t freaking keep my hands off you. If you don’t hurry and scoot your flirty-skirted ass into that living room, I’ll lift your hem and fuck you right here in the hall.”

He shook his head, his laughter holding a dark promise as he watched his bitch sprint up the hall away from him, throwing a half-teasing, half-fearful look back over her shoulder.

He sauntered into the living room behind Melody, eyes tracking the gentle sway of her big butt under the A-line flower print skirt. Damn, he loved the rear view of his woman.

Knowing she felt uneasy, he didn’t say anything when she scurried from him over to Fortrayn, who was talking into his cell phone. She dropped a cousinly kiss on his brow.

As soon as he hung up, she gave him a quick hug. “Have I told you how much I appreciate what you did?” she asked, her voice low, words heartfelt. “That was the bravest act of chivalry I have ever been the recipient of.”

Fort’s smile lit up his face. “Anything for you, Auntie,” he quipped. His usual perky demeanor fell away. “I couldn’t stand by and watch a rogue attack my cousin’s woman like that pair attacked Rosa. By the way, she said to tell you Blair is just fine. He was fidgety at first, whining for Hunter, but he calmed down when ’Drea took him in to read with her.”

“Thank her for me, Fort. I was so upset earlier. I don’t know what I would have done without her organizing the kids and taking them next door.”

“You can thank her, yourself. She’s coming over now that the kids are calm. She’s left the monitor on and is bringing the remote.”

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“I’ll open the window,” Hunter offered, moving to the narrow pane on the east side of the room. “No one will be able to sneak past us. We’ll smell them before they turn onto the street.”

Fortrayn handed a stack of discs to Hunter. “Some guy came by while you were ...

occupied. He said this is all the footage the commissioner could confiscate. They suspect there is more.”

Hunter took the discs and moved over to the modular entertainment center. He shrugged. “I know there was no helicopter or aerial coverage during the fight. We’d cleared the media off before I approached the troll. Even if some reporters got some long-range footage of me going mid-form, they probably couldn’t make out my features. I was moving pretty fast during that short fight, and other than my shirt and boots, I never took my clothes off.”

Flipping through the stack, he chose one and popped it into the disc player. “Let’s see what we’ve got.”

The playback began immediately and the Golden Gate Bridge zoomed into view, a massive expanse of rust-red steel, cables, and gray concrete. The video wasn’t the best quality, the frames were grainy, the camera moved and dipped, making the watchers’ heads dip with the action, trying to see the recorded events.

“Someone’s coming.” Taylor shifted, dropping into an offensive crouch. His nostrils flared, and he relaxed back against the couch cushions. “Oh, it’s just your human fling, Fortrayn.”

Fort bristled, but before he could go into a full tirade, Hunter paused the tape, held up a hand and gave his young cousin the signal to stand down. “Fortrayn and Rosa are mated in all but name. You’ll give his bitch respect in my den or I’ll rip it out of your hide and --”

Taylor shot Hunter a fulminating glare. “Are you kidding? Of course, I respect her.

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