Unorthodox Therapy (32 page)

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Authors: Lilah E. Noir

BOOK: Unorthodox Therapy
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Thomas laughed at my silly story. He curled his arm around me and stared at me with amusement.

“I wish I could have been a fly on the wall to witness Drunk Lina's Naughty Shenanigans.” The bastard kept on laughing and I rolled my eyes at him. “I'd never peg you for a party girl, boss.” He leaned forward and kissed my neck. “But I wouldn't throw you off my lap if you ever feel like recalling the good old days.”

“Thomas,” I scolded him while laughing myself. “Come on, spit it out.”

“All right. This time, I'll let you win, though, technically, I never agreed to return the favor.” He winked at me and his eyes became serious once more. “When I was a kid, my mother had already started to control everything I did, as you know. She wanted me to be well-read, intelligent, and sophisticated, to develop my mind, all that jazz. To her, genre literature was junk food for the brain, especially sci-fi, fantasy or pulp fiction. They were strictly forbidden in our home. Good thing there was the school library. I have died of boredom reading nothing but the classics.”

“Your mom really is quite a piece of work, but what does that all have to do with the Green Dragon?”

“I'll get to that part, you impatient minx.” He slapped my ass through the towel and pulled me closer. “When I was fourteen, I accidentally ran into a cardboard box with some old books that belonged to my father. She kept all his possessions shut away. I guess it was too painful to have his things lying around. Most of the books didn't provoke my interest except for the Green Dragon.” Thomas blushed hard and gave me a hesitant smile. “It was the only book out of the batch with a bright, colorful illustration. I was really crazy about fantasy at the time.”

I rubbed my palm against the small of his back and smiled at him. The story endeared me more than I expected.

“You thought the Green Dragon was a fantasy novel?” I burst out laughing and pressed my forehead to his shoulder.

“Women. They make you share secrets with them and then laugh at your dorky memories.” Thomas was still blushing but he got over his embarrassment a bit and joined me in laughing.

“Sorry.” I kissed his cheek. “It's adorable but you can't blame me for finding it funny as well. Weren't you tipped off about the book’s content by the title?”

“Yeah, I guess Principles of Compiler Design was a bit of a giveaway that it wasn't a fantasy novel.” He pressed my body close to his and kept caressing my waist. “The cover caught my eye and I was puzzled by the title. In the end, I decided it might be worth seeing what it was about. I hid it from my mom and, well, I was fascinated. This book became the reason for my obsession with programming.”

“Wow.” I widened my eyes. “You found the classics boring but you were compelled to read a complicated computer science textbook because it had a pretty fantasy cover?”

“Sure, sure, mock me.” Thomas laughed again and ran his fingers down my cheek with affection in his eyes. “I was always good at math and scientific subjects at school but this was the first time something drew my interest that way.” He shrugged and looked away. “I'm not sure what my father had in mind when he bought the book or how it found itself in his collection, but it changed my life for the better. It's amazing when you get such a moment of clarity.”

I nodded and kissed his lips. I'd completely forgotten all my arguments from earlier about how we should steer clear of each other. It was so good to share physical intimacy and life stories. Being with Thomas put all my fears under some kind of spell.

“You never told me how he died.” I gasped as those words escaped my mouth. My cheeks turned red hot and I hurried to retract. “I'm sorry. It's not really any of my–”

“Heart attack,” he stated simply and kept rubbing my back in a distracted manner. “Given all I’ve said about my mother, you'd probably expect me to tell you life with her killed him. It wouldn't be fair to her. She isn't really a bad person, just... very particular. I know she loved him in her own way, and it wasn't easy for her to raise me all by herself. I guess she was doing all she could.”

I nodded. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to say. My left hand was still clutching the Green Dragon. I reached out to put it back on the shelf.

“It must be strange not to know a person who had so much influence on your life.”

“I've been thinking a lot about that.” He pulled back from me and stared deep into my eyes. That was the moment I began to feel nervous. “It was difficult to mourn someone I had no memory of, but he was a factor in so many of my choices. I can't help but feel some kind of connection. Guidance. Even if he'll never be more than a picture and stories.”

“I guess there's no escape from being affected by those before us. I thought you didn't believe in destiny? We all make our own path, forge our own luck?”

“I still think so. However...” He attempted to kiss me and stopped short before our lips touched. “There are events and people in life who might help us get on the right track. Who knows? Maybe if my father hadn't left the Green Dragon behind I would have taken up some other interest and found a different way to deviate from my path.” His eyes were overflowing with emotion and they made my heart ache. It was so unfair of me to lead him on. “I'm grateful for those small steps and gifts. They led me to who I am today, to what I love doing the most...” Thomas paused for a moment but then added with conviction, “... and to you.”

A flash of pain went through my chest when I pushed him away. The intense tightening was stronger than anything his cane could do to me. His gaze was laced with confusion as my hands pressed to his chest.
You'll be grateful to me some day, Thomas. You're wonderful but this isn't meant to be.

“I should go back upstairs and put some clothes on,” I muttered in a weak defense and tried to move past him on the way to the staircase. His fingers instantly locked around my wrist and kept me in place.

“I don't think so, pet.” Thomas smirked at me. The confusion drained from his green gaze. Now it was gleaming with his trademark mischief. “On Monday, we go back to being boss and employee, but now I want to look at my beautiful sub with nothing on while we have dinner together.”

“What?” He was already untying the belt around my waist. I didn't put up a fight and allowed him to slide the towel down my bare shoulders. The fluffy white material draped around my feet and I found myself naked before his appreciative gaze.

It was perverse but I really enjoyed being nude while he was fully clothed. The lack of protection made me feel bare, vulnerable and owned, as if Thomas held power over me. All the times we’d fucked since last night had left me chafed and sore but still I felt a traitorous wetness down my slit. His smoldering look while he scanned my body up and down sent me back towards subspace. It was humiliating to be regarded as goods but damn if I didn't love it on a primal level.

“Y-you expect me to eat dinner with you naked?”

“Is that a problem, pet? You've often been naked around me over the past week. Why are you troubled now?”

“Well...” I tilted my head and licked my lips as he ran his palms down my back. “I was too horny to think about it at the time. I was so desperate to cum I would have done anything.”

“Precisely.” He kissed my collarbone. “Judging by how swollen your clit is, I'm sure you're feeling lustful but not as much as yesterday. I want you to be fully alert now so you learn to accept your role on an intellectual level.”

“Are we still doing it so I'll give up smoking?” I whispered, not sure if I wanted to hear the answer.

“You'll be the one to decide that, pet. My goal is to make you feel fully comfortable with yourself, your nature, your urges. I want to show you how strong you can be with or without cigarettes.”

“But, I... So what is this? Some lesson about how it's okay to be vulnerable?” My conflicting emotions ranged from empowerment to a sense of weakness.

“You're a smart woman, Lina.” He kissed me softly, taking advantage of my confusion. “I'm sure you can figure it out without me having to spit it out for you, but you won't be entirely naked. Go to the bedroom and put your collar on. I have another gift for you.”

“You don't have to–”

His fingers went to my lips and he shook his head.

“No protests, Miss. Do as you're told.”

Just like that, the bashful young man faded away into the background and the firm, whispering Master took his place. I nodded and bowed my head. Was it shame or submission? Or both?

I climbed the stairs to his room while the fear that I was unraveling struck me again. The need to obey and please him, to make him proud of me, to allow him to reward or punish me clashed with all the views I had of myself.

It tasted too sweet, like all forbidden, wrong things. Like the leather collar that marked me as a slave, a non-entity, a trophy. I loved and hated it at the same time but once it lay on my neck, it turned me into a different person.

I was fastening it behind my neck when Thomas entered the room after me. He peppered the entire length of my spine with tender kisses, close to the upper part of my cheeks. How would I have the strength to reject him? He knew how to push my buttons better than anyone.

Staying today had been a huge mistake.

“Remember how I told you that you should wear nothing but boots and a collar? Well, let's say I’ve got a thing for accessories. Turn around.” He moved away and I heard a shuffling sound coming from under his bed. When I turned around, Thomas was holding a pair of the tallest latex boots I'd ever seen. They were scarlet in color, with at least six inch heels. Once I put them on, they'd reach my inner thighs. “I hope you like the red color. I thought they would suit your hair.”

I was intrigued. These were the types of boots meant for porn stars and strippers. Never had I thought of buying something so extravagant and kinky. It would be such a liberating experience to release that part of my personality. My legs would look amazing in them.

Wait, what? How did he...

“How did you know what size I was?” I looked at him nervously and ran my hand down the slick surface of the latex. Being so sexy and fully available would feel wickedly good.

“I checked your shoe size last week while you were sleeping. Over the week, I also got very familiar with the shapes of your thighs. It was easy to find the perfect pair,” he added innocently and hurried to add, “I like to be well prepared, pet. Or would you have preferred me to accompany you to the store so you could get your Master's stamp of approval?”

“Erm, no, that wouldn't be necessary.” I licked my lips again and sat down on the bed to put my new boots on. Whoever consulted him in his choice clearly knew their job. They fitted me like a glove. The latex clung to the entire length of my legs, so damned sexy, like a second skin.

“Beautiful,” he whispered and took my hand to help me get up. I'd been wearing high heels for years, but the new boots were a little difficult to walk in. Thomas kept his arm around my waist to help me balance. “You’ll be wearing nothing but the boots and the collar when you're here, my pet. Think of them as your uniform.”

“I feel like a hooker.” Empowered and vulnerable, unattainable and perfectly accessible. My pussy was getting wetter. It didn’t help that he was casually stroking my ass crack.

Then he placed his hand at the small of my back and pointed to the door.

“You look like a high-class call girl. That's a compliment. You can be anyone you want to be with me. Or anyone I want you to be. I happen to love girls in boots.”

“I can tell.”

I couldn't possibly remember what meal we ate after, when Thomas helped me sit at one of the six chairs around the rectangular table. The same one he’d fucked me on the previous night. This time, the dining room was perfectly illuminated and probably anyone from the neighboring house could see me. He ordered me to keep my legs spread, and my pussy on full display for him.

“This is the strangest and sexiest thing I've ever done,” I admitted in a low voice as Thomas poured my wine and placed a plate in front of me.

“There will be more strange and sexy things for you if you are a good girl, Lina, and if you decide to stay with me a bit longer,” he added with a sudden shyness in his voice.

Thomas was a really gifted cook, but it was difficult to concentrate on eating in those unusual circumstances. I’d never had a meal naked, even by myself, let alone under the appreciative gaze of my fully dressed lover. His eyes traveled down my face, bare breasts, and raw, reddened pussy. Judging by the way his face was glowing, my host was quite happy with the sight of my quivering, tender flesh. We hardly exchanged a word during dinner. Each bite I took felt more intense and challenging and it showed in the way my hands were trembling. Thomas exuded an air of authority in that moment, that quiet dominance that drove me crazy. How could I be so hungry for more after our sex weekend?

It was embarrassing how easily he could make me wet and panting again. My clit was pulsing in need and Thomas hadn’t even touched me. Just then, I realized he might leave me without dessert. That could be the real punishment – getting me worked up, hot and bothered and sending me home with the same painful longing between my thighs.

Thomas got up from his place to clear our plates when we were through eating. Then he walked to the fridge with a slow, graceful step, taking his time while I writhed with anxiety. Would he give me my final pleasure before we parted ways? Would I start the new week aching and in the flames of devilish lust?

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