Werewolf Romance: Wolfess’s Desire (Paranormal Invasion Abduction Contemporary Werewolf Shifter Romance) (Fantasy First Bad Boy Billionaire Comedy Mystery Seduced by Alpha Shapeshifter Short Stories) (22 page)

BOOK: Werewolf Romance: Wolfess’s Desire (Paranormal Invasion Abduction Contemporary Werewolf Shifter Romance) (Fantasy First Bad Boy Billionaire Comedy Mystery Seduced by Alpha Shapeshifter Short Stories)
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She was awfully quick to give out her address, but the best part was they lived two blocks away and she didn’t even know it yet! He smiled widely. “Seff, we have our female.” He told him confidently. Seff was always the nervous one about everything until they got the one hundred percent confirmation on a deal before it was completely finished.

“I hope you’re right Kurt. I’m glad you got a picture, she’s beautiful, but you have to be careful tonight. It is a full moon, I wasn’t sure if you saw that or not.” He pointed out to Kurt. Hearing Kurt’s phone going off again from a text knowing it was Abby again. Little did Seff know that he, Abby and Kurt would be inseparable when it was all said and done and everyone would realize how perfect their little pack would be.

Kurt nodded. “I will be. I just hope that if I do turn at all I’ll already have been with Abby and I won’t harm her in anyway.” He said softly. Sometimes he didn’t trust himself when it came to him being the wolf. When he was the wolf, he had a hard time controlling his forwardness. He got what he wanted when he wanted it, and didn’t take no for an answer very lightly.

He walked over toward Seff and gave him a full mouthed kiss, bringing his tongue in Seff’s mouth caressing his tongue and rolling it over with his own. He heard a soft moan come from his partners lips. He felt Seff pull away and he shook his head. “Kurt... you need to go get Abby, I’m giving you full permissions to do whatever you need to do with her to get her to us.”

Kurt looked Seff over. “Are you positive? ‘Cus if I do this, I know I’ll end up sleeping with the woman tonight.” He told Seff with confidence.

“Yes, I’ll be fine. We’ll have our family. That’s what I want more then anything.”

“And more important, we’ll gain a new family member. You’ll love her Seff, I assure you, you will.” Kurt promised.

“You’d better get going or she’ll think you stood her up.” Seff pushed Kurt towards the door playfully. “And whatever you do, be careful. We don’t need a new pack member so quickly that it would be a mistake for us all.”

“I know baby, I will. I promise.” Kurt squeezed his hand tenderly. He turned toward the door and shut it behind him. Seff let out a sigh of relief. Knowing in his heart that Kurt could and would do this. He trusted his partner with all his heart and they would have the perfect family that people would be jealous of. He didn’t want people to be jealous but he couldn’t help but grin to himself.

Now would be a perfect time to get some things done of his own. He got his own wine glass down and a bottle of red Merlot and poured it in a goblet and sat down with his report that he was to have done by the morning for his boss. He hadn’t even started it yet because of all the other stress he was under with the wolf pack.


“Are you almost here?” Abby texted Kurt.

“Yes, I’ll be there shortly. Had to talk to Seff to make sure I knew what was going on. It’s a full moon.” Kurt texted Abby.

“You keep telling me that, is there a reason?” She asked him in the next text.

“Not right now, I’m here though, I just want to enjoy the evening, whatever ends up happening.” He said back to her as he got out of the car and walked up to her apartment building and pushed the button.

“Hey! I’ll buzz you in, just a moment.” She decided to play it sneaky and act like she just didn’t know he was coming and pulled on her long black silk robe and black fuzzy slippers that were her favorite. She buzzed him in. She was starting to feel the warmth of the wine settling in her veins. She went to the kitchen and got another wine glass from the cabinet for Kurt and poured him a glass, waiting for the door to knock.

When she finally heard Kurt at the door she was already near it and went to it quickly. sipping the wine as she opened the door.

“Hi!” She said excitedly as she saw him at the door.

He grinned at her, seeing she was doing the same Seff was probably doing at home. “Well hello tipsy!” He chuckled a little as he caught her glass from Abby almost dropping it on the white carpet.

“Be careful, I don’t think you’ll want to clean up this mess later on.” He told her, setting the glass on the counter.

He could smell her perfume, even though it wasn’t strong it was just enough to get him stirring happily throughout his body. He was still male, regardless if he was wolf inside to. She didn’t know that yet but she would soon enough!

“So I see your evening has been good to you since you got back from the airport. Did you take a bath or shower yet since you’ve been back?” he asked her.

“Yes, I drew up a bath, but I haven’t been in it yet, I kind of got side tracked; as you can tell.” Abby told Kurt starting to hear the slur in her voice as she went to finish off the drink.

“Well, I think you’ve probably had enough. You want to be sober tomorrow for your first day of class.” He told her, walking over towards her putting his hands softly on her shoulders to steady her balance, but at the same time caressing her, too.



“So, my good sir, what was your reasoning by coming over to this ladies home. Do you wish to have your way with me?” She laughed a little at him. He knew she was drunk off the wine, but he hadn’t ever had anyone be so straight forward with him. Of course though, he was pretty straight forward with her on the plane; which wasn’t him. He had Seff. He hadn’t met a woman like Abby that had turned him on so much as she had.

He looked at her and with a gruff voice, “Abby I want you so badly.” He pressed his mouth against hers without warning. There was no asking this time. He was taking what he wanted, and she wasn’t going to say no. There were no no’s in this relationship they were going to have between the three of them.

Abby pulled Kurt’s shirt out of his jeans and pushed it up over his head throwing it over her plush couch and kissing him up his chest. Not even caring that he had so much hair there. She ran her fingers through it and kissed him deeply onto his lips. She felt his groan come up from his throat.

“Abby…” He said softly.

Something was happening too him. He was trying to rush the love making because he could feel the wolf coming out of him and he didn’t want Abby to see that part of him yet.

“What’s wrong?” she asked. She took his hand and took him through her apartment and to the back towards her bedroom.

“There’s something I need to tell you, before we get to deep into this and I scare you and you never speak to me again.” He said to her hesitantly.

“There’s nothing you could do to ever scare me Kurt, just tell me,” she said with urgency. Since their flight she’d wanted him badly. “I just want you to do what you did to me on the plane again…please?! That felt so good.” She begged him, pressing her breasts against his bare chest.

“Oh I plan on doing more than that to you, but first, you must let me explain something to you.” He said to her with urgency. She nodded a yes and hummed a “hmm.” She was really listening to what he was trying to tell her.



“Abby, I’m not really human… I’m a werewolf.” He told her straight outright, but he didn’t think she was really hearing him. “Abby! Did you hear what I just said?” She kept kissing him up and down his chest and shoulders and pushed him onto the bed that was behind him.

She stopped for just a moment not really wanting to hear what he had to say, but from the tone of his voice she knew she needed to stop and at least try and hear him out.

“What do you mean, you’re a werewolf?” She asked him. “What does that mean? And does your partner know you’re here and telling me this?” She asked.

I guess she is listening,
  he thought to himself.

“Yes, Seff knows I’m a werewolf, he’s one to. We belong to a pack. We’ve been looking for the right female to join us; to expand our family. The alpha male has been hounding us for a very long time to get on this and we’ve been searching high and low, until today. When I met you.” He told her in a very soft tone. Holding her face in his hand close to his, he kissed her softly and just as slowly as he had kissed Seff earlier on that day.

“I don’t understand what you’re asking of me.” She said to him with a blank look on her face. “You’re really a werewolf? If you are… prove it.” She dared him.

Damn it, I knew that was going to happen.
They always do that to him and Seff both, and he hated being put on the spot.

”Open your curtains.” He told her. She wondered what that had to do with anything, so she did as she was told and went to the French doors in her bedroom that opened out to her balcony. It was a nice warm night, with the full moon bright above them. Still feeling tipsy from all the wine, she stepped back into her room.  What is it that he wanted her to see?  She laid on her bed, laying on her side facing the balcony.

“Okay, promise me one thing,” he said.

“Okay,” she said quietly, watching him in awe as he started to take off his jeans and boots and boxers, letting it all hang out loose, almost making her mouth water in desire. She shook her head making sure she was looking up at his face instead of between his legs. That she would be able to enjoy later.

“Promise me, you won’t scream or get scared and run away. It’s still me and I promise with all my heart that I would never ever hurt you.”

“I promise. I’ll stay right here next you.” She got up off the bed and walked up towards him and put her hands on his shoulders.

He nodded an okay knowing now her had her full attention. He looked towards the moon, his head held high to the sky and flexing his muscles as hard as he could. He arched his back and she watched. He had hair growing on every inch of his skin that didn’t have a bare spot. His hands and fingers grew into claws and paws on his feat. He was shifting his form willingly, right in front of her.

She watched in awe, but had her hand over her mouth so that she would keep her promise and not scream.



As he transformed into the wolf he promised her that he was, her eyes were wide. Quickly getting a buzz kill from the wine she drank she felt herself getting woozy and walked to the bed and sank down gently into it. It didn’t scare her at all that he was the wolf he said he was, she just hadn’t seen it before, ever! She wasn’t prepared for what she was seeing.

He finished transforming into the giant animal. He was about 5 feet taller then he was when he was human and stood up to her almost two heads taller. He gently nuzzled his nose into her hand that laid on the bed, and she patted him softly. He rubbed his face against her leg lovingly, showing her that he wasn’t going to harm her and he was the same loving creature as he was when he was in human form. He hadn’t planned on staying in the wolf form much longer because her scent was driving him crazy with lust and want.

“I understand now and except it all for what it is. Thank you for being honest with me and showing this to me.” And she did understand. She was honest with him and loved him even more that he shared this side of him. “Is Seff a werewolf to?” She asked him as he was still in wolf form. He nodded and nuzzled against her hand. “Are there more of you then just you and Seff?’ she asked. He nodded once more and walked away from her towards the bathroom and grabbed his clothes in his mouth as he walked towards the bathroom and was able to switch back to human form.

He came out of the bathroom fully clothed and sat gently beside her on the bed. “Are you okay?” He asked her in a soft tone.

She nodded. “Yes, just trying to gather everything all in too what I just saw. Not everyday you see a big wolf in your bedroom.”

Kurt laughed a little and shook his head. “Do you have any more questions? I’m sure you have to have more than just those.” He asked her.

“I do, but I just don’t know what to ask right now.” She said. She watched him and hoped that he was okay and hoped that he was reading him the way she was supposed to be. “What do you want from me exactly?” She asked him.

“Well, It’s a long story,” he began.

“The alpha wolf from our pack is demanding that Seff and I make a family so that we can expand our pack. We have a time limit to find a female to join us and make a full family of cubs. We need a female to join us in the pack and we need to change her in the process so she is tied to us. Wolves band together and stick together for life.”

She nodded. She thought about what he’d said for a long time. “How long do I have to really make a final decision?” she asked.

“A few days; I’ll be able to give my alpha the answer in a couple days. Let him know that we made our final pick. There is one more thing I haven’t told you…” He said to her quietly. “I think our alpha male wants you to be werewolf to, but only if you’re willing to be. Seff and I have a cave in the wilderness that we keep set up just for us and our family.

“You won’t have to decide until that point that you decide to become pregnant with one of us. I’m the alpha in our relationship. So we would have the baby together, however, if at some point you wanted to get close to Seff, romantically of course; you can always do that. I am actually hoping that happens between the two of you as well. The closer the three of us are, the better. It will make us stronger,” he added.


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