Until I Met You (9 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Until I Met You
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“You like what you see, my angel?”

My eyes snapped up to meet his sparkling blues.  “No,” I blurted.  “Can we just finish our lunch?” I thought it best to try and get away from this situation before I regret something later.

“Now can you see what you do to me?  You should never start playing a game you have no intention of finishing, Angel.”  As he leaned back the smirk resurfaced.

With the smile still there, he got up and retreated back to his table.  For some strange reason I felt a little disappointed.  It felt good having him close.  I didn’t like that feeling, not one little bit.  I decided it was best to try and get through this meal as quickly as possible, so I could get back to work.  I started tucking into my steak with a bit more vigour this time, but it was so damn good, all I wanted to do was savour each bite.

“So, what is your all-time favourite car?” he surprisingly asked.

I looked at him rather confused.  “Me?”

“Yes,” He chuckled.  “If you could pick any car in the world that you would want as yours—regardless of price—what would it be?”

“Well,” I said eagerly.  “I would have to say the Aston Martin DB9.  It is, and always has been, my favourite car.”

Turning his mouth down, he nodded his head.  “Not the very rare One-77 then?”

“No, it’s beautiful—don’t get me wrong, I just always seem to prefer the DB9, no matter what they bring out next.  Mind you, I have got a real soft spot for the new Jaguar F-type.  Beautiful car.”

He looked at me and smiled.  “Good choice,” he said, plonking another piece of steak in his mouth.  “I think you and I have more in common than you think.”

I huffed, thinking how ridiculous it sounded, but then a wave on unease surrounded me.  Maybe we were very much alike.  He uses women for sex and I’ve called him every name under the sun.  I do the same with Brian, so what does that make me?

“Are you okay, you don’t look well?” he asked concerned.

“I’m fine.”  I had to snap myself out of this.  “I should get back to work now.”  Placing my knife and fork down, I looked up at him.  He stared back at me with worry, but summoned the waiter for the bill.

“What other viewings do you have this afternoon?”

“Just the one now that you’ve bought the penthouse.  What are you planning on doing with that anyway, a quick turnaround for profit?”  No matter what I was still intrigued with his intentions.

“I will with the other two.  I think the penthouse will be mine.  I’ve kind of grown out of my apartment now anyway.  If you can get that sold for me, I’ll move in once the penthouse is complete.  Besides, I’ll be practically a neighbour of yours.  I can pop round for some sugar, or maybe even a coffee, if I run out.”  He raised his eyebrow with a questioning look, which I chose to ignore. 

“Well, when you’re ready to put it on for sale, let us know.  You can send all the details in via email to me if you want?”

“Hmm, yes.  Do you have a card?”

Grabbing my bag, I pulled out one of the many cards I have.  I handed it to him and he stared for a moment.

“Is this your personal mobile?” he asked.

“No, it’s my work mobile, so no funny business okay?” I said a little too quickly.

His smirk grew wider just as the waiter handed him the bill.  He quickly placed his card down and the waiter retreated to get the machine.

“Thank you for lunch, you were right, it was the best steak I have ever had.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” he smiled.  “Maybe next time I get to take you to dinner.”

“I want you to know,” I said emphatically, “that what we have is strictly business.  I have no intentions of going to dinner with you.  If you want to buy and sell properties, fine, give me a call, send an email, but don’t ask me to go to dinner with you.”

There was no reaction.  He just stared.  “You know Jonathan is going to ask you out tonight?”

“What?” I asked, shocked.  “Where did that come from?”  Looking at him, I couldn’t believe how deadly serious he was.

“He’ll make up some excuse, a celebration of your performance today perhaps, but he will ask.”

“Can you read people’s minds now?”  I wondered if this was another super-power he possessed.

“No, but I bet I know what you really think about me.”

“Oh please,” I said laughing, but I couldn’t help the slight panic inside me. 

Luckily the waiter saved us by coming over with his machine.  He took Seth’s card with a smile, as we all waited for the transaction to go through.

When all was done, Seth and I rose to leave, but not before he dropped two fifty pound notes on the table as a tip.  No wonder they all know him by name here.  The waiters must be fighting to get his table.

With a shake of my head, I walked towards the door.  As we went I felt Seth’s hand on the curve of my back.  It felt good.  Way too good.

“Would you like me to escort you back to work, Angel?”

I was about to correct him with my name, but gave up.  He obviously wasn’t going to quit it, and after all, he did buy me lunch.  “It’s only round the corner, I think I’m good.  Thanks again for lunch.”

“It was my pleasure, Miss Bradshaw.  No doubt we’ll be seeing each other soon.”

He placed his hand out and I took it, letting the heat surge through me.  He only touched my hand, but it felt like a volcano had erupted inside me.

He turned towards his chauffeur, who tipped his hat to me as Seth got in.  I smiled and went on my way back to work.  All the while I was walking I kept thinking over and over,
I hate him, I hate him, I hate him
. But then another voice kept shouting,
I want him, I want him, I want him
! This was just too crazy for words.











Once I got back into work, everyone looked up.  A couple of people smiled and the normal two scowled at me.  I can imagine how pissed some of them were that I managed to land a six digit sum of money for the business within three weeks of being here.  Not to mention the commission I’ve personally made out of it.

“Angelina,” Shelly called.  “Jonathan asked me to make sure you see him the minute you got back.”

I nodded to her, but felt the bad butterflies in my stomach.  I couldn’t help but feel there was a telling-off coming my way.  “How does he seem?” I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders.  “Fine.”

It was then I remembered what happened when Seth turned up.  “Oh yeah, thanks for helping me earlier.  Seth the Asshole really screwed me over, and you never helped.”

“My dear, you were helping yourself out enough I feel,” she said, scolding me.

I sighed, knowing she was right.  “Okay, fair point, but do you think he’s pissed at me?”

Motioning to Jonathan’s office, she smiled up at me.  “Well, there’s only one way to find out.”

I looked over to his door and took a deep breath.  “Here goes nothing.”

I knocked on the door timidly and heard his booming voice shouting at me to come in.

“Ah, there you are,” he said as I entered.  “It would seem you’ve had quite the day today, Angel.”  He smiled at me cheekily.

“Don’t you start; I’ve had enough of Seth the Ass... I mean Mr Jacobs calling me that all day.”  I visibly relaxed.  He was smiling and didn’t seem too pissed.

“I must say I was shocked at your outburst earlier.  I didn’t think you talked to people like that.”

I shook my head.  “Oh no, not at all Jonathan.  Only him.”

“He likes you,” he observed.

“I think he likes a lot of women, Jonathan.  That’s the problem.”

“Hmm,” he mused.  “He rang just before you got here.  He told me about the apartment he wants to sell, and said he only wanted you handling all his affairs from now on.  It would seem no matter how rude you were to him; he wants to come back for more.  I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but whatever it is you’re doing—keep it up.”

He beamed up at me, causing my giggles to bounce off the walls.  With a swift push of his chair, he got up and came round to me for a hug.  “I knew having you here was a good idea.  Let’s go out tonight and celebrate your victory, shall we?”

I immediately froze, thinking of what Seth said.

“Have I said something wrong?” he asked, sensing my reaction.

“No, of course not.  I’d love to.  Can I ask Shelly and a couple of others to come also?”  I wanted to ask so he didn’t think this was an intimate drink.  I never thought Jonathan asked me here to woo me, but now that Seth has planted the seed of doubt, it’s made me wonder. 

Stupid Seth the Asshole!

“Of course,” he quipped.  “We’ll go to Antonio’s after work, yes?”

“Yes,” I answered.  “That would be great.”


Today seemed to be my lucky day.  I was on a roll for sure.  I had a client at three-thirty to take to a house around the corner from our offices.  It was a lovely Victorian two-up, two-down house in pristine condition.  The couple who were looking loved it and made an offer on the spot.  Once I got back, my phone rang, and I had another viewing at five-thirty with yet another couple and another Victorian house.  Again, they loved it and made an offer.  By the time six-thirty came around I had both offers accepted and one extremely happy boss.  If I kept up with this, I’ll be able to retire in my forties.

“Brad?” I asked, a few minutes before leaving.

“Yes, Angelina?”

I could tell he got a kick out of this.  “Are you coming for drinks in a bit?  Jonathan, Shelly and Anthony are going.”

“Yes, I’m in for sure,” he said smiling.

Getting my desk ready and cleared for tomorrow, I waited eagerly in my chair for Jonathan to appear.  As I sat there, twiddling my hair, a text appeared.

Thinking about me?

I had a damn good idea who this was from, but I thought I had better check anyway.  I looked at my contacts list on the computer and sure enough, it was him.

I told you not to play silly buggers with my work’s mobile
, I texted back.

Pretty soon another appeared. 
Then give me your personal number!

I knew that was a bad idea, so replied with a one word answer
.  No!

It wasn’t long before another one came through.

Then I shall have to find out from someone else.  Anyway, you didn’t answer the question.

Putting the phone back in my bag, I chose to ignore him and his silly questions.  Shelly, in no time, quick-marched it over to my desk.

“Are you ready, Angel?” she said, giggling.

I shook my head exasperated.  “Oh God, not you as well.”

Shelly looked at me like she had seen the cutest cat.  “I think it’s sweet.”

“Well I think he’s a fucking pain in the arse.  Seth the Asshole.”

The room fell silent as she stared a little.  “You know you should rename him Seth the Dickhead.”

“Why?” I asked intrigued.

“Because then you can call him STD,” she blurted.

The enormous ruckus of laughter from our little corner caught the attention of everyone.  That was just too funny for words.

“It’s a deal.  I love it, Shelly,” I said patting her on the shoulder.

She chuckled a little into her hand.  “Well, I’m glad I could help.”

Within an instant, Jonathan appeared.  “What’s this, starting the party without me?”

I shook my head, smiling.  “No, of course not, Jonathan.  Are you ready?”

“As I’ll ever be,” he piped.

The evil twins had already left, just leaving myself, Jonathan, Shelly, Brad, and Anthony.  We all made sure all the lights were off and everything was locked up tight, before venturing off to Antonio’s.

It was busy; obviously a lot of Londoners finishing off their day and heading for the one place which will help them wind down. 

Now that my working day was finished, I knew I could kick off my heels and enjoy myself.  I felt happy about the outcome of today, despite the antics I had to put up with from STD.  I had to chuckle again at Shelly’s suggestion.  It seemed a more than appropriate name for him.

“I think champagne is in order after today,” Jonathan beamed proudly.

“Oh hell yes!” Shelly screamed.

“Antonio, can you get us three bottles of champagne over here?” Jonathan shouted.

Antonio snapped his head up and looked at us all with a bright smile.  “Of course, Jonathan, coming right up.”

We waited for the champagne and I decided to have a look at my surroundings.  There were a couple of hot guys—one in particular.  He caught my eye immediately and smiled.  I smiled back but quickly turned toward the bar to await my drink.  The champagne was poured and we all clinked glasses.

“Well done today everyone, Angelina in particular for the big sales.  It’s been a good day.”

“It certainly has,” Anthony said.  “So, Brangelina, when are you two getting married?  You know you have to now, don’t you?”

I rolled my eyes.  “Oh yes of course.  It’s only ever in the name, Anthony.  Hey, Brad, how about tomorrow?”

Brad lifted his drink up in salute.  “Definitely, I’ll be up for that.  We’ll pop down the road to the local Town Hall and do it there.”

“You can’t tomorrow, you have work,” Jonathan scolded.

We all started laughing and everyone seemed contented and relaxed. 

A couple of drinks later, I needed the ladies, so quickly ventured off to relieve myself.  Once I was out the door, the hot guy was standing nearby.

He took a few seconds to look at me before saying anything.  “Hello.”

“Hi,” I said back, noticing how cute his brown eyes were.  “Do you normally accost women outside the ladies loo?”

He smiled a little with a slight tilt to his head.  “Only ones with wonderfully curly hair.”

I laughed, wondering where all this was going.  “That’s a great pick-up line, I bet it does wonders for you all the time.”

“Funnily enough, I try, but for some reason I keep getting rejected.  Maybe I should try something else?”

“Yes, I think you should.”  I smiled and briefly glanced over him.  He was good-looking in a cute way.  He had short brown hair, a cute button nose, and was dressed to impress with his tanned cargos and cream shirt.

“I haven’t seen you in here before.  I think I would have noticed if I had.”

That snapped me out of my appraisal of him.  “I have been in here before, but I only moved up here about three weeks ago, so I’m fairly new around these parts.”

“Ah,” he said in conclusion.  “I’ve been away on holiday and only just got back.  Where did you move up from, if you don’t mind me asking?”

I smiled, thinking to myself that he was too cute to be corrupted by me.  “From Cornwall.  I worked as an estate agent there, and was offered a job here.  It was too good an opportunity to miss, so I moved.”

“So you must know Seth Jacobs then?” he asked.

I rolled my eyes for the second time this evening.

“I take that eye-rolling of yours to mean you’ve met him then?”

Did everyone know this guy?  “I had the pleasure yesterday and again today, thank you.”  He started laughing and handed his hand out to me.

“Paul Jacobs,” he said chuckling at my now bulging eyes.

“Noooo!” I protested.  “Brother?” I asked.

He shook his head.  “No, uncle would you believe.”

I was confused as hell.  That couldn’t be.  “Hold on a minute, that doesn’t sound right.  You look so young.”

He laughed at my baffled expression.  “I’m actually younger than he is.”

I gasped a little.  “Oh my God, how does that work out?”

Paul rolled his eyes slightly.  “Let’s just say my father liked to have children, even when he was in his fifties.  I think it’s a family trait.”

“Oh,” I said, a little disappointed.  This family had sex and bred like rabbits it would seem. 

I’m not a bunny, I’m not a bunny.

“I’m nothing like my nephew though.  He’s a little bit out there I think.”

I smiled at him.  I think he could see my unease so decided to try and put my mind at rest.

“So what are we celebrating?”

I sighed and just blurted, “Well, STD bought a penthouse and two other apartments today.  I also got offers on two other houses which were accepted.  A pretty good day all round.”

Now it was his turn to look confused.  “I’m sorry; did you just say, STD?”

Oh shit, what have I done?  My face flushed a scarlet red causing a burst of laughter from Paul.  “I’m sorry, it was a joke.  I called him Seth the Asshole and my friend suggested Seth the Dickhead, so I could call him STD.”  I felt really ashamed of myself, but everything I just said nearly had Paul on the floor with laughter.

“STD, that’s classic.  Although, I don’t think Seth will find that funny at all.”

“No, I should imagine he won’t.”  I smirked, joyful at the thought.

“So you never fell at his feet or anything?  Normally women do.”

“No,” I said annoyed.  “He really pisses me off.”

“I think I’m just a little bit in love with you,” he said winking at me.  “So tell me, how did he react when he knew you weren’t going to drop at his feet?”

I sighed, feeling the frustration washing over me again.  “He’s been harassing me.  Winding me up something chronic, and he won’t stop telling me that he’ll chase me down and have me one day.”

“Really?” he asked shocked.

“Yes, really.  He thinks I’m a challenge.”

Paul’s eyes widened slightly.  “Wow, I thought I’d never see the day.”  He shook his head a little.  “I tell you something now; Seth Jacobs has never, ever had to chase a woman.  They all find him.  He’s like a magnet for them.  It’s very refreshing to see that not only have you not chased him, you’ve completely rebuffed him.  I don’t think he’s going to like that, not one little bit.  Sorry, can I ask your name?”

I smiled at Paul eagerly.  “Angelina Bradshaw.”

He nodded his head with a smirk.  “Well, it’s really good to meet you, Angelina Bradshaw.  I would offer you a drink, but I see you are already catered for.”

“Yes, but thank you for the offer.”

“No worries.  You work for Jonathan I take it?”

I nodded, realising he was as familiar with the trade as Seth was.  “Yes, that’s right.”

“Would it be too forward of me to ask you for a coffee sometime this week?”

I didn’t think that at all.  He was hot, and polite.  A trait Seth could learn from.

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